#dont harass minorities but also don't take their words like they're gospel
spitefulcrepechan · 2 years
I feel like you're missing the point with your post about the whole lesbian thing. Someone was receiving hate anons by invalidating their trigger. Even if that trigger seems stupid to you or to some just because it's a ship, it's STILL a trigger. And a valid trigger at that.
We just have to understand and respect that lesbians will get gatekeepy around characters who are heavily-implied/canon lesbians. These characters get sidelined a lot, and it becomes irritating when you see lesbians in m|w ships with asshole fanbases invalidating their w|w ships just because it's "funny" to see them writhe in anger.
People are free to like and dislike everything, we all have our own opinions. No one's stopping you from shipping an ocean cookie and a ball of fire together. What needs to be stopped is shitting and laughing at people for calling out problems that needed to be called out, like the blatant lesbophobia and why shipping them with men can be a problem. It's important to be informed with a variety of issues we see in fandom spaces. That way, shitty fans get called out for their behavior.
Alright so it is like 3 in the morning as if writing this so my answer might be a little shit please forgive me-
I wasn't talking about that situation in my post, I was just generally talking about the notion that people will blindly follow the words of minority voices in order to seem woke. It was shitty for those anons to be attacking someone all for voicing their trigger, and I hope that person is okay, but I wasn't talking about that.
Like im not saying we shouldn't be listening to people when they point out things thay are actually offensive, hell it took a few tumblr posts for me to finally learn that goblins have antisemetic roots. Shit like that should be absolutely called out and when it is, it should be stopped.
Though the problem very much arises when it comes to just- Actually very mundane stuff. Ships that involve sea fairy are a very mundane things. Can they hurt people? Absolutely, I won't argue that. Should it be a topic of this level of debate where it should call into question homophobia? No, it shouldn't.
Speaking as someone who actually adores Seamoon, I genuinely can't find any reason why just the action alone of shipping sea fairy with, say, pirate puts other lesbians to the sideline. Even other lesbians say that this whole dilemma is bullshit, and yet THEY get sidelined themselves in this whole debate because cishet white men would rather listen to the one's that say that their favorite ship is amazing, all others be damned, in order to appear "woke", while ignoring the lesbians that actually don't care and know that stuff like seafire and seapirate aren't actually that big of a deal-
Now, I must reiterate, you CAN dislike the ships you can be TRIGGERED by the ships, but there are also people who equally are triggered by Seamoon as well, not because of homophobia (as some slags would want to believe) but because of just how rabid these people can get when it comes to defending their ship-
The whole debate just seems to be only taking one side into account, and its for a damning reason that generally ends up being lesbophobic itself. You are ONLY taking the words of a lesbian BECAUSE they're a lesbian, not because they're a genuinely human being. With any other debate that doesn't involve ships, you will most likely ignore whatever they have to say, and that's what I'm fearing.
Minority voices can be WRONG, minority voices can be BIASED, some things that may see offensive are SUBJECTIVELY offensive, others are more objective, like the racism-
Again, I am sorry that person has been getting harassed, they genuinely don't deserve it, as much as I hate gatekeepers, I won't debate if something actually triggers you or not, but that doesn't mean I'm going to blindly take their words into account because I KNOW they are only saying Seafire is bad because its a personal trigger and not actually an underlying issue. I won't show it to them, I won't force them to view it, I will simply just keep my distance, since I know that due to be being so lax about sea fairy ships (except the ones that involve children, obviously those are horrible), I'm not gonna fucking around them. Because that's like- the most rational thing you can do? If someone doesn't like a ship or voices their opinions about a ship you don't like just block them? You don't have to go into their asks and fucking- spam their askbox telling them to kys?
This applies to both those who do and don't ship Seamoon, because both sides equally have like the same level of toxicity as shown in this situation and the other-
Though I will also reiterate this.
My post was not talking about triggers or anything like that.
It was about BIASNESS. It was about blindly following the words of someome all because they're a minority. The words "a lesbian said it's offensive, so it IS offensive!" should never be uttered in this debate because, again, it very much implies that they are only being listened to because they're a minority.
I didn't listen to that person being harassed just because they were lesbian themselves. I listened to them because they had a trigger, as do I, and they were voicing that trigger, so I left them alone. They deserve their human rights respected, and so I am respecting them by not fucking putting them on a pedestal and seeing them as the spokesperson of all lesbians, because like- they're a person too, they can be wrong, and they also can be actually mentally distressed by a ship like how I and many others are.
So like-
Stop using "a lesbian said it was offensive!" as a reason to agree with a side of an argument. Find out why its being viewed as offensive and why the lesbian might be saying it is, then come to your own conclusion. That was my only problem. Not every lesbians the same, anon.
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