#dont ask me why only the british ppl got torn to shreds it just happened
cosmosisfold · 2 years
my favourite things ab hermits speaking voices (just the ones i watch regularly):
doc: "duuuude" sometimes the random evil laughs he does. the rly surprised "whaaaat!" when something unexpected happens. this dudes genuine laughs are always so fun too, love them. good shit. very nice chill talking voice, soft but not gentle, yknow?
keralis: high pitched "mhmhm!!" giggle. sometimes starts a sentence and takes 3 different turns and then does a 360 before parallel parking his meaning. when other people talks he starts speaking before interrupting himself a few times. most recently stuck out to be in the kings finale at the end when all the diamonds were stolen and he was like "ren? ren? re- r. r- ren?" cause everyone was talking.
xb: heyyy guys welcom baek to hurmitcraf seasun nain! i may just be canadian but this guys accent is fascinating to me. "shoo [so]". and the GIGGLES MANNN. hes so calming to lsiten to but every word he says is so engaging? its like im on a call with him and im muted.
bdubs: every word this man says comes from a deep well inside his brain in which there is a sentient rat calculating every word he says. theres comedic mastery in everything he does. also "yes wonderful job."
scar: hellooooo my fello miners and crafters. when hes doing something whimsical and makes his words all airy and floaty. when he says his outro at 6x speed so you can't understand a word he says. "what in the world!" [a lot of people say that but Him specifically].
ren: he has so many voices. what does he need all this linguistics for. also his intro makes me want to get up and scream it from the rooftops. "now we're cooking with gas baby!". he has such a bouncy way of speaking paired with fun in-game body language, you can tell he loves what he does.
grian: hes so british
honorable mentions of ones i watch only sometimes:
xisuma: if his face was leaked i dont think i would be able to put his face to it. sorry hes just pixels. i expect this guy to tell me about his candle making business that he made after his wife and him slowly grew apart, and then he'd confess to having a secret gay lover and cry while eating plain crackers.
cub: he is so casual and chill in his words its amazing. literally unshakable. you could show him nuclear bomb codes and he'd go "woaa that's pretty intense haha." i do like when he goes "lets gooo"
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