05 Plus Advantages Of Timesheet Management Software
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The leading companies have unlocked the winning fact that time is more precious than money, and hence if utilized and managed beautifully, can help to achieve any impossible goals. 
In many of the interviews, it was seen that experts focus more on managing time than earning money. It is because, as per their experience and knowledge, they know that one can earn money but not the time.
So how do these managing experts actually handle the time and the huge number of employees working under the organization? Do you want to uncover the winning recipe that is making them different from others?
Well, the answer is timesheet management software, which is helping them to manage the productivity of their employees and hence assists them in completing the project on time. So, do you want to learn more about the timesheet and its software?
If yes, then this article is heaven-sent for you. 
What is the timesheet?
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Timesheet is basically in the form of a data table, which holds all the data related to employees' work hours, productivity, task, time spent on working, and on breaks. It is used by employers to overview the work done by the particular employee of the organization in a certain time period. 
Earlier, timesheets were managed by employers using paper works. But today, smart managers shifted themselves into using different tools and software for tracking the employees' work on a timely basis.
 What are the advantages of using timesheet management software?
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Though the basic utility of timesheets is to maintain a healthy track record of the employees' work, however, there are other advantages of using this tool as well. 
Let's explore them one by one. 
Helps in payroll
The timesheet management tool is best to rely on when it comes to payroll processing. It is because this tool helps employers by tracking working hours as well as leaves and hence avoid inaccurate data entry to keep the processing of payrolls without any errors. 
Helps in optimizing the time required for tasks
Through timesheet management tools, employers can see how much time an employee is giving to complete a task. By analyzing it, they can check whether he/she is completing it on usual times or taking more than required one. This way, the management can assist the employee by helping him/her to improve the work by optimizing tasks. 
Helps to maintain the company's loyalty
The companies always need to be transparent when it comes to clients for keeping trust. The timesheet management tool is designed to solve this matter of the organization. 
This tool helps the client to see the current status of the running project anytime and at anyplace. Thus by doing so, the employer can show the client that their money and time are not going in vain.  
Helps to manage the project more efficiently.
To solve any issue in the project, you first need to know them. The advanced timesheet management tool like Empmonitor, Time Doctor, Hubstaff, and a lot more facilitates organizations to track employee's work in real-time. Hence by using such software, the managers can see the current status and issues in the project to solve them before anyone creates any blunder. 
Wrapping words
If you want the management of your workspace to run smoothly without any pause, just convert it into a smart office by applying timesheet management software. 
It will help the managers as well as HRs in several ways by saving their time and making work more perfect.
Hope, this article helped you to understand why the timesheet management tool is good for the workplace.
So, let's don't waste time. Put your money in the right software and enjoy its advantages.
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How To Monitor Employee Internet Usage Successfully?
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Are you even stuck in finding ways on how to track employee internet usage?
Since every company has implemented the "work from home" policy, it has become a lot more challenging for them to monitor their employee's internet activities. 
Because of such a scenario, you may find it difficult to manage your remote teams properly. And thus, you will end up having questions like:
Are the employees really working or just wasting their time by watching funny videos?
Are they completing their task on time, or skipping it for the next day?
To help you out, we have come up with a complete guide on why and how to monitor employee internet usage to maintain a smooth workflow among the remote teams. 
Table of contents : 
Why Should You Monitor Employee Internet Usage?
What Are The Benefits Of Employee Monitoring?
Tips To Track Employee Internet Usage.
Now, what are we waiting for? Let's get into the article right away! 
Why Should You Monitor Employee Internet Usage?
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Basically, monitoring helps you know how well remote employees are working. And according to the recent study, most of the employees waste their time during the working hours when they get to know that their bosses are not watching them. 
Therefore, here an Employee internet monitoring tool can help them a lot to track their employee internet usage with great ease. It will help you know which of your employees are working sincerely and who are spending their time shopping online, or chatting on social media. 
What Are The Benefits Of Employee Monitoring?
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Here, we will be discussing the key benefits of employee monitoring!
Improved Productivity
The moment remote employees will know that they are being monitored by their bosses every second, they are going to be a lot more sincere towards their work. Without wasting any time, they will complete their task and will provide more attention to the company's success. 
Along with it, productivity monitoring software even helps to reduce online distractions. It can be a helping hand in stopping your employees from entering into any unproductive sites during the working hour. Thus, it pushes employees to spend their time on only productive sites. 
More Accountability
A remote employee monitoring software will help you know where your employees are utilizing most of their time during working hours. In short, it will provide you with powerful insights such as:
If they are entering into any non-work-related websites.   
You can even know who is wasting their time by browsing on different social media platforms instead of concentrating on their work.
Actually how many hours are they working!
You can even check the order of tasks they have attempted.
Most importantly, you will have an idea of which of the employees take long or too many breaks. Ultimately, you can find out who takes more time to complete a given task.
In such a way, there will be a clear sense of accountability in the workplace. 
Lessens The Security Risks
Monitoring the activities of your remote employees can even prevent the company from different security risks.  
Wondering how? 
Well, when the employees will know that you are monitoring them, they will not get involved in accessing unsafe sites that might violate your company's policies. Employee Monitoring tool comes with prominent data security solutions! 
Tips To Track Employee Internet Usage
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Well, there are not many tips to share! Just a few ones and you are all set to go.
Restrict Your Employees From Visiting Any Of The Unwanted Sites
Another excellent way to make your employees more productive is by banning social media sites like YouTube and Facebook. Though doing all these things is not enough! Some of the employees might waste their time on various unauthorized sites. So, all you can do is to monitor their activities correctly and then restrict every site that bothers the on-going work. 
Track Your Employee's Browsing Activity
Get your hands on the browsing activities of your employees and make a point of watching the traffic created within the office network. Use the firewall feature, which will provide details of shared data between your employees via the official server.
Divide The Connectivity Of Wireless Router
You can connect your office WiFi network to other wireless routers that are closely monitoring all the places which have been browsed by the employee.
All you need to do is set up the authentication by keying on the search bar of your default office browser in your wireless router's IP address. After the basic setup process gets completed, the wireless router will provide you information about all the online activities of your employees once you press the 'Logs' button.
Top 04 Employee Monitoring Software To Keep An Eye On Employee Internet Usage Efficiently
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What more will you need? Well, to perform employee monitoring in the best manner, you will have to find the perfect Employee Tracking Software that can help you monitor employee's internet usage efficiently. Given below are the list of top 04 Employee Monitoring Software of 2020:
Wrapping it up!
Employee monitoring is not rocket science, for which you will have to do thousands of research! All you need is a proper monitoring tool that can help you get all the detailed information about your employee's computer activities. Still, some of the companies fail to understand the importance of monitoring employee internet usage. Hopefully, this article can help them clear all their doubts on why and how to monitor employee internet usage. 
Also, Watch This Video About EmpMonitor - Best Employee Monitoring Software
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Remote Work Monitoring Software- How To Ensure Employee Productivity?
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Remote worker monitoring is a crucial term for organizations these days. Every business owner wants to get the most out of their employees, which seems a bit difficult during the ‘work-from-home’ module.
Employers across the world have been looking for a compelling employee management software amid Covid-19 pandemic. But, it's more important to reveal its upsides before implementation. 
In addition to giant corporations, small businesses are now turning their routes to affordable yet reliable software that accelerates productivity and growth within a company. So, if you are also planning to enter-in, then read out this article to get a clear view of remote work monitoring software and its positive impacts.
Perks of remote monitoring methodology.
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Recent research and employers around the globe together conclude that employee monitoring has various advantages of monitoring employees for both the individual and corporation. See those benefits below:-
Timely Execution of work: When employees know that their activities are under surveillance, their work ability automatically boosts up and they perform much better than before. Consequently, they produce better outcomes for achieving targets on time. Nothing can encourage a worker as good as monitoring. They might feel shaky at first, but with the time flies, everything turns back to normal.
Germinating the seed of trust:  Remote worker monitoring is a big help in building trust between employers and employees. Employers can easily figure out the status of assigned work, the potential of workers, as well as, exact working hours.
Sound Management: For any remote workers, monitoring software offers enormous benefits, including their record of attendance, login/logout time, billing, and guarantees accuracy.
What is remote work?
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Remote work is the same as workplace work, but takes place outside the corporate building or in other words, at employees’ homes. With the rise in Coronavirus patients worldwide, more and more companies adopt this working approach as a means of safety for their invaluable assets, that is employees.
An employer/manager doesn’t need to be a pro in employee management to carry out result-oriented strategies. Instead, he/she should learn some fundamental remote force management skills while initiating. 
Past evidence claims that a skilled manager can obtain approx 30% more productivity than workplace employees because remote employees get the flexibility to work round the clock. In this context, experts say that- “Workers won’t work for additional hours, until and unless they get a monetary or non-monetary appreciation for that extra time duration invested".
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Also, have a look at the List of Top Remote work monitoring solutions
A few best approaches to successfully implement remote monitoring at the workplace
Before proceeding, think about the reason why you want to see your employees’ doing. Is it really beneficial or are your employees worth to be trusted blindly? In case your workforce already gives their best to organizational success, then the equipment of a remote work monitoring software will be nothing but a waste of money plus efforts.
As soon as you determine a reason for employee monitoring, identify the necessary feature to get in the best remote work monitoring software. Here, features should be the ability to capture screenshots in real-time, web browser tracking, activity monitoring, keylogging features, app tracking, and so on.
Now, when you choose the right fit for your organization, then it's time to make your entire remote employees aware of the policies regarding that software’s implementation, working abilities, and also the benefits it brings. This session must be brief yet effective enough to encourage your employees to support remote monitoring decisions.
Even though your employees stand in favor of employee management software, it’s necessary to conduct timely check-ins and quick evaluation to find out if everything is going on the right track or not.
Are you ready to reach topmost heights?
From the description explained up to now, ‘remote working’ might not be a strange concept to business owners.  
Apart from concealing the safety & security of any organization, monitoring tools also provide great peace of mind to employers. Entire work and employees’ workplace proceedings is tracked and recorded in the form of videos or screenshots through performance indicators.
When you properly implement strategies, remote staff monitoring brings various upsides to your company. Timely improvement, certain appreciations, and praising employees’ work can help a lot to raise employee dedication and performance. It contributes a lot to the smooth operation of a business.
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5 Tools & Software To Set Your Employees For Work From Anywhere Culture.
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Not a single human being is there on the planet, who is unaware of Covid-19 and the only way to keep unaffected from it.
Yes, I am talking about breaking the human chain by avoiding social gatherings and living in isolation.
Since it is the only way to escape from this epidemic, it has become a necessity over a choice, letting lockdown of every social gathering place. Result in causing inconvenience in tourism, education, the corporate sector, and many other industries.
From this quarantine situation, work from anywhere or home culture has sprung up into the majority. 
Well, if you are also looking to accept this culture, but not getting it imposed due to the unavailability of the perfect plan and facility, then this article is heaven-sent for you.
Let's figure it out!
Tools To Set Up Your Home As An Office.
EmpMonitor- An employee management tool.
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Whether it's a big company or a small firm, if you want to run it effectively, then you need robust management. Tools, like this, are designed to monitor computer activity of employees is proved as a helping hand to see:
How does the staff spend their time during work hours?
What websites and applications do they frequently use?
Their browsing history.
Their login and logout hours
Slack: A communication management Tool.
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Communication is the most important thing, whether it's between employee- employee, Team leader- employee or Client- Manager. 
By using slack, you can manage communication by creating different channels for different groups. This app also provides you a way to send documents, files, bookmarks and many more very smoothly. 
TeamViewer: The remote support technology.
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So, if the system hangs in the workplace, what do you do? Call an IT person right.
But what if you face the same issue while working from anywhere except office.
Here is the case where TeamViewer comes into action. 
By using this software, you can share your desktop with others and can let them control it remotely. This software also helps you to perform online meetings, web conferencing, and data transferring.
Zapier: A bridge between tools.
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Maintaining your workflow isn't simple if you need to switch between applications regularly.
Zapier is the tool that helps you by bridging that gap between multiple running devices in the background. Also, it makes sure that the client's and team information is maintained between platforms or not.
Scoro: A work management software.
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With the ability to track work time of an employee, and get an overview of everyone's work, Scoro is one of the best tools when it comes to managing unlimited projects and tasks on one click. Not only this but here you can share files with your teammates by letting them join projects and tasks. It is one of the best ways to keep all the project workers on the same page.
Wait a bit!
If you want to learn how to use the EmpMonitor dashboard and its features to manage your employee productivity, then you must have a look at this video.
Let's tie them up:
The list of above tools is fabulous when it comes to working from anywhere culture.
With these innovative tools, you can not only allow a magnificent flow of work but can also have a deep insight into what your workforce is doing in their productive hours.
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Top 6 Reasons For Monitoring Employees Internet Usage
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Today employee internet monitoring has become quite essential for every business company around the globe. Tracking the online activities of employees, companies could learn about their internet usage. Besides the work, employees may also indulge in unproductive activities and use the workplace internet for entertainment or shopping purposes. That could also be the cause of excessive bandwidth usage, which is slowing down the work progress of your company. While monitoring employees' internet usage, you can learn about the unproductive internet usage of employees. And can also come with policies to restrict the unproductive sites for reducing the bandwidth usage.
Besides that, there are many other reasons why you should monitor employees' internet usage in your workplace. Here I have shown some of them:
Misuse Of Official Property:
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In the workplace, the use of the internet and other office devices are allowed only for official work. In case someone is using the company's property for personal reasons. You can say that it is a misuse of the company's property. The company is paying for the bandwidth for the work purpose only. But when employees use the official internet to watch videos or using other unproductive applications, it can slow down the internet speed required for the work process. Employee internet monitoring can help you learn about the traffic moves, which you can restrict to improve the work engagement of employees.
Employees Can Work Diligently:
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Telling your employees that you are monitoring their online activities can't be a bad thing. As it can also help you to encourage your employees to work more diligently. Being monitored may help you to create a sense of accountability in your workforce. And eventually, you will find that your employees are being responsible enough to handle tasks and complete them before deadlines.
Prevent Insider Threats:
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Internet monitoring helps you to achieve having control over employees' online activities. So that you can track any dubious activities happening in your organization. That way, you can control things like trading business secrets and leaking confidential business data. And you can also uproot such things from your workplace.
EmpMonitor gives you the ability to track the online browsing activities of your employees. Moreover, it has top-class monitoring features like auto screenshot and keystrokes logger, that can help you to track any anonymous activities, and it can readily catch any insider breaching issues in your organization.
Optimize Bandwidth Usage:
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The cost of consuming digital resources can be very expensive. While companies couldn't afford to pay for the extra bandwidth usage, they need to restrict access to the unproductive sites in the workplace. Monitoring employees' online activities, employers can check whether their employees are using the internet for their work. Or they are using the internet for personal reasons.
Using the EmpMonitor software, employee management tools, employers can not only trace browsing history from employees' computers. But it also has a firewall setup to restrict access to anonymous sites that are not useful for the business.
Monitoring Compliance:
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Employee internet monitoring also serves to be a powerful tool to ensure the ethics and compliance process in the workplace. It can help employers to track any harassment or illegal activities in their organization. By implementing employee internet monitoring solutions, it becomes feasible for companies to introduce disciplinary measures to restrain any kind of dishonest and unfair activities in the workplace.
Remote Workplace Management:
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The best thing about online technology is that it lets you connect to your workplace, even when you are farthest apart from your workplace. Moreover, if you are traveling away from your workplace, you can still use online monitoring solutions to manage the work process remotely. Companies are also seeking remote monitoring solutions like EmpMonitor, which makes the workforce management tasks easier for their managers.
Wrapping Words:
Isn’t internet monitoring seems essential for every business? Today industries are seeking the best employee internet monitoring softwares and want to implement it in their business. And so far, it has been playing a crucial role in improving work efficiency and productivity. Thanks to this, it has become easier for organizations to manage their workforce remotely. With so many benefits, you can really say that internet monitoring has become somewhat essential for every business.
So, what are your thoughts? Are you ready to monitor employees’ online activities in your workplace? If you still have any doubts, please share them with us in the comments section.
Also, Watch This Video On How To Measure Productivity Of Employees?
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Top O4 Web Monitoring Software For Parents
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Feeling worried about the activities performed by your kid’s in the computer, smartphones, or laptops? Most of them worry about their child’s activities, to all of them it’s an advice to install web monitoring software for parents in the computer of mobile screens to have control over their child’s activities.
There are tons of web monitoring software for parents available on the internet. In this article, we have mentioned some, which may help you the best.
Parenting In The Digital Era: Is There Any Need To Monitor A Child’s System Remotely?
As per the current scenario, most of the children spend half of their time surfing the internet or using mobile phones. Because of this, they spend very less time with their parents or other people. In online technology, there are tons of things, including both knowledgeable as well as illegal content, which are not appropriate for kids. Thus, if you are a concerned parent, you can easily take help from parental control software for monitoring the kid’s smartphone activities.
If you don’t want your sites to visit the unwanted sites, then all these can be easily blocked using computer monitoring software. Parental control software allows us to block different unwanted sites and also allows access to kid’s gadgets from any remote place. With the advancement in technology, there is a wide range of software that is compatible with all the available operating systems.
04 Best Leading Web Monitoring Software For Parents
Along with the quick rise in the advancement in technology, almost 90% of people ( including all age groups) use smart gadgets and computers. At current times, kids are more involved, therefore, check out the below-mentioned tools that will help you in the best possible way to monitor your child.
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EmpMonitor is cloud-based free computer monitoring software for parents. It tracks the browser history and web usage of your child’s computer. Being a parent, you can gain complete control over your kid’s daily ongoing desktop usage without micro-managing them now and then.
Features –
Provides detailed insights about the child’s real-time computer activities with the automated screenshot monitoring feature.
Check the complete web browsing history record their every single visited website addresses, web page title and the number of times the single web page has been visited.
Gain insights of the top 10 used applications in real time at a glance Plus you can also look up the apps that have been used by your children in the past 180 days.
Your child can’t see that EmpMonitor is running, as it works completely in the stealth mode.
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FindMyKids is another best application that easily helps in tracking the locations of the kids along with monitoring them, which helps parents to know every move of their children and how much time they are investing in using cell phones.
This software uses GPS tracking technology that can provide the exact location of the child tracking through their smartphone signals or GPS. By viewing the map, you can see the real-time insights.
Features –
Gain real-time insights of your child’s current location.
Get notifications as soon as your child reaches the desired location.
Keep a check on your child’s phone battery and usage of other apps.
Chat or share locations using FindMyKids.
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This best internet tracking software offers tons of parental control features to ensure kids are remaining safe online. Qustodio is platform-independent software and can be run on any operating systems available. It allows you to block unwanted sites that have child-sensitive content. It also helps in monitoring the social media activity of children, check the messages they are receiving, etc.
Features –
Block unwanted or in-appropriate apps and websites.
Set time-specific limits on your kid’s system, so that you can guide them and help them to turn into better individuals.
Check the messages, notifications, and calls they are getting from other people or third-party sources.
Monitor social media activity, and how much time they are spending.
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This feature-rich web monitoring software for parents is to track the child’s devices. Spyzie has different keylogging features. This feature helps you to check what your child types on their device. If your child types any inappropriate words, you check them and guide your children, stating what is right and what is wrong.
Features –
Quick track the messages on your child’s system.
Gain full insights about your child’s social media pages.
Get alert notifications if your child uses any sensitive information anywhere.
Wrapping Words
Preparing your child to become a better individual is a daunting task in this digitalized era, where children have a lot of online distractions. Hence, it’s highly important to stay ahead of the things of how your child is using their digital device and their exposure to the online world.
Using the best web monitoring software for parents helps in keeping a track of your kid’s daily activities, and saving them from cyber-bullying or cell-phone addiction.
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How Have Employee Monitoring Tools Transformed Workplaces?
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Workplace management is an ever-evolving topic, for which we have observed a plethora of changes, especially in the year 2020. This year introduced us to a very challenging phase of commencing work from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It did sound a bit absurd in the beginning as everyone feared the success rate of managing a remote workforce. 
The concerns were legit. A lot of employees found it very difficult to follow their telecommuting schedule for months straight, especially the newly appointed ones. Nevertheless, employers feared productivity loss and data leakage. They, thus, wanted to keep a check on their staff's screen. 
It is the place where the employee monitoring tools came into play. There are various tools and software in the market that allowed employers to look into their employees' screens and keep a check on them in real-time. And, as you might speculate, they turned out to be pretty helpful too. Let's dig a bit deeper into why they were so helpful: 
1. Productivity Evaluation
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Have you ever wondered about the most productive hours of your employees? You can find it out by getting a detailed analysis of their exact working and non-working hours out of their 9 to 5 schedule on their devices. This way, you also get to fairly assess the most productive employees and check for the ones who are not that sincere with their tasks. 
Also, this way, you can hold the employees responsible for their overall productivity and pay them accordingly. As a matter of fact, people tend to be more productive when working under constant vigilance. Activity monitoring proves to be a win-win situation for all. 
2. Flexible Environment 
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According to a recent study, the productivity of employees increases by over 35% when working from home. The biggest reason behind this hike is the flexibility these employees get in their schedules. However, all of this is only possible when you get the authentic records of your staff's activities, or else you won't be aware of their performed tasks. 
Monitoring tools let you record the user logs of your staff, so you know at what time they remained away from their devices. So, even if they start working late, they can cover up their working schedule by continuing their work for longer hours and vice-versa. 
3. Work-Life Balance 
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Checking emails after work is detrimental to an employee's mental health, but a lot of us do so without giving it a second thought. However, deploying employee monitoring tools on the premises would mean restricting them from working during the non-working hours. It is a commendable way of creating a barrier between your staff's work-life and personal life. 
Effective monitoring holds those employees responsible who take their work outside their work premises. Thus, it avoids any sort of over-burdening on the staff and ensures higher productivity without compromising on their personal lives. 
4. Data Security  
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It is no brainer that your company information stays more secure and protected when it is under strict and constant vigilance. Data security is an inevitable issue found in every online as well as offline premises. But you can easily avoid it by keeping a record of all the employees managing and editing your company's files. 
Having a distant workforce is not very risky if you store your information on the cloud and ask your employees to edit it directly from there. The best part about monitoring their activities is that you can hold them responsible for their activities, and catch them red-handed if found suspicious. 
5. Work Management 
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When you get to record your co-workers' screens and analyze their activities in real-time, you get to understand the progress of their assigned tasks. This way, you can analyze their workflow and urgent tasks accordingly on a prior basis. Also, you can assess and understand the tasks that take more time and train your staff who might struggle using any tool or software. 
Managing tasks is very crucial to get things done within the estimated time. And it becomes very easy when the workplace becomes more transparent and disciplined over time. Employee tracking tools are, thus, very crucial in managing employee workflow and ensuring higher productivity. 
Alright, done with reading, how employee monitoring tools have tranformed workplaces?
Now, its your time to go with the flow by learning to manage remote work easily with powerful monitoring software called EmpMonitor.
So, what are you waiting for? 
Just grab the opportunity by clicking right here. 
We often look at employee monitoring as the only solution to restore productivity, but it delivers way more than that. As we have discussed ahead, tracking employee activities is extremely crucial, especially in this Corona crisis. We are all in this soup together, so let's stop complaining and start fighting against it in the best possible way using the best employee monitoring tool of 2020.
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Everything You Need To Know About Employee Management (Tools and Tips Inside
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Managing employees is a difficult task to do. But with the right management tips and right employee management tool, your work as a manager proves to be easy and time-saving. In this article, we will talk about Employee management, some amazing tips, and tools. Without any further ado, let’s start -
What is Employee Management?
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Employee management is a process that assists your employees to achieve your business goals and perform at their best. 
Employee management has 6 fundamental aspects - 
Selection - Hiring the right candidates
Measurement - Analyze your employee's performance and ensure they are meeting goals
Monitoring - keep track of your employee's activities
Interplay - Communicate with employees and ask feedback
Reward - Appreciate and reward those employees for outstanding performances
Discipline - when employees perform poorly, you need to discipline them.
Employee management is to help the employees who are underperforming and turn them into exceptional ones and ensure the top-performing employees do not underperform. 
It also refers to maintaining healthy and trustworthy relationships with your workforce and developing a friendly and effective work culture. 
The Benefits of managing your employees are -
It improves workflow efficiency.
Strengthen the data security
Boost productivity and employee morale
Lower Employee Costs
What are the tips to Manage Employees?
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Set clear expectations
The first thing that you should do is to tell your employees clearly - what do you want, how you want the work to be done, and when you want? 
If your employees do not know what needs to be done and what you want from them, they will be totally confused and will make mistakes. Be crystal clear and tell them exactly what work needs to be done. Give them proper instructions, sufficient resources, and be available whenever they need any help.  
Open communication policy
Having open communication between you and your employees is very important. Let your employees know that you are always available to talk to them. Let there be an open-door policy in your company. 
Share project details, company plans, important information directly to the employees. This will provide them the feeling of being included in the company decision making process. Communicate with your employees frequently. Take feedback, note their opinions, identify shortcomings, and work on them. This will show that you care about them.   
Create a sense of trust
Trust is one of the most important factors in motivation levels and employee productivity. If your employees get to know that you don’t trust them, they will perform poorly and will be feeling demotivated. 
To maintain this trust you should stop taking constant feedback from your employees, give them privacy, and should avoid going over everything by yourself. 
What are the tools to manage your employees?
1. Productivity measurement and time tracking tool
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EmpMonitor is a leading yet cheap employee management tool that helps in measuring productivity and is an ultimate employee monitoring tool.
This tool helps in knowing the total productive and non-productive hours of the entire company as well as individuals. You can monitor their keystrokes and know what your employees are doing in real-time. Also, this tool will help employees to manage their employees by keeping an eye on their time to time activities. They will know who their star employees are and also who are not working properly.  
It comes with various rich features like - Productive - unproductive hours measurement, track idle time, social network blocking, website and application blocking, IP whitelisting, detailed report generation, and many more. 
One of the best things about this tool is it runs in stealth mode. It won’t interrupt your work. Also, this tool offers a 15 days trial to its users.
2. HR management tool
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 Gusto is an excellent HR management tool that will help you centralize your employee data to streamline the HR process and make the decision making faster.
Gusto helps in managing payroll, onboarding fresh hires, and many other HR activities all from one single place. It also gives you access to HR filing templates and HR experts.
3. File Sharing tools
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One of the most important aspects of employee management is to keep your employees on the same page. To keep your employees up to date about the product developments and the current changes under making, you have to keep employees informed. 
With cloud-based file sharing tools like Google Drive, you can easily share files, edit them in real-time. Also, Google Drive allows one to tap share sheets. This tool allows its users to create spreadsheets as well as presentations. 
4. Communication Tools
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Make sure to manage remote teams in a way that brings smooth workflow, there should be proper communication. Google Hangouts, Telegram are such great tools which allow one on one chats, group chats, and video calls to take place. Your team can communicate easily and work together. 
Employee management is the core process for any business to be successful. Although it seems to be a daunting task but with the right tips and right employee management tool, it won't be so hard.  
Your employees are your true assets. If you manage and keep them happy, they will work with all their heart. It is totally up to you how you wisely manage them and grow your company culture. I hope the above-mentioned tips and tools will help you turn your good employees into your best employees. 
Do You Want To Check Details Of Employees? See This Video For In-depth Analysis:-
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Remote Monitoring And Management: Why You Should Let Your Employees Work From Home?
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It is the first time when IT companies around the world are looking for remote working options due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition to that, they need a solution to manage their staffers remotely. So that they can avoid any productivity loss in business.
However, because of telecommuting, it has become easier for entrepreneurs to manage their business remotely. Though there seem to be some challenges to the IT industry, which makes it difficult for entrepreneurs to adopt work from home policy in their business.
In this article, we have covered a few points, which explain why you should consider a remote monitoring solution to manage remote teams working for your organization.
1. Consider Remote Monitoring For Your Business
2. Monitor Your Team Productivity
3. Manage Your Remote Team
4. Benefits Of Using Remote Employee Monitoring Software
Consider Remote Monitoring For Your Business
Due to this crisis situation, employers around the world are looking for a remote monitoring solution to manage their business. It leads to a sudden shift in the minds of IT employers who think cybersecurity as a major concern in remote working conditions. But nowadays, IT industries are taking their interest in employee monitoring tools like EmpMonitor. That can not only monitor the employees’ computer activities remotely but also ensure business data security.
Monitor Team Productivity-
From the studies, we found that employees who have flexible work hours can be more productive for the business. It sure sounds great, but while implementing remote work to intact productivity, what you need is workforce monitoring for your business. If you don’t monitor productivity, there might be a chance that some of your employees may idle around. Without remote employee monitoring, you can’t be able to track the productive hours of your staffers. In such a case, you can utilize EmpMonitor software, which can help you to track the productive work hours of each employee remotely.
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Manage Remote Teams-
If you want to supervise a remote team, you might have concerns about completing the projects on time. Being a manager, it is the duty of a person to complete the deadline tasks. And more so ever, there are also challenges of facing phishing traps or cyber attacks to remote workers. In that case, you need to have a setup, which can ensure the security of your confidential data. Indeed, you can use the EmpMonitor software, which has firewall protection and IP whitelisting features. It does not allow any unwanted things to sneak on your employee computer. And with real-time monitoring features like screenshots, keystrokes, and web history, you can easily track and manage the computer activities of your team.
Benefits of Using Remote Employee Monitoring Software:
Aside from remotely managing and tracking the productivity of employees, remote employee monitoring software like EmpMonitor can bring many other benefits for the employer.
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Here I have shown some of the benefits which employer can take using remote workforce monitoring software:
1. When you and your team are working remotely, sometimes errors can happen. And it could not be easily traced. It may lead to billing insecurities for your business. And some of your clients may also lose their faith in your service, while it is better to use employee monitoring software to keep a decisive eye on the billing records. So that you won’t lose the trust of your faithful clients.
2. With remote employee monitoring software, the business owner doesn’t have to deal with the expenses in the physical workplace. Instead of spending on such things, employers can handle their budget using affordable employee monitoring software. Using which you can remotely manage the work progress in your firm.
3. Monitoring employees’ computer activities, you can also track and measure the work skills of your employees. It will help you out to find the talent who deserves to get encouragement. So that they can bring out more effort for the growth of the business.
4. When you are working on different tasks and projects with your workforce team, you need to make sure to complete deadline tasks. There might be a chance that some of the employees have more workload than others. Using employee monitoring software, you can track and balance the work equally among all employees.
During the crisis situation of COVID 19 pandemic, business owners are looking for remote work options. And it seems that remote monitoring of the workforce is the best solution for that. In this article, I have shown why people should opt for monitoring solutions to manage remote teams. If you want to ask more about employee monitoring solutions, please share your views in the comments section below.
Also watch: Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad)
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How To Track Employee Productivity This Quarantine?
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Telecommuting used to be a luxury for all of us until a couple of months back. However, this lockdown changed the strategies of workforce management due to the commencement of WFH in all the corporations. The idea seemed bizarre in the beginning, as only a small section of employees were familiar with remote work. 
However, there's no other option right now. Coronavirus is spreading like wildfire, and the best way to stay safe is to stay at home. With people literally LOCKED DOWN inside their homes, WFH is the only way left for the corporations to keep their work going. Then why not stop whining about the situation, and find a way out, instead? 
So, how to know if the employees are actually working and not wasting their time on some Netflix series? How to track employee productivity along with ensuring your company's data security? Let's discuss some of the most effective measures in brief: 
1. Constant Communication
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Keeping constant communication is very important in any organization- be it a startup or a large firm. Communication barriers lead to a lot of confusion and disputes among co-workers, which, when combined with the monotony of telecommuting, leads to loss of productivity among them. 
Make sure you establish regular and solid communication with your team. Organize regular group calls, deploy a single chatting platform, host online meetings every day. This way, you can keep a check on their activities and discuss the upcoming tasks along with the status of current tasks. Pre-scheduling is very crucial when hosting meetings with your staff or else you will end up wasting your precious time in getting everyone on the line.  
2. Regular Updates 
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Keeping a regular tap on your employees' activities will ensure that you stay updated with the progress of their tasks. One way to do it is by asking the employees to send updates three times a day on any platform, for instance, Telegram. 
This way, it becomes very feasible to track employee activities without having individual conversations with them every now and then. Create groups for discussing the progress of assigned tasks and, as mentioned already, establish strong communication with them. This way, you can also check for their last task update by simply looking at your chatting platform. 
3. Tracking Tools
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One of the ways to track employees activities is by deploying a tool to track and record them in real-time. There are various tools available in the market that assist us in doing so, for instance, EmpMonitor, Time Doctor, ActivTrak, etc. 
Various tools can capture screenshots, record keystrokes, user logs, etc. to assist the users in capturing their activities and storing them in the cloud for future reference. But before you get started with any employee monitoring software, make sure that it is reliable in the first place. NEVER rely on any random tool. 
4. Cloud Monitoring 
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A lot of organizations prefer storing their official data in the cloud instead of storing it in their devices. It not only saves space but also makes managing information a lot easier. This way, you get data access in your hands and can control the employees who can view or edit the information in the company's database. 
Also, this way, you get to track and monitor the progress of your assigned tasks in real-time and track remote staff employees productivity without any hitch. Regularly checking and maintaining data in the cloud is one of the safest and quickest ways to manage your online workflow. It also diminishes the chances of data leaking or breaching outside the premises. 
5. Maintaining Records 
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One of the reasons why goldbricking is very common in any workplace is that the employees pretend to work more by updating you with the tasks that they might have already completed earlier. You can avoid this by keeping a record of their work updates. You can maintain multiple sheets, keep track of their work by regularly going through their updates, etc. 
This process becomes more feasible when working on data in the cloud. If you know how to maintain and monitor the records, you will know how to track employee productivity even when they work remotely, be it a home office or a field-work. 
The year 2020 taught us how unpredictable our future could be. Nevertheless, the pandemic doesn't seem to cease any soon, and it seems like we have to continue with our WFH routines for the next few months. So let's polish our telecommuting skills and use a best employee productivity tracking software to ensure the best results out of your workforce. 
Also, Watch This Video If You Want To Check Productivity Of Employees According To days:-
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Remote Workplace and Best Practices: The Coronavirus Workplace Updates
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Working from a remote workplace has become common nowadays. With the ease of connecting to the VPS of the system from anywhere, employees have the flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime. Either you have regular work from the home system or if your employees are adapting to work because of bad weather or illness or any pandemic situation like COVID-19. It's important to let your employees remain productive. 
Shifting from workspace to remote working employees plays a vital role in minimizing the consequences of any novel situation.  Though it's a little adjustment for the ones who have not worked in this telecommuting environment before and it could also be somewhat stressful. Thus, proper communication and planning play a key role in managing remote employees. 
Let's know check, what are the benefits of adapting work from home culture - 
The WFH system provides tons of benefits for both employers as well as their employees. As per the recent statistics, remote work helps to increase productivity, which helps organizations to grow high. Employees become more efficient towards their work as they get less distracted and less stressed as they don't have to deal with commuting, etc. Similarly, it helps to reduce operating costs to run their business smoothly and also reduces the employer's compensation claims. 
What Are The Best Practices When Creating Work From Home Programs?
Organizations that are planning to move their on-site to the remote workplace should create some guidelines, considering all the key things to ensure what all they need. So, here are some of the key elements of work from home policy that should get shared with all the employees. 
Adopting advanced technology 
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The latest version of computers or laptops, high-speed internet connection, quick access to required tools, phone conferencing software, productivity monitoring software, etc. 
Using a secure connection 
Remote employees should have a proper internet connection and work with trusted VPN. The VPN system is a buffer between your operating device and wifi-connection. It saves the encrypted data from intercepting or tampering.   
Implement communication apps 
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Keep in contact with workers who operate from home via Skype, Zoom and other chatting options. Remote workers can often feel disconnected from the rest of the team so it is important to stay in touch with them through telephone, email, texting, or video conference.
Set Clear Goals 
Build a strategy function with your particular program's goals. The policy should include guidelines for the daily work schedule of an employee, overtime policies for the company, summary of a dedicated workplace, guidelines for reporting personal injury and damage to company equipment, and security of confidential business information.
Test The implemented programs
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If you are implementing a work from home policy, take the time to evaluate its effectiveness thoroughly. Adjust the program based on your findings and bugs.
Trust Your Employees  
One of the most critical aspects of a home-policy function that is not included in the document itself. Employers need to support and trust your workers while they are not working on-site to get their jobs completed.
After implementing the work from home policies, there might occur some risks. So, let's know How to prevent risks and take safety tips?
A key best practice for ensuring protection and minimizing claims for workers' compensation is to develop guidelines for working from home that will help reduce the potential risks. The policy should include guidelines on risk management that are related to research from the above-mentioned home security criteria, including:
Create a workplace 
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Even when the employees are working remotely, Employees should set up a  dedicated workspace where they have limited distractions to concentrate on their job. 
Check the work area 
The workplace should be checked to ensure that it is free from any risks, including problems with fire and ventilation, slipping and dropping risks and other regular risk factors.
Learn the workplace injuries
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Teach all your employees how you can prevent workplace problems that may arise both in the on-site and remote workplace. 
These are a few of the best workplace practices along with the risk prevention tips that will help employers. Apart from that, the best remote workplace monitoring software can also prove advantageous to manage to work calmly during this pandemic situation.
Also, See This Video To Manage Remote Work Easily:-
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03 Work From Home Software To Revolutionize Your Work
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Many countries have been driven into lockdown by the COVID-19, causing hardship in the business, medical, tourism, and several other significant industries. The culture of work from home, popularly known as WFH, has leaped into the mainstream with a rise in social distancing and self-quarantining through different industries worldwide. But how ready are we technically to operate as corporates and as corporate employees?
WFH isn't too hard, particularly when you've got the right combination of equipment and software to support the workflow. Understandably, the basics needed for working from home are — a PC or a laptop, good LAN or Wi-Fi, and endless power supply. 
But, in case you are suffering from anxiety of separation from remote workers then these three tools will help you monitor the actual time of the particular task. Know, these tools only have the raw data for you. You ought to make a case-by-case interpretation of the findings. Also, it's a smart decision totrack remote staff productivitywith their full consent.
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EmpMonitor is said to be one of the trending affordablework from home software, which is highly preferred by most of the business owners. This software provides screenshots every 15 minutes and records every keystroke. It also keeps a check on the top applications and websites used by the employee in a particular time frame. It helps the employers to know whether the employees are reading a word doc or spending time plugging numbers into the excel sheet. 
The User Management panel allows managers to view information of members of their team, providing several transparency rates.
What's more, EmpMonitor has a user logs feature that allows you to see the user login and log out details. It can be a useful feature to know if your employee's login is late and log out early. 
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Plans start at $3/user/month for up to 51 to 200 users and go to $5/user/month for one to 10 users. EmpMonitor requires a desktop download and is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. It also integrates with any project management software, therefore, it prevents interrupting in between.
If you juggle on multiple projects with multiple remote employees, Trello has an easy solution to keep everyone on track. Simply install Trello on the employees working system. Then it will track the time and provide a complete report of the employees work time activities on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. 
In the work time, It provides you with a few snaps of employees screen activities, to check that your employees are on task and not spending time on non-productive activities.  This best work from home softwarealso provides the overall productivity ratio of each employee in a graphical form.  It helps the employers to know how their employees are working and also helps the employees to remain productive even while working from home. 
The price starts at just $9.99/user/month to $20.83user/month as per your business requirements. Simply install the software in your system and it's compatible with Windows and Mac both. 
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For business owners who are looking for the best CRM software, there’s OrangeHRM. Well, the programs are not just about human resources management. It is more than just this. OrangeHRM offers cost-free, open-source solutions to people out there. Nevertheless, it is not stripped of its technical and business HR management solutions.
It has some incredible features that can really rest your work from home issues like, performance measurement, attendance management, recruitment management, etc. 
It comes with a free starter pack with 30 days free trial!
Wrapping Up 
These are some of the best yet cheap work from home softwareto better handle your work from home. However, after evaluating the three of them separately, we came to a conclusion that says EmpMonitor is the best for remote management of work. Well, because it includes all sorts of monitoring activities, including remote control, office surveillance, and much more. What do you think? Do share your thoughts in the comments section below. 
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05 Pro Tips For Successful Work From Home Monitoring
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The act of managing workplace employees is more apparent than managing a team of remote employees. A fresh study surveyed over 50+ businesses to reveal the proven methodologies an organization can embrace for employees working from their homes.
Most of the businesses that participated in this survey pointed out that the approach of remote working is a win-win scheme for both the employee and the employer. Here, the way you manage remote teams becomes the ultimate key to achievement in work from home monitoring practice.
An ideal employer should have the knack to implement precise strategies and employ helpful tools for a better outcome. And, For those who are new to this game, this article contains a handful of valuable tips that are indeed necessary to consider.
Hire deserving employees
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Let’s be realistic- everyone can’t be proficient at the ‘work from home’ pattern of working. While people relish the ease of remote work, not all carry enough sincerity and honesty to contribute 100%. So, a recruiter must look for some qualities that demonstrates the capability of individuals who will work from their homes with thorough dedication. Always prioritize the  employees with sound communication skills since they often result in great triumph.
Keep your expectations and work clear.
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Instead of making assumptions, put clear & straightforward work expectations before your employees. Moreover, “expectations” shall apply on the manager too. Set up a quick meeting to discuss the essentials of a project, illustrate the expectations and the underlying reason.
Through expectation, it means the goals, deadlines, work execution of different phases that are going on. Or else, your company might be undergoing the worst situation of productivity crisis with loss of potential clients as well.
Don’t Overlook One-On-Ones Approach.
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Team solidarity is essential, and so is managing time to discuss with employees one-on-one. It helps you in addressing the issues a member probably faces but becomes nervous when it comes to talking in a group or writing through emails. In such circumstances, having words with each team member proves to be a great help in eradicating existing issues and aligning their job role according to the goals they have in mind.
Organize Video Conferences
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However, breaking bread together strengthens a team, but the idea has nothing to do with remote employees. Thus, video conferencing becomes a sweeping means of interacting with everyone and spending quality time. Yes, meeting over a video call can’t be effective as gathering together physically. It boosts teamwork, helps newly joined personnel to open up, as well as, create a favorable image of the employer in the mind of employees. Research claims that video is a way better than meeting in person referring to all of those who are shy.
Focus on the result, not working hours.
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Even though a manager puts in his entire effort, he can’t keep a sharp eye on each employee. Therefore, when your team is located at different geographical locations, don’t put too much pressure on workers during work from home monitoring working suits. Provide them flexibility and let them work independently to make most out of them along with measuring the number of routine operations.
Leave the office behind: Additional tips for better workflow.
The supervision of remote workers comes down to two crucial elements, that is communication and uninterrupted communication. If everyone in your team stays tuned with each other, there won’t be any severe trouble anymore.
Make sure your employees feel valued and at the same time responsible. Meanwhile, they must keep in mind the goals of companies to push their caliber beyond the limits. Apart from setting up strategies and policies, choose top-notch tools that are meant to flourish a business.
In case your team fails to establish unbroken communication with other members, then provide them with proper resources and outline to make them proficient.
Although remote team management is like a hard nut to crack, compelling work from home monitoring software has been helping businesses a lot these days. Hopefully, this piece of information cools your jets and gives you the power to raise the productivity of a company operating through remote workers.
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03 Exquisite Tips To Uphold Data Security with Remote Employees.
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Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, most of the companies have been turning their routes towards a remote working approach to save their employees. The government is encouraging citizens to embrace the social distancing approach and asking more people to execute their duties from home.
While employees feel it convenient to work from home, the risks of data breaching or leaking of valuable data hovers over managers’ minds. The method of remote employees is slightly different from working at an office since employers no longer have full control over employees’ proceedings. 
But, there’s always a solution to a problem, including the complicated ones, and so goes with ‘Data Security’ measures. A blend of compelling monitoring software and employees’ devotion results in boosting the ROI of any business, regardless of the working culture it implements. Calm down! Read our article ahead for valuable pieces of information.
Getting Started…
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The first yet crucial step of putting work from home practice is to make sure you have a dependable authentication to the entire devices that employees are going to access. Organizations should focus especially on the security of those devices on which delicate data cached. In simple words, it’s vital to keep an eye on workers who keep up the company’s valuable data so that they won’t indulge in activities like data transferring or selling.
Track Remote Workers, Remotely.
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‘Monitoring’ is indeed necessary for companies that rely on remote workers, so that they can figure out what their employees are doing online and how much time they exactly spend on doing their job. You further need to make a wise decision while choosing an efficient monitoring solution. There are dozens of powerful employee management software available out there, but you should choose one that stands out from the rest.
An ideal monitoring software counts down the actual working hours, determines the ongoing projects, and can capture screenshots immediately whenever required.
Certify your security & data protection policies
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Regardless of the strict instructions you pass on, employees can’t take it seriously unless they get documented security policies in hand. Therefore, frame down entire policies into a written form and highlight the sensitive provisions to gain optimal protection.
As soon as you are done with framing policies, next tell your employees to go through it and ask questions that appear in their minds. For higher protection, make it mandatory for everyone to read work from home policy deeply before moving out from the office, plus get their signature on policy papers for acknowledgment.
Examine Your Devices & Technology
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BYOD (bring your own device) is popular among the organizations operating remote teams, but the same might be risky as it often gives ease to hackers for invading your company’s data security shield. Be careful, abolish BYOD and assign company-owned devices to remote workers, with all kinds of software installed for 100% desired outcome.
At the end of the day, all you can do is to consider every possible data safety measure while hiring remote employees. Based on the current scenario, we can anticipate that work from home will remain in trend for the coming few months until coronavirus winds up from the globe. Till then, a brief message for remote workers- “stay home” “work honestly” “safeguard your company’s policies”, and the most important one- “wash your hands in every 30 minutes”.
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Top 07 Employee Tracking Software You Need to Have A Look At
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Time is money, and it is one of the vital things that every organization care about the most. Whether you are having a small business or a big one, you will never wish to waste any of the resources and your precious working hours! Right?
And this is the only reason why most of the companies look for management and time tracking devices.
Now, when we say time tracking software, we mean employee tracking systems. You can operate this type of software either on your computer, tablet, or, phone. Employee Tracking Software Features benefits a lot to your organization.
And thankfully, there are tons of tracking apps available in the market. But how to choose the right one? Well, this is one of the biggest tasks to do. Don't worry! I am going to make your work a lot easier.
Listed below are some of the top employee tracking software, which you can use to track your employee's activities:
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It's an employee tracking software program, with the help of which you can have an eye on the working time of your employees.
By using it, you can get a complete view of what all your employee's do during their working hours. The time they take to complete a particular task, information about the different websites they visit, and finally, you can track their GPS location as well.
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It is one of the oldest, yet the most legible time monitoring software. It's nothing but an ordinary version of the computer site. Anyone operating a small business can surely benefit their company using this software.
Hub staff
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So, it’s another yet improved time monitoring app, which is mostly used by the managers and different business owners who eagerly want to know how their companies operate. Hub staff records keyboard, mouse, and time usage to create an activity rate. And yes it even takes screenshots as well.
T sheets
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Wait, don't get confused! T sheets is a comprehensive time monitoring software. It permits business supervisors, managers, and employees, to have a brief discussion on their whereabouts, the projects on which they are working, accessibility, and working time.
It comes with different features, like the possibility to get logged in using Twitter, email, various voice mails, messaging, etc.
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Having a great specialization in monitoring and security solutions, EmpMonitor launched in 2014! And is now being used by most of the companies to monitor their employee activities. It is leading as the top-most employee monitoring software and has been helping small to large scale businesses for quite a few years now.
It consists of a variety of features like; productivity measurement, capturing screenshots, websites used, stealth mode, report generation, and, much more.
With EmpMonitor, you can manage your organization in the best manner. So what are you waiting for, go and get your organization, the best employee monitoring software!
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This is said to be one of the most popular and used time monitoring software. It aims to combine expense tracking and future scheduling.Just like the above-stated apps, it also consists of similar features.
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It is also a great time tracking app. But here, you will have to spend some money. Yes, you heard it right!
Well, if you want to track your employee activities, then here on Toggl, you will have to pay $9 per month. After that, you will be able to see what your employees do during their working hours.
This app consists of all the features that a good employee monitoring software should have.
Installing an employee monitoring software at your workplace is a smart decision. Whether you want to track the working time of your employee's or want to manage your company in the best possible way! The employee tracking app is all that you need. It is beneficial for both the company and its employees.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you will have a better idea regarding which type of employee tracking software will be the best for your business. And which one can fit your requirements completely.
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Technology today will allow all the employers to keep track of their employee’s productivity, and ensure maximum safety by keeping an eye on their employees and their activities. How? You can do it by surveillance and monitoring. 
The main aim of keeping a check on them is to monitor their actions at the workplace, increase the level of discipline, and prevent any upcoming threat. This threat can be for the workplace or the employees. Monitoring your employees also increases their productivity enormously. 
What is Monitoring of Employees? 
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Employee Monitoring is the act of using various surveillance methods to monitor the activities of employees by an employer, done to check everyone’s performance, avoid any illegal activity. It is a very ingenious way to ensure the safety of any Company and the people working on it. 
How does it help in Increasing Productivity? 
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According to research by International Data Corp (IDC), about 30-40% of Internet usage of an employee isn't work-related. It leads to the lowering of productivity and goldbricking- people getting employed for the work that they never finished doing. 
Keeping a record of all the activities like total time spent on the internet, the number of calls, duration of calls, sites opened, software used, typing speed, will ensure an employee’s sincerity. It helps to know about the status of work among the employees, avoids any non-productive task being carried out and ensures the safety of a company and its employees. 
Why is it essential for my Company’s Privacy? 
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Statistics show that about 24% of working employees in the UK send emails out of Corporate regarding private information of the Company they work for, confidential data, trade secrets, and intellectual property. This leakage of information wrecks the reputation of a company and poses a substantial threat from other competitors around who might get access to the leaked information. 
One of the most frequent leaks is Accounts information. Monitoring an employee’s online operation can prevent such leakage. It can also help in detecting any such activity, and immediate action can be taken to stop any further leakage. Avoiding such threats can inevitably lead to a complete decline of a Company in the Market in no time. 
What are the Methods of Monitoring them? 
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There are various methods available to keep a check on your employees. Some of the most common ways are: 
• E-mail Monitoring: This sort of monitoring permits employers to have access to look at the sent and received e-mails at their workplace. It allows them to be vigilant about all the emails and helps to prevent any leakage of confidential information or input of anything illegal or harmful in their office. 
• Software Monitoring: This type of monitoring allows employers to track employees' computer activities like typing speed, applications used, the number of internet users, errors that occurred. It prevents employees from using the internet or computers for any personal use that is not work-related. Employees ultimately waste less time and do more work. 
• Video Surveillance: This is one of the upcoming methods of monitoring your employees. It is quite unbiased and reliable. It shows the exact tasks performed by the employees throughout their office hours and avoids the imposition of any false claims on the employer or the employee. 
• Telephone Tapping: An employee’s phone call conversation and details can be accessed in the workplace by an employee using this method. It prevents them from having an excess of unnecessary conversations and leads them to focus more on their work. It also restricts them from mixing their personal space with their professional performance. 
• Location Monitoring: For the employees working in a non-static location, employers can keep track of them and their work. It is especially beneficial in industries like transportation. It is also useful in consumer satisfaction and transparency of work in companies like Flipkart and Zomato. 
How do I Monitor my Employees? 
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Modern technology allows you to monitor everything you want to by using some internet tools at any centralized location provided by you. Some of these tools are: 
1)    Empmonitor 2)    Teramind 3)    InterGuard 4)    Hubstaff 5)    VeriClock 6)    ActivTrak 
Using these tools, you can access to all the electronic devices your employees are working on, and act accordingly. 
Monitoring your employees is a critical step towards building a safe work environment, that helps in enhancing productivity and rectifying any possibility of passing confidential information outside. There are various tools used by multiple organizations that help in doing so. 
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10 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Employee Monitoring Software
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The working of employee monitoring is worth to be compared with the situation where a manager stands behind the employees, and watchdog their activities. By employee monitoring, the first thing that comes to our mind is surveillance.
When this software was new, employees afraid that this will overrun their privacy. But now, monitoring software is not surprising for businesses, and everybody has become familiar with monitoring operations. Unfortunately, there are so many organizations that are still unaware of the perks monitoring software brings. We aim at educating such employers through this comprehensive guide. In a nutshell, we have the top ten reasons that prove that monitoring equipment must be made compulsory for the organization.
Reasons to use Employee monitoring software.
Improved internet technology: Internet is a tremendous source of information, entertainment, learning, and knowledge. Employees might use the internet for fun instead of doing their job. Surveillance makes it easy for the employees to see the employee’s activities at web pages, and it avoids wastage of precious working hours.
Social media networks
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With time, the engagement rate on social media networks keeps on increasing. Research claims that most of the posts on Facebook and Instagram drops during the daytime, means while working hours. Employers don’t want to pay for the hours wasted on using social networks for personal use.
Attendance record
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Employee’s presence at the workplace must be according to the specified login and logout time. For a big organization, it’s not possible to keep track of employee’s login-logout manually, and the best option they have is to monitor their presence using employee monitoring software.
Calculation of Idle time
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Though employees logged in on time, it doesn’t mean they started working on time. We are talking about the idle time where employees remain free from any work responsibility. Being an ideal manager, one should figure out the actual idle time hours. Monitoring submits the original data of idle time to the managers to know employee’s ability to work.
The smooth running of ongoing projects
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In a company, there is some designation that requires flexible working hours. Employers have the freedom to choose people for developing a team that gives a positive outcome. Based on the sensitivity of the project, sometimes an employer selects teammates from the corners of the world and, here monitoring software helps to count their working hours.
Ease of managerial control
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The life of an entrepreneur is too busy, but they want to remain updated with their employee’s activities. With the occurrence of intelligence software, business owners can freely go for trips and can monitor employees activity from there as well.
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Nowadays, the organization adopts the trend of calculating payroll according to the working hours of employees. This trend is also the reason for the success of the established organization. Managers are looking for the opportunity to appreciate their employee’s efforts and work efficiency, therefore, monitoring makes it easy.
Increased productivity
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When employees perform their responsibility sincerely, ultimately, their efforts result in increased productivity. It’s the foremost liability of an organization to give employees a work environment where they can execute their work unhindered. Rules and regulations are mandatory but don’t make it strict in a way that cost employee’s withdrawal of duties.
Overtime hours
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Employees are accountable to receive pays for their overtime hours. In the absence of compelling monitoring software, it becomes difficult for the manager to count exact overtime hours. Since the employees give extra hours to the company, paying them would work as a push back to get the best results from them.
Avoid uses of actionable software
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Every organization aims at uplifting the company’s profit and decrease the cost of production. For this, they give priority to the low-cost yet efficient software that helps in accomplishing the goal within budget. Monitoring software reveals the employee’s activities whether they use expensive software to reach the given targets on time.
As a whole, monitoring software is beneficial to both employees and employers. While it helps the business to increase productivity, employees learn how to complete their assigned projects on time. Apart from the companies, many self-employed professionals also make use of monitoring software to evaluate their performance for betterment.
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