#don't tell him to leash his dragon cullen pbbbbt!
emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
A Treat :3
So, started writing my Modern Solavellan AU, and I haven’t decided on a title yet, but it’s labeled ‘Project Yune’! I have snippet and I want to share it because YES. X3
Heya, Professor Grump, u should hit up the tat parlor today! I won’t shite up ur arm! Unlike you, I’m an expert at my job! jk jk But seriously, let me ink ya! :P - Sera - Read at 4:30 AM on November 6th, 2021
Wanna swing by the bar after your shift, Temp? I know you got the money, but let me put you on my tab. And bring Yune if you decide to come. Hawke won’t shut up about him. Let me know what you plan, I’ll reserve the VIP suit for ya! - Varric - Read at 4:32 AM on November 6th, 2021
You owe me three bottles of wine after that goose chase, Lavellan! The most I could find was a nearly obliterated copy of ‘Dragons for Dummies’! And let me say, the writing was atrocious! Three bottles. By midnight tonight. If not, I’ll come to that ritzy apartment of yours and raid your shelves. This is a threat. <3 - Dorian - Read at 4:40 AM on November 6th, 2021
Yo, Drag. Drop by the gym if you can. Krem’s itching to box with you again. Lol You’re the only one, besides me, that doesn’t go easy on him. And I could go for a few rounds. :P - Bull - 4:42 AM on November 6th, 2021
I was able to get the files uploaded from the University of Orlais’ database. I’ll encrypt and forward them to you. Transfer to a flash drive this time. Just fyi. - Leliana - Read at 4:45 AM on November 6th, 2021
An automated message from the FPD - Mr. Fane Lavellan, it has been brought to our attention that you have been seen and reported of walking your dragon without a leash. For the safety of the public and in abiding by the law, we ask that you use one. If not, you will be sent a citation of $400 with the possibility of jail time. Thank you for your cooperation. - Sent to Trash at 4:47 AM on November 6th, 2021
Brother, Cullen told me you were walking Yune again without a leash. I know how you feel about that stuff, but at least look as if you’re using one. Think about Mother, kay? The last thing she needs is you getting vaulted into jail. Btw u coming with me on Friday to visit her? Let me know! :) - My - Read at 4:50 AM on November 6th, 2021
Fane let out a heavy sigh as he read each message on his phone, leaving each one left on read as he did so. Well, not the one from the police department. That one belonged in the trash, and it would always belong in the trash. Rutherford could kiss his ass and send him the citation. All he would do is pay it, be done with it, and begin the dance again.
“Dragons don’t belong on leashes, and I’m not going to pretend to put him on one. Suck my ass, Rutherford.”, Fane grumbled into the open area as he chucked his phone into the covers next him, the glare giving him a headache. Why was he even up right now? He still had two hours before he had to get ready. “Fuck, it’s too early for me to be up. Damn these nightmares..” He lifted a hand from under the covers, a light huff from the tiny creature of white and silver next to him making him snort tiredly before he began to rub the sleep from his eyes, the lids feeling as if sand was behind them and a pulley was yanking them downwards. Yeah, way too early, but nightmares that practically screamed at him were hard to shake off. His father could suck his ass, too.
Another heavy sigh left Fane’s lips as his rubbing yielded no relief and bitter memories threatened to follow from his dreams. This was starting off to be a fantastic morning so far. A myriad of messages that he would have to respond to, most were simple though, it was just a hassle, especially when his day started off shitty, awake at the ass crack of dawn, no sunlight filtering in from the blinds just behind where his bed was situated yet, and disgusting memories of physical abuse that had scarred his body and mind alike from a man he had regarded as a father when he didn’t even know who his real one was, but only saw and thought of as a monster now. At least he hadn’t had to tear from bed to vomit. What a plus, right? He hated mornings with a passion.
Fane threw his hand down onto the bed with a growl as the calling of further sleep was nowhere to be found, but froze up a bit when he could see a pair of glittering golden emerald eyes, the two tone hue like that of a precious jewel, glaring at him with sleepy agitation from his peripheral. He smirked a bit at the exasperated huff that expelled from a tiny snout, the air surprisingly cool despite coming from a living being. Then again, his little judge used to be indigenous to frigid mountains and tundras. He could probably freeze Fane right where he lay, and it would appear that that might be just the thought as round eyes drooped into a mild glare, the undulating gold in them seeming to brighten despite the dimness of the bedroom.
“Cool your jets, Yune.”, Fane quipped at the little dragon, letting out an amused huff of air when the twinkling glare didn’t abate. “Don’t glare at me like that. You think I want to be up at..”, he reached over for his phone again, gripping the sleek black and silver cover and scooping it up, tapping the button on the side to awaken it. He blinked a bit with a grimace as blue light blinded him for a second before he saw the time displayed before him. “..5:15 in the morning? Egh..” 
Yeah, it was way, way too early. For both of them.
It has a begun! And it is MARVELOUS!
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