#dont mind dino hes just an idiot
strawbkiwijuice · 4 years
The Challenge
Purple Yam and Dark Choco finally meet.
Standing across from him was like a dream and a nightmare all at once. The wind off of the nearby mountains sent strong, heated breezes through the valley, blanketing their makeshift arena in a floating mist of heat and ash. 
Looking at him now, he seemed no different than any other man, taller, maybe, but no more fearsome. In fact, it was not fear of the man that stood Yam rooted to his spot, but of the battle that was soon to follow. It would be his final battle, hed decided, one way or another. 
“Dark Choco.” He called to the figure, shadowed already in an air of mystery, made further a shapeless figure from the clouds of dust that surrounded him. “I’ve found you at last.” Saying this, Yam unhooked the heavy mace from his back and held it beside him. Dark Choco turned to look at him, his fiery red eyes placid, almost questioning. 
“Who are you?” He called across the field of craggy rock. 
A sting of anger pitched in his stomach, sending a shaking wave up through his body as Yams face contorted momentarily in a silent rage. Who was he? He didnt know?! All this time searching and he had the audacity...Taking a deep breath, he recalled the words of his friends. If you must be angry, let your anger be your fuel, but not your lighter. 
“My name is Purple Yam. I was a knight in your army.” He said, gripping his fists tight enough to turn his knuckles white. 
Dark Choco raised an eye brow, but said nothing. 
“I’ve come to challenge you. To bring you to justice for everything you’ve done!” Yam continued, raising his spiked mace to point at the dark figure of a man. 
“I see.” The reply came without hesitation as Dark Choco casually reached for the sword hanging from his belt.
“W-Wait!” Yam called, surprised. “Dont you want to know why?” If only they had met sooner in his travels, he would have had no hesitation at all back then. 
“Does it matter? You seem intent on fighting, and you raised your weapon first.” Dark Choco held his sword to the sky, the metal glinting even in the dim light of the dusty volcanic basin. The red jewel embedded in its hilt shone menacingly, filling the arena with a dim, red glow. 
It matters to me! How desperately did he want to say these words. They were right there, begging to be spoken, but he choked them back. Why would this corrupted prince care about how he felt...the frustration of trying to work through those emotions quickly boiled over into a rage that filled his brain. Fuck it, time to fight! 
In a burst of speed,  Yam ran at Dark Choco, winding up for his classic mace spin. To draw first blood would be so gratifying. Mid swing, a crash of lighting split the sky and shook the ground, bathing the arena in bright red light. Blinding pain shot through his body, doubling him over in pain even as the ground cracked beneath his feet, revealing a molten core below.
Now the field was shattered into pieces, floating on a pool of lava. That cheat! Changing the field of play without even crossing swords first! Growling, he picked himself up off the heated floor and rushed his opponent once again, swinging his mace with all of his power. 
The sickening sound of metal on metal echoed in the air as their weapons clashed, ruby red sparks flying. Dark Choco pushed hard against his blade, forcing Yam back towards one of the fissures. Yam pushed back, despite the mans looming height, he at least stood his ground. 
“You’ve come a long way just to die here.” Dark Choco all but whispered, sword shrieking as it slid down the mace’s spikes.
“Thats my line!” Yam shouted, jumping backwards over the gap in the earth and once again barelling foward. The battle continued in this way for some time, the unbearable heat mixing with the clouds of dust from the not so dormant volcanoes to form a miasma of unbearable vapour. Sword and mace met again and again, each unrelenting, each time refusing to give an inch. 
Sweat poured from his brow as Yam paused in his attacks. Dark Choco seemed unchanged, standing there in armor and a heavy cape without so much as a wrinkle. Impossible...how could he be so much stronger of a combatant...how could you be so weak? Yams thoughts raced, eyes fixated on the figure before him, whose silouette shimmered in the waves of heat. 
One way or another, this would be his last battle. Even though he’d already decided that, why was his mind filled with thoughts of his friends? Milk’s annoying voice in the early morning to wake him up, or Mala and Dino singing the hearty songs of Dragons Valley around the campfire at night. This battle would be his greatest honor and what he had worked for all his life, even if that life should end here...so why did he have regrets? 
“Changed your rmind, boy?” Darck Choco asked from across the arena, sword still held in front of him, on guard. 
“No...No! Dont you mock me!” Anger started to boil inside him, already made stronger by the sweltering atmosphere. “I wont let you look down on m--” 
“Purple Yam!” The voice came from above, strained, desperate, and achingly familiar. Spinning, Yam looked up to the ledge of the basin, where Milk stood, his usually pristine garb stained by the crimson clay of the surrounding valley. 
“Milk! I told you not to come!” Yam shouted, anger abating into something more like concern.  “You dont have to do this, my friend.” Milk replied, looking around for a way down into the half destroyed field of battle. 
Yam turned back to Dark Choco, who surprisingly hadnt moved from his spot. Was he...waiting? 
“We can leave Dragons Valley, we can continue traveling and exploring, and discovering together!” Milk continued, pleading as he slid down the half slope walls and landed solidly on a floating platform. Yam gritted his teeth, cheeks aready red from the heat turned all the more flush from his friends words. Why here, why now? Save the preaching for outside of battle, for Witchs sake! 
“Right, Dark Choco?” Milk said, smiling anxiously, looking past Yam to his silent opponent. “You understand, dont you? Whats the point of giving your life to battle when you have so much else to live for?” 
Dark Choco’s eyes changed then. Before they were calm, collected, almost disinterested. But after being directly adressed, it seemed like his own kind of quiet anger started to come forth. 
“How dare you...” The dark man finally said, silencing both across from him. “What kind of a farce is this. A companion calling to halt in the middle of battle? Some kind of lover quarrel when weapons have already been raised? You dare to call in your reinforcements when youve yet to draw blood?!” Dark Choco roared, slashing his sword to the side as a wave of dark energy erupted forth, shaking the ground once again and knocking both Yam and Milk backwards. 
“Take heed, Piest!” Dark Choco went on, red static crackling around him. “Don’t dare to suggest you know my thoughts. Do not make me regret saving your life all those years ago. Stay silent, and do not cross my blade. From this point on, I will not hesitate.” 
Saying this, it was his turn to advance, and he did so in a rush of speed that belied his size. Yam turn quickly from Milk to Dark Choco and jumped to meet him, the clash sending shocking waves down his arms as he halted the attack. 
“Milk, get out of here! Its not your fight!” He called backwards, though his eyes were locked in combat as much as his weapon. 
“No! Come with me! Stop this pointless battle!” 
Yam shoved the sword away from him, but Dark Choco did not relent, and came at him in a flurry of blows, each sending an echoing crack through the air. Why?! Why did Milk have to be so obstinant, what did it matter if he survived or not? 
Dark Choco retreated, leaping backwards and hoisting his sword upwards again. In a panic that drove all anger from his mind, Yarm turned to Milk and ran towards him. “Milk, get down!” 
Lighting struck in an eruption of lava and stone, and a deep, rumbling rolled across the ground, shaking both of them to the core. Yam threw himself at Milk and the two of them fell to the ground as rubble began to fall from the thunder struck cliffs above. 
Breaths heavy in his chest, Yam held himself above his friend as the rumbling died down. Eyes wide, he was frozen in place at the realization that he’d willingly run away from an opponent, run in the midst of battle, and all to protect... “Yam, I dont want to lose you.” Milks voice was quiet, trembling. Despite his size, Milk was a gentle soul. ...No. He was just weak. And if this continued, his weakness would cause Yam to lose this battle. 
“Idiot! Do you want to die?! I told you! I’m not leaving. Im not. Running awa--” His sentence was cut off by the sound of flesh being pierced. Milk shouted in surprise as blood began to drip down onto him from above. Dark Choco stood behind Purple Yam, sword driven deep into his back. 
“Fools. Both of you.” Dark Choco said, drawing his sword in a spray of blood as Yam collapsed. “I hope you can live with the outcome of this battle, Priest. Your meddling has cost both of you much.” With that, he turned and walked away, the blood on his blade disappearing, almost as if it were being soaked up into the metal. 
Milk pulled himself out from under Yam, shaking hands hurriedly turning the bleeding man over. 
“Yam! Yam! Focus on my voice!” He called, clapping his hands together in a hastened prayer before placing them on the wound. Yam coughed, blood dripping from his mouth as he moaned a gutteral reply, though it was impossible to understand. Still, he saw Milk, sitting above him, glowing in a white light that made him feel warm, but in a comfortable way. Nothing like the sickening heat of the volcano. 
Was he dying? Probably. Its what he deserved. He let his emotions get the better of him and turned away from an engaged opponent. How disgraceful...still...Milk was okay. If his life meant anything at all, at least it was enough to keep him from harm. At least he could do that much. The glow of Milk’s healing hands started to fade, and his eyes grew heavy. The last thing he heard was Milk calling his name. 
To Be Continued?
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
you forgot?
denki kaminari x reader
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[a/n: this is super super late but here’s a birthday fic for our baby boy denki 💗 sorry it’s so short...enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
Sure it was cruel, but it was too late to back out.
“Isn’t today a good day?” was the first thing Kaminari asked you this morning. Both of you making your way downstairs to the common room.
“Hmm it’s been an okay morning. Nothing too special happened.” You shrugged, feigning disinterest as you flattened out your school uniform. You definitely hadn’t missed the pout that made its way to his lips, your heart thumping painfully at making him sad. He excitedly greeted the rest of your guys’ friend group, hoping to get a reaction out of them. Smile dropping when they hadn’t said anything concerning his birthday. You couldn’t do it anymore, Mina caught your eye before you could even open your mouth. She frowned before her eyes widened in realization and she shook her head.
You and her had sent a mass text to the entire class, minus Denki, and told them to pretend that they forgot about his birthday. Midoriya and a select few had strongly opposed to that plan, voicing how cruel a prank it was but one angry text from Bakugou shut them up and agree to go along with it.
So that’s how the day went on. Denki trying to hint at the special day but being shot down by dismissive comments. By the time school ended and everyone was back at the dorms, he built up the courage to confront everyone. That was before Kirishima dragged him out to some “extra training” which gave Sato the chance to bake the cake and you time to decorate, the others helping out too.
“Hey Sero! Mind giving me a hand with the banner? I ran out of tape.”
“Say less!” He grinned as he took the sign from you and started to put it up.
“Are you kidding me (y/n)?! You call this food?” Bakugou’s angry shout caught you off guard as you entered the kitchen.
“Dont ‘What?’ me! Dinosaur chicken nuggets! That isn’t food!”
“Of course it is!” You smiled. “It’s Kami’s favorite. You can make some yummy side dishes if you’re that triggered.” You teased, chuckling softly at his annoyed complaining as he pulled out ingredients. 
As Denki and Kirishima approached the dorm, the blonde couldn’t help but feel sad and drained. Everyone had forgotten his birthday. Even his best friends and girlfriend hadn’t said anything. Kirishima could tell how upset his friend was but excitement quickly replaced that as they went up the stairs. Upon opening the door, everything was completely dark.
“What-” Before he could complete his sentence, the lights flipped on.
The sight in front of him made his lips split in the biggest grin he could muster, eyes watering slightly when he saw you standing in front, cake in hand. You put it down and rushed over to your boyfriend, pulling him into a huge hug.
“I thought you forgot...”he mumbled quietly as the both of you pulled away.
“I’m sorry Kami, I just wanted to throw you a little surprise party.” You cupped his cheeks in your hands and pulled him into a kiss, lips moving passionately.
“I love you, my sunshine.” He blushed at your words.
“I love you too.” His smile was blinding.
He made his way to everyone else, getting pulled into hugs and feeling all the love from his classmates.
“Are those dino nuggies?!” The childish excitement in his voice made you smile softly as you watched him pile them onto his plate.
“Told you.” You nudged Bakugou smugly.
“Tch whatever, you idiots don’t know a thing about good food.” He just rolled his eyes.
Once the cake was cut and presents opened, everyone had gone to bed since Iida was stressing that it was still a school night. You had helped Denki bring all his gifts to his room. As he was putting things down onto his desk, you closed the door behind you, twisting the lock as well.
“(Y/n)?” He had turned around at the sound of the lock clicking.
“I have one more gift for the birthday boy.”
“Oh, well what is it?” He tilted his head curiously, eyes widening in understanding when you gently pushed him to sit at the edge of his bed. You straddled his lap, his hands coming to hold your hips to keep you steady. You reached into your back pocket and pulled out a box. He watched as you opened it and pulled something out. It was a simple chain necklace with a lighting bolt charm hanging from it.
You leaned forward, placing the chain around his neck and securing the clasp, “I hope you like it, chargebolt.” You purred into his ear, that’s when he caught a shimmer reflecting from your neck. You had on an identical necklace.
“I love it, (y/n). Thank you for the best birthday surprise ever.” A goofy grin on his lips.
“Your birthday isn’t over yet.” You bit your lips before going in for a kiss, one that was a little more heated than usual.
“Well then, let’s make these last two hours count.” He murmured against your lips. You loved his silly personality but you also loved when he was determined.
You definitely made up for your little prank that night but you didn’t mind one bit.
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daikaashisthighs · 5 years
Confession// Tsukishima Kei
He tried to keep his cool careless demeanor but you can tell he’s flustered. He just looks down at you (because he’s a fucking giant and is probably 1ft taller than you) suprised by your sudden cofession. This boy will literally just stand there for a minute to process what the fuck just happened. As soon as the gears start turning in his head, you can see a small smirk appear on his lips. “Hmmm, is that so?” s/c shyly nodded, ready to run away. As she was about to walk away, he grabbed her hand and told her to wait for her after practice. Poor s/o doesnt know what that means and she freaks out internally.
She waited for a few hours for Tsukki to finish practice. Tsukki invited her to wait inside the gym but she refused knowing her heart wont stop beating out of her chest. She settled outside the gym and literallt stared into the ground thinking of all possible ways Tsukki would turn her down or maybe embarrass her in front of his team. She didnt expect Tsukki to return any sort of feelings because he’s never really shown any interest in her but she couldnt keep it in anymore. She didn’t want to lose their friendship although she felt like it was a one way friendship. Tsukki just usually listens to her ramble on about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING but from time to time he’d tease her or make a stupid remark. His company is something you treasure and enjoy. 
During those 3-3 1/2 hours, he’d constantly check on you and makes sure you were doing fine. When he realized practice will be running late, he told you to go on ahead and go home. You insited on stay and waiting for him. Of course Tsukkie being a stubborn dino that he is wouldnt let you. He was afraid your parents would get worried or you could possibly get introuble. You explained that your living by yourself and your parents live abroad and he reluctantly agreed. He once again asked you to wait for him inside the gym bc it was getting chilly. You declined and he gave you his jacket to keep warm. BUTTERFLIES ARE FLYING AROUND IN YOUR STOMACH. You told yourself to calm down bc you didnt want to get your hopes up. I mean why would Tsukishima Kei fall for a girl like you. Nothing stands out about you, you dont have anything to offer him and your looks is just average. You shooks those thoughts out of your head and tried to focus on something else. You took out your phone and watched netlix. You couldnt help but smell his jacket and fall totally in love with his scent. You hugged yourself, feeling like Tsukki is actually hugging you. You couldnt help but hope to have the chance to be in his arm. Your eyes started drooping and you leaned agaisnt the cold wall, falling asleep. 
You woke up feeling someone poke your cheeks. You were quite annoyed and was about to give that person a piece of your mind but when open your eyes and met his, you instantly melted. You felt embarrased having fallen  asleep outside, practically hugging his jacket. Little did you know, he found it adorable. A small smile even crept into his lips when he saw you. Before you could say anything, he offered you a hand which you accepted and started walking towards your house. 
The first few minutes, no words were said and you were walking ahead of him to try and avoid his rejection. Neither of you knew what to say or how to start the conversation. You felt as if,  you waited for him for hours just so he could walk you home. You were disappointed and kind of upset. Although you didnt want to be rejected, its better than not knowing. The walk felt painfully slow and awkward. It’s rare for the both of you to feel this awkward silence. You were approaching your house and he still hasnt said a word. You took that as a sign of rejection or a way for tsukki to say his goodbye. You expected him to never talk to you again. You felt like a fool having confessed your feelings for him and ruin your friendship with him.
You reached your front door, you turned to see if tsukki’s still with you. You thought he left bc he was walking behind you and hasnt said a word. Turns out, he’s still there. Once your eyes met, all you could do was apologize. “I’m sorry. It’s okay if you dont want me to be in your life anymore” shit, tears started falling down your face but you contiuned pouring your heart out. “I couldnt help it. I’m sorry I fell for you. I really wish I hadnt so everything could get back to normal.” you looked at him hoping to get a response but nothing. His face is still unamused. “You know what tsukishima, I’m not sorry. This is all your fault. Its your cute faces fault. You made me fall in love with your stupid little quirks. Your annoying gestures and ugh don’t get me started with your voice. How did you now expect me to fall in love when your laugh sound like music to my ears. And those eyes UGH. They make me weak to my knees. Your addiction to dinosaurs, it makes me think of having kids with you and dressing them up in dino costumes just to see you smile. Everything about you, I love and I know I sound crazy right now but I wanted you know this before you go.” somehow tears started pouring down your face. Your hands clutched into a fist and Tsukki noticed your knuckle turning white. He grabbed your hand and looked at you. “I’m sorry Tsukki, I just wanted you to know how loved you are. No one reminds you enough how much of a gem you are. Whoever will own your heart is the luckiest girl in the world” You snatched your hand away from his and walked inside your house, shutting your door, leaving Tsukki outside. 
It took Tsukki a minute to process your outburst. His tongue felt numb. He couldnt say a word. He wanted to tell you he felt the same way but his tongue wouldnt let him and on top of that you didnt give him time to respond. His head was spinning, he didnt know how to react to someone loving all of him, including his flaws. He couldnt understand how it was possible for a girl likeyou to fall for him. He felt as if he was dreaming or this was some cruel prank. He couldnt believe how you felt about him. Shit clicked and he realized how you felt like you were rejected. Tsukki’s interally beating himself up for not clearing it up but he was shocked and nervous. 
He rung the doorbell hoping you would answer but nothing. He was freaking out. He really wanted to see you and tell you how he feels but you werent answering the door. He was contemplating smashing the windows or something. Finally, you answered the door and he immidietly pulls you into a hug. You stayed like that for a while, enjoying the feel of being in his arms. You look down at her, seeing her eyes red and puffy from crying. He hated himself for being the reason why you felt heartbroken. He cupped your cheeks, slowly leaned down kissing you gently. As soon as he met your soft lips, he instantly melted. He couldnt help but smile into the kiss. “You’re such an idiot” he mummbled. Your brained stopped working once he kissed you. “Next time, let me talk okay?” he said softly. “I’m sorry you felt rejected, I was just trying to gather my thoughts and find the right thing to say.” “I’m sorry i jumped into conclusion tsukki, I didnt think you could ever like a girl like me:” You confessed. Tsukki sighed and said “You’re right, I couldn never love a girl you” he paused. You could physically feel your heart break into a million pieces. “It’s because I already love you idiot” He pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead “Please don’t ever cry again okay? I’m not worth a single tear of yours” “I love you” you mumbled. “I love you more” 
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daemonslae has decided to stay ((ha it rhymes))
“Take a picture and my perfection will last longer, sweetheart.” Dino had decided to take a trip into Lestallum to ask about some rumours on old stone mines, but it certainly didn’t stop him from flirting with the girls who looked at him.
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shadeofazmeinya · 7 years
shade!!!! i have a prompt that i absolutely understand that you might not get to, but i love u and trust u with it!! but im thinking of freewood in kind of the dino dads universe with hurt/comfort between the boys!! it can be suggestive, i dont mind!!!! i loveeeeeee u! - ryan gaywood
( @gaywood ive never written anything with dino dads before and that’s a tragedy bc its adorable as fuck. I didn’t really go with the hurt/comfort so I hope you forgive me. Wanted to more establish the au haha)
When Ryan was told he was going to be stuck in a remote plains location, stuck with five other people as they carried out his greatest experiment, he nearly told his boss they were an idiot.  Ryan, the lead scientist at AH Labs, known for locking himself up in his office for days on end, always trying to minimize the most human interaction he will have to deal with, now stuck with five other people all helping to work on his work.
But then again, if they were going to be working on bringing dinosaurs back to life, he knew he was going to have to deal with more than he would want to handle at some point.
The universe just has to have one more thing out for him though as he gets the list of names of people who would be joining him on this groundbreaking excursion. His chest tightens and his hand crumples the paper as he sees one name written on it, one name that was probably the worst name to show up there.
Gavin. Free.
It’s not that Ryan hates Gavin. Quite the opposite actually. He’s some prodigy in his field, the one who perfected transcribing and cloning DNA from just any one strand of DNA of a living cell, cloning whole animals from only half the nucleus from it. Ryan’s been following his research from the beginning of his career. Ryan had the chance of meeting him once at some conference and he was funny and bright and far, far more attractive than Ryan could ever handle. And now Ryan was going to be stuck living with, working besides for over a year.
God, Ryan is fucked.
He can’t back out though, not when his research, his work has come so far. Not when he’s so close. So he’ll just have to swallow his feelings down, stop himself from making a complete fool of himself, and work on what he needs to. They’re going to make history here and he doesn’t need to fuck that up with something as silly as having some attraction to one of the other scientists.
So instead, Ryan tries to learn about the other four that are coming with, hoping that they’ll be better to deal with. There’s the botanist, Pattillo, with research revolving around ancient plant species and helping to create the habitats for the creatures that should hopefully be created and hatch. Then the engineer Jones, coming mostly to help with the equipment and maintenance of the labs there. Dooley, the medical doctor with them, there to make sure themselves and the dinosaurs don’t get hurt. And Ramsey, the zoologist, to help take care of the chickens and horses they’ll need for the process, as well as study the dinosaurs from embryos to birth and hopefully beyond. From their files they seem respectful enough, intelligent in their fields. Though some of the personal comments on them make him worry for what it’ll actually be like working with them.
He meets them officially a few months later, as they load the trucks full of supplies to travel to the remote labs. He gets there early, shifting his duffle bag full of all his clothes and personal things as he walks inside. He thought he would be the first one in, but when he’s greeted by another voice cursing at the truck drivers, he learns he’s not the earliest one.
“Be careful! This shit is worth ten times your fucking truck!”
Ryan rounds the corner to see Jones glaring at the poor driver who was helping him load some of the equipment onto his truck. He recognized him from his photo in the file. And from the few comments written on it about his… choice of language.
“Jones,” Ryan nods to him as he walks up to the truck.
Jones turns to him, raising an eyebrow and looking him up and down. “You must be the elusive Dr. Haywood,” he says, holding out his hand to shake.
“Didn’t know that that’s my reputation preceding me,” he says, raising an eyebrow and shaking his hand.
“Well you’re the only one of our little crew I haven’t met,” Michael shrugs. “Therefore, you’re elusive. Plus it is part of your reputation.”
Ryan sighs. “Of course it is. Well, since I’m here, lets get the rest of this loaded up, shall we?”
The others arrive soon after. Pattillo and Ramsey come in together, laughing about something between them. Ryan greets them cordially, shaking hands. Though they greet Jones more familiarly. And when Dooley arrives after, grinning and pulling Jones into a half hug, Ryan just sighs to himself. So they’re all friends. At least then they can entertain themselves when he’s trying to get work done.
The last to arrive is Free, running in just minutes before they were supposed to be heading out. Ryan turns to him, ready to scold him for coming so late, but Gavin’s giving a sheepish look, his hair a mess and clothes ruffled, looking just as gorgeous as when Ryan had met him the first time and the harsh words die in his throat.
The others greet Gavin before he does and Ryan tries to ignore the small pang in his chest when the others are teasing, familiar. But then he stifles the feeling down, greeting him only with a nod and a simple handshake.
“Dr. Free,” Ryan says as he returns the handshake.
“We’re going to be working with each other for a long time, no need to start with such formalities,” he laughs brightly. “You can just call me Gavin, Ryan.”
Ryan nods, praying his face isn’t as visibly red as it feels. “Well, Gavin then. The trucks are all packed, ready to head out whenever you’re ready.”
“Oh I’m more than ready,” he grins. “We’re going to make history here!”
Ryan can’t help but feel a smile pull on his own lips. He knows this process isn’t guaranteed to work, that this experiment could easily end with complete failure as it could end in yielding any results. Gavin doesn’t seem anything less than hopeful and Ryan can’t help but feel the same thing. “Let’s go make some dinosaurs then.”
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hgfstreamchats · 7 years
We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room. Jalaperilo: yo! Knock Out: Hello there! Jalaperilo: been a while since i dropped by Jalaperilo: omg, I was JUST listening to Sawbones! Knock Out: But how good to have you! Jalaperilo: find the clip where justin looses it when sydnee uses the word 'exquisit' in medical terminology Knock Out: Do you have a link by any chance? Jalaperilo: Sawbones. If you wanna be disguisted by human medical history, its the go to podcast thenightetc: Fun fact, it creeps me the hell out when someone keeps saying my name. Jalaperilo: hahah Knock Out: I love the sound of my own name, but that's just me and anything pertaining to myself.
thenightetc: ...Okay, this IS pretty funny Jalaperilo: I'm with thenight. it annoys me if i hear my name too much Jalaperilo: it means people want things from me thenightetc: Yeah. thenightetc: It's... smarmy. thenightetc: In the worst way. Jalaperilo: yup thenightetc: So what are we watching?  Good movie or movie to mock? Knock Out: Pure mockery! Jalaperilo: julia child?? Knock Out: Oh yes. Jalaperilo: nice thenightetc: Oh, boy! thenightetc: *could do with some mocking after today* thenightetc: Worms aren't that elastic Jalaperilo: birds also dont have quiffs thenightetc: ...Is this... a sequel? Knock Out: No, thankfully. Knock Out: "Yes. But technically speaking, ain't you?" thenightetc: Haha, did they give the t-rex herbivore teeth? Jalaperilo: true Jalaperilo: did they come from dinosaurs or just pteradons? Knock Out: Oh, pterosaurs aren't dinosaurs. Breakdown is adamant on that one. Jalaperilo: pteranodon* Jalaperilo: i know Jalaperilo: i didt know if birds came from dinosaurs or just pteranodons Knock Out: That's another thing this movie likes to drive home. Some organics eat meat and that's terrible. thenightetc: Only if the meat has a face!  Which, uh, in this movie apparently it does, going by the worm and the fish. Knock Out: Oh! They came from dinosaurs, apparently. thenightetc: oh my god thenightetc: What--what's in that stuff Knock Out: Nothing good. Jalaperilo: if only it was that easy to make Grimlock docile lol Knock Out: If someone did that to Grimlock, I'm fairly sure it would constitute a crime. thenightetc: Ahhhh, so it's okay to eat meat that somebody ELSE killed. Knock Out: But not okay to be a massive animal and step on things by accident. Jalaperilo: people need to remember that its ok to decide to not eat meat, but it WAS the reason we evolved to be so cognizent as a species Jalaperilo: no its not Knock Out: Smart enough to make up their own minds, but not smart enough to know what lunch is. Knock Out: Or what children are. thenightetc: This, uh, seems very morally dubious. thenightetc: Just go ahead and create some people because some kids want to meet them Knock Out: Why create some people when you can kidnap them? thenightetc: Wellllll, they were just animals before.  He made them INTO people. Zephra85: OMG I saw the description on the tumblr post and and immedietely knew Zephra85: 'OMG WE'RE BACK' Zephra85: Also hi everyone! Knock Out: Welcome to the disaster, Zephra human! thenightetc: Hi! Jalaperilo: yo yo Zephra85: I was obsessed with this movie a sa child thenightetc: That seems like an incredibly extra way to make a sandwich Zephra85: go big or go home thenightetc: Oh, yeah, just stick your hand right in his mouth.  It's safe! Jalaperilo: I had never heard of this until like 20 minutes ago Knock Out: Smart enough to handle this, remember. thenightetc: Honestly, he's lucky he didn't just drive straight into the river... ocean? Lusey: -peeks in- Knock Out: Hello there! Zephra85: Yo Lusey: hello! this movie is so dumb I love it Zephra85: The 90's had a lot of scenes with kids handling construction cranes Lusey: he's not even a t-rex thenightetc: EXHIBIT?! Jalaperilo: there she is! thenightetc: exCUSE me? Lusey: they gonna kill and stuff 'em Zephra85: Yes because this is clearly less conspicuous Lusey: "hey babe" I wish I had this kid's confidence wtf thenightetc: wtf indeed Jalaperilo: what was it about the 80's and 90's where it was a streetwise orphan boy and the red head up town girl? Zephra85: objectively this movie is probably bad but I have so much love and nostalgia for it idgaf thenightetc: Jesus christ, that place is huge.  They must be freakin millionaires Lusey: yup Lusey: but yeah this movie sucks but the last villain scene is spooky Zephra85: oh god seriously Lusey: wont say why or how but Lusey: hoo boy Lusey: it made up for so much Zephra85: it's so subtle but holy *** it's wild at the same time thenightetc: oh yeah, nobody'lll notice THAT Zephra85: things like this can only happen in New York 'cause they're so jadded Knock Out: Eugh. thenightetc: oh my god thenightetc: Why this Jalaperilo: way too young to be a debutante Zephra85: they got things to do and places to go they can't let bs like dinosaurs or aliens get in their way Lusey: what's that parent's problem Knock Out: You should wish for less rats in the subway, little human. Lusey: that child is like 5 and you ruined her life Zephra85: parenting at its finest Zephra85: Having fun with human tech and connections, Knock Out? Knock Out: Endless fun. Knock Out: Hmm, is the picture quality suffering too much? Lusey: see wtf lady Lusey: let her believe thenightetc: Nah, it's fine thenightetc: oh nO Lusey: that's right Lusey: musical thenightetc: I wasn't prepared thenightetc: "things to chew"  kinda sounds like he wants to eat everyone Knock Out: Killing spree ending, just once! Zephra85: (jams out 'cause f*** it all she loves this song) thenightetc: Well, there WAS Little Shop of Horrors. Knock Out: Hmm, true. Knock Out: SMART. ENOUGH. TO HANDLE THIS. thenightetc: ...And there he goes explicitly saying he wants to eat a human Lusey: I think he's implying they'd be gross. but still haha Lusey: seriously who'd run away from TALKING dinosaurs thenightetc: "that's the guy who was foreshadowed!" Jalaperilo: bring back julia child Jalaperilo: lost my green Lusey: I think I gotta head out actually. connection is shot on my end. but enjoy bad dinos Knock Out: An attempt will be made. Have a good night! Zephra85: Bye! Jalaperilo: I'm heading out as well. Its 2am here and I have to be up at 9 thenightetc: Goodnight! Knock Out: Goodnight! Jalaperilo: nighty night Night! Zephra85: 'Nigh! Zephra85: *night Zephra85: man that little girl and her mom get around FAST Zephra85: also the mom's recovered rather well from her freak out before Knock Out: Scrap. So close. thenightetc: "Keep coming or maybe stay away" thenightetc: Dontgonearthe Castle thenightetc: No, idiot, they just left because they're adults and didn't feel like beating up a twelve-year-old thenightetc: Hahahahha thenightetc: Crushing their stupid dreams thenightetc: Is he literally the devil Knock Out: This is normal. thenightetc: Oh, totally Zephra85: not suspecious at all nope thenightetc: Why did SHE sign it Knock Out: "Naughty boys delight" Zephra85: Bah looks like I gotta ditch too, the bf wants the good laptop thenightetc: Pffff, minors can't sign contracts. thenightetc: Though, I guess he's the devil, so Zephra85: 'Night everybody! Thanks for the stream, Knock Out! Knock Out: Goodnight! Glad you could pop in! Zephra85: Oh, and since Breakdown never checks his tumblr anymore, can you tell him happy birthday for me? Knock Out: Will do! Zephra85: Alrighty I'm gone ENJOY CREEPY CIRCUS DINOSAURS GUYS Knock Out: Looks like it's just you and me, night human. thenightetc: I guess that guy's actions make a little more sense in light of the news that he's the devil's brother. Knock Out: This one seems slightly more invested in whether dinosaurs live or die. Knock Out: If only from a business perspective. thenightetc: This got creepy fast, though Knock Out: What disturbs me is that they don't seem willing or able to just grab the children and run. Knock Out: Wasn't that literally the point of A Clockwork Orange? thenightetc: Yes, I mean, maybe they're too squeamish for fresh meat now, but... thenightetc: Seems like they could also grab the contract and destroy it. Knock Out: They're barely intelligent enough to function and physically incapable of defying rules. What could possibly go wrong? thenightetc: Nothing, clearly. Knock Out: I can see why the "legitimate circus" fired him. thenightetc: "Evil" Knock Out: Nice of him to let them stick around for pancakes, though. thenightetc: "oh no, consequences!" Knock Out: "And that's terrible for some reason." thenightetc: Oh, so he IS using some real demons.  I was going to say. Knock Out: They can't seem to decide whether he's using real demons or if the fact that he isn't using real demons is bad. thenightetc: I guess it's a mix? Knock Out: Apparently. thenightetc: Real demons, and poor saps who were dumb enough to sign contracts with Literally The Devil. thenightetc: Not reassuring! Knock Out: Now see, this would have made more sense with that whole deleted chunk about a crow pecking out his eye. thenightetc: Why is everyone freaking out and trying to run, though?  It's clearly a show. Knock Out: The humans in this movie have proved to be overexcitable. thenightetc: Aw, c'mon, what would eating this guy ruin. thenightetc: What if he just ate his arm or something; he can live without that. Knock Out: Just bite off his shins. thenightetc: Little bit off the top. Knock Out: He'll never miss it. thenightetc: And neither will anyone else. Nickel: Ooh. Not a bad lookin' ship, there. Knock Out: Such a waste of a good ship. thenightetc: Why this Knock Out: You are infants. Nickel: õ-õ Nickel: ô_ô Knock Out: Spoiler alert: We never learn what the surprise was. thenightetc: ô_ô indeed. Nickel: I'm not sure I want to... Knock Out: Why didn't he do this ages ago and get a job at a circus where his act will actually fit in? thenightetc: Who knows? thenightetc: ...Did HE not have a magical contract? thenightetc: WELL then. Nickel: Well, now I know the humans have their own version of scraplets... Knock Out: Julia Child, you ruined everything. Stop talking. thenightetc: Something about "reveal the miracle of yourselves" doesn't sound right. Nickel: KID. GET BACK BEHIND THE ROPES. THEYRE THERE FER A REASON Knock Out: Dear Unicron. thenightetc: ... Nickel: what blatant disregard fa boundaries. Knock Out: Crowd a room with children and teach them to keep secrets from their parents. Knock Out: Without ever changing outfits. Nickel: Who took all of those pictures. thenightetc: The devil's brother? Knock Out: The old man on the ship. The families don't know about them. thenightetc: That was a trip from start to finish. Nickel: I'd apologize fa comin in so late, but I feel like I really dodged a bullet, there. Knock Out: You have no idea. Knock Out: Why couldn't we have had this version of the song? Nickel: they had ta save tha best bit fa last, I suppose? Knock Out: Point. Nickel: I know I just got here, but I needa run a quick errand. Are ya endin' things here, Doc? or do ya have more plans? Knock Out: I think we'll wrap it up here for tonight. Patient reports beckon, sadly. Nickel: Lord almighty, I feel ya. thenightetc: Awww.  Well, it was fun!  Thanks for the stream. :) Knock Out: Thank you for the commentary! Nickel: Thanks indeed. (-w-) Knock Out: Good night, everyone! thenightetc: Goodnight!
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