#kimetsu no yaiba
quozacheese · 3 days
kny if the Kochos were the main characters
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kyunmei · 2 days
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yuki2sksksk · 3 days
Night doodles
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lyrefromthesea · 1 day
HELLLLLAAAAW THEEERRRE, LISTEN (or read), I've been thinking. THAT I LOVE UR WRITING A LOOOOT, and I've been waiting but before that, idrk if u take req rn so feel free to discard this request! anyway, back to main topic, I've been wondering how the hashira's would react to reader/their s/o, adoring their hands a lot, like i mean— obsessed with their hands, whether its holding hands in public (or privately, if the character does not really like showing affection in public), or maybe yk hold hands in bed HWGAHGAHWHS, maybe, something like soft nsfw, like with fluff! u get me? just the character, comforting their s/o when they get too tense during their sexual intercourse, andddddd more fluff if u want! thank u for taking ur time to read!!
Male Hashira x Reader - Hold my hands
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author's note: my fever has killed me a few times during this post.
pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: nsfw, sexual intercourse (Rengoku, Giyuu), mildly suggestive (Sanemi)
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• who knows exactly what his hands can do to you and despite his teasing nature uses them for your comfort
• enjoys seeing you calm down because of his hands and though he doesn't want you to feel bad he certainly doesn't mind calming you down
he's been looking towards the sky for quite some time now, sitting under the tree with the person he adored most.
you were so strong, so sure of your actions-
and sometimes you felt insecure and the worry seemed to consume you. he understood it, he understood your fear of failure and the future that would follow.
that's why he had no problems consoling you when you needed it most, taking his time to sit with you in silence. words weren't needed in these times, only the comfort of his presence.
he allowed himself to glance down at you, feeling the tender touches of your fingers on his. you were strong, he didn't doubt that, but your body felt so fragile compared to his own.
the difference in the size of your hands proved it to him every single time. he knew you could protect yourself, but if you couldn't, he would be there for you.
"i think i'm feeling better." you said, your eyes finally focusing on his face instead of his hands. you had been touching and playing with his fingers for quite some time now, your hold on them decreasing.
"ya sure? you still look down." he answered, earning a hesitant nod from you. feeling your hand let go of him made him act, bringing his own hand up to the back of your head.
"i don't believe it and lying is not flashy in my eyes. let's stay a bit longer." you were quite surprised when he pressed your head against his chest, looking up at the sky again.
somehow he always knew what you needed, even when you didn't admit it. and with a gentle smile, as well as his hand running through your hair, you sunk into a deep slumber.
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• who is surprised when he found out you were fascinated by his hands.
• someone like you adoring a feature of his? the mere thought made him blush when he was laying awake at night.
• who enjoys holding your hand just as much as you, often turning into a blushing mess.
he knew he wasn't as strong as most other hashira. he was smaller, physically weaker. of course it gave him one or two advantages, like a flexibility the tall males around him could only dream about.
yet he secretly found himself craving their strength - at least a part of it. he wouldn't complain about a bit more arm strength, but that would remain a dream of his.
the moment he found himself content with the lack of strength he possessed clearly came with you. you had been sitting next to each other, simply enjoying the time you could spend together. at least that was what he was doing, your mind had long drifted away.
he tensed up when he felt your fingers brush over his, holding his hand. your thumb brushed over his knuckles comfortingly.
he didn't dare look at you, only turning towards you when he felt you glancing, uncertainty rising inside you with his current expression. his hand reached out to you when he felt you pull away.
"i shouldn't have done that, i'm sorry." you said, trying to escape any rising feeling of shame. you just didn't expect him to hold your hand tighter.
"don't stop." he answered, his tone letting it appear much more like a quiet plead. surprise overtook you, quickly replaced by a comforting shyness.
your fingers interlocked with his once more, this time with switched positions. you felt goosebumps appear on your skin, your cheeks heating up.
"your hands are soft, [name].."
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• whether it's in public or at home, he enjoys holding your hand just as much as you like holding his
• however, one attractive thing he does is taking your hand after overstimulating you
"honey.." he pants, trying not to cum a second time from the way you were squeezing around him, body basically trying to milk him even in your current state.
it had started a few hours ago, when he came home from a long mission. he had missed you during his time in the snowy mountains, deciding that his arrival would be the perfect moment to show you how much he appreciates your body.
having to cum multiple times - first his fingers, then his tongue and now his cock - was just too much for your poor body.
of course Rengoku realized that, seeing you shake and tremble under him, small tears running down your flushed cheeks. you were still caught up in your orgasm, trying to even out your breathing pattern.
"it's okay, we're done. breathe, little flame." he panted, hands letting go of the sheets of your shared bed, sitting upright and looking down at you.
he didn't pull out, simply admiring your panting form laying on the bed. his hands snaked along your arms, holding your hands and pressing them into the matress.
feeling the warmth of his palm press against yours got your attention, a silent moan leaving your lips. "are you okay?" the question made you nod quietly, finally being able to register the world around you again.
"'m so sore.." you mumbled, watching the man above you laugh, squeezing your hands in response.
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• he absolutely loves it
• you clearly developed a liking to your hand and he's fully using that to fluster you
• taking you by surprise is his favorite
you've been standing in the kitchen, making sure all the medical herbs you've received were in their right place. you needed to make sure they're easily accessible when Sanemi came home injured.
in your concentrated state, you didn't notice the tall man approaching you slowly - lurking like a predator.
and then you shriek, feeling a slap land on your ass. out of reflex you leaned forward, your head quickly turning around to find Sanemi right behind you.
"missed me?" he teased, stepping closer until he was right behind you, hands placed on the counter on either side of you. he pressed his body against yours with a smirk, resulting in your face getting a lot warmer than before.
"Sanemi! you always do this!" you scolded him, trying to turn around from the sheer embarrassment you just faced or rather the excitement that pooled in your body.
"what can i say? can't resist you with a fine ass like that." he chuckled, letting go of the counter to to squeeze your behind with his fingers, earning a whine from you.
"and truthfully, i think you can't resist me either." hearing him whisper into your ear, hand traveling up your side, made you stare at the watch.
he was right, you couldn't resist him, nor could he resist you. besides, the herbs could wait for a while.
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• initially he was the one that liked holding your hands, it was the most simple form of physical touch he could come up with
• still a touch-starved man, WILL have his hands on you the whole time when you're making love.
• knows it gets you more exited, wouldn't judge you for it either, since he gets just as exited when he sees you
"Oh~ baby.." he gasped, head resting against the headboard of your bed. he watched you lazily bounce up and down his cock, trying to work yourself into ecstacy.
whenever you were sharing such passionate moments with each other, he could feel his fingers twitch with the need to hold onto your body - onto you.
they first slid up your thighs, holding onto your hips, guiding you to grind back against him. he loved the feeling of your warmth and he loved the reactions his hands could coax out of you.
he didn't miss out on the way your lips opened in a silent cry, begging to feel his hands run over your body, around your neck or anything else that allowed you to feel them.
and of course he'll answer.
"hold.. hold my hands.. i want to feel you.." he moans, letting go of your hips only to intertwine his fingers with yours, feeling your hips stutter.
he certainly knew how to exploit your weakness for his hands - especially since he was just as weak for you.
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• likes using his hands to calm you down
• they're like a security rope connecting the two of you when the situation makes uncertainty rise within you
"my dearest child, are you ready to serve as a hashira?" the soothing voice of master Kagaya usually managed to calm you down, but not today.
you sat in front of him, a private meeting being held between the two of you and a pillar of choice. naturally, you went with the one you trusted most - the stone pillar.
it would've been an honor to serve as a hashira, every demon slayer knew that, but being confronted with the choice of being one, you found yourself unsure.
the pillars were the strongest humans you had ever set your eyes on, you weren't sure if you could stand by their side.
lowering your head in shame, you were ready to decline the master's offer. however, you were stopped by the blind man next to you.
he placed a large hand on your back, the warmth seeping into your skin slowly calming you down, letting you think properly.
you weren't chosen without a reason, if the master wanted you to become a hashira, he trusted in your talent.
swallowing down your uncertainty, you nodded with little to no hesitance. "i'm ready."
next to you, still his hand on your back, Gyomei found himself smiling. if it was his presence you needed to make a decision, he'd gladly do this for you everytime.
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justauthoring · 3 days
nemi nemi needs some loveeeeee
so 🫧 for my gorgeous princess sanemi
🫧 — "i wish i could hate you."
word count: 482
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he is crude, cruel and aggressive.
mean to a fault. always yelling. he looked down on those he thought lower than him, treated only a select few with actual respect and focused on nothing but killing demons.
and yet, you were unconditionally in love with him.
"what exactly is your problem?"
swallowing thickly, you glance at the wind hashira out of the corner of your eye, frowning when you notice that typical maniacal look in his eyes. his eyes are bloodshot and there's a nasty scowl on his lips as he glances down at you.
and you find it hot.
"i don't have a problem."
you figure feigning knowledge was the best thing. sanemi made your mind numb, made you stupid, and you were not stupid. it bothered you endlessly that this brute of a man seemed to have some sort of hold over you, enough that it made you act like a little girl with a school girl crush.
"bullshit," he growls, voice raspy. god, did he have to sound husky like that? "you've been avoiding me for days. i want to know why."
you shrug. "i've been busy."
"no, you haven't."
stunned, you turn to him with parted lips. "excuse me?" you hiss, insulted. "how would you know?"
"i asked around," he explains. "the other hashiras said you haven't been on any missions recently. you've just been training."
damn the others.
"well," you huff, crossing your arms. "i was busy training."
you move to walk off, but before you make it even two steps sanemi is reaching for you. his grip is strong and you try not to swoon at the feeling of his hand on you, stumbling back as he tugs you, albeit rather gently, to face him.
his face is all twisted up, confused. "stop with the passiveness," he growls. "what did i do?"
biting your lip, you try to ignore your racing mind. "nothing."
"i love you!"
well, that didn't take much.
breathless, you turn to sanemi, realizing there's no point denying it further. "i wish i could hate you," you huff, frustrated. "but i don't. i love you. you make me insane and stupid and i hate it but i also love it."
there's a beat of silence. it seems to drag on forever while you stare up at sanemi who gives you absolutely nothing in terms of what he's thinking. he doesn't let you go though, just stares down at you, and then, a moment later, he's snorting.
"you're an idiot."
you burn with humilation; "what?"
shaking his head, sanemi shifts, moving to settle his hands on your hips. you jump at the touch, tensing at the wanted but unfamiliar intimate touch but before you can dwell on it much longer, sanemi's rough but gentle hand is cupping your cheek, guiding your eyes back on him.
"i love you too."
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midnightbears · 2 days
could you pretty please with a cherry on top, write about gyomei? specifically maybe something like him coming home desperate for you, sweaty and gross and obsessed with you and your smell and your skin
✿ battered and wrecked, i come to you, you first—
#STARRING: himejima gyomei. ft. fem!reader
#TAGS: suggestive themes. established relationship
#NOTES: hi anon! thank you for requesting! hope you like it <3
© midnightbears on tumblr, july 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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gyomei trudged back home, his broad shoulders sagging from exhaustion. the mission he’d just returned from had been intense, leaving him covered in sweat and dirt. but his thoughts weren't on the fights he'd emerged victorious from or the demons he'd defeated. instead, all he could think about was you. his sweet, darling wife.
he pushed the shoji door open wearily, feeling a surge of relief when he heard its familiar creak. his heightened senses immediately caught your fragrance, a delicate blend of jasmine and something else, uniquely you. immediately, it cut through the fatigue clouding his mind, intoxicating him.
"i'm home," he announced, his deep voice resonating through the silent house. you appeared almost instantly, a gentle smile gracing your face at the sight of him. you looked stunning, bathed in the soft evening light, and his heart ached with a strong longing to be near you.
in a few swift steps, he crossed the room and pulled you into his embrace despite the sweat and grime clinging to him. he buried his face in your hair, taking a deep breath. your scent filled his lungs, simultaneously calming and revitalizing him. his hold on you tightened, and his fingers pressed into your skin as if to reassure himself of your reality, of your presence with him.
"how i've missed you, my love," he murmured, his voice rough and breathless. you tilted your head back, looking up at him with soft, understanding eyes. you raised a hand, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, your touch sending shivers down his spine.
"i’m here, darling," you whispered back happily. he leaned into your touch, craving more of the warmth and comfort that only you could provide.
wordlessly, he bent down and captured your lips in a fierce, desperate kiss. it was raw and unfiltered, a manifestation of all the longing and obsession that had built up inside him. he tasted salt and sweat, but underneath it all was you, sweet and intoxicating. it drove him wild, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he deepened the kiss.
you barely managed to pull back before his lips were chasing after you, his rough, blunt nails scratching against the fabric of your kimono. "h-honey—" your husband sank his head to your shoulder, his lips finding your neck, "a-ah! a-aren’t you hungry? i could—mmh—make us dinner…"
"no." gyomei’s grip tightened, his breath hot against your skin. his voice was thick with need, surprising you with its intensity. you could feel the tremble in his hands, his desperation palpable. he pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "i need you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "i need to feel you, please, my darling."
"gyomei—" without another word, your husband picked you up, practically stumbling toward your shared room. he shed his clothes quickly, the need to feel your skin against his overwhelming all other thoughts.
your hands roamed over his body as he knelt before you, tracing the contours of his muscles, soothing the tension that had built up over the long, arduous days. you would be lying if you said his natural musk wasn't doing things to you.
he shuddered under your touch, every caress sending sparks of pleasure through him. gyomei's hands moved slowly, reverently, over your body, as if he were committing every inch of you to memory. his calloused fingers traced the lines of your arms, the softness of your waist, the swell of your hips. you were beautiful in every sense of the word, in every letter, vowel, and consonant.
he buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply, obssesively. your scent was all around him, wrapping him in a blanket or a noose, he could not tell. he pressed soft kisses along your neck and shoulder, barely leaving space between them. ah, you loved it when you got your husband to act like this.
"you smell so good," he murmured against your skin, his voice husky with need. "i could stay like this forever."
his lips traveled lower, brushing over your collarbone, down to the swell of your chest. he nuzzled against you, inhaling deeply, his breath hot and uneven. his hands continued their exploration, sliding down your back, pulling you closer. he needed to feel you, every part of you, you, you.
"you’re so beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with awe. his fingers danced over your skin, tracing patterns that only he could see. he pressed his forehead against yours, his eyes closed, savoring the sensation of your bodies entwined.
"gyo, oh—" you responded with soft sighs and gentle touches, your fingers threading through his hair, caressing his broad shoulders, tracing the perfectly-sculpted muscles of his back. each caress of your fingertips sent shivers down his spine, igniting a fire within him that only you could stoke.
he kissed you again, slowly this time, taking his time to savor the taste of you. his tongue teased yours, coaxing soft moans from your lips which he greedily swallowed.
he didn’t need anything else right now, just you in his arms.  because you were the world to him. his entire universe.
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peachdues · 3 days
love when mom and dad fight 🤍
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You can’t hold it back any longer; with your hand clamped tightly to your mouth you turn, barely making it to the bushes before retching.
“If you’re too weak to stomach the idea of training, Y/L/N —“ Uzui drawls, folding his great arms across his chest. You spit once more at the dirt, though your stomach roils again.
You’d hoped he’d say his piece and return back to the other slayers, but his attention on you lingers, his mouth thinning with something like concern.
You know better.
For all the times Uzui has likened you to an asp, you know your real venom lies in your thoughts.
I’m pregnant, you preening, sanctimonious asshole. And it’s your fault.
Uzui stomps over to where you gasp over the brush, stomach twisting wildly. He clicks his tongue. “Let’s go.”
“I can’t —“ you heave, arms shaking where your hands are braced at your knees. “This is more than I was prepared for —“
Uzui’s retort is swift and snappy. “I seem to recall you taking far more than this.”
The entendre is unmistakeable and it makes you hate him all the more. With all the fetid contempt you possess, you lift your head to glare at him.
His answering sneer makes your stomach convulse. There’s a smugness in his eyes, a glimmer of self-satisfaction because he believes he’s won whatever cocked-up battle he’s convinced himself is being fought between you.
Mustering as much spite as you can spare, you drop his gaze.
And then you vomit all over his feet.
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and he wonders why she kept it a secret from him later
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rens-writes · 3 days
Flash 'em At Me
divider by saradika-graphics
where you ask the Demon Slayer men to show you their boobs
Slightly VERY slightly suggestive
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Uzui Tengen, Giyuu Tomioka
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Kyojuro Rengoku, Sanemi Shinaguzawa
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My man got the lashes
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xxspringmelodyxx · 22 hours
"𝒲𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝑒𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝓊𝓉?"
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┗━━⊱ 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔 '𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕' 𝒕𝒐 '𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕' ⊰━━┛
⊱ 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒔: 𝑮𝒊𝒚𝒖 𝑻𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒐𝒌𝒂, 𝑶𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒊 𝑰𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐, 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂, 𝑮𝒚𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒊 𝑯𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒂, 𝑲𝒚𝒐𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝑹𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒐𝒌𝒖, 𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒏 𝑼𝒛𝒖𝒊 ⊰
✩⁺₊✩☽⋆Warnings: Swearing, suggestiveness, 18+, MDNI⋆☾✩⁺₊✩
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quozacheese · 22 hours
[roleswap au]
i love the Kochos sm
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mikuyuuss · 24 hours
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Been so neck deep in artfight that I couldn't post much, but the Kny mascots gave me so much life that I was able to crawl out of my hiatus dungeon to draw this :D
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0asisbliss · 2 days
Can I request some Gyomei x wife reader fluff please? What would married life look like with our beloved gentle giant?
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A/N: Thank you for requesting I NEEDED this.🤍
Parings: Gyomei x Wife!Reader
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•Don’t get me started hunnyyyy
•This man is the sweetest he can be. If you’re a food person he’ll make sure you’re always full. Never wants his little wife to go hungry
•Physical affection on TOP!!
•He’s such a cuddly man in private. Wrapping his arms around you at every possible opportunity.
•Wants children BAD. I mean a soon as you two shack up. He wants to have a big family. He needs to feel your round belly at least more than twice in his life.
•Talks about you to the other Hashira’s especially Rengoku.
•His favorite type of physical affection is forehead kisses. It’s just the feeling of your soft plump lips on his head that makes his heart swoon
•He loves oh so much when you wear a favorite fabric of his. The soft feeling of it, and you just being aware that he likes it makes him fall for you even harder.
•Food. This man needs food. If you’re a good cook he’ll always compliment your cooking, and remind you every time he sees a dish similar to yours. Because nothing can out do, or even compare to his amazing wife’s cooking.
•Remember when I said he wanted kids? He wants a daughter. A cute little girl that he can hear running around his mansion. A sweet little daddy’s girl. Just like her mommy, and maybe a son. He can train to be one day as strong as him.
•Hates when he has to leave for a really LONGGG time. It pains his big heart. :(
•Before you two got married he probably would’ve never thought about being this in love with you. Yeah he loved you, but now he’s the type of I’d do anything to make you happy even if that means hurting or killing myself in the process inlove.
•Please hug this man from behind. He loves it.
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sanemin · 3 days
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soberstardom · 2 days
𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐈 ; how you met each uppermoon ‎♡‧₊˚
characters ; k. muzan - t. kokushibo - h. douma - s. akaza ♡ - h. sekido - h. karaku - h. urogi - h. aizetsu ♡ - s. gyutaro - s. daki - o. nakime !
genre ; fluff - lighthearted !
warnings ; none !
requested ; X [x]
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 ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
╰┈➤ kibutsuji muzan | demon king
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i imagine ; you guys met when he was trying to get information on the blue spider lily !
so, you were at the little flower shop your family owned and you were just grinding to get your coins when kibutsuji saw you.
his logic was - "if this woman \ man has all these flowers , she must have information on the blue spider lily."
him having no shame, he strutted up to your shop and asked for the flower that he needs to conquer the sun.
you were slightly intimidated by his aura but told him everything you knew which was that it only grew in direct sunlight 2-3 days a year.
that's not what he wanted to hear.
he marched away, annoyed, but intrigued.
maybe he could befriend you to get more information...
╰┈➤ tsugikuni kokushibo | uppermoon one
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i imagine ; you guys met due to you being kibutsuji's child !
you were the demon kings daughter \ son and you were half demon !
but , your father obsesses over you ! why ? because your immune to sunlight due to your human genes ! but he cant eat you because he loves you ! so , he keeps you away from all the other kizuki except tsugikuni !
you were also the complete opposite of your father ! you were bubbly , outgoing , more lenient , and you only used your power when absolutely necessary !
you were very fond of tsugikuni ! and , surprisingly , it was a pretty similar situation for him !
he enjoyed your company , even with his reserved attitude.
╰┈➤ hashibira douma | uppermoon two
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i imagine ; you guys met due to you being an addition to his cult !
you were a new little follower ! but , in douma's eyes , you were different !
you were very independent ! he liked that !
typically , his followers would run to him , crying and begging for his guidance. but you weren't like that !
you never talk about your past ! or issues !
he's determined to find out more about this dear follower !
╰┈➤ soyama akaza ‎♡ | uppermoon three [my babyyyy!!]
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i imagine ; you guys met during the mungen train arc !
no , you're not a demon slayer , or a hashira. you know what you are ? a CITIZEN.
yeah ! TAKE THAT !
okay , anyways , yes. you were just a normal human , getting ready to rest in your cottage in the woods.
that was until you saw akaza
he was scrambling for shelter since the sun was rising and he needed shelter ! so you beckoned him inside !
with no better choice, he ran inside ! you shut all the doors , closed the blinds , and dragged him upstairs for extra protection !
he was confused for two reasons. one ; why was this weakling not scared ? two ; why did this weakling even help him ?
i mean , you literally asked if he was okay and if he needed blood ? like , hello ?
anyways , once the night came he had to dip.
he thanked you though. [dw , he'll be back !]
╰┈➤ hantengu sekido | uppermoon four
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i imagine ; you guys met during the swordsmith village arc !
so he was fighting with the clones and stuff.
he was literally just looking at you. his expression somewhat.. blank ? the other clones were ranting behind him.
why did he do that ?
╰┈➤ hantengu karaku | uppermoon four
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i imagine ; you guys met during the swordsmith village arc !
like i mentioned in sekido's, you were a slayer you was the embodiment of "fight to the death." it was pretty admirable, not gonna lie.
but when sekido was going to kill you, he started complaining.
"aw, come on sekido ! let her live ! she fought so hard ! there's no point in killing her now !"
urogi and aizetsu agreed with him.
with a groan , sekido knocked you out with the edge of his staff.[okay , but like , what is sekido's weapon actually called ?]
╰┈➤ hantangu urogi | uppermoon four
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i imagine ; you guys met during the swordsmith village arc !
yet again , you guessed it. you were a demon slayer who fought to the death.
it was admirable , but amusing. [everything is amusing to him lol]
he didn't want sekido to kill you though.
so both him and karaku kinda teamed up to protest against your head getting smashed in.
sekido lowkey wanted to snap at them for even suggesting an idea such as THAT. and he was about to , but then he thought about it..
long thought process , he just knocked you out instead of smashing your brain in :)
╰┈➤ hantengu aizetsu ♡ | uppermoon four [my baby pt. 2 !]
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[he looks so bbg in that pic.]
i imagine ; you guys met in the swordsmith village arc !
do i need to repeat it ? *sighs* you were a demon slayer who fought to the death without a care in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
my bby pitied you before sekido was going to "kill" you . he didn't intervene , but he was hoping that sekido would reconsider.
he was also somewhat happy when pleasure and joy intervened so he didn't have to.
 he was also happy that they got to take you :) [you better treat him nicely or else im in your closet.]
╰┈➤ shabana gyutaro | uppermoon six
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i imagine ; you guys met at the orian house [through daki lol] !
you were an adorable little newbie , but one thing was for sure. you were STUNNING.
like , WOW.
you brought in a ton of customers with just your looks ! [periodt]
you were also besties with the certified diva aka his sister aka daki.
this man was the DEFINITION of "love at first sight."
but , the main thing was that when you saw him , you weren't disgusted by him ?!
like , when you saw him , you were running for the hills , crying , or even scowling !
you just smiled and introduced yourself. bowing.
this is new.
╰┈➤ shabana daki | uppermoon six
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i imagine ; you guys met at the orian house !
again , you were a newbie and you were FABULOUS !
if im being for real , she was jealous of you at first. but only because she thought you were prettier than her !
but , eventually she saw your lovely personality combined with your looks !
she knew you were special !
that thought only intensified she saw that you weren't disgusted by her brother !
they both love you now ! [but more so daki :)]
╰┈➤ otokawa nakime | uppermoon nine
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i imagine ; you guys met when you became an uppermoon !
 you became uppermoon six after daki + gyutaro died.
she was very interested in you. even from the very beginning.
though, she was confused as to why you got put as uppermoon six when you seemed MUCH more powerful.
hm. how odd.
but in the end, she took a liking to you :)
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a/n ! ; hai !! okay , i hope that wasn't too bad ! if you enjoyed it , please consider liking ! you can follow if you're feeling extra generous ! thank you :)
© soberstardom 2024 | please don't reblog or repost my work !
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icybomblvr · 3 days
Does he use fake lashes or how are his eyelashes THAT long?? 😭
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