#good luck!!!!
I've been playing Pokemon since generation 2 and have never encountered a shiny naturally (I have gotten some through hunting strategies but not ONCE encountered one through just adventuring). I really really hope I can encounter one as I try to complete Violet's Dex, because my lack of luck is starting to make me a little sad. :<
everyone like this ask to charge anon’s shiny luck
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wordy-little-witch · 1 month
Hiiii finals is kicking my ass n my eyebags are on fleek sjsjsjzjsjs pls dyh more oblivious buggy rizz hc n ideas?🙏
Good luck!! Get some rest, have a good snack, and do your best - that's all you can ever do, I'll always be proud of the efforts you put in ♡♡♡♡
I feel the gucci eye bags tho, dead serious I am Exhausted.
I don't have a lot of time or brain juice atm, but here's what I DO have for you, sweetheart!
✨️ Buggy's Blundering Rizz ✨️
• sometimes, he'll take a moment during the day, after a fight or a snack or something, just whip out a compact mirror and his lipstick and will do a touch up, just sharpening the lines or fixing the pigment. Sometimes, time constraints mean he has to multitask, and his crew knows firsthand how his voice evens ever so slightly while he's distracted. They will never get sick of it, though, the way that his smiles come a little easier, the way his eyes glint with half a million thoughts, the clear edges to his countenance and yet the softening of the defensive bits as well.
• Crocodile and Mihawk accidentally happen across Distracted Buggy Charm by chance. He's pouring over a map for a trade deal, putting his hair up, and talking out the thought process behind the food budget and arrangements there. They both pause for similar but differing reasons - for Crocodile, it's the actually really well thought out spiel the clown has, and then his smile and glinting eyes when the logia user looks up steals the businessman's breath; for Mihawk, there is a shift in the condensed maelstrom of Buggy's Haki, a shift in the chaotic whirlwind the clown was known for, the movements hiccupping before cohesively shifting into a shared direction with a nearly alarming strength of will. Buggy's microexpressions and movements himself merely arrest the swordsman further, sharp golden eyes committing that scene to memory without hesitation.
• Buggy has a lot of random skills that don't seem immediately important, but he's been just about everywhere and done just about everything. Including things people really, REALLY would not expect of him. He even worked retail for a while, and so he's got HELLA patience when he needs it. It's just... so much energy. On a bright note, he's also really good at organization, and he is the king of color coding - it's both a Buggy Thing and kinda an ADHD thing. He has a VERY specific organization thing, and he's also really aware of his surroundings - this leads to some really sweet, pull-out-all-the-stops shenanigans that gives people butterflies.
• Buggy doesn't do feelings halfway, he's either experiencing emotions through a fishbowl, going through the motions kinda, OR he is absolutely SMOTHERED in them. This includes love. Buggy loves with all he has and so he directs that love to his people. Yes, more than half the crew had some kind of crush on Buggy. Yes, the majority of the escapees are Simps for it. Yes, Buggy doesn't realize this in the slightest. He's just VIBING and sometimes people get all pink around him, not his problem but he WILL swing by the med tents, don't want his precious crew and men to be hurt if there's a cold or smth going around after all.
• Buggy is a cute stimmer. Most people out and about don't register it as such, or find some of them annoying, but his fans and crew and men find it charming as all hell because he stims with his Devil Fruit, clicking joints, or fiddling with his hair, or spinning. His Happiest Stims include happy flaps, spinning on his toes, and smooshing his own face or bouncing. On Extra Great Days, he even squeals, starry eyed and buzzing. It's absolutely adorable, and even the affectionate biting is well received.
• maybe a little more suggestive but he's also. Really flexible. He's got the bisexual afflicition of never sitting properly in a chair, and sometimes he'll have one leg thrown up over the arm, and he's got some seemingly inhuman flexibility that has nothing to do with his Devil Fruit, so sometimes he'll casually be sitting, sit up, lean forward, and it makes people go Oh My Seas Hello Sailor-
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error404vnotfound · 7 months
*whispering* I’m going on a date Friday.
(It’s for the science)
(I swear)
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ombrathefurry · 4 months
Hello! I’m _-THEREALjevil_- on scratch . I was wondering how you ‘hid’ the entirety of your profile comments behind the ‘see all’ button? I need to do the same
I believe it’s a glitch, I’ve noticed it become an issue with some other scratch things and I have no idea how I did it or what causes it. Maybe try checking on the forums, someone might have a better idea on what happened!!
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cabbagegunk · 11 months
What programme are u doing? I have to get this project in by the end of the day um. Hhhhg.
the pipeline for this project is zbrush sculpt > maya retopo + uv > substance painter texture > maya rig + posing > pixar renderman still render and since this is a game asset assignment i believe were loading them into unreal!
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gothedrals · 1 year
In the waiting room 🤞🤞 for tickets
🕯️🕯️🕯️TICKETS FOR RYAN🕯️🕯️🕯️
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nocturnal-impala · 2 years
Hello, i'm currently putting together a fandub for the Princess Tutu: Zwei project you're creating. I need to cast someone for the narrator, and I thought i'd ask you because I think it'd be fitting seeing as how you literally are the storyteller. More info about the project can be found on Casting Call Club under "Princess Tutu: Zwei FANDUB." Is it possible to dm you somewhere more on the dubbing process too?
I feel so grateful and exited you're willing to do that! It really sounds amazing, thank you and I hope you'll find joy and great time while working with your dubbing project!
Sadly I can't do the voice acting for the narrator, sorry. I have zero tallent with anything vocal related and I feel deep anxiety when it comes to performing. On top of that English is not my mother tongue so I have a miserable accent. It's very thoughtfull of you to ask me and concider me a good pic, but really please give it someone who'd enjoy doing it and delivers good content!
Umm I have no other media to use for communication than this. If you have questions you can ask me here with the chat box or asks (I can reply privately if you wish). I have given free hands to handle the fandubbing, so would rather stay out of decision making or casting and leave it to someone who knows it better and has a passion for voice action. But of course you can always ask me anything if you are troubled or need advices or explanations.
What else can I say? Best of luck and I hope to hear from you and your project in the future! I'll keep my eyes open!
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You inspire me to make a fic that isn't cracked
And I can blame you for it >:3
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thwackk · 2 years
(milftigress) so I had a phone interview for this company called wildflower n they sell like super cute phones cases I’ve never purchased but all the girlies where I’m from rave about them so anywho it went well and I have an in person interview Wednesday butttt lowkey horrified that they’ll want me to work everyday but I have another job that’s like full time and my friend who works at wildflower told me that you can make your own schedule but the lady didn’t make it seem like That hence a slight panic now ahdhebxhebdv also I’m very jealous of your batmobile ornament it sounds very cool
GOD THATS SO COOL THO CONGRATS!!! Ur gettin that paycheck gotdamn!! full time job AND side job, that’s awesome!! i hope you get it and i hope that you can make your own schedule, that sounds so stressful. remember to pace yourself and rest consistently dont overwork yourself aaaand good luck!! also i will show u all a picture of the batman ornament when i get home because there’s a tiny little bruce and richard sitting in it that make me laugh :)
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Will you hold my hand when I get top surgery
Yes but only spiritually bcs I Will Die™ if I skip school or leave the county without permission
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codes · 2 years
THANK YOU FOR HYPING ME UP if/when i finish it i will deposit it in your askbox 💙🐦
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fractallogic · 2 years
Other Postdoc, who now runs the postdoc society twitter and coordinates their events: join us! we have at least two separate happy hour events during october in addition to a wine tour! we also have some professional development events on the weeks that aren't dedicated to drinking!
Other Postdoc to me: hey i never see you at the postdoc society events do you get the emails
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daenerys-targaryen · 2 years
Wish me luck. I'm gonna make New York style bagels.
All hail the bagel!
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songtwo · 2 years
what do u study to get your internship? i’m interested in getting into the music world but idk how lol. hope this is not too personal, if so, feel free to ignore this ask
I'm studying international relations but i didn't really get it bc of it it was mostly luck and coincidence tbh bc there's this girl from school I'm friendly with and she posted on her ig story about that internship and so i contacted her and she gave me her boss's number and so i contacted her and that was it. she didn't even interview me she was just like so tell me a little about yourself so besides the basics i told her what i was studying and my school and she never asked about that and well really my career has Nothing to do w music it's literally economics w a nicer name <\3 lol so yeah what people say it's true the most important thing is for you to know people anyone really like i never would've imagined this girl would give me It but yeah i also suggest searching record labels or the places where you'd like to work and straight up ask them if you can do your internships there etc and i don't think it's that hard bc they also didn't ask anything of me they didn't ask for a CV or asked about previous experience and in my friend's story she literally said no experience needed so yeah!!!! take a chance w the companies themselves or just ask around with ur friends or people that also seem interested in that stuff:)
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hey i'm competing against my friend in this poll on @the-faggot-brackets and it'd be amazing if you voted for me!! thank you <3
well, since you asked so niceys! :)
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kelskart · 2 months
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the midwest princess ♥️ love her
prints available here!
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