#don't talk to me don't even look at me this fuckin comic was a shitshow
intervalart · 7 months
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7-wonders · 2 years
Hi, sweetie, how are you?
I read your Adrian fic and saw that you mentioned that requests were open, so I was thinking something like Adrian being too loud in public or embarrassing the reader in some way (because I think that's something he would do) and I found the prompt:
"Why am I your friend?" "Because you love me" lol.
Only if you want to write it, and if you can add me to your taglist for all Adrian's fics I would be very grateful <3
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Often, walking into mission HQ is something that you have to mentally and physically prepare yourself for, though not for the reasons that people would think. It's not dangerous inside of the old comic store, and you actually get along with your coworkers. Instead, you have to prepare yourself for walking into what is almost guaranteed to be a shitshow led by Peacemaker, Vigilante, and with special appearances by Economos.
Today is no different. The moment you walk through the door, your ears are assaulted with Chris and Adrian having a very loud, very passionate discussion. You're not sure what the subject is, but based on how Harcourt is banging her head on her desk and Murn is staring at the two with dead eyes, you can assume it's something stupid.
Setting your bag down on your desk, you scoot your chair next to Adebayo. "How long have they been at it this time?" you ask
She doesn't even bother to look up from her game of Candy Crush. "Ten minutes."
"Okay, so not the longest they've gone."
Finally, Adrian seems to notice that somebody else arrived in the midst of all of this. You cringe, knowing that he's about to drag you into this argument since you're usually the only one that ever backs him up. "I bet Y/n will agree with me!"
"Yeah fuckin' right!" Chris rolls his eyes, apparently thinking he's already won.
"What am I agreeing with you about?"
Adrian grins and says, "If I was taken over by a butterfly, do you think you would be able to tell just by fucking me?"
You blink, jaw opening and closing as you try to say something, anything, in response. Peacemaker continues on like you aren't currently shell-shocked. "If Harcourt fucked me I totally think she'd be able to tell if there was a butterfly behind the wheel."
"Don't bring me into this!" she yells from across the room.
"So?" Adrian asks you earnestly. "You'd be able to tell, right?"
"I—why am I friends with you, again?"
"Besides my amazing sense of humor and great ass? Because you love me."
"If you want to keep it that way, I'd suggest not talking about having sex with me in front of everyone." It's way too early for this. You haven't even finished your coffee yet!
"Okay," Adrian pushes himself over towards you, "but I think us having sex would be a good idea, that way you have a frame of reference if you're ever worried that a butterfly got me!"
Your cheeks heat up, and Harcourt and Adebayo laugh at the way the way your hand twitches to keep yourself from striking Adrian. "Murn?" you ask. "Can I put him in timeout?"
"You are all grown-ass adults," Murn says simply.
"So that's a yes?"
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