#don't worry Meta Knight softens up over the course of the fic
“Party Corner” Preview
Because I can’t stop myself
Summary: There’s a party at Dedede Castle and Magolor is surprised to get an invite. When he arrives however, his nerves get the better of him when he finds himself surrounded by people he doesn’t know. He retreats to a isolated corner where he plans to hide, but it turns out this corner is already occupied. By Meta Knight. 
Magolor slowly backed into his new little safe space. He focused on his breathing. It was alright. This was just another new thing he would have to get used to. Add it to the pile. Still, he didn’t think he would be so overwhelmed by something as simple as a party. Being surrounded by unfamiliar faces certainly didn’t help. 
He put on the Master Crown and fought the universe’s greatest hero without hesitation but found himself cowering at a party. Wow, he really was pathetic
. He kept backing up into the corner, muttering to himself. 
“Okay okay, it’s all okay. All I have to do is wait in this corner until the party is over. Or until it’s appropriate to leave. Easy? Easy. Just me and my corner.”
The mage thought his back finally hit the wall, but he knew something was off when it was cold. And metal. And round. 
“I’m afraid this corner is occupied.” 
Magolor resisted the urge to scream. But he still borderline jumped out of his skin. He recognized that voice, and turning around let his eyes confirm his suspicions. 
“Meta Knight?!”
The masked knight was idly standing in the corner, his cape wrapped around him. He nodded at the mage, speaking flatly, “Magolor.” 
Magolor was quickly becoming flustered under Meta Knight’s harsh stare, “Wh-What are you doing here?!” 
“I was invited.” His voice remained neutral, though there was a slight air of tension around him. He narrowed his eyes a bit. “Did you not expect King Dedede to invite me?”
“No no no, it’s not that, it’s just, um…” Magolor’s back wasn’t facing the corner but he still felt backed into one. He didn’t mean for his question to sound so rude. He rubbed one of his ears as he tried to save himself in this conversation. “You don’t seem like a party type of person. That’s all.” 
A moment of silence passed by. The tension in the air was so thick that the mage was tempted to try and cut it with a knife. Meta continued to stare at him and it made him beyond nervous. 
Magolor’s relationship with Meta Knight was…complicated. Out of everyone he betrayed, Meta was the one who rejected his return the most. And while the knight claimed to have forgiven him, Magolor couldn’t help but doubt that he was offered true forgiveness. Why else would he be the target of these nerve-wracking glares?
Meta Knight had been the most suspicious of him during the Master Crown scheme. Maybe he shouldn’t be surprised about the knight giving him the cold shoulder. 
Though, despite the tense silence between them, Meta Knight’s glare did soften up a bit as he finally spoke up. 
“Hm. A fair observation, I suppose. It’s true that I am not an outgoing person. But I theorize that we came to this event for the same reason.”
Magolor tilted his head, “Same reason?” 
“We came because Kirby wanted us to.”
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