#don't spoil i haven't watched yet huhu
jesncin · 2 years
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One and only!
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biffhofosho · 2 years
I HAVEN'T WATCHED THE MV YET AND ITS KILLING ME INSIDE!!!! (i film reaction videos and post them on YouTube so i have to wait until Saturday to watch, since I have a full time job huhu sometimes I wonder why my filming schedule is like this)
i was saying on twt earlier that even though the song is called "wildfire" i always get the image of an ocean in my head when I listen to it. Maybe it's bc of the mention of riptides, but the track itself is so heavy and deep and looming that it gives me very much "the wine-dark sea" vibes
Honestly miss biff, idk how I'm supposed to survive the mv when I finally watch it. Grey-haired hyungwon is already killing me, WHAT MORE WHEN I HEAR HIM SING ABOUT LOVE
HOW ARE YOU ALIVE! My friends and I all did reactions just for each other (we all live in different time zones), and it was hard enough going to sleep knowing I was going to miss the live drop in the butt-early morning. You must be committed to your react audience because there's no way I could wait a week... Not with the things tumblr has no doubt already spoiled. You are a strong and brave soul! May Hyungwon bless you and guide you!
Oh, Wildfire's already getting a fic as we speak, all thanks to Hyungwon and his sinister, beautiful line: "Inside this room, I found my doom." If that's not a whole-ass story, I don't know what is.
I have always had jelly legs for a grey-haired boy, but DAMN, has this MV and CB ended me. I weep for the version of me who existed before knowing this era. I was incomplete.
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