#don't take this too seriously guys! it's just my two cents opinion hehe
brokendeathangel · 1 year
Have you read Tanjiro's Status chapter? (takes place Post-story)
I want to write a 50 page essay regarding the bonus chapter of KnY because I have a lot of mixed feelings about it (mostly anger and disbelief) and kinda lowkey disappointed how the bonus chapter turns out. I thought the timeskip/next generation ending chapter was super bad but no! The bonus chapter actually surpasses it; which shocked me! I wish it didn't even exist.
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But I'll just do a super short comment regarding the bonus chapter to avoid scaring people away. Lol!
First of all, the bonus chapter did everyone dirty! Especially the main characters! Like seriously? Gotoge-sensei, do you hate your main characters so much?! The main characters don't have any future life plans at all after demon slaying except Zenitsu (which we all know right from his first introduction that he wants to get married and live a normal life). I mean, I can understand that it's hard to think of something up for Inosuke but for Tanjiro to not have any future plans at all after demon slaying? Your main hero? Seriously?! Also, the poor boy mentioned that he can't sell coals anymore in the long run because people are switching to electricity and ... that's it. We were left hanging on what happens to Tanjiro's future after that. Yes, he will later on marry Kanao but even then, we only know this fact because it was mentioned by Gotoge-sensei outside of the official comic! Also don't get me started on Tanjiro and Kanao pairing. It is so out of the left field (It's like Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley pairing all over again but even more random!). Tbh I think Tanjiro should've married Mitsuri or maybe even Shinobu instead of Kanao because they have more chemistry and character interaction (at least in the anime). Gotoge-sensei could've made Tanjiro/Kanao work by showing how they fall in love after their demon slaying days ended, but nope! It's just one page (if I'm not mistaken) of Tanjiro visiting Kanao for medical check up in the Bonus Chapter. How are the readers suppose to pick up on the fact that they're in love and will live happily ever after just based on that one page?! Both Tanjiro and Kanao deserves a better love story.
Moving on to Nezuko. My poor dear Nezuko. Even when she's turned into a human with free will once again... she has no character growth. She's just nice. That's it. Just a nice girl. A nice and hard working girl. She's so nice everyone! And helps her brother and her friends around the house. Wow, amazing! Gotoge-sensei should've written the Bonus Chapter based on Nezuko's perspective instead. Write about how she felt when she was a demon all those long years and the anger/sadness/trauma it caused her. Or if you want to go for a more positive story, write on how she overcame her trauma with the help of her brother and friends. Alas! Nezuko ends up being just The Typical Nice Shounen Girl Character in the end.
Next, Inosuke. First of all, I just want to mention that when I was first introduced to this character in the anime; I immediately thought that he has the best and interesting character design and personality. Sadly, he ends up being the most boring character out of the main three because Gotoge-sensei really doesn't know where to go with Inosuke. He's just a loud wild child and... that's it really. In the Bonus Chapter, he remains relatively unchanged even after all the tragedy he went through. I mean it's not a bad thing to remain the same person but personally, I think Gotoge-sensei could've pushed the character to become more than just a loud wild child. What a waste of good character design. Also, I think Inosuke and Nezuko should've been the end game. Yes! I went there.
Lastly, my beloved Zenitsu. (Warning! I will be super biased here because I love my Zenitsu ok?) You would think that I should be really happy and pleased that the Bonus Chapter story actually revolves more around him. But no, I am actually angry that the Bonus Chapter focuses on him at the expense of destroying his previous character growth. WTF GOTOGE-SENSEI WHY YOU DO THIS?! I'm mad that he reverted back to his old personality after all the hardship, hardwork and trauma he went through. I mean sure, Zenitsu was suppose to be the comedic relief character (aside from Inosuke) but I think he no longer matches that role in the end; especially not after experiencing a life changing tragedy. Plus, wasn't it his goal to be a better person than before? Shouldn't that be Zenitsu's happy ending (besides marrying Nezuko)? Nope! Gotoge-sensei basically whacked Zenitsu back to the starting point in the Bonus Chapter. Come on man! The dude just killed his step brother and lost his grandpa; pretty sure a person would definitely grew leaps and bounds in terms of maturity after that (or breakdown...). But nope, Zenitsu is just a silly crybaby again. Back to square one. I tried to rationalize that perhaps due to all the trauma and tragedy he faced, he reverted back to his old lazy and crybaby personality but then, that would make Tanjiro look bad because in the Bonus Chapter Tanjiro was (in my opinion) very harsh on Zenitsu. He basically confronts Zenitsu; telling him he needs to grow up and start acting like a man if he wants to get married. To stop whining about the leg pains he still feels and to stop writing nonsense stories. Remember, the Bonus Chapter happens a few months after they defeated Muzan. Zenitsu has just experienced the craziest shit ever (i.e. killed his step brother, lost his beloved grandpa, watched his comrades die, watched his best friend Tanjiro died and later turned into a demon and witnessed his future wife Nezuko being hurt by his turned demon best friend). I don't think Zenitsu even had the time to process and heal from all the traumas he went through and here comes stoic Tanjiro; basically just flat out telling him to grow up and stop being useless which is so out of character of him. Yes, Tanjiro can be blunt sometimes but he's not cruel. I dunno, maybe Tanjiro is also not over his horrible traumas and is lashing out on Zenitsu but then again this would also be out of character. So yeah, it's bad writing all around. Yishhhh...
Also, I think Zenitsu should've end up with Kanao. Yes, I went there too! Lol!
Ok, I'm definitely gonna stop here. I could go on and on but... it's almost 2.00 am and I have work tomorrow. Lol! ;w;
Actually, I have another interpretation on why Tanjiro is super harsh towards Zenitsu in the Bonus Chapter but it has a more Tanjiro x Zenitsu flavour to it. More like, a conspiracy theory that actually Gotoge-sensei wanted Tanjiro x Zenitsu to be the end game but can't because of shounen anime reasons. If you guys want to hear my crazy theory just lemme know. Hehehehehehe hahahahaha!
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