#done my laundry yesterday so I don't have to sit around in dirty clothes today
lastoneout · 2 years
I love when the city is doing work on the water pipes in my neighborhood and they decide to give us Absolutely No Warning Whatsoever before just turning the water off so I didn't have time to do anything that I need water for like I can't even fucking make myself breakfast it's great I love this
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dollsonmain · 11 months
May need to get rid of all of the house plants.
Came out of the bedroom this morning and WHAM! MOLD!
Ew. And ow. Hurts my nose and eyes.
Laundry room stinks today, too, and that was after my laundry so it's not just That Guy, it's just more often after That Guy. I'll go run a cleaning tablet here in a bit.
I do wonder if it would be better to run the drain down into the floor so the hose drains out completely instead of spilling old, dirty water back into the machine.
People were burning wood yesterday and that hurt my face and was stinky.
It is stinky times.
Made the mistake of trying to talk to That Guy about why he can't get his friends to come over more often after he was having buyer's remorse from buying that table top game on eBay. Not just buying the game but buying from eBay which he's never done before.
He had me buy it for him because he refuses to sign up for basically anything and will pay me back.
He keeps guests in the dining room playing table top games the whole time except when they're eating. They don't get a chance to go sit on the couch for a bit or anything like that. The chairs in the dining room are painful to sit on, as are the chairs in the kitchen which is where we eat. He doesn't provide drinks/snacks, etc. just a single, large meal that he expects to be spread out through the evening.
He says it's ONLY because we live about an hour away, and I tried to say that if we made our home more welcoming and more worth the trip then the distance would matter less but he kept saying that wasn't what I was saying because I didn't say it in exactly the words he wanted it said in.
I hate The Script.
I stopped talking to him again.
He was saying this morning that his dreams aren't fun anymore after ruining his hearing on the 4th of July by being outside for hours one house away from where the neighbors were setting off mortars (this is not an exaggeration, they buy the big fireworks that are meant for shows and to be set off far, far across a field from spectators and set them off one house away in the street) without hearing protection.
That's kind of interesting. I wonder if the signals he's getting from his damaged ears are affecting the content of his dreams or if it's that he did something foolish thinking that he would be unaffected because he's Special and experienced a consequence.
I had a weird dream last night myself.
Scott suddenly showed up and then came onto me and I was surprised but not at all opposed to the idea. We were in the kitchen and I was wearing matching bra and panties set which is not something I have ever done in my life, and then That Guy walked in wearing those heavy duty orangey work coveralls and a beanie which he has never done manual labor in his life so we were all wearing weird shit.
Scott was like "Hold on I'm going to go out to the car and get my clothes" intending to come back and talk to That Guy explaining that That Guy shouldn't be mad at me for it.
That Guy rounded up a couple of our old army friends whom we haven't seen in over 20 years to beat Scott up but when Scott stood up he towered over all of them.
That Guy says he's 5'11" but he's eye to eye with my mom and she's 5'7". Scott IS 6'4. I can confirm.
Then I was in a public bathroom that was in my house trying to text Scott to not come back in and try to talk to That Guy because they were going to try to fight him but I couldn't spell the words right in the text. I didn't want Scott knocking those other guys around too hard.
Then I was trying to talk That Guy into not starting a fight, saying shouldn't he be mad at ME instead since out of the two of us (Scott and me) I was the one in a relationship and getting handsy with someone else.
That Guy was like "No, it's not your fault. He said he just showed up unexpected and surprised you so...."
It was one of those dreams that I woke up from like "What???????" with a general sense of exasperation.
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and-original-post · 5 years
Dallas Imagine part 4 (I Promise)
I Promise by Radiohead
Part three:
Dally's pov
I decided to hold off giving Yn her gift until we can let everything settle down some. So for now I have kept the small velvet box hidden in my underwear drawer. I know that sounds pretty weird but it's the only place I could think that Yn wouldn't find it because even when she does do my laundry with hers she won't touch my underwear. You would think at after 3 years together and everything that we've done together she'd wouldn't care but nope she refuses to touch it.
But it's been two weeks now and I'm ready to do it. It's a Tuesday so we're all having dinner at the Curtis house, like we do every Tuesday. We are also telling the gang about the baby since Yn will be 10 weeks tomorrow. Only Ponyboy, Soda and Darry know about it right now. I had already told the gang what I was doing today so they thought that was the only thing happening tonight.
I was already ready to go and Yn was just about ready. I walked out of the bathroom where I was checking how I looked, Yn wanted me to look "half way descent" for tonight, and I heard her sigh frustratedly from our room. I walked in to see her dig through her drawer without a shirt on, it was laying on our bed now.
"Hey, what happened? Weren't you wearing that black button up shirt when I left the room?" I asked.
"Well I was going to until the button popped off because it was too tight. Do you know where one of my solid black shirts are, and not the v neck one either?" She said with her back still towards me as she continued to look through the drawer.
"First of all how was it too tight, you haven't gained anything and you're not even showing at all. Second, why not a v neck? Third you wore one yesterday so it's dirty I think." I replied sitting down on the bed.
"Oh it's not too tight across my stomach, it's too tight on my boobs. They've gotten bigger, I'm surprised you haven't noticed. Would it be bad if I wore it again today, I mean we didn't really do much yesterday." She said turning to face me now as she headed over to a pile of our dirty clothes. If I'm being honest I noticed her boobs about 5 days ago but I wasn't going to say anything.
"No, it should be fine, if it smells a little just spray some of my cologne on it then it'll be fine. And for the record I did notice that your boobs are bigger I was just trying to be gentleman and not say anything about it. Here." I spoke as I stood up and grabbed my bottle of cologne and she put on the shirt. She sprayed a little on it then handed it back saying, "Dallas Winston, a gentleman? Ha. Good one!"
We started to walk out of the room and towards the stairs. "Screw you." I said teasingly at her comment.
"I did and look where it got me." She turned back to glance at me as I stepped off the last step.
"Ha ha." I rolled my eyes before following her out the door. I walked over to my pick up and opened the door for her. Then I walked over to my side and almost got in.
"Man, I forgot my keys. I'll be right back doll." I said before turn to run back inside.
"Just hurry, we're running behind!" She yelled back at me from the car.
I threw a thumbs up as I ran in. I took the steps two at a time then went straight to our room. I grabbed the keys that I had forgotten on purpose and then opened my underwear drawer where the velvet box sat untouched. I grabbed it, put it in my jacket pocket, and went back down to the car.
We drove to the Curtis house and got out then walked straight in without even knocking. Everyone was already there and watched as we both walked in 15 minutes late. Yn went around saying hello to everyone and giving a hug to both the Curtis boys that were there, Darry was in the kitchen still.
"So, how was it?" Twobit asked.
"How was what?" Yn asked.
"That quicky. That's why the two of you are usually late so I just assumed." He said laughing through the whole thing.
"Haha, we weren't having sex. I just could find anything to wear." Yn said.
"So you went with the shortest shorts you owned." Twobit shot back look at Yn butt. The two of them had the weirdest friendship in the group. Most of their conversation were just sexual teasing.
That's what you're wearing ;)
"Two, I will pull a blade on ya." I stepped in only half way joking.
"Ain't no one pulling a blade on anyone tonight." Darry said walking into the room.
"Hi Darry." Yn said standing up to hug him.
"Hi Yn, how are you?" He asked with a knowing smile.
"Doin great." She smiled back.
"Good," He turned to the rest of us, "alright so food is ready. It's just simple hotdogs and hamburgers with fries, per Yn request. But before we eat, I do believe something needs to be said." He looked at me and Yn.
"Yup." Yn said walking over to me, "Go for it Dally." She said.
"Why don't you say it." I said as she smiled. Everyone in the room, except the Curtis brothers, thought they knew what was happening. They thought I was about to give Yn the promise ring, but when I told her to do it they got very confused.
"Okay, I know we're still young but I couldn't be happier to say that... I'm pregnant!" It was silent for a minute before Twobit spoke up.
"Wait really?" He asked incredulously.
"Yeah, man." I said.
"Congrats guys." Johnny said standing up to hug Yn.
The rest of the gang gave some sort of congratulations to us then we all slowly made our way to the kitchen to eat. Johnny hung back some and grabbed my arm.
"I thought you were givin her that ring?" He asked confused.
"I am just later on don't worry." I assured him.
Yn walked back into the room.
"Come boys, you both need to eat, I can't be the only one getting fat."
I chuckled a little and Johnny full on laughed as we both walked to the kitchen. Diner was spent talking about what me and Yn plan to do in the future, like if we would buy a house, get jobs, move from Tulsa. Soda and Steve even offered to help me get a job at the DX. There were also numerous inappropriate jokes and comments said which had Yn blushing and trying to hide her face in my arm as I tried not to laugh. When we were all finished we made our way into the living room.  Since no one actually had work tomorrow morning, we decided to watch a movie.
I won't run away no more, I promise
Even when I get bored, I promise
Even when you lock me out, I promise
I say my prayers every night, I promise
I don't wish that I'm spread, I promise
The tantrums and the chilling chats, I promise
Even when the ship is wrecked, I promise
Tie me to the rotten deck, I promise
"Ok before we watched the movie I need to do something." I said. All the guys had smirks on their faces. I grabbed Yn hand I lead her out side and a little away from the house. I stoped walking then she stood in front of me and I turned to face her.
"When we first got together three years ago in New York, I promised you that I would stop running away and that I would always be there for you. Even when your aunt died I refused to let you go through it alone and lock me out. We've stuck together through everything, the good, the bad, and the dirty, ugly sides of each other. Even when we come to brink of our life together our love for one another pulls us right back in. I don't want to be with anyone else besides you ever in my lifetime. I know that if we ever end, I'll end too. I can't live without you in my life." I paused and took the small box that felt like it had been burning a hole in my pocket the whole time we were here.
I won't run away no more, I promise
Even when I get bored, I promise
Even when the ship is wrecked, I promise
Tie me to the rotten deck, I promise
I won't run away no more, I promise
"Today, I want to renew all these promises we've made to each other and add one more promise to the list..." I opened the box to revile the ring to her, "take this ring and promise me that you won't leave me. Promise that one day when we're older, I'll get to this all over agin twice. Once when I propose to you and then again at our wedding. And promise to never stop loving me, because I'll never stop loving you." 
She had tears in her eyes and I almost did. She began to nod quickly.
"Yes, Dally. Of course, I love you so damn much." She stood on her toes as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into the side of my neck. When she pulled back she held up her left hand and let me slide the ring on it.
"It's simple I know, but it's all I could afford at the time when I bought it." I said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Oh Dallas, I love it. And you didn't steal this, how did you have the money for it?" She asked looking between me and the ring.
"No I didn't steal it," I laughed a bit, "But I did hustle a few guys at pool for the money."
She smiled and shook her head, "Thank you Dal, I love it." She hugged me once again and I kissed the top of her head.
"Let's head back in and watch that movie now, huh?" I said and she nodded before taking my hand and leading the way to the house.
When we walked in all the guys started hootin and hollerin, making Yn jump back in surprise.
"Did they all know?" She asked turning to me.
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