#dont mind me i'm rambling and probably talking nonsense but like
zhongrin · 4 months
honestly i'm probably gaslighting myself and there may be lores/texts that disproves this, but the fact that zhongli and neuvillette has so many parallels, how zhongli is avoiding neuvillette constantly, how zhongli isn't given the spotlight on the literal year of the dragon, and hyv's tendencies to fuck around and drop 'misleading' hints (i.e. we're made to believe that zhongli is avoiding neuvillette because the latter wants to 'judge' him in that voiceline).... it all makes me feel like they're doing all of it because don't want to expose zhongli as the geo dragon sovereign.
listen. i say they don't want to expose zhongli's dragon form up close in detail for too long in-game because they know we'll catch onto something. and wouldn't it be crazy if this is yet another parallel, but in reverse? wherein neuvillette had only half of his power but gained it completely after he received the gnosis, while zhongli had his full power from the start and then later it's 'taken away' because he chose to give the gnosis to tsaritsa? plus, if the tsaritsa is planning to do anything with the gnosis ー for example, destroying it in the process of using it to overthrow heavenly principles/celestia, in any case the power will return to him anyway. like, come on. man has lived for 6k+ years. he's mischievous behind that elegant facade. it's a win win situation for him either way. man is gonna say 'get bamboozled bitches' at the end of the game i just know it /j /silly
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hi hi Finnie!! Congrats on reaching 1k! I've been going back n forth if i should request this because,,, nervessss, but can I pleasse request no.9 ever fallen in love with someone?
I'm 5'3, have blonde buzzed hair and a curvy, chubby body. I'm afab genderfluid & bi so i joke my gender and sexuality is just everything/everything XD
I LOOOVE making really bad jokes, like dad jokes, puns, dirty jokes, and some of my favourite jokes dont have spoken punchlines so i stare at people with a goofy face until they get it :D I love listening to other people rant about their passions and learning new things, even if i dont fully get it, and enjoy being able to do the same back.
I'm very creative so most of my hobbies are with my hands, from drawing, to sewing, resin and woodwork, i like to try a bit of everything. I really enjoy seeing a finished product that i made on my own! I also like reading and playing dnd so I'm really good at crafting strategies or creative ways around problems in the game (and describing how i get to defeat my enemies, because im squeamish with real blood, but i love some good ol fictional gore.)
I'm very outgoing and bubbly, and i dislike being formal with people. I'd much rather be my casual and crude self, and skip any awkwardness. I am naturally very loud so i can have some issues around quieter people but i try my best to adjust so I'm not cutting them off. I also have a very dirty mind and am a very physically affectionate person, I'm always flirting with, hugging someone, linking arms, or holding hands, whether were platonic or romantic!
Asfghgjfla thank you for letting me ramble and for doing all of these for us!!
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok i am bestowing upon you what i consider to be the greatest gift because truly you just suit him so well 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok this is my own headcanon but it's practically legit canon in my mind by this point, but thick bodies are his favourite type of body so checkmark there
also, exceptional gender and sexuality choice. i feel like yeah he's a cis bisexual boy, but also i don't think he cares enough to put any sort of label on it, and he has more important things to be concerned about, so he'll identify as whatever the fuck makes you leave him alone and stop questioning him quickest
look i'm not pulling out my files on his dialogue in the games, but trust me when i say that this is the dorkiest dweeb in the universe and his ability to make the dumbest jokes and be so satisfied with himself knows no bounds
good about the listening thing, because you won't be allowed to get a word in edgeways. and besides, he's the best, so he deserves everyone's attention at all times while he talks about whatever the hell he pleases (but he might also let you tell him about something you love if he's too tired to talk)
yeah, stinky boy is down there in his little workshop using his little raccoon paws to get up to all sorts of nonsense so he'd be super pleased to have someone with some capabilities in that kind of area to help him with some projects
and being able to be strategic and creative with problem solving? sounds like someone just got promoted to riddler apprentice and chief "evil plan" coordinator
outgoing and bubbly are probably going to grate on him but god knows he needs someone to be the face of his operation, and it'd be good for him to have a brightness in his life
also it's fine to be loud because you need to be able to cut through either the sound of his welding or yelling or ranting
and truly very much so he needs physical attention and affection, which i'm sure he'd warm to eventually if you just keep at it. relentlessly, even if he's pretending to hate it and it's making him grumpy
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
i'm still not sure which unit i like the most ahaha (i usually can't choose a bias or favorite if i don't get into because of a particular person oops). i do want to know more about them since i'm still quite new to NCT so it would be really helpful/useful if you could link me some guides :) you can also show me the nonsense fic you wrote, i love "weird" ideas -A.
okay its been a few days since you sent this in and i have been working on finding things for you dflkajsd;kla.  to start out im just gonna link the wayv blurb:   This is a no clown zone
WayV Guide
NCT In General
^ this one is about ot21 so it does not include Shotaro nor Sungchan, who were added to the group only this year.  it’s also like a several video series so i linked the first one.
i dont know if its been announced what’ll happen to them after the NCT 2020 promos end, but i am holding out hope for NCT 139 aka NCT Japan (139 is the longitudinal coordinate for Tokyo and yes I was directly inspired by the reason 127 is 127 and yes i am a strong supporter of the name being sakurazens bc i think its cute) bc of Yuta and Shotaro.  Essentially I just want to see them interact bc I think it’s good for Yuta to have someone around who’s tongue is also native Japanese.  This is not to discount Doyoung or Taeyong’s actions in also learning Japanese but like as someone who’s the child of an immigrant and grew up in a different country to where my mother is from, no matter how good one is in another language, there are still things that you will know as a native speaker vs a non-native speaker.  That went on a bit of a tangent but anyways.  I have ideas about this hypothetical unit that I would love to talk about lol.
Some of the NCT members are also in another SM group, SuperM.  These members are Taeyong and Mark of 127 and Ten and Lucas of WayV.  If you know EXO or SHINee, then you’re probably already aware of SuperM but to understand NCT, you don’t need to really know about SuperM.  I just offer the information so you have it.
Taeyong has a solo song, “Long Flight”, which lives in my mind rent free and on the anniversary of its release he quoted lyrics it in his LYSN Bubble message.  I mention this specifically bc it is genuinely one of my favorite songs and the aesthetics of the MV are fantastic.
Out of the four NCT units (127, Dream, U, WayV) I think that WayV is probably my favorite.  They were my introduction into the rest of NCT, even though in the beginning I was like, “I am only going to pay attention to WayV and 127.″  As you’ll see in the NCT Guide, U is a “whichever members want to have a jam sesh” concept subunit.  I like the idea as it allows the guys to perform with concepts they aren’t able to with their fixed unit.
If, and only if like you’re under no obligation to agree, if you want, I could ramble a bit about WayV or 127 as they’re the subunits I know best.  If you want to know more about the Dreamies, I recommend our mutual friend @princekunge bc Ash knows more about them than I do ^-^
And if there are any groups/soloists you see me posting about that you want to know more about, I am literally always ready to talk about them.  Especially if it’s Super Junior.
But no so yeah I hope that this was helpful.  I tried to keep it short and like more focused/to the point, especially since the NCT units are so like, intertwined.  There’s always a lot of drama within the nctzens so like, avoid stan twit essentially.
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Hey Isaac, I really love your blog (esp the positivity posts). I'm a senior in high school and god I LOVED physics. But over the last few months I felt so fucking stupid and idiotic because I barely scraped an A last quarter, I can't even hit a 4 on the AP physics test, and I just bombed a final. I was a perfect 4.8 student but now I lost all respect and everyone's telling me to give science up and tbh maybe someone like me should. Any tips for pursuing something even when you feel dumb in it?
(2) and I’m sorry that I sound incredibly shallow and stat oriented. Im just frightened that I’m stepping into a black hole here and should quickly change to another field where I can reliably succeed before it’s too late. I want an easy, lucrative life with little risk on one hand while on the other I wanna do cool stuff in the lab and science 24/7. Since I can’t get any confidence from my nonexistent achievements, how can I get it?
Hey! Heh, I’m glad you like my blog and positivity, that’s good to know! I feel a lot better in general if I keep the positive mindset
And hey, shhh, don’t give up on any of that! And I know that it can sound a little superficial to be worried about that stuff, and if I’m completely honest, those things are important to me, and can get me down, too. But listen, you still got an A! Even if you didn’t, it would be okay because the point is that you’re learning a lot, and that is way more valuable and important than a letter next to a class name. (Not to mention that you can definitely get an A in a class, but not know what you learned) Obviously it’s important, but the difference between a B, a low A, and a high A are really not that big in the grand scheme of things, I promise you. It’s all about how things are overall! Like if you have a ton of A’s and one B, people aren’t going to be like “well what about that one time?”. It doesn’t say nearly as much about your character as what you consistently do does. If that makes sense!
And, you know, I didn’t get a 4 on the second half of my AP physics test, either! I “only” got a 3, and yeah, a good number of people have done way better, and there will always be the people who get extremely high 5′s and be like “wow u only got a 3 what a loser” (also if they do that they are so wrong and really ignorant and mean and are just trying to make themselves look better for their own self-esteem and others’ approval, probably)
And yeah, maybe you bombed a test, but it’s only one! I’ve bombed tests before! Actually, last spring, I had a lab practical final for my biology class (my major, mind you), and I got a D! But I still got an A in the class, and it doesn’t mean that I should give up biology, heh. At least not in my eyes. It just means that I struggled for a bit. And I’m sure that’s all that it means for you, too!
But anyway, so, tips for pursing something you feel dumb in, since that was the original question, heh. I would say maybe talking to your teacher about it, because they know that AP classes are tough! And I mean, I had a really hard time with AP physics when I first got into it, too! I went in and talked to my teacher about it, and arranged to have all of the extra help that I needed to do well. And once I got into a rhythm with that, I eventually got more comfortable and confident with it, and I didn’t need so much help anymore!
I know that there are people that just don’t really need all that much extra help, and that can make you feel kind of shitty sometimes, because you wonder like “well why am I not able to get this when that person just did instantly? why do they think its so easy and I just dont. get. it.”, but there is never anything wrong with getting more help, more practice, talking to more people about it, etc..
Sometimes one of the more important things is just having someone who can tell you that they understand that it’s hard, and just reassure you that you’re not dumb or inferior to anyone just because you have to work slower, or you have to work at something for longer. And if nobody else has told you that, then congratulations, because I am telling you!
As for your future… I can’t really tell you what to do, or what to pursue. But you know, I mean, the thing is that if it’s really important to you… if you really want to do something, then you’ll figure it out, and you’ll get there. It sounds cliche, but really, heh, where there is a will, there really is a way. And sometimes there isn’t a will, and that’s okay, too! I didn’t have the will to pursue physics, even though I had a ton of fun in my old AP class, you know? I had the will for something else, and that’s what I’m doing now!
But anyway, you might be able to talk to a guidance counsellor or something about it too, if you haven’t tried already! They’re trained in helping people feel better about themselves through listening to you, being understanding, and accompanying you through the steps that you can / need to take to make yourself feel better, whether that is overcoming the obstacles, or finding a way around them.
Just because you have a bad break, doesn’t mean it’s the end-all-be-all. Don’t give up science. Not if you don’t want to. Because that whole idea of “someone like you”? That is everybody. Literally everybody, heh. Everyone struggles, and what you’re talking about is super normal! And, just so you know, there are plenty of good, accessible jobs out there in science that you can get into to lead a comfortable life, alongside all of those crazy careers that require you to be in school until you’re dead, heh. You can do physics, if you want. You can do chemistry, or biology, astronomy, or geology, or any of the sub-branches of science that come to mind from there.
If there is anything else that I can do for you, or anything else you want to talk about, you can always drop by again, because I’ll always be here to let you know that you can fucking do it! Like holy shit, of course you can do it! 4.8! That’s amazing! I hope something out of all of this rambling nonsense helped, heh. I’m sorry that things are a bit tough right now, but I don’t have any doubts that you can do it!
Have a good day, anon!
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