#don't take life too seriously there are no rewards for doing everthing the right way and correct the first try
yugiohz · 4 months
i've been there (and still am sometimes) so i'm saying this out of love, but i feel like once you've reached your late 20s, you HAVE to come to the realization that you have to actively strive to make yourself happy / your life livable! i know it's extremely difficult to deal with the disillusion + depression + isolation combination that befalls a lot of people in their 20s, but you have to actively fight to maintain and expand your comfort zone so you don't sinkeven deeper, because all those corny quotes are right, no one's gonna come and save you, not your mommy not your partner not your baby not your blorbo, this is an internal process that you have to go through, because if you don't you will rot in your comfort zone and rn life rlly rlly rlly doesn't have enough to offer tomost of us that we should or could be okay with that kind of mundane life
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
First things first, thank you so much for more the 800 followers! Still feels a bit weird, but here's a tiny little thing as a present!
Not even a single mistake on this day
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"Overhaul, I am sorry to comment this all of the blue and all but... you're way too perfectionist..." Chrono commented woth a huff as he placed the huge box on the table.
For his surprise the young leader of the yakusa didn't even acknowledge his comment, rather more interesting on checking the whole room, looking for any signs of 'imperfections' to be soon fixed it.
Chrono and Mimic shared a look before snickering quietly.
"Overhaul?" Mimic tried again, this time at peast receiving a very annoyed and irritated 'hum' in response. "You're going to combust at any moment boss, careful there."
He let out a 'deprived of pacience' sigh before straighting up his back and making his way out of the room... not before sending a cold glare at the both man on there.
"If I come back here, and found a hint that anyone touched what I ordered; the fault and responsibility will be on you two. Don't let anyone enter in here without a good damn reason." He walked away shortpy after, not even closing the door.
"He thinks that we are what? Bunch of punks?" Asked Mimic out loud while leanjng on the wall with arms crossed as Kurono shrugged while taking the glasses out of the box and placing on the table.
Suddenly, Setsuno; Hojo and Tabe were passing by while talking before stopping abruptly at seing the room neatly cleaned up.
"Woah, any special commemoration today if I may ask?" Setsuno asked while eyeing the whole place in awe.
"DOn'T ToUCh AnYThInG PUnKs!" Irinaka yelled angrily "OvErHauL's OrDeRS!"
"To answer your question, is miss (Y/N)'s birthday." Chrono said nonchalantly before picking up another box.
"Master's partner? What a surprise indeed." Hojo commented, now putting the pieces together why his boss went to him demanding for... a little favor.
"The boss at least got lucky on the relationship thing." Laughed bitterly Setsuno, eyeing now the snacks "Sure that this won't be possible to eat everthing on one day."
"EAT!" Tabe shouted, already with wide eyes, allerting everyone on that room and making Chrono and Mimic eyes go wide.
He slowly entered the room, careful to not even make a sound before he spotted you still sleeping peacefully on the bed, just like he had leaved you a few hours ago.
He sighed in relief before adjusting his tie and slowly went towards you with a smirk underneath his mask.
He stared you down while calling your name, but you still remained sleep.
"... Seriously?" He asked before lifting his gloved hand to shake your shoulder gently, another try on callinh your name, receiving this time a annoyed yet sweet hum.
"I would suggest you to get up angel." He said nonchalantly before deadpanning at you picking his pillow and burring on your face.
"Whyyy?" You moaned "I don't have anything to do today Kai, gimme a break!"
"... Well then, you just forgot that today was the day you were borned. Congrats." He ssid in pure sarcasm as he crossed his arms, still looking down at you.
He chuckled at the way you placed his pillow away in a instance and now your sleepy face as you rubbed your eyes.
"So doesn't this means that I get to expend more time in bed instead?" You whined with a smile but still getting up to be at least sitting on the bed.
"Nonsense." He carresed your bed hair down before tracing his fingers to your cheek to tilt your head up, dumb smile already formwd on those lips as puffy with sleep (E/c) eyes blinked up at him.
"Do I get my devil to sing for me?" He scoffed before placing a project of a kiss on your forehead, mask still on.
"Go take a shower, there's something on the bathroom for you to use." You whined again before he gave you a look, instantly getting up with a huff.
He chuckled as soon as he heard your gasp when the sounds of water falling stopped.
You soon got out with a extremely disbelieved expression but still weating the outfit.
"Kai is beautiful buy come on! I saw the price tag!" You showed it to him and he frowned at that.
"... That sick said he took it off."
"Kai!" You exclaimed while giggling, hopeless.
No matter how much you sayed he still insisted on what he thought was right...
He picked your hand up and twirled you around to take a 360 look and hummed in approval.
"Perfect, like always." You blushed at his words before tilting your head up, silently asking for a kiss.
The bastard just turned his back crounching down to pass you a string and one rose.
"Follow the string dearest, and pick up this." You giggled in nervousness before looking up at him arching one eyebrow.
"What did you do?"
He merely shrugged before pointing at the door with his palm.
You did follow, evertime stopping by some place as you encounter one wrapped up gift and a rose, evertime you spotted your boyfriend smirking underneath that cursed mask of his, that prevented you to see such a magnific sign.
You always ended up picking the gifts, but the roses he insisted on picking up to place gently in your hand, usually cold and nonchalantly golden eyes filled this time with what only you could describe as adoration.
How could he not adore and admire every surprised look you gave every time you found a gift? Usually expensive but still was what he knew what you liked.
You took your time to count the roses before gasping with a smile, noticing that the number of roses he gave it to you was exactly the numner of your age, the last one being not a red usual rose, but a golden one.
"Kai oh my gosh..." you burried your face in the roses you holded in one hand as he smirked down at seing the faint blush.
You followed ths string to the balcony and arched a eyebrow at seing that this waz end of it and... there was nothing.
"Uh?" You tilted your head in confusion, still trying t hold the roses and the huge amount of gifts in your hands.
He lifted one of his fingers up while looking down at his wristwatch.
You went to ask again before you yelped at the sound of fireworks with your favorite colors.
Your jaw almost hitted the floor as you stared up at a very smug Chisaki. Or for the fact that you had clinged on his clothed arm for comfort or for your shocked expression you didn't knew...
"Kai you're going to bring the Shie Hassaikai to bankruptcy! Dear god, how much did you expend only today?!" You exclaimed as he only stared you down, blinking once.
He picked one strand of your hair and placed gently behind your ear, his gloved hand never leaving your cheek as the other messed around on his pocket.
"I never once was attracted to such stupid things, but I thought you might like this one my angel." You laughed desperately, you were receiving more gifts today than you ever receives on your whole life and you were panicking at this point.
"Close your eyes for a second." He muttered and you complied to his demand, shivering at feeling the slight brush of his gloved fingers on your neck as he placed what seemed like a necklace.
"Open them now." He said monotonously before you oppened them with a shocked gasp.
It wasn't one of the many expensive necklaces and other jewelries that he bought for you, no, this time was actually a beautiful simble of the yang, outlined by golden (of fucking course...) as you picked it with delicate fingers to see it from behind the name of your boyfriend writen on it.
His real name.
You look up at him woth wide eyes and confused eyes but a trembling smile growing on your lips.
He pushed down his mask with one hand as he showed the yin on his neck withe the other, hidden underneath his clothing, before turning it around to show your name writen on it.
"I always insist on telling you and the others that you are the purest and brightest thing that ever crossed my eyes, my dearest angel. This will not only show us how perfect we are combined, despite our differences, but the names writen on it tells us who exactly we belong to." He took one step closer before asking with his eyes if he could pick your own colar for a a minute.
You nodded while trembling holding the pingent to him, with a faint 'click' he connected bot of them, forming the complete yingyang symbol.
You felt tears forming into your eyes as you placed one quivering hand on your mouth.
"Happy birthday my dear." He look up and mentally flinched at seing the tears in your eyes.
Shit. Did he missed something? Didn't you like it?
"Kai Chisaki I know you're very opposed to touch but I swear that if I dont kiss and hug you right now I might combust." You said between nervous giggles.
His shoulders sagged in relief and annoyance at the scare you just gave it to him before he smoothly wrapped one arm around your waisg as his hand pushed your neck to crash your lips with his.
Tears of joy... despite hating to see his angel cry, this was at least a good sign.
"The best present I ever received in my whole life..." you whispered looking deep into his eyes as he arched one eyebrow.
"A simple necklace? Seriously?" You giggled af his annoyed yet monotonous tone of voice before shooking your head.
"Negative. Having you, my handsome devil, in my life. Thank you so much my love Kai..."
You could have screamed in awe at catching the blush dusting slowly on his cheeks, since he wasn't wearing a mask at that moment, but even before you could have any reaction he immediately pushed his mask back up and pushed you to crash on his chest with a scoff.
Ha! You made Chisaki Kai embarrassed! You deserve a reward for that!
"There's more?!" You asked between giggles as he walked with you, one hlived hand on your lower back, guiding you to the room he expended hours on the early morning.
"Not much, but I might have ordered a few of your favorite appetizers and a cake."
"... Imprissed but yet not entirely?" You giggled before yelping cutely at him flipping your forehead slightly.
"I just hope that those two idiots haven't done any-... What in all hell happened in here?" He asked, wrath already expredding on his blood system as he pointed to a frozen Tabe on the ground being dragged by Setsuno and Hojo, apologizing endless as they made their way out.
"THEy DiDn'T ToUCh AnYThInG!" Mimic yelled in defence as he pointed at the somehow still clean table... different frkm himself and Kurono who seemed devasted.
"We tried to calm him down but at one point I had to use my quirk... also congrats (Y/N)." Kurno said, purely exausted as him and Mimic sitted on the floor with a sigh.
Chisaki's eye twitched at that while you awned and thanked Chrono.
"You two are okay though?" You asked worriedly, going to crounch down if it wasn't for your boyfriend's look and hand preventing you to do it.
"You never saw that man when he listens to the fucking word 'eat' chick..."
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