#dont b like me or it'll make u really miserable genuinely pick something that u love no matter what
songtwo · 2 years
what do u study to get your internship? i’m interested in getting into the music world but idk how lol. hope this is not too personal, if so, feel free to ignore this ask
I'm studying international relations but i didn't really get it bc of it it was mostly luck and coincidence tbh bc there's this girl from school I'm friendly with and she posted on her ig story about that internship and so i contacted her and she gave me her boss's number and so i contacted her and that was it. she didn't even interview me she was just like so tell me a little about yourself so besides the basics i told her what i was studying and my school and she never asked about that and well really my career has Nothing to do w music it's literally economics w a nicer name <\3 lol so yeah what people say it's true the most important thing is for you to know people anyone really like i never would've imagined this girl would give me It but yeah i also suggest searching record labels or the places where you'd like to work and straight up ask them if you can do your internships there etc and i don't think it's that hard bc they also didn't ask anything of me they didn't ask for a CV or asked about previous experience and in my friend's story she literally said no experience needed so yeah!!!! take a chance w the companies themselves or just ask around with ur friends or people that also seem interested in that stuff:)
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