#dont give a stinkin flip
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i dont give a. FLIP
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rpdepartment · 4 years
Homestuck Sentence Starters prompt - part 18 Jake English
25 starters |
« screw you! »
« it's going to be a doozy. »
« stop speaking in riddles! »
« please, be honest with me! »
« are you sure the answer's no? »
« screw the haters! that's what i say. »
« please don't leave me hanging here. »
« that's a heck of a tragic and thrilling tale. »
« that is a scandalous mischaracterization. »
« i think i've made a lot of mistakes honestly. »
« just come out and say it. do you fancy me? »
« boy i am not looking forward to that conversation. »
« that might just be the gayest thing ive ever heard. »
« have i mentioned what a top notch friend you are? »
« i thought you were supposed to know stuff like that. »
« i just prefer the idea of adventures which i can actually win. »
« i must say this sort of advice surprises me coming from you! »
« i feel at ease talking to you, but all these others... i dont know. »
« do you envision us as like... an item? a romantic pairing of sorts? »
« oh for frig's flipping sake this is no time for your prudish pedantry! »
« cheese and fucking crackers when do i just get to talk to the actual you?! »
« i would have a really hard time giving my favorite stuff away to a total stranger. »
« i can't bear having two of my closest chums hate me and then having you shut me out on top of that! »
« now that weve been honest with each other about this we can kind of move on and just be great friends. »
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faithinhopes · 5 years
Some things in life are just hard.
Im a pretty positive upbeat person, rarely do i get down. Mostly because im not a thinker....like the type who overthinks or takes time to mull over stuff. I dont do that.......probably because i like making decisions and i dont like having to think about things i cannot change! I cant waste my time and my emotional well being on thinking about situations i cant change. I tell you what helps though is having a friends or family member to offload too! In near enough every situation i find myself in and have no control over i ring my dad. Not just because he's my dad but because he's the wisest person i know! He's learnt his way through some crappy life situations and always come out fighting and stronger than before. I want to be like that. He always brings clarity and lifts the burden off me and i dont feel so out of control then. Theres afew other people whom i offload to aswel at different seasons and depending on the severity of the situation.
So back to the hard times! Ive found that these past few months have brought tremendous and exciting things but yet the weight of responsibility has me crawling on my knees whilst i watch others enjoying and lapping the adventure up. Well here goes the revelation .......
A close friend of dad said something profound......when you run a marathon, which part is the hardest? Well its not the beginning is it!?....nope.......its the last mile. The mile where youve exhausted all your energy fighting your way through the previous 26 miles! But its the last mile thats most important......you have to reach the finish line!!!! It doesnt matter the exhaustion, the weariness, the hurt and pain, the frustration etc....it matters that you finish!!!
Flipping heck, thats exactly how it feels right now! So for all you leaders out there....i know your frustrated, i know your trying to just get on with it, i know its bloody painful sometimes....BUT YOU ARE IN THE LAST MILE......do not give up! If you have to crawl over that finish, just keep going! Look up....see whats in the horizon....your nearly there.
So some things in life are stinkin hard.....but just because they are hard doesnt mean we should stop striding forward. You can and you will succeed!!!
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