#i think after Sasuke tried to kill her the 2nd time Sakura should have said fuck this and eloped with Karin
histskins · 1 year
sorry but it IS very funny when Naruto Shippuden is trying to build literally any romance for Sasuke + Sakura, and so they do flashbacks to meaningful moments between them...and it's the same like. Two. it's the same two scenes every fucking time. and they're not even particularly romantic scenes IMO. and then Naruto shows up and Sasuke's attention is immediately diverted and entirely on him and when they get Meaningful Moments flashbacks it's like a whole fucking movie which 60% of the time includes their silly little kiss. and they literally have a gay little shared mindscape to have these flashbacks in
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lunaneko14 · 7 years
The thing about it is that even though Kishimoto said the opposite, the more I re-read Naruto in the official translation, the more cynical Sakura seems to be almost as if Kishi did it on purpose.
I mean SOME of the stuff you can attribute to bad writing but when it’s:
1. Seeing your *best friend* dig a guy but actively pushing for said guy to INSULT her potentially leading to her wounded self esteem, making Sai misinterpret what he wanted to do (be nice) and perhaps ruining HIS self confidence that he can make friends all because you’re jealous that she likes the same guy you do????
2. Knowing another *friend* loves a guy enough to give her life for him and seeing this connection since you were 12 yet confessing to said guy behind her back so you can emotionally manipulate him like a puppet to giving up on a team mate that you never thought he would have a connection to as well.
3. Speaking of manipulating Naruto, she actually thought that she was so *irresistible* that Naruto couldn’t possibly have gotten Shikamaru, Kiba, Akamaru, Neji, Rock Lee and Choji nearly killed and trained with Jiraiya for 2 yrs for any other reason other than to get into her pants.
4. Seeing as how much Sasuke has grown Sakura still betrayed her team mates and helpers because she thought she can take on Sasuke alone by emotionally manipulating HIM into thinking he wanted her by his side because apparently SHE was his only emotional connection to Team 7 and “the old days”.
5. In the war, she knew she could’ve released her seal as soon as she got to the battlefield and saw the Ten Tail’s attack and gave the entire alliance a slug to keep them informed and heal them of which could’ve saved lives including Neji’s but only conveniently released it when Team 7 was back and she can show off in front of Sasuke.
6. While Team 7 was *together* she took a jab at her mentor and the only one who even cared enough to train her by flaunting the fact that she’s young which is apparently something that makes her *better* than Tsunade who btw the entire alliance thought was dead since everyone knew she was with the other kage fighting Madara yet Madara is right in front of them on the Ten Tails.
7. She never owns up to her cowardice and when faced with it she never does the right thing in relying on her team mates instead of trying to compete with them.
8. She never told Kakashi or anyone about her moment of cowardice that doomed the whole world by refusing to destroy the rinnegan Madara was after when Obito repeatedly told her to do so and even explained what would happen if she didn’t. Apparently she “caught up to her team mates” but can’t even admit when she made a mistake. 
9. The 2nd time she refused to admit her own cowardice she insisted on being the leader of Team 7 by having Naruto and Sasuke “follow her lead” when again, those 2 are clearly above her level and mind you, at this point she did witness their incredible new sage powers yet she expects her little sannin-kage level powers to still rival them.
10. She NEVER stops moping and sulking whenever she’s insulted a bit....its not even insulting its telling the truth yet she never tries to think of a way that she can be useful in her own way. Even the chakra for Obito’s transportation thing that saved Sasuke was Obito’s idea. 
11. Not once but TWICE there’s been instances where Sakura thought more about her *love* for Sasuke than the state of the entire world. One was obviously when her rushing Madara plan failed and the second was when she burst out in a confession after Sasuke said he would destroy Konoha and kill her master. 
12. She’s still shitty to Naruto and has been throughout the war, from hitting him when he was injured to calling his hokage dream “stupid” even AFTER he became the village hero to never thanking him for saving her and instead, sulked about Sasuke not seeming to care about her. 
13. Even in the novels, she basically abandons her children’s hospital job to chase after Sasuke or rather his impostor and later does it again when he didn’t come back for her.
14. She left Karin with the implication that they were friends and she was Sarada’s godmother even though Sarada doesn’t know a thing about her and Sakura is likely taking the credit for giving her her prescription glasses that Karin even makes sure are updated.
15. Whenever Sarada brings up her *weird* marriage she either sulks or gets extremely violent (which I’ll touch on later) even towards her own child. 
16. Even in the games, she spars with 2 genin only to throw out her back and insists a 12 year old Boruto should carry her 30+ year old ass home. 
17. She throws her daughter under the bus by apologizing to Sasuke even though he was the one (and he admits this) that chose to abandon his family and Sarada is not at fault for wanting to know about her absent father.
18. In the Gaiden manga, Sakura is at the kage summit with Sasuke yet she never asks him to come home to see their child even once and apparently hid the meeting from Sarada.
19. In the Gaiden anime, she keeps so much away from Sarada including banning the use of her sharingan which is an Uchiha birthright that if used correctly would give Sarada the protection and skill she needs to survive as a ninja but instead she wants her to just study HER way of fighting so she can be just as useless on the battlefield as her mother. 
20. As previously mentioned, Sakura insists on being violent even into her late teens and upper 30s. These times include
a. Physically assaulting Kiba when her manipulation of Naruto doesn’t go her way
b. Physically assaulting an INJURED Naruto when he annoys her a bit
c. Using a battle ready punch to scare her child into silence when she says something she doesn’t like which yeah, a child should be able to make an adult ninja (who should be trained in not letting their emotions get to them especially from a fucking child) THAT angry
You can’t help but see Sakura as a half-malicious character. 
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