#don't pressure him too much Arlo
tia-amorosa · 6 months
Sunset Died - Bunch Family (1)
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It's 7:36 a.m., Monday. Jack Bunch is preparing breakfast for the family. At least with the ingredients that are available. But this family is doing almost as well as the Keatons compared to others. Because their house was completely spared from the great catastrophe. But yet the whole thing had its effects.
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At the time, Jack had just returned from a mission in which he himself had been seriously injured. He planned to go on vacation with his family, but then the meteorites came. "eww, that salad tastes totally disgusting"/ "it's been outside all night, you should have noticed that beforehand"/ "but I didn't!"
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The injuries from the accident he suffered during his last military deployment are still clearly visible and will probably remain for the rest of his life. But the family is glad that Jack is still alive. He has not been on duty since the incident and the disaster. He would love to return to his post.
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"Mom, when will I finally get my own room? Arlo snores really loudly"/ "huh? I don't" / "oh yes, but when you're asleep, you can't hear it…" / "pff, I don't do that, I'm still a child and not an old man like dad". Jack called out: "hey, I must have heard wrong?"
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"Good morning!"/ "Good morning, Ethan…"/ "Didn't Lisa come home last night?"/ "No, she's coming today…"/ "Did she get to sleep over at VJ's again? Hey, when can I let Holly spend the night here?"/ "hh, you know I'm not on good terms with her parents," Judy replied. Ethan reacted somewhat irritably. "but Holly's not like her parents, you know that!".
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Of course, Judy also knows that, unlike her parents, Holly is a very helpful and nice person. "hh, well, fine, you can bring her. "/ "Thanks, mom"/ "I want to stop by the hospital today and see if there's anything I can do for the people there"
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"Don't forget our other plans. What Boyd suggested to us yesterday could be a good idea". Boyd Wainwright had visited them the night before and told them about the suggestion Zelda had made. That all the inhabitants should gather in front of the Alto mansion and make their displeasure known. "Do you really think it will help if we all stand in front of their house and demonstrate? You don't believe that yourself, Jack. We may outnumber them, but they still have the upper hand. I have to go now".
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When Judy arrived at the small hospital, Jamie was already there. "Hello, how are you, it looks like there's not much going on today? What's with this bone egon?". Jamie had to smile. "hnhn, today everyone who wants to can learn a bit about anatomy and the musculoskeletal system. "/ "I want to learn something too!"/ "Oh, Malcolm, hello".
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"Good morning, Morgana, nice to see you"/ "Hello, Judy. Oh, good, she found him after all"/ "Where was he?"/ "In the cellar under the collapsed hospital. We were able to find an entrance and get a few things out that were stored there. Now if we jast had a powerful electricity generator…".
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"What do you need it for?"/ "For the X-ray machine. It's one of the newer models where you can stand in it - if you can stand…. We'd have to add a small room that's dark…"/ "But you need a generator… I'll talk to Jack, maybe he'll have an idea"/ "Really? That would be so nice, thank you!"
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.While Judy helps a little at the hospital, her son has been to the Altos in the meantime and brought his girlfriend in his home. "You're always the savior in times of need. I can hardly stand it at home"/ "hnhn, always happy to help. What's going on with your family?".
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"well..they always think I don't notice… and actually I should have thought about it much earlier… I mean, we always have some food at home, actually more than enough that we could give away… It doesn't come from a supermarket. And it's not cheap either, the quality is very good… I don't know where my father always gets it from".
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"Your father?"/ "I don't know what he does in the background, but it's certainly nothing good. And he's always totally stressed, like he's under pressure somehow…"/ "Who or what would put him under pressure?"/ "I don't know… I've spoken to my parents so often that they should help you and the others…".
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"We got off the best here. Our house is completely unscathed, except that all the green stuff is growing on the roof now…. Dad's trophies didn't even fly off the wall in the crash. "/ "hnhn, must be karma. You're a good family"/ "hn…yeah, but we can't support everyone on our own".
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"I know, that's why it's so unfair, I just don't understand why you're all being left in the lurch like this… At some point your supplies will run out too"/ "don't worry about it… I found some seeds the other day, I think something good will come of it. And we need meat again… I think VJ made himself some arrows and a bow"/ "a bow?".
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"Yes, he wants to go hunting…"/ "You mean… He wants to kill animals?"/ "Well, how else are we going to get meat, eh? He definitely wants to share it with everyone. I know you don't like meat"/ "No, I love animals too much for that. You're welcome to it. Do you think he can handle it?"/ "definitely".
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end of part 1
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uorallstars18 · 5 months
Day 42: Do Not Waste My Time
I just got into an argument with Arlo. I've been in my feelings because earlier today, Gadir and I were talking about his upcoming wedding, his life with Skylar and marriage in general and it had me thinking about my relationship. Arlo and I have been together for about 2 years now and I am still waiting for him to propose. I always told myself, I don't want to date someone for longer than a year without any commitment and solid future plans. I want to be married, I want to be a wife, it's important for me. I obviously see a future with Arlo, we live together and it's good so I don't understand why not the next step. Any time I have brought it up, he always gets defensive and tries to gaslight me into thinking I'm asking for too much or being too pushy. That is exactly what happened today. He got mad and thought I was putting pressure on him in front of the cameras which is stupid. I am just frustrated because I know what I'm worth and I know what I have to offer my future husband. If Arlo cannot see that worth, then why the fuck am I wasting my time? I am not one of those girls who wants to be in a relationship for 10 years with no ring on my hand, or no stability. Just going through the motion just to be left alone when he decides to run off with another one...absolutely not! I don't care if Arlo does not like it, I want to be proposed to this year, if not then I have no problem leaving.
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katchihe · 2 years
Arlo: So, did you kiss Sierra?
Cliff: No, the moment wasn’t right. Look, this woman could actually be my future wife. I want our first kiss to be memorable.
Arlo: Aww, that’s so cute. So you chickened out like a little b*tch?
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lexxiie · 3 years
Hii, I saw your Arlo stuff and if it's okai, can I ask for a Arlo x aloof reader!
(I'd like to go by 🌙 anon!)
Of course! (🌙 anon noted!)
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Fandom: unOrdinary
Pairing: Arlo x Reader
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Arlo x Aloof! Reader
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First of all, I think he's a bit of an aloof guy as well, so that'd be interesting.
I feel like he is great with understanding others, especially when he can relate to said person in some sort of way.
I don't think he would mind at all. He's mature and understanding enough to know that you can't expect others to act the way you would, and that's not necessarily something bad.
He doesn't need much to know that you do care and love him
He's all about not pressuring you to do things you just don't want to do, he doesn't ask why, doesn't need a reason. You don't owe him any sort of explanation.
He even kind of likes it, because whenever you do something out of character, like being a bit more expressive on how you feel about him, it means even more to him.
I guess that he would learn how to get to you as time passes.
He understands what you like, what you don't like, etc.
I even feel like he would open himself a bit to you in order to show you that you can trust him during the beginning of your relationship.
And because he is like that as well, you too rarely even fight. Of course, you have disagreements, but nothing too bad.
I won't lie to you, he may get a bit frustrated sometimes, but it doesn't happen often.
Still, I truly believe Arlo is the only guy in UnO who would be a great partner for an aloof person.
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ateezthings · 4 years
Hun, the punk aesthetic reaction was-
*chef's kiss*
If it's alright may I request reactions to where their s/o gives them great massages (doesn't need to be smutty)? If you don't want to that's perfectly fine I just wanted to ask first. Either way keep up the great work! 🥺💖
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy my writing. Also, really sorry you had to wait this long… I hope you enjoy this one 😊 (Hearing that you give great massages is lowkey the best compliment to receive)
ATEEZ Reaction: S/O giving great massages
Songs that convey the mood I was going for:
Arlo Parks – Black Dog
A L E X – Yyy
Fahrenhaidt, Alice Merton – In The Beginning
Daughter – Medicine
Sora.wav – coffee
Novo Amor - Anchor
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- He didn’t know it was possible to fall for even more
- We all know Seonghwa loves skinship
- So when you offered to give him a massage, he’d get really excited (not that kind of excited ya nasty)
- His eyes would get really big and he’d have this big comforting smile on his face
- While you were working your magic, you could feel him relax under your hands
- He’d enjoy being so close to you the most
- The long day at work? Forgotten
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- This man: now imagine him being exhausted from working on new music, performing for hours on end but he’d know he’d get to spend some time with you and then you’d offer to give him a massage? Ugh he’d melt
- After approximately 17 seconds he’d be snoring softly
- You took it as a compliment
- After you worked his back, you’d lie next to him and just watch him sleep, admiring his peaceful beauty
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(this is my fave yunho look ever, I’m always a bitch for berets)
- He’d be sitting on the watching a new show when you slowly came up behind him
- You knew how stressed he was so you wanted to give him a scalp massage
- You ran your hands through his hair, massaged his scalp
- You know that one video of Nina Dobrev where her makeup person (or someone else idk) stands in front of her and gives a quick scalp massage to fluff her hair and she goes cross-eyed? Yeah that’d be Yunho
- It was like your fingers just automatically knew how much pressure you needed to apply to make him relax fully
- Afterwards he’d reward you with a long cuddling session
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- I have a feeling Yeosang would be a little shy at first
- He wanted to pamper you too, but how could he say no to your offer when your hands were literal magic?
- During the massage he’d be quite vocal?! Like not Wooyoung-vocal but he’d moan quietly
- His soft little “aaooh” and “ooouuuh” sounds would be so cute
- When you mentioned his moans, he’d blush and be embarrassed, he didn’t realize he made those sounds
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- Alright, so I can see San reacting one of two ways here:
 He’d either make a lot of sexual innuendos and advances while you were sitting on his butt, massaging his back
- Or if he’s in one of his soft moods, he’d be really sweet to you, like he’d ask if you really wanted to do that for him, he wanted to make sure you were completely comfortable with it
- He’d also want to return the favor afterwards
- He’d try his best to massage you too, but he didn’t really know what to do with his hands, so at one point he started to softly punch you
- Not in a violent way, he just places his fists on different places on your back and applied some pressure
- It actually felt quite nice
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- Because Mingi enjoys saunas I feel like he’d enjoy massages a lot too
- Every time he came back from a sauna session he’d cutely ask if you could massage him
- How could you say no to him?
- He especially enjoyed when you worked his shoulders
- (I know that my anxiety makes me tense my shoulders a lot and it’s really painful at times,) so you wanted to make sure he relaxed his shoulders
- Nice side effect: his voice would go really deep after the massage, it was like music in your ears
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- You gave Wooyoung a massage one time when it was late and he couldn’t sleep but he needed to get up early
- You sprayed the bedroom with some light lavender spray and made him lie down on his belly while you massaged him from the nape of his neck to his lower back
- Of course, he enjoyed being close to you a lot and his muscles always felt a lot better after you massaged him but his favorite thing about this whole experience was having you care for him, he really loved that
- He enjoyed it so much that he requested a massage from you almost every night
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- Jongho is another one that could react one of two ways:
- He’d either be really really shy and smiley like Yeosang, where he was almost too shy to take his shirt of
- Or he’d want this whole experience to draw you closer to him
- I can definitely see him get really quiet, trying to just take in the feeling of having your hands on his skin, he wanted to soak it all up
- When he spoke while you massaged him, he’d speak in a deep, slow voice
- After he got up again, he’d kiss you
- But the kiss was not just a kiss, it be a really deep, meaningful kiss
- It was like he was trying to merge your souls
- He also would want to hold you close to his heart the whole night
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uno-writing · 2 years
I know that you changed a lot of things but why did Arlo and Yenn’s friendship go sour in the original script? I’m sorry if you’ve posted about that before!
I don't think I've posted it before..? I say this and someone's gonna link me to the post gfdsgfdsgh
Basically it happened when they both first got their abilities. This is about the time that Arlo's fam really started pressuring him into striving for greatness.
They also didn't like Yenn bc she didn't come from a high tier fam (her grandmother is mid tier, her mom is upper elite tier and no one knew who her dad was) so they convinced him that he needed to cut her off and he did p much without question.
Yenn thought that it was bc she was too weak and so she put all of her efforts into keeping up with him. This just drove a wedge further between them bc Arlo saw her as competition at that point.
In this version of the Berriverse, I have Arlo and Holden becoming friends their sophomore year. This is when Yenn finally realizes that its not bc she's "weak" bc Holden's like 2 levels below her. And then she gets very, very angry bc she's put all of this effort into it when he could have just given her an explanation so she decides that she's gonna get stronger than him to piss him off and just one up him.
I hope this made sense lmfao I kinda just ended up rambling.
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