#glorfindel is so adorable right now
lordgrimwing · 6 months
Smut #06
Things that suck in this story: school finals, breakups, Glorfindel.
[word count: ~1000]
March was a lovely time of year: daffodils and crocuses poking up through set grass, birds singing in the trees, the sun shining down in a warm and comforting glow—call him a romantic, but Glorfindel loved springtime, and seeing as March welcomed spring in all her glory, he loved the month too. This was the time for walking hand-in-hand through the city with someone special, planting window box gardens with the late-blooming flower someone off-handedly mentioned liking last fall, and relaxing dinners together out on porches as the sun sets over the budding foliage and rooftops. 
March also happened to be when his boyfriend, Erestor, had a lot of projects due for his university classes. If Glorfindel needed a reminder of why he was glad he’d finished his bachelor’s of accounting degree years ago (he didn’t), then watching Erestor fret over his honor’s thesis, organic chemistry midterm, and lab experiment all in the course of two days certainly did the trick. College sucked.
Erestor groaned and fisted his hands in the bedspread. Glorfindel grinned around his cock and bobbed down again, mouth loose and teasing with the back of his throat. 
“God,” Erestor moaned. “How did I not know you could do this until now?”
Glorfindel pushed a shoulder under Erestor’s pale thigh to hike his leg up a bit higher. Truth be told, he was a little out of practice with giving blowjobs, especially of the quality Erestor deserved today. Luckily, he’d gotten a lot of practice over the years and the muscle memory stuck around. Wherever this ended up scoring on his personal rank of best blows given, Erestor surely wouldn’t be thinking about school when he was done with him.
The sound of the front door opening and thumping shut interrupted his focus. He leaned back, about to pull off until Erestor put a hand on his head to stop him.
“It’s just Elrond,” Erestor said, face flushed. “He won’t bother us.”
Ah. Glorfindel met Elrond several times. He and Erestor had been friends since they were assigned as roommates in their first semester of school. The half-elf was nice in a reserved and unobtrusive way, friendly in what could have become awkward moments when Glorfindel was waiting for Erestor to get ready for a date, and always happy to give them space. He seemed like a steady kind of guy to have as a best friend. 
Glorfindel bent back to what he was doing with a passion. 
He stopped again when raised voices filtered past the closed bedroom door. 
“I’m not trying to be difficult!” One voice said, sounding on the edge of tears.
“You can’t even pick a place to get lunch,” said the second, exasperated, speaker. “I can’t make all the decisions in this relationship all the time!”
Erestor groaned in disappointment when Glorfindel pulled off. “They’re fine. They’re fine,” he reassured through panting breaths, his cock standing proud and very hard between them.
“They don’t sound fine,” Glorfindel said hesitantly. He wasn’t keen to go out there and walk into the middle of an argument, but he was also pretty sure Elrond was the one on the verge of crying over whatever was going down in the front room. 
Erestor wiped the back of a hand across his mouth. “They’re probably just going to break up. He’s used to it; it happens all the time. He’s just going to be embarrassed later if he knows we’re here.”
The ‘I’m so close right now, please get your mouth back on me’ went unsaid, but Glorfindel heard it anyway. With a little half shrug he licked his way down Erestor’s cock, then took him into his mouth again. He’d never given a blowjob in the middle of a lover’s tiff, but it also wouldn’t be the strangest situation he’d done one in.
He tried not to listen to the rather loud and increasingly fraught argument. Luckily, Erestory was very happy to help by putting his hands in Glorfindel’s hair and muttering about how unbelievably good he was at this. 
The breakup seemed to reach its culmination just as Erestor did.
“Look, Elrond, I can’t keep doing this.”
“Please, don’t go, Ereinion! I’ll do better. Please don’t go.” Elrond was definitely crying now, the kind of crying that left eyes red and puffy. 
Erestor gasped, his entire body going rigid with tension as Glorfindel swallowed and pulled him as deep as he could reach. Glorfindel worked him as he came, slipping his head out of his throat to use his tongue on it. Rising up from kneeling between his legs, he scooped an arm under each of Erestor’s legs and rocked him back to lie on the bed to get a better angle. 
The front door slammed shut. 
Erestor, flushed and sweaty, propped himself up on an elbow and tugged Glorfindel up to join him in a kiss. He came willingly, very pleased with his work. 
Elrond sobbed wretchedly into the couch cushions. 
Glorfindel had expected the crying to calm down by the time Erestor recovered enough to do more than cuddle. He was a little distressed to realize that wasn’t going to happen.
“He, uh, sounds really upset,” Glorfindel commented as Erestor finally struggled upright again, color returning to a more natural hue. 
Erestor sighed and looked around for his underwear and pants. Glorfindel helpfully passed him his discarded boxers. “Yeah, I should probably try calming him down before he makes himself sick.”
“Anything I can do to help with that? Does he like tea?”
Erestor offered an apologetic look as he shimmied into his jeans. “I suppose it would be insensitive to have my boyfriend hanging around, considering.”
“Probably,” Glorfindel had to agree.
Erestor made a face. “Sorry to tell you to leave after that. I promise I’ll return the favor next time.”
Glorfindel stood and smoothed his rumpled shirt. “Call me with an update later.” He suggested. “In case we need to change plans?”
“Sounds good,” Erestor agreed.
Glorfindel left after that. He cautiously walked through the living room, conscious of the weeping, brown-haired lump on the sofa. Elrond gave no signs of noticing him, and he slipped out the door just as Erestor sat down on the cushion next to his roommate. 
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ruiniel · 7 months
You said to send short asks, is it OK if for me to request a short ask about glorfindel and a female s/o relationship headcannons?
Totally cool if you don't!
Anon this is the very first ask I get for a Tolkien character x reader HC! *gasp* Thank you, whoever you are.
All right, this is with Third-Age-Glorfindel in mind...
CW: ever so slightly suggestive
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Despite being well loved for reasons too many to count, Glorfindel warms up slowly to others on a personal level. When he does, the depth of his affection is boundless.
He often feels the burdening of Ages but hides it well beneath his mild disposition and a carefree outlook. With you in his life, it comes as a surprise that he resorts to that way of coping less and less.
He'll say, resting with you on a warm afternoon somewhere at the top of the valley, gazing at Rivendell from afar: "You... you are kindling." And he'll press your palm to his heart, so you understand.
When he returns from patrols in the wilderness, he will always get the bathing and changing over with as fast as he can, just so he can crawl into bed next to you. He'll rest with his head against your chest, sighing and tangling his legs with yours. The tightness of his hold is an expression of how much he missed this, sleepily murmuring words that send you into a fever.
And then he falls asleep.
The beautiful bastard.
When a full day of training, diplomacy or whatever else is done, you'll sometimes take refuge in your chambers; you adore the way his gaze mellows at the sight of you when Glorfindel joins, his dimpled smile a warming balm. If you're reading in an armchair, he'll shrug off his outer robe and plop down by your feet in nothing but his simple undertunic and leggings, hugging your legs and pressing his forehead against your clothed knees.
He knows you won't last long before you set the book aside, loves how you enjoy playing with that bright, silky hair of his. You hear low, contented sighs when your fingers tangle and bury themselves in his strands; he'll rub his cheek against your thigh in a languid, feline manner, smiling and breathing slowly to unwind.
He makes no great deal of it, but Glorfindel has a wonderful singing voice; he'll hum old Valinorean tunes for you in the mornings or during treks together through the surrounding woods, happily explaining their meaning and origin (some are satire, which makes it irreverently fun)
Glorfindel is a living flame. It's as though he was reembodied with powers and affinities especially designed to defy the manner of his untimely, traumatizing death. He has no nightmares of fire: he is one with it, now. His spiritual power vibrates against you in silver and gold, sending your nerves sizzling and your spirit in a swoon.
Even his body temperature rises to surprising intensity in certain special moments: you've come to crave that undulating warmth beneath his skin.
And oh, he's more than eager to oblige.
You were delighted to find that Glorfindel, Lord Glorfindel the warrior, actually can employ the finest of charms when he wants to (and is a horrible tease besides).
For all the positions of authority he's held throughout the centuries, this Elf simply loves it when you take the lead; sometimes even begs it of you. When you straddle him as he lies on his back, giggling and biting his lip at the pleasant weight of your body. When you pin him down by the wrists, look him in the eye and pant out your demands, telling him exactly what you need and where you need it.
He can tell, anyway, he always checks with you in thought.
He just loves hearing you say it.
Or moan it.
Sometimes, when he's exhausted or lost in you, he'll slip into Quenya, forgetting you don't understand a word of his mother tongue. But the sound of it is so alluring, so indescribably beautiful (especially in his voice), that you nearly moan from the mere whisper of it in your ear.
You've only ever experienced Glorfindel drunk once, on an occasion commemorating the old Gates of Summer festival. He was quiet that day, distant, barring your thought when you tried reaching him and often disappearing from sight, away from the others. You gave him space, and halfway through the silent watch of the night, left for rest.
No sooner did you change and was standing at the side of the bed than he appeared, closing the doors behind him and leaning against them, his gaze flickering with golden sparks in the dark. His step wavered only once as he slowly moved towards you, but you knew. You waited, looked on as he reached you, pressing one large palm to your chest and pushing so you fell onto the soft bed; you tasted hot wine on his tongue, understood, and held him tightly as he took frantic refuge into you.
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swaps55 · 7 months
Okay, but if I ask *nicely* will you yell about how Shadowfax can't do lead changes? :D
Ok. So. When horses are moving at a canter or a gallop, they have ‘leads.’ As in, one front foot and one hind foot is always ‘leading’ the opposite foot. Generally, when they are tracking to the right, they will lead with their right foot, and when tracking left, they’ll lead with their left foot. Turning is smoother when the lead foot matches the direction you’re turning.
Horses can change leads while moving at speed. It works a lot like a skip, only they have to skip the front and the hind end. Changing leads is something horses do naturally, but they can also learn to do it on cue. The trick is getting them to change both the front and the hind in the same stride. If they don’t – and what usually happens is they change the front end but take another step or two to change the hind – their movement gets really choppy because their front and hind ends are on different leads. This can cause you problems when jumping a course, for instance, when you sometimes have to change directions quickly.
Here's a video that demonstrates it:
SO. Imagine my horse-obsessed ass sitting the theater at the midnight showing of The Two Towers, eyes peeled for Shadowfax, because the Lord of Horses was going to be in front of my eyeballs AT LAST, and if Asfaloth in Fellowship of the Ring was not the Lord of Horses, then holy fuck I can’t wait to see who IS.
Before I continue, let’s talk about the Flight to the Ford.
This is one of my favorite sequences in film, and it’s largely because Asfaloth is such a badass. Watch this horse’s feet throughout this sequence. This horse is carrying two fully costumed riders (I can’t remember if they had Kiran – Elijah Wood’s stunt double – actually in the saddle for those scenes, but even if they didn’t, they had something bumping along up there) while moving at high speeds, turning, and jumping.
The way this horse moves, the way he changes leads is incredible to watch.
(Side note: the horse’s name is Florian, and his stunt rider, Jane Abbot, adored him and was devastated that she couldn’t afford to buy him when filming ended. Viggo Mortenson bought him for her, and when I looked, she still had him at age 29.)   
[gently takes your face in my hands] WATCH THAT VIDEO AGAIN.
I believe without question that Florian was indeed Asfaloth, Glorfindel/Arwen’s steed.
Hang on, I’m gonna go watch it again.
Ok. I’m better now. I’m fine. I’m not totally overwhelmed by how much I love Asfaloth and how quickly I would sell my soul to sit on that horse’s back.
Now let’s talk about Shadowfax.  
One of the Mearas. Lord of Horses. Who should definitely be able to do a really elegant lead change, because of the whole Lord of Horses thing.
As Shadowfax is running down the hill towards Gandalf, he’s on his left lead. Since he’s about to bend right towards Gandalf, he switches to his right.
In the front.
It takes him another step and a half or so to get the hind end to follow suit.
Is that totally normal for a horse, especially one with no rider? Sure.
This was your BIG INTRO, man. There was inspirational music. The rapt attention of Aragorn, Legolas, and fucking Gandalf, and he flubbed the lead change.
It’s been over 20 years and I am still not over it. Asfaloth was better, fight me.
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doodle-pops · 6 months
Dating Egalmoth Would Include...
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A/N: For one of my all-time favourite elves :)
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➳❥ Now, he is a very proud person. He is very proud of you and enjoys showing you off to everyone. He loves bringing up your accomplishments whenever the conversation calls for it because he wants everyone to know how talented his lover is.
➳❥ He spoils you all the time. There is not a day that goes by when you’re not receiving a new gift arriving at your doorstep. He baths you in jewellery, so you’d look like a walking disco ball alongside him at any event.
➳❥ He’s a tall elf, so you are short in comparison to him which means that he enjoys resting his arms or placing his chin on your head just to annoy you most of the time. He sticks to doing this in public because he has no shame, none whatsoever.
➳❥ Egalmoth also enjoys when you throw your little tantrum when he carries out these actions because you would usually stomp your feet and pout or whine. This prompts him to start pinching your cheeks excessively.
➳❥ He uses his height as a perfect excuse to pick you up and carry you around, ensuring that your feet never touch the ground. In truth, he just loves holding you close and carrying you around because it makes him feel strong.
➳❥ There are times during the day when you two are having meals, he just stops and stares off at you in amazement because he’s proud to be with you. The first few times he did this, you thought he was broken and shook the life out of him, literally, to bring him back to his senses. ‘His head is empty’ – Ecthelion.
➳❥ Cuddling is a must and if you don’t, he’d just walk right over to whatever it is that you’re doing and pull you away from it, carry you to the sofa or bedroom and snuggle you to death. It’s his way of payback.
➳❥ He loves you to the moon and back and makes it his absolute job to remind you every single day. There isn’t a minute of the day where the words I love you or I adore you are said or whispered to in your ears. It’s always followed by kisses. It could be in public, he doesn’t care, and everyone needs to see how much he cherishes you.
➳❥ You’re always hanging around him, Ecthelion and Glorfindel and the latter ensures that you’re included in all their fun and games while the quiet elf who’s holding the team together, ensures that you don’t get dragged into anything dangerous by the other two—yes that includes your beloved.
➳❥ When it comes to protectiveness, he is known for being an archer, so he’d probably camped on your roof all night ensuring that no harm comes to you, none whatsoever. But seriously though, fun and jokes aside, he is serious about putting himself between you and danger even if it costs him his life.
➳❥ He drags you along to lots of fun festivities with the other lords, wanting you to interact with them as much as possible. So be prepared to attend endless dinner parties, lunches or random visitations.
⊰ He has quite the sense of humour so you’re never left in a dull moment with him. It’s always laughter and giggles whenever he’s around. His ability to turn your frown upside down and remove the grey clouds never fails to surprise you.
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Anniversary Proposals
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Glorfindel x Reader
2k Words
Request:  Greeting, I adore your blog and been here since the start, I want to attempt a request for the first time. Reader (fem  preferably or neutral) proposes to Glorfindel in marriage (in Gondolin), they were friends and pinning for eachother since so long but she is human with a limited life span, being anxious, she makes her mind up and does something unusual instead of waiting for him to make the move. Whether you do it or not, know that you're my fav Tolkien blog over here, thank you so much.
A/N: Hey anon! Wow how lucky am I that you have been here so long! I am so happy to still have you here with me on the blog! :) I stuck with neutral reader and I hope that is okay. But thank you so much for your continued support of my blog! It means so much to me! I hope you enjoy! <3
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Today you were going to do it, finally having worked up the nerve and courage to do so. It was a beautiful and perfect day to do it finally. With the sky cloudless and Anor was shining brilliantly down into Gondolin. Making the white spires and walls sparkle and glitter under it’s light, the song birds sang and flitted overhead.
Spring was in full swing, with beautiful flowers in bloom. With trees of gray with leaves of green and silver glittering and swaying overhead. Thesound of fountains trickling met your ears, mingling with those birds and pollinators like bees and butterflies danced among Manwe’s wind. Yes today was absolutely perfect to propose.
To which you could thank Ecthelion for, for bolstering your confidence. Having grown far too impatient to wait any longer. It was either now- or at the pace Glorfindel was going- it would never happen. You would be a ripe one hundred-year-old on your deathbed before the words ever left his mouth and a ring was ever slipped onto your finger.
You loved him immensely and you understood the ravages of time didn’t work the same way for the elf that you grew to love so much. It was slow and long lasting, countless thousands of years he had to live before his fea consumed his body- as he explained to you- but you on the other hand. Your fea wouldn’t consume your body. You wouldn’t live for thousands of years let alone hundreds. 
You were mortal, you would age, grow weak and grow feeble. You would slip away from the world like so many of your ancestors had before you. It was inevitable, and you had come to terms with it, but what you weren’t coming to terms with was how long it was taking Glorfindel to propose. 
The first year you understood, it had only been a year into that relationship. It was so fresh and new; you would not have accepted if he had proposed then. The second year you were becoming more comfortable by the idea of getting married, but by the fourth year you were certainly ready for it. 
Yet Glorfindel never asked.  
Here you were on your sixth year of courting and still Glorfindel hadn’t asked for your hand in marriage. He hadn’t done anything that hinted to you that he was going to propose to you. Nothing to the effect that he wanted to spend the rest of your life together, and now you were downright impatient.  
Holding the little velvet box that held his ring if he couldn’t do it right. You weren’t afraid of the challenge, reminded daily that this forever wouldn’t be forever for you. 
There was no one else you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. What wasn’t to love about Glorfindel? He was kind, and cheerful, loving and funny. Yet just a tad forgetful about the fact that you were a mortal on occasion. This was certainly one of those occasions. 
Though he certainly didn’t forget anniversaries. 
Today marked your sixth anniversary, your seventh year being in Gondolin. Which had been a dream to be here, let alone meeting and being with your now partner. Save it felt like time was passing too quickly and your partner had yet to ask the question.
You hoped that when Glorfindel arrived that he didn’t have an inkling as to what it was you were planning, seeing as you had vented your frustrations to Ecthelion. Who, by all means, encouraged that you propose to him when the idea had left your lips, you made him promise to secrecy. Though there had been plenty of times in the past that Ecthelion had to breach those secrets, granted for good reasons of course.
Quietly you tucked the ring box back into your robe pockets as you heard hurried and quick footsteps begin to approach you on the veranda you stood on. Turning to find that it was Glorfindel who was approaching, with a bright and happy smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw him, his smile was infectious as always. Warm and captivating, you took in the sight of your handsome partner. The way his long blond hair was left long with a circlet of silver sitting atop his head. Dressed in warm earthtones of browns and greens, that were embroidered with little celandines and ivy leaves.
As always your partner quite the vision and the sight for sore eyes, and you felt your nerves only begin to grow as you realized this was the ellon that you were going to propose too. For the love of Eru you prayed for courage to be able to do so.
“Y/N, meleth nin, it is good to see you. I apologize for running so behind.” Glorfindel began keeping his cheery grin as he climbed up the steps of the veranda outstretching his arms, inviting you to step in. You didn’t hesitate to hug him at the motion of the gesture, coming to rest your head against his chest and listening to the thrumming of his heart.
“It is alright, the important this is that you are here now.” You smiled and said with warmth as you lay contently there for a moment, before finally you pulled away. Wondering if now was the right time to propose to him, yet something in your gut told you to wait before you pulled out the ring box not ready to do so just yet.
“These are for you, meleth.” Glorfindel said in a soft voice, holding out the bouquet of roses towards you, you couldn’t help but grin wider as you accepted them. Taking them from his hands and bringing yourself to bury your nose in them to smell them.
There was nothing sweeter than Eldar grown roses, and the ones that the other Edain had tried to tame and grow themselves just simply couldn’t compare. Not to mention the shade of red that these were, there breathtakingly beautiful. You hummed inhaling their sweet scent,
“Glorfindel these are beautiful.” You mused to him thoughtfully before you moved cradle them gently and look up at him, seeing that his grin was certainly still there. Gently he leaned forward to capture your lips with his. Pressing a soft kiss to you,
“Not nearly as beautiful as you are… They pale in comparison.” He hummed out softly to you and you began to blush softly at his smooth and enticing words. Keeping your happy smile, before you reached for one of his hands with your free one, to pull him along further to sit down on one of the benches near the railing.
Glorfindel was happy to tag along behind you, before sitting down with you while you set the flowers aside. Glorfindel was the first to speak,
“How would you like for us to spend our day together, Y/N?” He asked with a big smile, and you couldn’t help but wear some surprise on your face. Usually for your anniversaries the two of you dedicated a lunch and your evenings together. Not really the whole day today.
“You have today off?” You asked him still with your surprise, but quickly a smile overtook you as excitement ran through you. Glorfindel mirrored your expression as he began to nod, jostling his blond hair. The rays of Anor shining down on him, making him even more ethereal and beautiful than he already was.
Yes today would be the perfect day to propose to him, damn any societal norms that said he must do it first due to his status as Lord. You were happy to do it first and knew it would all be worth it and you couldn’t wait to see the smile on his face when you did it.
“Yes I do, it is a big anniversary even if it isn’t our twelfth yet.” Glorfindel said, and ah yes you remembered how the elves had their affinity for six. A calendar that you were still adjusting too. Six days of the Week, Six Seasons, and so on. So you supposed this was a significant anniversary,
“Well then I want to give you your surprise.” You said with a big grin, and you watched the way his eyes began to sparkle with wonder and curiosity. Wondering what exactly the surprise could possibly be.
“A surprise? For me?” He said warmly and you could hear the eagerness in his voice as he spoke. Glorfindel wasn’t one for gifts, and you knew it. But every now and again when you did something on an important occasion he was always accepting of your gifts and excited to receive them.
“Mhmm I do!” You smiled to him with a big grin, before you stood up from your seat, now was the perfect time to propose to him. You had all day to do it, but you were simply full of jittering excitement and couldn’t wait to do it. That was the premise of why you wanted to propose to begin with, was because Glorfindel was taking too long.
“Now close your eyes.” You watched as he gave you a soft smile, clearly with a little hesitation in the air, as he wasn’t usually one for long drawn out surprises. Nonetheless he did exactly as he was instructed, closing his eyes, you quietly took the ring box out of your pocket. Moving to stand in front of him before kneeling down.
Opening the ring box the two of you waited in silence for a moment as you felt your heart pounding in your chest with excitement. With nervousness and even a tinge of worry finding him as you feared that he may reject you. But you hoped that wasn’t the case, you had faith that it wouldn’t be the case.
“You can open now.” You said with a bit of a shaky breath, and watched as he fluttered his eyes open to look at you and then immediately at the ring that was in the box. A look of surprise found his face and that surprise was indiscernible, you couldn’t tell if he was excited or not. If anything you were quickly growing concerned that he was going to reject you.
“Glorfindel, will you marry me?” You asked with confidence, or tried to with confidence that was dwindling down at the fact that he wasn’t answering you and the expression hadn’t left his face. Suddenly Glorfindel stood from his place on the bench, reaching out for your hands, and gently helping you to your feet.
You felt your heart sink at the fact that he hadn’t said anything- and you were utterly worried that he was about to reject you in full. As gently as he could, you knew the rejection would hurt regardless of how sweet and gentle he was. You were fully prepared for it, and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Debating if you even wanted to hear him reject you or if you should just leave.
Before you could make a decision did his hands come to cup your face, his thumbs stroking your cheek before he dipped his head in to kiss you.
Glorfindel’s lips melded passionately with yours, stealing the air from your lungs as he did not hold back. His hands still holding your face so tenderly, lingering for the longest moment as he kissed you. You were reeling from the intensity of his kiss, hardly knowing how to react other than to kiss him back, and try and keep up with his pace.
Finally Glorfindel pulled away resting his forehead against yours, grinning widely as he continued to cradle your face.
“Of course, I will.” He breathed out joyfully, and you found yourself grinning alongside him. Your heart soaring in your chest grateful and happy that his answer was a resounding yes! That he would marry you! Praise Eru!
“There is no one I’d rather be with than you, Y/N.” Glorfindel continued, gushing with excitement, and you felt like you could breathe again. Relieved, happy, excited.
“I love you Glorfindel.” You said to him in a soft breath, and you felt his lips press back to yours again, but only for a moment.
“And I love you too.” He answered you warmly, finally all the right things had fallen into place and you couldn’t be anymore grateful with how they were turning out to be. You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him.
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Tags: @saviorsong​@lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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blankdblank · 1 year
Flying Buckets
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“The White Council has spoken…” Thranduil growled out, having been reading the letter that brought him here weeks ago to talk sense into his oldest friends and get aid to move upon his lost peak within the Southern half of his forest. Glorfindel seated along the wall flinched as he did to the pained squeak and thud in response to his hard kick of a bucket through the window opening on the far wall of his suite.
“Always, the face….” A muffled and defeated voice had the pair spring up to race outside and find a petite woman plopped ungracefully on her side clutching her face to a angered flop of her foot down into the tall grass she was weighing down.
“Madam,” the Elf King felt himself sighing in a hard drop to a knee at her side. Blood clear as day from the now broken nose that hindered the already frustrated Dwarf Company of Thorin Oakenshield who were dead set on waiting until their most injury riddled member was right as rain for the continuation of their journey. Of course that was after an internal investigation on where the Princes were at during that time to ensure like a mishap with the ponies the first week had not been behind another bloody nose and facial bruise for her they were glad to be cleared of. Elrond was shouted for and the King himself carried her to aid without care of the stains to his outer robes terrifying so many in his pacing path outside the Healers Wing.
“You owe me,” was mouthed by her to the Elf King who was not blamed by the Company who would have ammunition enough already to despise him for all eternity off past grievances and grudges. The same Elf King who in his entrapped state offered a deal of his own, together they would call for aid from Dain to rid his Southern Woodlands of the Necromancer and then he would gladly aid in march upon the mountain, where they could surely work his lost gems once the arkenstone was recovered into a new trade deal to rekindle the relationship between their kingdoms.
Quietly as she stole a moment to the side of the grand hall being prepped for the coronation in a few weeks time the one to whom the King owed a debt felt his statuesque silent figure come up on her left. Silent as ever with more grace than she could dream to scoff at beside her now sling donning self thanks to another thankfully face bruise free incident one of Dain’s men unintentionally set off. “I believe we have yet to discuss terms of my debt to you.”
Up at him with brilliantly clear eyes she peered at him for another stunning glimpse of the face he’d sooner ache to coat with kisses and murmured sentiments of adoration than ever bring a single speck of a bruise to. “I want one of those head things,” that had his brow tick upwards to the circle of her good hand drawing a sloppy loop around her head. “Like Arwen and Elrond wear,” that gained a nod from him and she added peering back at the hall making his heart sink lower to her words than it ever had when he’d unfortunately caused her harm. “Everyone else has a title, some relation to the King and they all have some fancy bits and bobs they bring up to be wearing at the coronation. I get to go, but family sits with family and, I’m not family.” Up at him she looked after patting her bunched sleeve to her cheek forcing a grin onto her pinkened face, with eyes still glimmering with hint of tears in them. “If you have to you could say I cried and made you feel bad.”
“That is a poor repayment.” An answer that had her look away mid nod in the rejection riddled tone to the answer she assumed to be given so she would not actually become a sobbing mess and actually stir up some real trouble for the Elf King. An uncommon gesture of comfort of a hand on her shoulder blade halted a swivel of her head to search for a quick escape linked to ample hiding places until she would calm down. “The adornment is customary for such an event, consider it granted however many styles you deem to ask for.” Sloppily she sniffled and raised her hand and bunched up sleeve again to hover in front of the lower half of her face and cheeks as best as she could. “For now consider a much more proper form of repayment and do excuse me. On the subject of your seating arrangement, I have to speak to Lord Celeborn on terms of adopting you into his kin.”
“What?!” She squeaked out, turning to find he was gone somehow and was bent on greatly improving the station upon which would grant him a much closer distance to your seat than he could imagine possible at the moment for a Western wilds familiar Ranger.
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itsanidiom · 7 months
LET'S GOOOOO~ tagged by @negrowhat
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1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Glorestor or Glorfindel / Erestor of Middle Earth Fanon Fame. Not that I don't CARE about it anymore, mind you. There's just not enough new content (for obvious reasons god it's old and there's like one conversation of original source material). I don't think about them as much anymore. Like I used to be reading fanfic EVERY NIGHT and we're talking like novel length fanfics (as you can imagine people in the LOTR fandom write lol). Anyway here's some super old fan art... (>u<)
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Oh god...something Dynasty Warriors related for sure...
Probably like Sun Ce / Zhao Yu or Gan Ning / Lu Xun. (GO WU! lol) I feel like there were other couples I'm totally forgetting right now...but yeah god I love Dynasty Warriors...
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Also...daaamn Gan Ning looks good there I should go buy the latest game. (>w<)
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Like the first one I wrote or read?? I went into my oldest of old "old writing" folders and found this list of docs that I haven't been touched in over ten years. SO I'm gonna saaaay it was a Dynasty Warriors fanfic...one of these pairings. (^ ^;)
Also kind of hilarious to see that I literally still organize my fanfic files in the same way for over half my fucking life ago...nice...
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I feel like it would have been something Inuyasha related. That or something Final Fantasy X. I do not remember, but it was probably some version of these scene.
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5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not that I can remember...do not need this in my life...lol but maybe I've reblogged some RPF like discourse? Like the "should or shouldn't you ship" type discussions. I'm on the side of "do whatever you want but don't send it to the famous people" [ex. like ATEEZ fanfic/fanart] or "if they are literally doing it as part of their promo go ahead, it's for fun/they literally requested it as part of their promo" [ex. BillyBabe]. (^ ^;)
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6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
It honestly always depends on the quality of the fanart or the fanfic because even a notp can turn into a OH!tp if it's good enough. [Exhibit a: my Phaya/Tharn/Chalothorn fanfic]
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Weirdly the one new Chalothon/Singh fic from The Sign. But I really need AO3 to fix the spelling of his name in the tag...
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
PhayaTharn are the current obsession~
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Look at them...adorable...
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Still wish John Wick / Santino fucked...also like James Bond / Q and The Protagonist / Neil and Arthur / Eames...bromance is SUCH a waste but considering the genres of these movies it is never gonna happen...I have to wait for the Thai BL versions lol (^ ^;)
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
OH I haven't been traumatized by watched it yet, but Dead Friends Forever has made me get onboard with Macau/Chay of KinnPorsche fame because OMG LOOK AT THESE CUTIES!!!!
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
GOD I remember there was a LOT of Sesshomaru x Inuyasha yaoi when I was a kid LMFAO like...straight up cancelled...I dunno if it was normal back then but no yaoi was normal back then so like it sadly all got lumped together or something...then again looking at some of the comics that are coming out these days...
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
LOL Sorry that just brought me back LOL
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Ahhhh I don't know...I usually either write a lot or read a lot...I literally have a fic rec list for Glorestor lol and then when I look in my AO3 bookmarks the top ship is Hannigram sooooo let's say Hannigram even though I haven't read one for a while.
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
toll and smol...i like me a toll and a smoll...lol or big and small...i dunno something something contrast something something just crush him and/or be uncharacteristically gentle or somehow incapacitate the larger man with your wiles...that is all...
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Miscommunication < seconding @negrowhat's response. Cannot stand it. Such a boring trope. Very annoying for me (the audience).
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wanyinchen · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @darkandstormyart thank you very much, Stormy!! 💜
3 Ships You Like You're OBSESSED with Right Now: Xicheng, Bagginshield, and TiPo
First Ship Ever: OK HEAR ME OUT...Legowyn (Legolas and Eowyn) you can't fault me on this one because I shipped these two for they were my favorite male and female characters in LOTR and I was six. But fear not, I saw the light and now adore Farawyn lmaooo.
If you're asking the first queer ship I had it was... Glorestor (Glorfindel and Erestor), it was a good-to-honest crack ship back in the day. I am still unapologetically in love with them now.
Last Song You Heard: "Underground" by Cody Fry because it is currently on repeat. It is a bop yall
Currently Reading: "Constitutional Law" by Isagani Cruz for uni send help
Currently watching: The Apothecary Diaries (I love it so much you have no idea)
Currently consuming: Ice cold water because it's unironically my favorite drink.
Currently craving yearning: for my long-lost attention span that had died in the war five years ago; I currently have the attention span of a particularly addled goldfish.
tagging no one because I hate to be a bother HAHAHA
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Finally caught up on tfs and !!!!! The latest updates are so so GOOD, I am loving it.
There are now so many characters, (both living and dead) I am in awe of you for keeping up with them all! And we might be getting the Gondolin lot as well?!?
Thank you so much for saving Lalaith <33. Sorry not sorry it took Maedhros having the Worst time of his life (so far...)
The conversation between Maedhros and Maglor in part 22 was incredible aaa. Shout out to my fave lines
"Finno would disagree," says Maedhros; "he thinks it our best hope."
"Well, he would know about that," Maglor murmurs.'
'To love Maedhros, he has long known, is to grieve him.'
The Huor & Glorfindel mini anecdote was a really nice touch, I loved it! A small bit of sweetness amidst the angst.
I laughed so much at Thorondor basically doing this to Fingon
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Just really amazing, I'm enjoying it so much!! Bullet point fic involving everyone in Beleriand my beloved
yay thank you!! so glad you're enjoying <3 juggling all the characters is SO HARD I keep realising I've forgotten to check in with some people for like five parts and have to quickly shoehorn them in. We might indeed be getting the Gondolin lot! and also another lot! stay tuned :)
Lalaith my darling!! I was SO happy when I realised I could save her. Even if it's hard at times to classify tfs as a fix-it, some things are definitely better than they were in canon and I am very happy for her to be one of them.
As for Maedhros and Maglor - well, I probably don't need to reiterate that they are everything to me. Fingon is of course the narrative embodiment of hope and Maglor, who is perhaps one of the more genre-aware characters in the fic, understands this. And yes you picked out my favourite line in part 22!! I actually phoned up my mother and workshopped "to love Maedhros is to grieve him" with her because it was SO important to get it right. There is some wordplay in there - to love Maedhros is to grieve for him, and Maglor has done plenty of that, but it is also to cause him grief. Maedhros finds Maglor's forgiveness very hard to bear, sometimes. also look I'm not saying it's foreshadowing stuff but like it's not not foreshadowing stuff so
Huor and Glorfindel! I haven't quite decided how I'm going to deal with Huor yet but he will be showing up soon. And based on nothing I decided he was the most fun lil mortal pest in Gondolin and everyone adored him.
thank you for the lovely ask <3
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Wrong Lindor
Summery: Temporary Oc Due to a convo with Tara and to quote Tara, Imagine Reader from our world who loves lindor chocolate - they here lindor is coming and THEY ARE LIKE YES I AM GOING TO EAT IT ALL UP. everyone:😳😳😳
That is what I am going to do yes i am going to do it.
Pairing: Lindor (Oc) x Reader (I am sorry i couldn't resist)
Lindir don't know quite what to think
Warning: Somewhat Sexual References
A/n: my brain went BRRRRRRRR while writing this so got side tracked a bit.
Taglist and the mastermind behind me writing this: @eunoiaastralwings
This whole Lindor thing came from Tara's Anon Here (Read if you wish Tara's writings are amazing i highly recommend them)
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"Lindor will be returning to Imladris soon" Elrond said
"Lindor aw yes i am going to eat it all up" you said common sense not coming to you, you didn't even think Middle earth even had Chocolate so why would they have Lindor, it would be to good to be true but one can wish
You looked between the elven lords and Lindir who were stood and sat around the table Gandalf had brought you to Imladris not long after finding you there you had stayed and you didn't know middle earth also had your favorite choclate you were not even aware they had coco beans and yet here it was Lindor was coming.
"Did you just say you would eat all of Lindor up" Glorfindel said raising his eyebrow you glanced to Lindir who was flustered red and was looking really nervous.
"Whats wrong with eating Lindor they are tasty it is my favorite" You said making Elladan spit out his drink
"Y/n dear I love you as a friend but don't even say you will eat Lindor" Elladan said
"What why Lindor is the nicest and sweet best thing ever to be created" You said drooling at the mouth remembering the taste of the chocolate
"I think we are talking about very diffrent thing Lindor is not nice or sweet nor is he the best" Erestor said
"so you don't have Lindor in your world" you said your smile dropping and disappointment retching your voice as if your heart had been broken into millions of peices
"i believe our Lindor and your Lindor are very different people" Elrond said
"People? Lindor is a brand of chocolate" you said
"Chocolate" Lindir questioned
"Oh songbird your sweet tooth would love it i wish i didn't run out the day before i got transported here I would of given you some i absolutely adore Lindor it's my favorite it is so deep and smooth yet the richness of it doesn't overwhelm your taste" You said
"Please do not talk about Lindor like that I can't get him out of my head that's terrifying Lindor being soft to anyone other than Lindir, i will be scared for that day" Elladan said as he shivered and curled up in his chair
"That is somewhat terrifying" Glorfindel said the days from that meeting soon turned into weeks and you got closer with Elronds right hand man
"So this Lindor which you were saying would return who is he if he's not chocolate i can eat" You said
"Please stop saying you would eat my brother because given the opportunity you properly would" Lindir muttered the last bit still flustered to have your head in his lap
"Oh what is this my dear baby brother with a lover" Came a voice you froze slightly if you could explain a chocolate would have a voice it would be that especially caramel chocolate mixed with maybe pecan, his voice was deep but soft and very smooth a man stood looking down over Lindir his hair reached just before it hit you, he was much taller than Lindir and he had a warm caramel skin colour while Lindirs hair reminded you of cinnamon his hair reminded you of cappuccino oh how you missed your coffee and your chocolate.
"I see what you mean lindir i would eat him he is like a mocha kitkat" you muttered
"A mocha what now also do not eat me, take me out for a drink at least first you rude human" Lindor said
"They said they would eat you all up before Mellon nin" Elladan said approaching
"Oh is that so i am flattered but why don't we get to know eachother if M'lady so wished to" Lindor said
"Your not what your made out to be mr chocolate" Lindir raised his eyebrow at the nickname
"Oh" Lindor said Lindir had noticed how he brother stole you from him it wasn't a bad thing in fact it pushed him and Glorfindel closer given as both their 'best friends' ignored them now for eachother
"Do you think we got replaced Songbird" Glorfindel said as he saw Lindor laughed the man never laughed so how could you make him laugh
"I wonder if you taste like chocolate or just sound and look like chocolate" you said moving a strand of Lindor's hair behind his ear
"Would you like to find out" Lindor said making you flustered he was much more confident that Lindir which threw you off how could someone like him be related to the soft adorable lovable lindir who get flustered when he even brushes a hand with someone.
"Did you just tell me to suck your dick" you questioned
"My my human you certainly have a dirty mind what made you think i was even thinking about that, if you want to be that blunt about marrying me I suppose if you wanted it enough you could but we would miss a couple of steps I was suggesting we start courting and you could kiss me" Lindor said
"Thats one way to ask me out you don't even know if i like you" You said
"I am not as oblivious as my brother I can see the look you give me and you suggest rather romantic things either you know nothing of elvish customs or you do and are pretending to not know them you touched my hair either you don't know the hair is intimate to elves or you are ignoring it and pretending not to know" Lindor siad
"I am so sorry i must it slipped my mind I wasn't paying attention I am sorry it won't happened again" you said
"I liked it though" Lindor said
"I- you really want me to date you okay then i will" you said
"Do not say yes just for my benefit i want your heart not your pity" Lindor said
"I am not giving you my pity i- i did not know if you really wished for me or not your an elf i am a human your immortal i certainly am not" you said
"Elves have been known to date humans most of the time they give up their immortality to be with them" Lindor said you gave him a deadpanned look
"Don't go throwing away your immortality because of me if you do i will personally murder you Lindor like i murder the rest of my Lindor back home" You said
"Don't you eat chocolate so you would eat me" Lindor said making you blush
"Why are you like this" You questioned.
"Gi Melin Meleth nin I can be your Lindor if you like and you can eat me any day" Lindor said resting his head on your shoulder with a smile
"Gi What now, I do not speak pointy eared hobgoblin" you said
"How dare you call me a hobgoblin they are very ugly" Lindor said
"To elvish standards you are not far off" you said making Lindor give you an offened look
"I didn't mean it, it was a joke" you said wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down to cover his cheek in kisses
"if you say so hummingbird" Lindor said you paused
"Why Hummingbird" you said
"Why not your small and remind me of one" Lindor said with one of his arms which was around your waist stroking your cheek with his hand now
"Lindirs a hummingbird" you huffed
"He already has the nickname songbird way before you fell into middle earth no way you are changing that one" Lindor said
Elvish Translation:
Gi Melin, Meleth Nin - I love you My Love.
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batsyforyou · 2 years
Thank you so so much for the tag @floraroselaughter! 
Please tag someone you want to get to know better.
Three Ships: I don’t actively ship that much but I adore Elrond x Celebrían, Manwë x Varda and pretty much every canon couple in Tolkien. 
Last Song: Kodaline- All I Want (lyrics) and Franky Goes to Hollywood- Relax I can’t remember which was before the other. 
Last Movie: I haven’t watched a movie in a good while not because I don’t like them but I’m moving and everything still so I haven’t had time. The last YouTube video I watched was a mod review for a custom voiced follower called Caryalind Thallery for Skyrim by a small YouTuber named “Smartyskirt” There’s also a video called “Caryalind Thallery Romance Route (Sidekicks of Tamriel)” by Rabbit Winri that I’ve been listening to on repeat. The VA did an amazing job. I want him as a follower so bad and the character is so cool. But alas I don’t own a pc. 
Currently Reading: Nothing but the fanfics on my phone cause my books are  locked up. =( But the list goes: Tolkien’s Legendarium Reader Inserts: M-Rated by Cornish Pasty on Quotev.com, Speak Softly, love (Annatar) by Miss_Kitten on archiveofourown.org I think they have a Tumblr too but idk what it is, Stardust in Our Souls (Ecthelion) by Ivory_Summers archiveofourown.org, and like a hundred more splitting between Glorfindel, Lindir, Manwë etc..
Currently Watching: I’m sitting in my car playing Skyrim and I am watching my ass get kicked into the stratosphere by a giant right now. 
Currently consuming: Travel snacks. Chips mostly. 
Currently craving: I write off my computer and I haven’t had access to it cause its getting fixed. I want to post everything I’ve written but I’m worried about my editing and characters and I just want to look at the source mineral one more time. So I can be sure just settle my paranoia that everything's okay before I post but you know. I’m also craving a stable internet connection and pizza. Mostly pizza. 
No Pressure Tags: @1800-fight-me, @ruiniel and everyone else I thought to tag has already been tagged so I’ll leave it be. I hope everyone has a blessed day! <3 
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z-h-i-e · 10 months
ohh, 5 and 14 for the fanfic writer asks?
~ maglor-my-beloved
But of course! And thank you for the questions!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
I have this personal little Bunniverse thing floating around that I very much doubt I'll use--and I'll drop it under the cut for spoilers, discussions of pregnancy, abortion, and probably other things I should warn for but can't immediately think of right now...
I have this concept of Maedhros and Finya conceiving a child, unsure exactly if for Finya it is a temporary or permanent transition, but some amount of time into said pregnancy, Finya (for multiple reasons) comes to the conclusion this is the opposite of what she wants, and seeks out Elrond demanding termination of the pregnancy (or, more of a panicked 'get it out now' sort of thing). And there's Elrond, having an ethical crisis, and someone (probably Feanor) wanting options, of which one is, well, we'll call it 'elven magic baby transplant', because, if they can make lembas, how hard is baby transplant? But, need a carrier--oh, look here, we've got everyone's favorite able to somehow change appearance/form Valinor resident, Finrod, who, well, he'll try anything once, right?
And then dilemma as things progress of, who keeps the baby? And there's assumptions it will go to Finya and Maedhros, but kind of at the last minute, Finya declines, and suddenly Finrod goes from surrogate to now raising the baby.
But, it ends up not being the end game. 'Maybe I'll change back next week' turns into next month turns into next year turns into 'Maybe the little one should have a sibling' turns into just not changing back, and much self reflection, and less anger management issues, and finding peace accidentally, and coming out of it with a couple of unexpected but adorable kids.
But it feels a little heavy for Bunniverse, so I don't think I'll ever write it down.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
I think either Tusk or Citius, Altius, Fortius would be good candidates, mainly because there's nothing ambiguous about the scenery, and they're both NaNoNovels (Tusk in 2010; CAF in 2008) so they're in that 50K range, making them concise enough on one side, but with enough to film or draw out into something. They also both follow fairly classic storytelling with the rising action and climax and such, and they are both relatively contained stories, though CAF is moreso because it's YT content that tries to be canon-adjacent, while Tusk includes Elrond/Gilraen, happens concurrent to The Hobbit (following Glorfindel and Erestor so that they miss the players of The Hobbit, and there's only one mention of 'hey, there's some Dwarves here', plus has things like the infamous 'elf poop' scene that Smaug helped me come up with. Oh, and Gildor's unicorn. We can't forget Gildor's unicorn. So while Tusk would probably be my first choice, CAF might actually be easier to adapt.
0 notes
frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
“I Am No Man”: Book vs. Movie
Hello and welcome to the first installment of "Frodo-With-Glasses' Book vs. Movie Analysis"! I’ve drawn comparisons between the films and the original source material before, but this is the first time that I felt the differences deserved a point-by-point discussion. So, without further ado, let's go.
1. Eowyn's Identity Revealed
So the first point of difference here is when the audience becomes aware of who “Dernhelm” really is. In the book, there are several hints laid for the shrewd reader in the chapters leading up to the Battle of the Pelennor, but Eowyn doesn’t reveal herself clearly until the exact moment she challenges the Witch King. It makes for a real “gotcha” moment, because even Merry doesn’t even realize he’s been riding with Eowyn until we do.
In contrast, the movie tells the audience immediately that it's Eowyn; she rides past Merry, picks him up without breaking stride and plonks him in front of her on the horse, and leans forward to whisper "ride with me, Merry," to which he gives the most adorable grin and whispers to himself, "my lady!" Personally, I think this is one of Merry's best lines in the films. It's certainly one of the most adorable.
Why It Works
The book relies on the reader's imagination to keep Dernhelm's identity secret. Unless your printing comes with illustrations—which mine does not—the audience is left to imagine for themselves what Dernhelm looks like, and they only receive a few clues to the truth before the big reveal.
But in the movie, we have Miranda Otto, being Miranda Otto, right there on the screen in front of us, and the audience would have to be face-blind or stupid not to notice it's her. The movie acknowledges this right off the bat, and lends a different kind of suspense to the situation: rather than Merry being in the dark about the identity of his mysterious companion, he's now in on the secret, and both he and Eowyn have to work together to keep the truth from Eomer and Theoden.
This is also necessary, I think, because of the cast calculus in the films. The movies, by necessity of their runtime, have a far smaller cast of secondary characters than the books do; there are no Fatty Bolgers or Gloins or Glorfindels or Erkenbrands or Elladans or Elrohirs or Halbarads or Imrahils or even my husband Beregond. The cast is far tighter, and there's a much clearer distinction between "important character you should care about" and "background character for whom caring is optional". To suddenly throw a secondary character at the audience and expect them to care about "him" would be a hard sell for a movie; so instead, they reveal that it's actually Eowyn a lot sooner, and allow the audience to pull on their emotional investment for her from earlier in the film.
2. The Marvel Choke
If you know, you know. Simply put, in the movies, the Witch King picks Eowyn up by her neck and gloats over her for a bit, which gives Merry the opportunity to get a stab in on the back of his knee; whereas in the book, the Witch King had simply broken Eowyn's shield with his mace and was stepping forward to crack her skull in when Merry shanked him from behind.
Why It Works
Drama. That's it. Movies rely on drama. Having Eowyn literally in the grip of her enemy, only to be released by Merry so that she can strike the killing blow, is just good cinema. Not to mention saving the "I am no man" gotcha moment for last.
I could also make a comparison between Eowyn being in the "grip of fear" in the books vs. that being represented visually in the movie, but that's getting a little English teacher-y, so I'll just move on.
3. To Whom He Says Goodbye
In the movies, Eowyn is still conscious after killing the Witch King—albeit weak, and with a broken arm—and she drags herself over to Theoden, who lies dying underneath his horse, and he opens his eyes and is able to say goodbye to her one last time. It's a splendid punch to the gut and strangely fulfilling; though Eowyn did not save her uncle's life in the end, she nonetheless protected him, and they get to give their fond farewells before he dies in her arms.
In the books, Eowyn passes out immediately after killing the Witch King—not surprising, given the effects of the Black Breath—and it's Merry who actually says goodbye to Theoden. Eomer comes along later, and Theoden passes the rule of Rohan to him, but it's Merry who has the tearful farewell with the old king, and despite all his efforts, he isn't even able to tell Theoden that Eowyn lies not a few feet away from him.
Why It Works
I'll be honest, this is the point on which I'm most torn. I prefer the movie's rendition on almost all accounts—I freely admit that I'm a plebian who likes high drama and satisfying endings—but this point in particular has me conflicted.
Merry and Theoden's chivalric relationship is explored much more deeply in the books. In the movie, Theoden is kind and doting on Merry, accepting his little sword in the service of Rohan, but he doesn't talk to him at the same lengths that he does in the book; instead, Merry forms more of that personal bond with Eowyn, which of course adds more drama to the Witch King fight. For Theoden to say goodbye to Merry in the movie would make far less sense than it does in the book, because they don't have the emotional connection behind it to make it work.
I think that way would've also been more frustrating for the audience. A large part of the tragedy in the book comes from "miscommunication and happenstance"; human knowledge is often erroneous or incomplete, and that can create tragedy all of its own. In the books, it's a tragedy that Theoden never knew what Eowyn did for him, nor that she was lying right there beside him; in the movies, that fact would be less tragic and more annoying, and you'd likely have people screaming at the screen that "she's right there you idiot!!"
I'm torn because I love Theoden and Merry's friendship, and for a little hobbit from the Shire to be the one who sees this great king off is just lovely in ways I can't describe, but I also love that the movies allow Eowyn a more satisfying ending, letting her say goodbye to her uncle that she'd risked her life to save.
4. Eomer
Just...Eomer. The man gets far less characterization in the movies than he does in the books—large parts of his lines, for instance, are given to Theoden instead—but what I really want to highlight here is the timing of him showing up and finding his loved ones fallen on the battlefield.
See, in the movie, Eomer doesn't realize that Eowyn was even there until after the battle, when they're collecting the bodies, and he picks up his sister's lifeless form with a cry of agony and despair that chills the blood every time I hear it. He hovers over her bedside, anxiety on his face, as Aragorn tends her broken arm in the Houses of Healing. His love is there, and it's strong, but it is limited to the clean-up at the end of the battle.
By contrast, in the books, Eomer comes just in time to see Theoden take his last breath—and seeing his sister seemingly dead on the battlefield, when she should have been miles away in safety, throws Eomer into such a wild rage of grief that he gives the famous "death, ride to ruin and the world's ending!" speech and leads a furious and terrifying assault on the enemy.
Why It Works
I said in my chapter review that the books characterize Theoden as more of a steady hand, while Eomer is all youth and rage and passion. I still think that's true, and what's more interesting is that it seems those contrasting personalities are exactly what Rohan needs for its leadership in times of war; they need both the vision and "go-get-'em" attitude of Eomer, and also the inspiring presence and stalwart resolve of Theoden.
By contrast, Theoden in the movies is sort of the optimistic pessimist; he realizes that they're fighting a losing battle, but chooses to fight it regardless. In this way, he serves as more of a foil to the leader of Gondor: Denethor, who realizes they're fighting a losing battle and lets that despair consume him.
As a result of this characterization, Movie Theoden absorbs large parts of Eomer's gloom-and-doom lines, leaving him with less personality of his own. They also likely removed his assault to avenge Eowyn in order to keep the battle less confusing; better to have one big battle speech at the beginning and then segue into the fight scene than break it up with yet another speech in the middle.
With that being said, though, I'm starting to see why people say Eomer got such a short stick in the movies. Man is a lot in the book, and I wish he was allowed to be that big and larger than life in the movies. But I gotta say, Karl Urban comes pretty close with his expressiveness and emotive acting; no one on the whole cast has eyes more intense than he does.
5. Imrahil
Yeah Imrahil doesn't exist in the movies. Sorry bro. But in the book, he's the one who notices that Eowyn is still alive!
Why It Works
Once again, Imrahil's absence in the films is a matter of the cast calculus I mentioned earlier. Imrahil is one of the many legions of secondary characters in the book, which means he gets the shaft in the movies. Frankly, if they'd kept him, I think they would've also had a problem of people shipping him with Eowyn LOL
But the book is full of random people making their random small contributions, so this bit tracks perfectly in the books. Thanks, Imrahil! You're a real bro.
The book's account of the slaying of the Witch King and Theoden's death is a tragedy of happenstance, the unknown, and the "if only"s; Theoden's horse happens to land on him, and Imrahil happens to be the one who notices Eowyn is still alive, and Theoden happens to wake up long enough to say goodbye to Merry and Eomer, but not to Eowyn. Theoden dies without knowing what his niece did for him, or that she is lying nearby; Eomer goes into a wild frenzy of grief without knowing that his sister still lives, or what brought her here. And Eowyn never got to say goodbye.
By contrast, the movies organize everything around the dramatic climax of "I am no man", and then tie things up much more neatly in a nice little bow afterwards. Eowyn gets to say goodbye, Theoden acknowledges her, and she is whisked away to the Houses of Healing after the battle, with little explanation of how she got there (because let's be honest, not much is really needed).
Honestly, if I had to choose my favorite...I'd still go for the movies. LOL! I know, I'm a dirty normie, but I like the happy bittersweet ending, and I'm glad at least one version of Eowyn got to say goodbye to the man who'd been like a father to her.
I really need to stop writing long text posts argh
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legolas-is-a-himbo · 2 years
Trying out a new format here...
wild blue yonder
Summary:  What if Aredhel stayed in Himlad and never met Ëol?
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Aredhel/Celegorm | Turcafinwë Characters: Aredhel (Tolkien), Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Huan (Tolkien), Celebrimbor | Telperinquar, Curufin | Curufinwë, Maeglin | Lómion Word Count: 4535
Read on ao3:
Full text below the cut:
The first tendrils of night were just beginning to creep over Beleriand when Irissë left her companions behind. They had set up a camp between the borders of Doriath and Nan Dungortheb with full intent to turn around in the morning and make their way backwards to the Hidden City. Glorfindel and Ecthelion were busy taking stock of their provisions and gathering additional food necessary for the journey home, leaving Egalmoth to keep watch over their fire and their princess. 
“Just a quick rest,” Glorfindel had said earlier, “then we shall leave these treacherous lands behind.”
Irrisë had pleaded with him and the others to continue making their way to Himlad, but their consensus was in solid disagreement. All were grumbling over their less-than-desired situation outside Menegroth, and while none of their party expected a warm welcome, they equally scorned being turned out at the border like common criminals. The three ellyn had grown resentful of their journey, and while they adored Irissë as a friend, they had become tired of her antics and restlessness. Irrisë, however, was of the opposite temperament. The further they travelled, the more her heart was spurned onwards to reach the sons of Fëanor - one of them in particular. Above all, she could not bear to return to being contained within her brother’s city, unallowed to roam free as she pleased. Rather than becoming exhausted, her frustration took on the form of anger, and she was far past the point of allowing anything to stop her.
As she now sat on the ground a little ways off from Egalmoth, pretending to occupy herself with the re-braiding of her hair, a plan began to form in her mind. It was so obvious. She was tired of her companions’ behavior in the recent weeks, acting like she was too prone to danger to be left alone, ever since she had begun expressing her resistance to returning to Ondolindë. Irrisë had memorized the route towards Himlad, and she trusted her heart not to fail her. She would leave that very night, with or without the others.
There were daggers strapped to each thigh underneath her skirts, and a sharp knife hidden in her right boot. Her sword was carefully positioned next to her, ready to be swung into place across her back.
“Egalmoth,” she asked, ensuring that her tone remained even, “could you gather more wood for the fire? I am going to tend to the horses.”
“Quite alright,” he said, nodding. “I hope Glorfindel and Ecthelion return soon - I am hungry, and the fire will be blazing by the time they finish with whatever it is that they’re up to.”
“Mm,” was all she said in reply, effectively shutting down their conversation. Egalmoth made a show of rolling his eyes and moving to collect branches and sticks off of the ground, turning his back on Irissë. She seized the moment and picked up her sword, striding towards the edges of the large clearing they had claimed for the night where their four horses were secured to trees. Rather than tending to all of them, she selected her own, a swift but gentle grey mare she had named Calandil. Quickly, she undid the tether and climbed across her back, forgoing the extra time it would take to put her saddle on again.
“Aredhel?” Egalmoth had noticed her unexpected behavior. “What are you doing?”
“What do you think?” Then, “Care to join me?” She taunted, almost smirking.
“Aredhel - Irrisë. You aren’t thinking straight! You can’t just leave us. There was never any point nor hope trying to reach him, let alone now!” He shouted, alighting the frustration and anger within her heart. He dropped the branches he was holding at his feet and began to run towards her, but she was too fast. With a gentle nudge to Calandil’s sides, she was speeding in the opposite direction.
“Ecthelion! Glorfindel! Come quick!” He cried, haphazardly grabbing their bags and saddles. Yet he knew she was already lost to them - for she had charted her course directly into the heart of Nan Dungortheb, a labyrinth through which few escaped and none could track even an injured deer.
For many weeks, Irrisë rode hard, between the twisting trunks and drooping vines, often spending days without seeing the sun. As she ventured further, it began to rain almost constantly, and she was soaked through to the bone. She gave up on staying warm or dry, and lived mostly off of soggy bread she had stashed in her bags and skirt pockets and what few berries she found that she could trust would not instantly poison her. For her weapons, she was grateful, as more than once she had to fend off shadowy creatures lurking in the brambles. 
Calandil remained ever faithful, even in the miserable conditions endured by both horse and rider. When they stopped to rest, Irrisë only let the animal sleep, not daring to drop her guard for even a moment. Yet it was a thrill that she had not experienced in centuries, and she relished in the adrenaline and even the fear. Something had been stirring underneath her skin ever since she survived the Helcaraxë, and finally she could allow it to be unleashed.
After over a month of journeying, Irrisë felt pure sunlight against her skin, and she shouted aloud with relief. Despite her ability to let go of all restraint amidst the darkened forest, she was glad to be rid of the constant anxiety and fear of a threat around every corner, and even more glad to be free of the endless storms and biting cold. Now there was only one thing left to do.
As she made her way towards Himlad, a new fear began growing in her chest. Soon, she would see Tyelkormo again, and she did not know what she would do. She was still angry at him, still wanted to drive him through with her own sword. But she could deny the fact that at the same time, she still loved him, and she wanted nothing more than a reason to forgive him. Yet her anxieties were for a moment dashed, for when she approached his place of dwelling, she found neither of the brothers present. 
Two guards were positioned at the front gate, a heavy thing of iron - made not to look grandiose and magnificent, but to send a clear message to intruders: keep out. Yet they could not turn her away, not when she revealed her name and her origins. She would have persisted to the point of battle, but she was surprised to be allowed to enter freely. Was this Tyelkormo’s design? Had he prepared all this time for a visit of hers that might never come? The thought of it kindled the fire in her heart, igniting something in the pit of her stomach. 
Irrisë wandered the halls of the main keep, ignoring how many of the other inhabitants seemed to regard her with a mix of scorn and confusion. Tyelperinquar - Celebrimbor as he now called himself - had been left in charge but spent much of his time in the forge, although to his credit, he ensured that she was provided with a spacious room stocked with fresh linens and clothing, and always enough food each day. The design of the place was clearly for practical purposes only, a far cry from the extravagant decor of Gondolin. Yet as she explored, she spotted touches of the personalities of the lords of this land - amidst the dull grey stones and flickering sconces were furs lain out as rugs in front of fireplaces and antlers hung on the walls, intricately designed swords and chalices and jewelry displayed throughout the rooms, and carefully placed windows and balconies overlooking the surrounding plains.
She acquainted herself with the land outside just as much, going on long walks foraging for edible plants, and running gleefully through the fields. Irrisë spent much time with Calandil, allowing the horse to rest in the meadows and feed on the wild grasses. While she was hesitant to admit it, these activities were not purely for pleasure, but to distract her frantic mind. Her agitation built by the hour as more time passed during which the brothers were gone, and she knew that she could have to face their arrival at any moment.
On the third day of her stay in Himlad, Irissë came across Tyelkormo’s quarters. She knew they were his, for the doors were grander than the others and carved with his sigils and runes. She tested the handle and found it unlocked - she supposed he would not have been expecting company in his absence. Stepping inside the first chamber, she was instantly overwhelmed. There was a table with papers strewn across it, clearly in his handwriting. A collection of boots lay scattered on the floor, and a bed for Huan was nestled in one corner. Tapestries hung from the walls, and a tall shelf that took up almost an entire wall held all kinds of unique items and artifacts of flora and fauna that Tyelkormo had collected on his hunts. Upon closer examination, she spotted samples of mosses and soils, bear claws, dragonfly wings, snake skins, and everything in between. 
The whole place was so much like him, it reminded her of a more grown up version of his rooms back in Aman, the last time they had been at peace together. She could just imagine him pacing these floors, doting on Huan, delightfully adding new treasures to his inventory, sulking and stressing over the correspondances he was bound to maintain with the surrounding realms. In part it made Irissë furious. She wanted to set fire to all his belongings, to the entire fortress, to make him see what it was like to watch everything you knew burn to the ground. It would be a thrilling revenge. Yet she could not bring herself to do it. 
There were two more doors off of the main room, one of which was just barely cracked open. She pushed it with a light touch of her foot, and stifled a gasp when it swung fully open to reveal a bedroom. In the middle was a bed carved from oak, with the sheets and blankets still unmade, and a woven rug of wool spanning most of the floor space. She took in the additional shelves piled with trinkets - and books, she never knew he enjoyed reading - and the impressive moose antlers mounted on the wall, and a chest of drawers with some still open and spilling out clothing. She felt a twinge of discomfort, like she was trespassing on something intimate she no longer had the privilege to witness. But she could not help herself, for she was drawn towards the bed, and she became lost in how his scent permeated the sheets. Irrisë closed her eyes, and it was as if she was still in Aman, and they were returning to rest from one of their long sojourns in Oromë’s forests, his arms around her and her hands in his hair.
From then onwards, she moved her meager belongings into his quarters, and began staying there instead of in the guest room she had been provided with. She tried to restrain herself from further snooping, although she was curious regarding the subject matter of the books on Tyelkormo’s shelves. However, she discovered that they were not books he had read, but ones he had written. Page after page, he had created detailed accounts of the wildlife and geography of Beleriand, taking notes on every territory he passed through. His indecipherable scrawl was still the same as it had always been, but it did not take her long to remember how to read it.
As much time as she spent wandering the halls of the keep and frolicking outside, she began to spend reading these journals and piecing together where he had spent his time over the past decades. It did not take long for Celebrimbor to pick up on her habits, and he soon strolled into Tyelkormo’s chambers, where she was taking a break from reading to sharpen her blades.
He sighed and cleared his throat, prompting her to look up from her work. “Yes?” She asked.
“I should have known you would find your way here eventually,” he said, rubbing his hand against his forehead. “Would it make a difference if I ordered you to leave my uncle’s rooms alone?”
“No.” She was rather embarrassed at the direction this conversation was going, and returned to examining the knife in her hand.
“I have treated you with grace, and I admit I do not know what to do with you at this point. Please, just… do not cause further trouble. I am very busy with my work, and I have neither the time nor patience to deal with--” He gestured at the air around him. “--whatever is going on here. Celegorm and my father should be back in no more than a few days. I trust that you will remain on good behavior until then?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, my lord.”
“Do not call me that.” But he smiled, or maybe it was more of a grimace, and left not without shutting the door.
Barely two days later, the baying of hounds could be heard over the horizon, with Huan galloping at the lead. The hunt had returned, and Tyelkormo was greeted with a shocking surprise from his nephew. Irissë, however, was often a late riser, and she had not yet awoken - so that is how he found her, asleep in his own bed. 
At first, he just stood there. A wave of emotion crashed over him, momentarily paralyzing his feet at the doorway.
“Irrisë?” He asked, cautiously. Then, “Irrisë!” He shouted, causing her to wake up.
As she opened her bleary eyes, she stopped abruptly on the way to reach for her sword. There, in front of her, was the man she had been waiting for. He looked divine, like something out of a dream, and she could barely believe he was real. Yet, even with the increased count of scars across his face and a new darkness in his eyes, he was still the same as she had once known.
“What are you doing here?” He demanded, crossing the room with only two strides. Her face fell as she gazed up at him. 
“I came for you!” She cried as she pushed herself upwards, and he realized she was wearing his nightshirt. “I spent months journeying to find you, and now I have waited here for you in your absence! You should be groveling at my feet!” 
“I-” He paused for a moment, breathing heavily. “Never once did you reach out to me, it has been two centuries.”
“More than that,” She interrupted.
“More than two centuries I have been without you, yet now out of nowhere you show up and cause trouble for my nephew! What am I to do?” He shouted back at her. 
“You were the one who abandoned me!” Bellowed Irissë. “You and your accursed father burned our ships, you left us to die on the Ice, and you treated us with such hostility even when we survived! No, do not interrupt me! Even your eldest brother stood aside for his love, yes I heard it from Findekáno, yet you did not have such care - how could you have expected me to feel anything for you but hatred?”
His gaze softened, and he scrunched his face together as if to keep from crying. Cautiously, he sat down at the very edge of the bed but turned his head away from her.
“I did not mean for any of this to happen,” he whispered. “I have regretted that night for every day of my life. I was not among the first to set the fires, but I could not resist the pull of my father and, I think, also of the oath.” He shook his head. “You have every right to despise me. So why are you here?”
“You know of my brother’s hidden city. I have been kept from the wilds for so long, and I yearned for the freedom of open spaces. I could tell you later of how I came here - it is a long story. But when I approached your gates, your guard told me they had instructions to allow me to pass through in any circumstances…” she trailed off.
“In the case that you ever visited, someday. But I thought you never would.”
“Because you knew that I hated you.”
“I do not.”
His breath hitched in his throat. “You just told me you did.”
“No, not quite. Well, I did, for a long time. I don’t know. You have done bad things, but you are not an evil man.” Her voice shook with the last sentence, bearing her heart out for him.
“Many would say differently.”
“Do not forget that I, too, am a kinslayer.” At that, he turned to face her, something so deeply sad within his eyes that she was compelled to move backwards away from him.
“You do not know what I have become,” he said, exhausted.
“Oh shut up, you’re not special.”
“What?” She suspected that no one had spoken to him in such a way, at least not since they had last been together.
“You are no worse than many in these lands. Even those in Doriath are rude and petty. You know, when I arrived here, I wanted to kill you. I still might. But there is good within you, do not deny it.”
“Right. Okay.” He fiddled his hands awkwardly in his lap, not knowing where to move or what to do with himself. He was so tempted to reach out and touch her, but something in him said it would be wrong. She deserved the first move, if there ever would be any.
“We can put the past behind ourselves, Tyelkormo. Or we can continue hating each other and holding our grudges. I can stay here, or I can leave.” Her voice faltered as she added, “I can return to my family in Ondolindë, or I can open myself back up again to what I used to call family. Your pick.”
“Let us get through the day, at least,” he said, trying to hide the hunger and longing within his voice. 
He left the room to properly freshen himself from the hunt, and she dressed herself in his mirror. They awkwardly danced around each other, and he was unused to seeing her in his fortress. He seemed to run into her everywhere, and he wondered if her taking meals at the same time as him was more than just a coincidence. Even Huan was not spared from this - Irissë and the hound shared a joyous reunion, and Huan was beside himself with glee, licking and jumping on her and inadvertently knocking over a candelabra with his tail. Tyelkormo witnessed this from afar, and it warmed his heart in an aching way to see the love shared between them.
Irissë of course also had to deal with Curufinwë, although thankfully he was too eager to rejoin his son in the forge to spend much time gawking at her presence. Yet she had to admit that his conversation was not entirely displeasing, and both father and son agreed to take a look at fixing a broken necklace she had carried with her. They seemed to reluctantly expect that her presence was not going to be of a temporary nature, and she took this as a good omen.
She spent much of her time that day thinking of her future and of her past. She longed for companionship and to be truly understood, and the last time she had felt such a way was during the days of her youth running through the forests and fields of Aman with Tyelkormo. A glimpse of this she had felt even in her little time at Himlad, and she knew in her heart that their connection was not at the point of dying out forever. While she could never forsake Turukáno and Itarillë and all of her friends in Ondolindë, she was not yet ready to return. And as much as something still burned within her, she was no longer determined to exact her own revenge upon Tyelkormo. The same fire, she realized, burned within both of them. By the time the sun set, she had made up her mind.
When she returned to Tyelkormo’s chambers, she found him already there, waiting for her. He had changed out of his heavy layers and now wore a silken tunic with an unfairly low-cut collar. 
“You have read my books,” he said, holding one of them in his hand. 
“Yes,” she mumbled. She had not expected those to be the first words out of her mouth, and she was taken off guard. 
“I am not mad… to be honest, I am rather relieved that you did.”
“You are?” This was even more surprising.
He smiled sheepishly. “I always envisioned one day showing them to you and asking you for your opinions.”
“In that case, they are wonderful,” she said, beaming. “I would be happy to discuss them with you more… later.”
“Surely you think there is more important business to attend to.”
“Right,” he sighed. He ran a hand through his hair, freshly washed and falling loose to frame his face. “If you want to stay, I will not turn you away. I will help you continue to forgive me, if that is what you wish. If you want a… later.”
“Good. I would expect you not to do otherwise. But what do you feel?”
“I-” he faltered, looking to the sky as if to beg Eru for assistance. “I feel I am better when I am with nature, with Huan, with my horses, and yes, with my brother and nephew, but also when I am with you. It would make me- It would make me happy if you stayed. I have missed you. To know that there is the possibility of a future with you in it, I would kick myself if I let that go. We have wasted far too much time already.”
He was sitting down and she was standing, and a flash of lightning from outside illuminated his features as if he was some otherworldly creature. She approached him carefully, and it was like some hidden curtain between them fell. “I must admit, my own sentiment is of the same nature. I cannot resist you, Tyelko, I never have been able to.”
“Earlier you called me Tyelkormo… now you say Tyelko again.” His eyes glistened with tears, but they were not evil things. 
 “I will keep calling you that, as long as you wish to.” She took a deep breath, and then: “I love you.”
Any other time, he would have replied with some self-deprecating retort, something to dissuade her from making such proclamations. But they were both laid bare to each other, and he could not break their moment. “Yes, that’s it,” he nearly whispered. “I love you.”
Her hand fell to rest on his cheek, and they met each other in the middle. His lips were rough yet sweet against her own, and she felt his hands lace around her middle. 
“Do not think you need to be gentle with me,” she spoke into his ear. He did not. 
Tyelkormo flipped her onto the bed, positioning himself above her. Her fingers tightened against his shoulders, and she gasped against his lips and into his hair. He traced the edge of her chin, her cheeks, her neck with his mouth, making her shiver beneath him. She could not deny that he was stronger than her, yet when she pushed against his arm to roll them over, he obliged, allowing her to take the lead. She relished in the sight beneath her, drinking in the desire and love displayed openly in his eyes. He drew her down again, and they kissed like they had once deep within the trees of Aman, when their hearts were free to wander as they pleased. His hands were strong against her body, and she was far past the point of restraint. 
Panting, she broke them apart and said aloud, “Marry me.”
“What?” He froze. 
“Marry me,” she repeated, her words tumbling like a current from her lips. “I know I have never been in favor of the idea, and neither have you. We do not need to have any ceremony, we do not need to uphold any traditional duties. We will remain free spirits. But far too much time has passed with us apart, and you and I both know we may be separated again. We know not what the future holds - but if I could know where you are, if we had something tangible, it would-” 
“It would be a comfort.”
“Yes,” she gasped in agreement, “yes.”
“Fuck the Valar,” he said, almost laughing. 
“Fuck the Valar!” She dragged him down by the neck and kissed him again with increased fervor. Their hands grasped against each other, tugging at clothes and hair and skin. They blurred the lines between their bodies and souls so that Irissë could not tell where she ended and where her lover began. Their fëar began to intermingle, growing closer and closer, crossing all boundaries and bringing new meaning to the reality they had once known. 
It took a long time for the pair to come back down to themselves. When Irissë awoke the next morning, she saw the sunlight streaming down on Tyelkormo’s face, relaxed in sleep, and she knew she had made the right choice. He opened his eyes, almost startled to see her still resting there beside him. But his face lit up in awe when she whispered unspeaking good morning, and he began to weep tears of joy and astonishment. She caressed his face between her palms and planted a kiss upon his forehead. 
“Are you still going to kill me?” He asked, but it was lighthearted. 
She laughed, bright as the sun coming in through the window. “Maybe. But not today.”
Good, he said, without moving his lips. 
The following summer, a baby was born. Lómion, his mother called him, and he grew up running through the meadows of Himlad and lounging against the body of a hound well over twice his size. For a time, he was well-loved, and he took up craft-work in his uncle’s forge. It would be many more summers before the sky turned dark, and for now, Irissë and Tyelkormo were free to spend many hours riding on long hunts in the forest, both alone and with their son, or often with larger groups of their compatriots. The two worked together to continue filling Tyelkormo’s journals as they explored the wilderness, comparing their notes and collecting new artifacts. Their souls were alight with new vigor, and Irissë felt young again, at last free to roam the wilds. The hunger within her was momentarily satiated - as long as she ignored the warning signs of future strife to come.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
My lovely sunny Glorfindel 🌞— Can I ask for Caranthir (I mean who else would you except 🤣) + 💋  ─  be caught standing under the mistletoe
Love you lots! Hope you hav fun with tis 😊
☃: Sweet tomato Caranthir being all blushy and red under the mistletoe lol :) I had so many ideas but I didn't want to go the embarrassing path for him :)
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𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓮 𝓣𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼
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Being invited to the noisy Feanorian household for the winter holidays was the most chaotic and congesting event to ever happen in your life. You could feel the stress from Nerdanel as she fought to gain her sons attention while Feanor was nowhere to be found—busy crafting away in the forges. You, Maedhros and Maglor were the only ones assisting their mother while the twins and Celegorm were causing the chaos and urging Nerdanel to kick them out of the house until she got everything under control. However, one particular elf was missing from your sight and you were curious to know where he could be.
Slipping easily out of the living room, as you were making your way up the staircase, you caught a glimpse of a dark-haired elf sitting on the back porch while their hands were busy at work. Gleaming brightly to yourself, you looked around to ensure no one would notice you leaving the house and interrupt before opening the door to the porch. Not once did he notice you as he busied himself with knitting his mischief and talking to himself. “I think Y/N would prefer if it was thicker…cold hands during the winter…loves to put their hands on me to freeze me to death, tsk.”
Standing behind him as he chastised you and complained, you had covered your mouth to prevent the laughter from slipping out but unfortunately, a burst of laughter scared Caranthir out of his seat. Flying out of his chair and swearing at the person until he recognized your face, he was quick to rest his needles down and walk over to you while grumbling, “I told you about scaring me, why would you do that?”
“So you admit then, you got scared? I successfully scared you after months of attempts; your brothers would be pleased to know—”
“—You wouldn’t dare to tell them,” he stepped forward until he towered over you, arms gripping yours and tugging you into him. His face was only mere inches from yours as he grumbled, but knowing Cara, he wouldn’t engage in any intimate acts around his siblings or mother for the sake of turning red.
“And what if I did?”
“Then I’d have to stop you from doing so.”
“And how would you do so my sweet Moryo, perhaps a kiss to prevent those words from slipping past my lips,” you bit your lips invitingly as it turned into a smirk while watching him stutter and short-circuit at your boldness. Little did he know that mistletoe was handing above you both, courtesy of his brothers wanting to catch you both under before the night was over. It was a shame and relief that you were outside and not before them, he wouldn't have survived the night.
“…Now why would I do just t-that—” his nervous voice was cut off by a squeak as you pulled him in by his collar for a breath-taking kiss. The little hitch in his voice as your fingers moved to grip the back of his neck and latch onto a few strands of his hair was adorable. The kiss was short-lived, knowing that you didn’t want anyone to catch you both. Pulling away gasping for air, your breathing was a lot more under control compared to Caranthir who wasn’t breathing at all with a tomato face.
Giving him a small pat on his face, you stepped forward once more to peck his lips, leaving him and his thoughts, “I’ll keep your secret, also your mother is looking for you…and I love the mittens.”
“How? When did—” his words were failing him due to your kiss making his brain malfunction.
“Blame your brothers, they set up all this mistletoe around the house,” your fingers pointed towards the ceiling tightly packed with mistletoe and wondered how did they get this many.
“...You know you're standing under another one right?”
Glancing above, you released a feign sigh as a grin made it's way across your face once again, “Well, would you look at that. Guess this means I get another kiss?”
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
Not So Unrequited
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Request: How would you feel writing a “It’s always been you” fic where something along the lines of Erestor grumpy boi finds out that the one the reader has been pining for and was getting ready to confess to was him when he was certain that his love was unrequited? - @nerdyely​
A/N: I adored writing this fic for Erestor! I really hope you enjoy it! :)
Erestor x Reader
2.4k Words
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Erestor sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes hurting from having stared at the same words on this blasted piece of parchment since a few days ago. He couldn’t resist looking at it constantly.
It appeared that his secret admirer was wanting to take things up a notch. It went from small gifts of food and little notes to now a meeting time and place. He could hardly believe that he even had a secret admirer. Something that really was unusual for the more cantankerous ellon. He sighed letting his hair slip over his shoulder in a cascade of inky locks. Opening his eyes to read over the words once again for the millionth time: 
Meet me for dinner at sunset at the gazebo
It read in pretty scrawling Tengwar and in unfamiliar handwriting. Leaving Erestor scratching his head, but he wasn’t interested in a stranger's affections. Why would he be when he had his sights set on someone else?
Not when there was you. 
Though that seemed to be a lost cause as you too had your own romantic interest that wasn’t him. It was all you had talked about in the past few months. How you were head over heels for this ellon who also worked within his libraries. 
Try as he might to narrow down who had your interest he couldn’t figure it out. 
It could’ve been Nandaer as you had commented that your love interest was wise beyond his years and dark haired… But then you had also mentioned that he had a dry sense of humor and a quick wit, which also could have been Lornion who was well known with his quick wit. Erestor would say it was safe to say his humor and wit rivaled Lornion’s. 
Or it was Ûron… Who could fall under the compassionate and witty section of your description. Though you had in fact been specific that the person you admired was only compassionate outwardly towards you. It had been driving Erestor mad to know that you didn’t reciprocate how he felt for you. 
Granted he had done his damnedest to keep it under wraps for this very reason as he didn’t want to be rejected by you. 
Though from what Lindir spoke of earlier, you had been sorely rejected by one of them. To the point you hadn’t left your room in days even for work. Though the other artisans fully seemed to understand your absence from what he was told through the grapevine. 
He had considered reprimanding them somehow but didn’t want to stir up drama and undue stress in the library’s especially not knowing who it was. And it was not as though he was with you to defend you from the person who broke your heart this way. 
Quietly Erestor lay the paper aside, wondering if he should’ve gone to that dinner and worked on moving on from you when it was clear your interests lay elsewhere. Yet the idea of moving on from you made him ache, he could in no way change the way his heart felt about you. 
He wanted to see you and console you, but didn’t know if he could do it without confessing his feelings for you. Erestor making a grand declaration of love when you were heartbroken seemed less than ideal right now. 
Before Erestor could turn his eyes back to his report, the door to his office opened. In walking the bright and golden Glorfindel with a big grin on his face, still in his armor from his previous excursion over the last few days. Looking far too chipper when things felt so unbearably grim right now. 
“Please tell me you are here with reports about what you saw and not on private affairs?” Erestor grumbled out moving to reach for his goblet of water to sip from. His bright eyes watching as Glorfindel stopped right in front of Erestor’s desk folding his arm over his chest. 
“Oh come on now, after I hand delivered Y/N’s note of course I am here on private affairs. Tell me, how did it go? I stopped for no one when I got here because I was so excited.” Glorfindel answered him by grabbing a chair that was situated before the desk before he sat down in it. Erestor simply skewed a brow with a less than enthused expression, trying to decipher what it was Glorfindel was on about. 
He must be Imladris’ romantic delivery service at this rate if he was delivering notes for you and whoever was Erestor’s secret admirer. Because of course the sunny ellon was.
“What is there to tell? Y/N is currently heartbroken is how it went.” Erestor grumbled out, he didn’t know all the details of how you were rejected. Just that it was currently circling around with the artisans that you had been overheard crying in your room and hadn’t shown up for work over the last few days. 
“What?” Glorfindel said, sitting there stunned! After all the pining you had done with Erestor, all the romantic gestures and little notes, he had rejected you? It had been so clear and obvious to you and Glorfindel who it was you loved and that Erestor felt the same. He had gotten, as you told Glorfindel, remarkably soft with just you. 
“That is precisely what I said. They’re fools whoever they are.” Erestor scoffed, and Glorfindel just stared at Erestor wide eyed and full of absolute disbelief. He could scarcely believe what he was hearing… Did he not know…?
Oh this was rich, the self proclaimed good judgment and read of people was completely oblivious to how you felt about him. Any other time, Glorfindel would’ve been content to rub this in his face over how he missed it. But you had your heart broken and were probably off crying somewhere. 
Glorfindel abruptly stood from his spot, almost knocking over the chair, making Erestor sit back just as abruptly with a scowl on his face. 
“Careful!” He hissed out at all the loud clanging of armor and chair sounds. 
“You have to fix this!” Glorfindel said, making the ellon at his desk look up at him with his own disbelief! 
“How do you propose I do that?” Erestor asked, wishing to curl his lip up and have a rebuttal in place about how foolish it was that he could be expected to fix it. But if Erestor could indeed fix it he would. 
Glorfindel released a small breath of amusement this time mirroring Erestor’s usual reaction by rubbing his eyes. 
“Erestor, mellon, it’s you. The note, the secret admirer- It was all for you because Y/N has feelings for you!” Glorfindel stated quickly and there was a moment of heavy silence that fell between the two of them. Erestor bit back the pure panic that found his face looking up at the blond, trying to decide if he was lying or not. 
His heart skipping a beat at the idea that he had missed all of your advances and had ignored so foolishly all your advances because he thought they were from some stranger because he hadn’t recognized your handwriting! In a panic Erestor stood from his seat not even asking for Glorfindel to clarify as he hurried out of the room. 
Immediately Erestor hurried through the corridors, feeling all rationality leave him. Mulling over all the things that he could say to you! Apologies or words of comfort. Should he just profess? His thoughts tumbled over themselves in a panic, ignoring those who called out to him whether it was to greet them or not. 
The only concern was getting to you and fixing this somehow or another… Sweet merciful Iluvatar he had royally messed this up. 
It was just as Erestor was starting to pass the walkway from a garden, he practically came to a grinding halt spying your form out of his peripheral. Erestor paused, seeing you sitting there on the bench with your back to him, your shoulders slack and a hand up wiping your face with a handkerchief. Quietly he approached you his heart racing in his chest.
Pausing just a few feet behind you for a moment, feeling the ice course through his veins as the idea of how he had caused such unintentional heartbreak for you. When in reality you should be overjoyed and full of bliss because he felt the same way you did.
“Y/N…” He breathed out, startling you as you cried out jumping to your feet before swiveling around to face him. Seeing how puffy and red your eyes were, the clear trails down your face… The frown that he was sure had been perpetual over the last few days.
And it was because he was the fool who had unintentionally rejected you. 
He watched as you quickly scrambled to wipe your face some more with the handkerchief casting your gaze away and trying to hold your shoulders high as Erestor walked around the bench to close the distance. 
“Erestor.” You greeted with a croaky voice, wishing to curse under your breath as you weren’t ready to face him in the heat of being rejected. You had hoped for a day or two more to try and collect yourself. 
“I hear that things went… terribly with your admirer.” You heard him mutter and you cast your gaze down… Did he still not know? Were you crying over nothing? 
You felt like a fool. You had thought you’d made it obvious that you loved him, but you supposed you didn’t. The idea settled some of the wild torrents of heartbreak. 
Quietly you nodded, brushing some of your hair out of your face as you clasped your hands in front of you. You supposed it was only natural that he wouldn’t heed a strange note telling him where to go and what to do. The idea made your eyes water again. 
Why was this so hard?
“Y/N I am sorry for the hurt that you are under…” Erestor said to you, trying to muster up the courage to explain to you that he loved you. To explain that he was blind and foolish, yet you were so frustrated with him! As he watched you cover your face, trying to hold back tears. 
“Don’t you get it, Erestor! It has always been you!” You explained in your teary eyed frustration, you waved your hands around. As if gesturing would get the point across better, feeling the lump form in your throat as the emotions swelled. 
Stunning Erestor fully at the sounds of hearing it straight from your mouth. The surprise was evident on his face as his eyes were wide and mouth slack and heat rising to his face in a blush to hear it so forwardly. 
“The notes, the flowers, the set up meeting times, the small gifts of food. They were all from me because it has always been you and about you.” You continued though your words were dying with every passing breath to explain yourself, shoulders slacking in defeat as you brought a hand to rub your face. 
Silence fell between you both and suddenly everything made sense. 
You had been describing him this whole time, right beneath his nose. He had been so hung up on the fact that you didn’t outright admit it was him that Erestor thought you were talking about someone else. He wished to crawl into a deep hole and stay there, fully embarrassed by his obliviousness. 
Mustering up his courage, Erestor took a few steps forward. His hands reaching out to grab yours, watching you eagerly as held your hands.
“I am a fool, and I admit to it fully. As it was Lord Glorfindel who told me moments ago. It is why I set out to find you.” It was a rare admittance of foolishness, and it was not something Erestor did lightly. Not liking to be the one to own up to his mistakes, but for you he’d own up to them in a heartbeat. Especially to rid you of your tears. 
You were quiet, trying to process his words. Feeling a freehand come to your face. Stroking away the tears that were left on your face. Prompting you to look up at him as you chewed on the inside of your cheek on baited breath. 
“It has always been you too Y/N… I was…” Erestor paused, having to admit that he was jealous was not easy, especially when he had been too blinded by it. Closing his eyes and taking a steady breath,
“Jealous, thinking it was someone else… I didn’t see it. I was oblivious to it all.” Erestor leaned forward to press his forehead to yours, nose rubbing against yours softly. Your heart stuttered in your chest at the words, at the intimacy of having him so close and the scent of him intoxicating your senses. 
You wanted to laugh at the silliness of it all, that your feelings had been so hurt and Erestor didn’t even know that he did it. The ache in your chest subsided, blossoming with warmth and love for the ellon before you, squeezing your hand affectionately. 
“This was just one big mess…” You managed in an amused breath, a chuckle escaping you finally at the whole ordeal. You heard Erestor snort and his breath fan across your face at your words. You could only imagine the smirk that pulled at his lips. 
“Then allow me to make it up to you, Y/N by asking you to court me and having dinner with me.” Erestor breathed out softly to you, pulling his forehead from yours. Moving to stand closer, bringing a hand to your hip and lacing his fingers with yours as his pale eyes looked into yours. 
You smiled softly as you looked up at him, joy bloomed through you. Scarcely able to believe the turn of events that was currently happening. Here you thought everything was ruined… Yet it wasn’t. 
“Of course I will Erestor!” Your smile growing as his words sunk in, watching the way corner of his lips pulled into a small smile. Erestor leaned forward pressing his lips chastely to your lips, it was soft and delicate. 
You brought a hand up to rest on his shoulder, pulling him in closer. Mindful of the public setting, but still sweet and affectionate. Your stomach turning in knots as he lingered and you kissed him back. 
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Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​ @someoneinthestars @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdyely​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @venelia-rorwen​  @spidergirla5​
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