#donny x lissa
starclast · 2 months
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lightningbug-lane · 7 years
What are your favorite Awakening amd Fates ships? And who do you think would father each Awakening kid if they were based on the fathers like Fates?
A lot of my favorite ships are not popular, so don’t expect too much from me.(●´ω`●)
Fates: Felicia x Arthur, Azura x Laslow, Kaze x Sakura, Silas x Charlotte, Jakob x Nyx (or Jakob x Setsuna but less so), Mozu x Leo, Camilla x Benny, Peri x Kaden, Beruka x Niles, Selena x Keaton, Effie x Azama, Nyx x Hayato (just cause Nyx seems like the most likely to produce a Rhajat-), Odin x Orochi, Hinoka x Subaki, Takumi x Rinkah, Hana x Saizo, Kagero x Hinata, Oboro x Ryoma (if not marrying Corn to Ryoma), Ignatius x Caeldori, F!Corrin x Xander, F!Corrin x Ryoma, M!Corrin x Scarlet, F!Corrin x Flora, Gunter x Reina.
Awakening: F!Robin x Chrom, F!Robin x Priam, M!Robin x Emmeryn, M!Robin x Tiki, Lissa x Frederick, Sumia x Henry, Gaius x Olivia, Donny x Cordelia, Sully x Kellam, Virion x Tharja, Stahl x Maribelle, Vaike x Panne, Miriel x Gregor, Lon’qu x Cherche, Nowi x Libra, Lucina x Laurent, Basilio x Flavia.
Now, on to kids!!
Inigo = Virion, Owain = Vaike, Kjelle = Lon’qu (stronk dad and stronk daughter who terrifies dad), Noire = Libra, Gerome = Frederick (stern looking guys who are secretly super soft?? yes plz), Brady = Ricken, Cynthia = Henry, Yarne = Kellam, Nah = Stahl, Severa = Gaius, Laurent = Gregor.
I tried not to overdo my own preferences for these parent/child combos but I might have failed. ;v;
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starclast · 2 months
School time 📖✍
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starclast · 2 months
hey princess! 🖐😅
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starclast · 2 months
hey there! So...as you can guess, I've been playing Fire Emblem Awakening in these last few months. It may seem unbelievable but I never had the opportunity to play this game until now. My very first Fire Emblem was Sacred Stones, and it was not only my first experience with the franchise, but also my very first experience playing a tactical rpg. I didn't know anything about how to play so everything that happened within the first minutes of gameplay was a completely new experience for me. I still remember when I got my first support *conversation* between Eirika and Seth...my mind was simply BLOWN away by the fact that characters could interact and build stronger bonds in the middle of the battlefield 😮 Since then, I've been tryin to play any Fire Emblem I can get my hands on...and finally, thanks to my friends friend (Mr. Mystery ☝), I got the opportunity to try this one out.
I've always been curious about Awakening because a friend of another friend of mine had a 3ds with it. he showed me a little bit about it one day we visited him but because we had better things to do and a time limit for it, I couldn't catch a proper look to it. Still, I really wanted to try it out, so once I talked a little about it wit my best friend, I immediately asked her to ask Mr. Mystery if he could get it for me...and as you can see, he did it!!! 🤗 I'm still in my first playthrough but I already can see why people love this game so much. It is beautifully made, the new mechanics are polished and very enjoyable, and the characters are just SO good!! 😆😆😆
To be honest, my favorite part of all the Fire Emblem games I have played so far, has always been the supports. And every since I learned that in Awakening the support pairs can have their own children I was simply EXCITED to see it!! 🤩 I'm already in the part of the story were the child units appear and so I'm tryin to reunite them all before proceeding.
I think my favorite pair so far is Donnel and Lissa. Their support was just so really, really sweet that it made me tear up. I know that the child unit is always predetermined by the mother but still, I cant help but feel like Owain makes sense as a child of these two. (And also, its just too funny to let it slide 😆🤣) I don't know yet what other combination I may do in a future second playthrough...but I already feel like it will be hard for me to pair Donny and Lissa with someone else 😢 (Seriously now, why so few people like this pairing!?? 😭)
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P.S: Mini Owain turned out really good for a first try 🤭 ...Although I'm a bit unsure if I put his mark in the right place 🤔
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starclast · 2 months
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starclast · 12 days
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