#don't mistake me for a sakura hater
histskins · 9 months
sorry but it IS very funny when Naruto Shippuden is trying to build literally any romance for Sasuke + Sakura, and so they do flashbacks to meaningful moments between them...and it's the same like. Two. it's the same two scenes every fucking time. and they're not even particularly romantic scenes IMO. and then Naruto shows up and Sasuke's attention is immediately diverted and entirely on him and when they get Meaningful Moments flashbacks it's like a whole fucking movie which 60% of the time includes their silly little kiss. and they literally have a gay little shared mindscape to have these flashbacks in
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Honestly i hate it when people claim “x character did nothing wrong” like… no
Everyone fucked up in some way, including naruto himself, and these flaws and mistakes is what makes them so real. So powerful, it helps define the characters, it helps them grow.
And even if you love these said characters, you have to Acknowledge their flaws and mistakes, if u dont then…do you really love them?? Do you like them?? Or The version you created in ur head?
Its why I dislike a lot of skr and hina stans… I wouldn’t dislike them as much if the stans werent so hellbent on forcing their agenda on our faces😭😭😭
Like why is it so hard for people to understand that you can like something while also criticizing it?? This fandom makes me nuts
WooW!!! A mature, rational and preachable stuff!!!💯
Naruto Fandom is really weird where I saw a post defending Sakura for insulting Naruto's Orphan status in front of Sasuke. 😒😒😒 If they can sink that low, then they would go to any extent to defend that Character.
Most of these stans are what I would call them as, “One-Panel Stans”. I mean, they pick some exciting & badass panel from their favourite character moment and build their own perfect version in their head. And if their BS theory didn’t happen as they expected, then they would get mad and start to blame the Author. This applies to haters as well. They pick a panel which shows the worst side of a Character and they permanently deem the character as a ‘Bad Egg’.
And because of their delusional ‘One-Panel’ Headcanon.... They simply can’t accept the real version of that ‘said’ character because REALITY HURTS. They couldn’t tolerate their favourite character being a Bully or an Asshole or a Horny person at an inappropriate time or a Killer.... And hence they desperately try to put Foundation, Concealer and Lipstick to present them as some Pretty, Goodness personified and an Angelic person by keeping that ‘One Good Panel’ on the outside while clearly hiding all the imperfect awful panels under the layers and layers of Make-up.
The more they doll-up their fav character.... The more Asshole/useless that character is in Reality. And that’s why I hate those Characters even more with a delightful passion.
And by any chance if you criticize a Character in a reasonable way, you would be called out as Anti-X even though you love that character.... And there are some Gatekeeping buffoons who would shout that ‘If you support this X Character... that means you don't care about the Y Character... You should stop supporting Y”... LOL... Such a silly care-taking clowns.
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madara-fate · 3 years
If Kishimoto really wants people to believe that Sasuke loves Sakura and that they have such a good marriage then he's doing a piss poor job at it. You don't see people arguing if Minato loved Kushina or not or if Dan loved Tsunade or not. You don't. The fact that there are so many people arguing whether Sasuke loves Sakura or not, and many people believing he doesn't is just proof that Kishimoto failed somewhere or else there wouldn't be this much controversy surrounding this matter. It's either Kishimoto implying Sasuke does not love her, either Kishimoto intending to portray his idea of a good realtionship/loving husband through SS and failing miserably. Sasuke did not look happy when he saw Sakura in Gaiden first time after 10 years of absence. He couldn't even bother to send a letter to her and Sarada to let them know he was alright and thinking about them during this period. And no, please don't come at me with that bullshit excuse that he didn't keep in contact because he wanted to keep the secrecy of his mission and did not want any private information to leak and that's why he was only keeping in contact with the Hokage or whatever. No one says that if he ever bothered to write them he had to go into details about his mission. He could've just told them he's alright, that he misses them and hopes they're fine and that would've been great too and wouldn't have compromised his mission in any way. The man has space time abilities for fuck's sake. He could've easily teleported to see them and then go back to his business. In my opinion Kishimoto wrote SS in this ambiguous way to appease both the SS haters and the SS shippers. He knew SS fans were going to be happy with whatever he threw at them even if it was the absolute bottom of the barrel and he knew the antis were gonna have a good time using Gaiden to further tear the ship apart. This man is either terrible at writing romance either a huge troll who enjoys pitying his readers against each other. Or maybe both. And I assure you, I don't even hate SS, despite what I have written so far, nor do I ship something else. And Sasuke is also my favorite character. I'm indifferent to this pairing and maybe that's why I can have a more objective opinion on it than its shippers or its haters since I'm not biased due to personal feelings of either distaste or love for it. SS can be seen in both a good and a bad light, but to be honest the balance is more inclined towards the bad light.
This is just more of the stuff that I've heard plenty of times before. I'll firstly preface this by saying that I'm very highly critical of Gaiden because it included pointless drama for the sake of pointless drama. It's execution was horrendous to say the least, but I'll always still appreciate the message that Kishi was trying to relay. However, I will always take issue with those who defend the notion that Sasuke doesn't love Sakura. Hence, the following.
You don't see people arguing if Minato loved Kushina or not or if Dan loved Tsunade or not. You don't. The fact that there are so many people arguing whether Sasuke loves Sakura or not, and many people believing he doesn't is just proof that Kishimoto failed somewhere or else there wouldn't be this much controversy surrounding this matter.
Minato wasn't drowning in hatred due to a supernatural phenomenon which cause him to push away love in favour of the darkness. Dan wasn't made to undertake a preposterously long mission while intending to keep everything about it confidential. Why on earth do people think they can just compare any random relationships to SS's and go "well look at this couple! Why couldn't SS have been more like them?". Well here's your answer - Because their situations were nothing alike. But why do people constantly believe that those relationships are the only models for what a loving relationship can be? The struggles that Sasuke and Sakura faced during Gaiden were not due to issues with each other, but rather, they were shown facing hurdles which they overcame together. They were perfectly happy with each other, and not once did their dedication to one another ever falter during Sasuke's mission. Just because the couple faced hard times does not mean their bond is any weaker. On the contrary, the fact they they faced those hard times together and came out of them just as strong if not stronger than before, is a testament to the strength of the relationship.
You wanna know what I don't see? I don't see people questioning Neji and Hinata's relationship despite Neji trying to kill her during the Chuunin Exams. I don't see people questioning Hiashi's feelings towards Hinata despite essentially disowning her because he deemed her to be a failure. I don't see people questioning Gaara being the Kazekage despite him previously being feared as a killing machine who slaughtered many innocent people, by the very same villagers who now respect him as their leader. I don't see people questioning why Kabuto was trusted to become the head of the Orphanage and taking care of the future of the village, despite being a notorious war criminal. No, but of course people will question SS right? Despite them just being another example of the same theme.
It's either Kishimoto implying Sasuke does not love her, either Kishimoto intending to portray his idea of a good relationship/loving husband through SS and failing miserably.
Kishi flat out said, that the love between the Uchiha family is the real deal. He's not implying anything, and if he truly failed at depicting this, then SS wouldn't have consistently proven to be the most popular canonised pairing for years following the manga's ending.
Sasuke did not look happy when he saw Sakura in Gaiden first time after 10 years of absence.
And you think that's indicative that he doesn't love her? Are you serious? The entire time, Sasuke was very clearly shown to be aggravated because people who weren't supposed to be at his and Naruto's secret meeting place kept showing up. He didn't look happy when first meeting Naruto either, despite not seeing him for just as long. So what? You think that means he doesn't care about Naruto either? He was aggravated that Sarada was there because she was supposed to be in the village safe from all this, he was annoyed with Naruto for allowing the kids to follow him in the first place, and yeah, he didn't jump for joy when seeing Sakura because again, she was meant to be watching over Sarada in the village. One of the biggest incentives for his secrecy was to keep Sarada safe, and everything that was happening then, was the opposite of that.
He couldn't even bother to send a letter to her and Sarada to let them know he was alright and thinking about them during this period. And no, please don't come at me with that bullshit excuse that he didn't keep in contact because he wanted to keep the secrecy of his mission and did not want any private information to leak and that's why he was only keeping in contact with the Hokage or whatever. No one says that if he ever bothered to write them he had to go into details about his mission. He could've just told them he's alright, that he misses them and hopes they're fine and that would've been great too and wouldn't have compromised his mission in any way.
You can call it a "bullshit excuse" all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that this is the reason that was given. But it's like people just refuse to acknowledge the fact that Sasuke admitted that he had made a big mistake, and refused to allow Sakura to apologise because he knew that he was the one at fault:
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I mean what? Do people think that Sasuke has to be perfect or something? Is he not a human who makes mistakes just like everyone else? Sasuke knew that he took his secrecy too far, he hadn't anticipated the adverse affects his absence would have on Sarada, and he apologised for his mistake. Why? Because he cares, for goodness sake it's not hard to comprehend. I seriously would have never thought that people would actually question whether or not he loves his family. Why would Kishi promote a loveless marriage in his manga aimed at young boys? It just boggles the mind. If Sasuke didn't care about them, he wouldn't have thought he did anything wrong by his lack of contact with his daughter. I emphasise with his daughter because Sakura was still somewhat in contact with Sasuke as she was kept informed of what he was doing.
In my opinion Kishimoto wrote SS in this ambiguous way to appease both the SS haters and the SS shippers.
Why would Kishi care about appeasing the same fans who harassed him so badly following the manga's conclusion, that his editior had to respond in broken English and basically tell those entitled children that the story doesn't belong to them? I'll reiterate that there's nothing "ambiguous" about their relationship, nor is Kishi implying anything. Gaiden made it crystal clear, that the love between the Uchiha family is the real deal, there's nothing ambiguous about that statement, there's nothing ambiguous about Sasuke giving Sakura the forehead poke, and there's nothing ambiguous about Sasuke flat out clarifying that his heart is connected to Sakura's.
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Hey LOve, I think...I should end everything right now... right here!
Because I'm the only one who wants even this friendship to survive... I'm the only one here sacrificing my mental health...for the sake of this...now I understand...and from today onwards I will change myself and move on...when I say changing my self that means I'm not going to change me😏 I'm just going to change my week self...make it become strong... inject a pretty good shot of Wisdom into it...so it will see you as a common human being like anyone else out there...and I promise...one day you will come back to me...and at that time I would be somewhere you cant reach.
Someone said "If you want something to yourself... you must set it free...if it comes back...its yours...and if it doesn't....Just Let it Go.!
I tried my level best to continue this..mentally I'm so tired and weak.You knew everything about me and still chose to Hurt me like everyone else did...At that point...that finally made me... realise everything....and made me decide to Let You Go.
Coz it really hurts me...the way you treat me just like every other acquaintance of yours...even after that you are blaming me....yeah..now I understand...I must be Blamed...I must kill myself...I must Leave everyone alone...so, you all can have a great piece of mind.
I don't have anything more to say...to you as well as to myself....I just pity myself...for just being in pain all this while yet I decided not to let you go...but,now atleast for once... I'm choosing myself over YOu.
LOve,Even after everything all I will tell you is the words that I failed to tell you...aw..not failed...the words that I just bottled within myself so that....atleast our friendship will remain the same...but,it turned out to be..like I'm the only one who wants this...So, I'm just leaving you alone...aah... rather setting you free...one day you will find me and at that time I will be gone!
Dear....you can just kill me...but,you can never defeat me... because... Once I have learned the crux of the "so called" precious chapter of my life "MY FIRST LOVE" I have learned what I shouldn't do...in a relationship...and...the old me is Dead....if you see me later that will not be Me...when I say...Me...I mean...the old me...the weak me...the desperate me...who wanted to have a bond with you....and..later the Me you will see will be a "New Me" who will never care for the "bond"...who will never care for anything other that myself... atleast in front of you!...but still, I'm telling you... you can come to me at the middle of any night asking for a helping hand....I will there...but,never expect anything other than a help I offer to any other human being out there....even if its one of my enemies or the so called Haters...I will still help them...Like that I will help You too..."LOve."
So...a big goodbye to you...and thank you for the lesson...!...I will never Forget you or Remember You.!!!
#if you find any mistake in these...you can share it with me.
#My Sakura Tree
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