#dont mind that the tags are completely disorganized
danka-in-art · 1 year
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Amputee Neil because I wanted to draw it for a loong time but I forgot.
Hopefully, I did him justice.
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falcatamandarina · 22 days
Tav and Vardana character worksheet
Thanks @hybernating-bear for the tag. I am gonna try this as an English practice (sorry if I misspell something or if it can’t be understood). I am gonna talk about my two ‘Tavs’ since they are siblings and the background is the same.
Tagging @necroticyuzu , @vo09 and @elven-e-girl (I dont want to annoy you, no pressure, just an invitation)
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Names: Tav (the elder one) and Vardana (the younger one) from Winterwood.
Tav is just Tav, because I like it (and I love ‘Gustavo’ name). Vardana is misspelled ‘bardana’ , a name of a plant (I believe it is ‘burdock’ in English). I like how this plant grows up in wild places. 
Gender: Tav is male; Vardana is female.
Sexuality: Tav is gay, Bardana is heterosexual.
Pronouns: He/him and She/her, 
Family: The important figure here is their grandmother, a Kelemvor cleric, a Doomguide and an exceptional duelist. Her name was Tabitha from Winterwood in Interior Faerûn and she was a human who, after a long life of adventures, became an hermit and recluded herself in Winterwood to help some little half blooded villages, since the wood has a lot of tension between orcs, dragons, lizards and woodelven. Tav and Vardana’s father was an adventure bard that fell in love with a drow and was killed by her when she was tired of a simple life. The little ones were raised by the grandma in Kelemvor ways and that’s why they are both kelemvorites clerics and don’t have any idea about drow culture. In fact their physical appearance is human-like.
Birthplace: Winterwood. They were raised there and completed tasks helping Tabitha. For instance, they were trying to eradicate Myrkul and Bhaal cults in the region. 
Job: Clerics, but Tav is the ‘blessed’ one. He is more skilled in the magic of his God. He is also a good bard and a duelist, like her grandma. Vardana developed herself more as a warrior (an Orc friend of the grandma trained her), due the drow skills and a lack of divine magic (for some reason it seems that Kelemvor only gifted her with basic cleric abilities). 
Phobia: Tav fears deep water. Vardana is afraid of her God not replying to her, that’s why she decided to protect and join Tav wherever he goes as a shadow. They are very dependent on one another.  
Guilty pleasure: Sometimes they have cruel pulsions, but can control them thanks to the strict training and their strong beliefs. 
Hobbies: Tav likes to spend time playing the lira and composing silly songs. He is a very joyful fellow. Vardana is silent most of the time, and she likes training, training and training.
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Alignment: Lawful Good (both), but Tav could be chaotical in some situations.
Sins: Tav enjoys tricking enemies and being a traitor to them. He feels really fine when they realize he has betrayed them and can’t do anything, it is his dark side. About Vardana, she doesn’t show it normally, but she is really possessive. 
Virtues: A very strong moral sense. They are really kind with people in need and value kindness and cordiality. 
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introverted / Extroverted: Vardana is introverted in general (or quiet, at least). Tav is extremely extroverted. 
Organized / Disorganized: She is organized, he is disorganized. 
Close minded / Open minded: Both are open minded in general, except about their religion. 
Calm / Anxious / Restless: She is really calm, but he is restless. 
Disagreeable / Agreeable: Agreeable in general. 
Cautious / Reckless: Cautious, all the time. Tav seems a little reckless, but it is a kind of mask. 
Patient / Impatient: Patient in general, but Tav could be eager in specific situations. 
Outspoken / Reserved: She is reserved as Hell. Tav is a nosy tattletale.
Leader / Follower / Flexible: Tav is the Leader, but it seems like an irresponsible one (at least externally). Vardana is a Follower but just with Tav, almost as a shadow in the case of following her brother.
Empathetic / Unempathetic: They both are Empathetic, except in the case you are a cold blooded murderer. 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist: Optimist. Their beliefs guide them on the topic. 
Traditional / Modern: In between. They are very traditional about their religion and respect goodness above all, but open minded about everything else (as soon as ‘everything else’ is kindness). They really respect and follow laws, but they don’t care about laws that lack morality, the laws should externalize moral ideas. 
Hardworking / Lazy: Hardworking, even when Tav could be mistaken as a lazy guy sometimes. 
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OTP: Tav adores Rolan, because he likes haughty grumpy wizards. Vardana simps Zevlor a lot, because she is a possessive crazy one deep inside who likes wet sad (and old) cats (even if the others don’t notice she is a damn simp). The siblings hadn’t seen tieflings in Faerûn Interior. The moment they saw them at Emerald Grove, they agreed that they were the cutest creatures ever (Yes, they talk to each other about their love interests, they truly get along as siblings and friends). 
Brotp: Tav usually is doing silly things with Astarion and Karlach. He loves Jaheira's attitude as well. He also adores his ‘siblings-in-law’ and could do anything for Cal and Lia. Vardana gets along with Gale (they are simple, quiet and obsessive) and trains a lot with La’ezel. As strange as it sounds In Baldur’s Gate it is very common to see her and Naaber go around the city. She is Blurg’s penpal. 
Notp: Wulbren. On the other hand, Tav insisted on killing Minthara himself in a horrible way, the same for Nere. The Emperor's betrayal was a hard blow for him (how did the squid dare to use his same modus operandi?). Vardana silently swore to kill Orin and Raphael the moment she met them, she hates manipulative and deranged fellows.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Skam fr, s8 vs wtfock, s4 anon: a miscalculation only part caused my msg to be lost, bc yes, Skam fr is on it's 3rd remake. My point was that there was a no. of posts in the skam fr tag, several of which were tagged in wtfock's tag also, that claimed skam fr s8 supremacy over wtfock s4. I was attempting to make the point that they should never be compared bc the manner in which they came about was so diff, with wtfock suffering w all the disadvantages that make it an uneven playing field
Anon I think you mean skam fr s7 supremacy. Ughhhh I kinda of disagree & agree. Skamfrance s7 is better there is no doubt about that. Like just directing and writing style overall is better. Yes time was a huge issue for wtFOCK s4. So taking in mind that time was tight and they were going to attempt to plan and write an original season in less time then a OG season you would think the head honchos of wtFOCK would have been like lets get a season script writer who has experience writing under pressure to either write the season or come help the intern and Bram (since Bram wasn’t as available) but they were like nope lets let our intern with no prior professional solo script writing experience write our first original season. Like that decisions within itself basically doomed s4. Skam france did have the luxury of time but I also think technically speaking they also have a better workflow they have a large writing room with several different writers that bounce off one another for plot ideas and thats out of the box for their production thats just how skamfr works even during Baguette days. Secondly whoever is skamfr casting director knows how to spot talent. I mean the last few mains have been outstanding actors and their squads are so good and always have really good chemistry. Something once again wtFOCK s4 lacked. The lead didn’t have the chops to carry the season and was such a departure from the previous mains skills that it was glaring and honestly uncomfortable to watch. 
This wasn't a timing issue either this was wtFOCK not prioritizing acting skills versus appearance particularly the appearance of a main who would need to sell sponsorships. They selected a main off their looks and it burned them because their selection didn’t not have the acting skills to pull off the season. Even tho Noa was right there and had put in 3 seasons of acting work and wtFOCK knew he had the skill to main a season. Lastly both seasons went in with a new director, new writer and new main but skamfr it appears to me that the director and the writers had prior experience working together and held each others skills in high esteem because once again they are all seasoned at their job. The wtFOCK writer and director were both first timers(at this production scale) during the s4 season. They had worked with one another before but in completely different roles in which both people weren't the ones making the big decisions. To me what I see on film translates to either the writer and director not understanding one another or simply a lack chemistry or bond ever really forming. To me it feels like the writing and directing are at war with one another and what translates on screen is non-sensical plot.This I will say has some impact from covid but it goes back to my first original point which wasnt covid related which was why did wtFOCK hire a non-experienced writer to write a script that out the gate already had a short timeline attached to it and covid restricted? The directing choice of Bente could be a mistake or just poor chemistry but I dont know what happened because to me lets take out the repetitive locations just the overall pace made no sense. It was soooo bizarre. I have literally never seen something as disorganized as the directing of wtFOCK s4 in any Skam. So lastly, yes covid impacted production, and yes both skamfr and druck had longer periods of time to work in covid safety measures but to me covid isn’t the issue. If you noticed in Druck’s Nora season we spend so much time with her alone at her apt. Clip after clip but tho repetitive the clips inform us of Nora’s state and her loneliness. This could have been done with Kato just spent clips inside her room showing us her talking to her family. Maybe them consuming right wing media. Making prejudice comments to contextualize Kato but instead we got make out clips that were so bizarre and provided no plot and also like covid people. Stop sharing germs but yea tho I agree covid made things hard. Covid and time is not why wtFOCK didn’t succeed. wtFOCK’s ego and unwillingness to listen from the jump (instead of changing the script while it aired) is why they didn’t succeed. Even now I am sure they wish they would have main-ed Moyo but they knew from the beginning he was what the fans wanted and didn’t listen and it blew up in their faces. To me its not about comparing remakes its about comparing remakes against their own quality and skamfr always had the talent just not the script and looks like they finally found decent script writers. wtFOCK also had the talent but the script was always very shaky and in s4 the bottom finally gave out and the script and talent collapsed. Anyways Listen to the fans remakes(am applying this to skamfr too because like Tiff is still such a troublesome selection). Yes sometimes the stans are annoying and relentless but other times they are actually looking out for you.
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transcendencism · 4 years
was also tagged by @chaoticspacelesbians​​ for the character traits meme, and i did some modifying to the language & wording bc it was. irritating me. but obv you don’t have to use the wording that i did!
tagging @ayrennaranaaldmeri​​, @macolegacy​​, and @entering--hyperspace​​ (ik ik i tag the same people every time lmao 🥺💖 i just love hearing about y’all’s ocs so much, but please dont feel obligated)
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$ financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
In his childhood, he and his dad didn’t have much back on Nar Shaddaa, and Oriothe started working for the Black Sun to get by. But once he got into the business of bounty hunting, he was able to make enough to live decently, with enough to spare to send back home.
✚ medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
All things considered, he’s pretty medically sound. Back with the Black Sun he dabbled with spice and adrenals, but he cut out the habit pretty quickly, mostly because he didn’t want to worry about medical bills.
✪ class or caste: upper / middle / working / lower / transient / slave / unsure
Class in the Star Wars universe is complicated because there’s a lot of unknown factors like the cost of living & how much bounty hunting actually gets you (depends on your reputation, it seems). I imagine since Oriothe lives somewhat comfortably and still has some to send back to his dad, he’d be more in the middle class, but honestly who the hell knows. Of course, after the end of Act 1 he’ll definitely be in the upper class.
✔ formal education: university / high school / junior high or middle school / elementary / none
ok the wording on this one completely pissed me off so i changed it to the level of educations in the U.S just for sake of ease.
I think Oriothe probably dropped out by middle school because working with the Black Sun and helping out his dad took up too much of his time, so he doesn’t have an extended formal education. That being said, he learned a lot more practical skills on the street.
✖ criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / classified
Is bounty hunting illegal? You get hired by Imperials all the time... well, besides, he’s definitely done a lot of theft and probably murdered a few people as a member of the Black Sun.
(rest under the cut because GOD this meme is long)
◒ children: has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / has adopted children
I mean this isn’t until further on in his story (he’s still on Hutta poor guy...) but he, Theron, and Hyroh adopt Auzeva (and maybe more children...?)
◑ relationship with family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable  
He knows nothing about his mother except that she was a Sith Lord, and his dad doesn’t really like talking about it, so Oriothe doesn’t bring it up with him.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
The extroverted-introverted binary is kind of stupid but I guess he’s an introvert.
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
Oriothe is very nonplussed in response to just about everything, it’s pretty hard to shake him up.
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
Depends. He’s definitely one to playfully argue,
with Mako. It’s a kind of “haha we’re just playing around but also I know I’m right and you’re wrong” thing and it’s very entertaining. He and Hyroh do it too and it always makes Theron laugh.
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
Not self-sacrificing or stupid reckless, but reckless in the sense that he likes challenge. What’s the point of taking a bounty if it’s a guaranteed success?
♦ patient / impatient / in between
Like I said, nonplussed. He’s the kind of person that will apologize to restaurant servers if the food is taking too long and keep reassuring them it’s fine.
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
Pretty reserved. He’s not a pushover, but he keeps to himself.
♦ leader / follower / in between
Doesn’t mind letting someone else take the reins, but he might silently judge them if he thinks he could do a better job.
♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between
He won’t weep for some random poor souls on the street, and most of the time he doesn’t really care about whatever reasons his bounties give him when they beg him to let them go, but he does empathize with people.
He’s not good at giving words of compassion and comfort, but rather is more of a... emotional sponge. He’ll let you vent out whatever is hurting you and won’t really say much, maybe give you a hug if you want it, but that’s about it.
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
With how much risk he likes to take on jobs, he has to be pretty optimistic about his odds.
♦ traditional / modern / in between
Don’t really know what this is in reference to tbh
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured(?) / uncultured  / in between
What is he, butter? i don’t understand the question
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
He usually doesn’t go back on a job unless there’s a really good reason to. Also he’s very dedicated to the people who are important to him.
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
Faithful/unfaithful like in... relationships? Then definitely faithful. He doesn’t cheat.
❤ sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / other
♡ romantic orientation: heteroromantic / homoromantic / biromantic / aromantic / panromantic / other
❥ sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and/or inexperienced
❣ sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ potential sexual partners: male / female / nonbinary / none / all
⚧ potential romantic partners: male / female / nonbinary / none / all
☠ combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Like I said, he didn’t have a very extensive formal education. He can be understood easily, but he’s not about to start writing five page essays or anything like that.
✍ artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
You learn a lot working with the Black Sun, from slicing to petty theft to how to make mechanical repairs, etc.
☕ drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Usually just one beer after a long day, that’s about it.
☁ smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Not anymore, but he did when he was younger.
✿ other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
See above.
✌ medicinal drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
☻ indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
He’s a pretty good cook, and loves learning new recipes! He’s the only reason Hyroh and Theron aren’t always getting take-out.
$ splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Kinda has a bad habit of buying himself new toys (aka blasters, vibroknives, other cool tools a bounty hunter out to have).
♣ gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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stargemruby · 5 years
OC INFO MEME tagged by: @ice-fyre​ (sorry it took so long hnn)
tagging: @vhsdestroyer​ @rosetrusted​ @argon-shark​ @sapphire-enthusiast​ (you dont have to do this;;;)
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BASICS Full name: Ruby “Nova” Facet-JX Cut-3CS
Gender: Female/Non-binary
Sexuality: Raging Lesbian
Pronouns: She/her
OTHER Family: As Gems aren’t born she isn’t really related to anyone but her family has been the squad of Rubies she was working with, + many of the Rose Quartzes working at Pink’s Zoo
Birthplace: The Homeworld’s Corundum Kindergarten
Job(s): Not as strong as many of her kind but sharp of mind and quite agile, Nova had been more of a messenger, both in and outside the War.
Phobias: Being completely alone, loosing her squad (which she did), loosing Rosie
Guilty Pleasures: dramatic acting, teasing the Rose Quartzes at the Zoo, flirting with Pink Diamond
Hobbies: being a mischievous goblin
MORALS Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: lust/greed/envy/gluttony/pride/wrath/sloth
Virtues: charity/chastity/diligence/humility/justice/kindness/patience
THIS-OR-THAT introvert / extrovert / ambivert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
RELATIONSHIPS OTP: Nova x Rose “Rosie” Quartz  Facet-5 Cut-7XR
Acceptable Ships: Plently, but Rosie is her only serious one
OT3: N/A
BROTP: Nova and Eyeball (her former squadmate in my backstory), Nova and Rosie, Nova and Steven (possibly)
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Looking for Contact!
Lazarius Kash’ebahl
AGE: 278
RACE: Sin’dorei
SERVER: Wyrmrest Accord
Physical appearance
HAIR: Shoulder Length, A very dark brown, almost black.
EYES: Viridian when using his charm // Completely Black when not
BUILD: Slender and Athletic, his body resembles that of a long distance runner.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Entire Upper body from waist to wrist is covered in Old God Markings, Shath’yar words and etchings, brands, scars and tattoos.  Serpents and Tentacles. A helix pattern almost looking like scales is beneath it all.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A pendent of his House and the Sigil of The Nine hangs around his neck.  The talisman.
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A bladed claw on his right hand sheathes his index finger.  It is razor sharp and the slicing of the metal on metal can be heard when he is bored.
PROFESSION: Head of the Noble House Kash’ebahl, Director of their Antiquities, Spice and Fabric trade.  // High Inquisitor of The Nine
Mental Telepath: Lazarius has perfected his ability to speak into the minds of those who allow him.  And also communicate with a link that is established in the minds of those who allow him.  He can read thoughts, locate memories that are lost, or implant new ones.
Constructs: Lazarius has learned the art of manipulating the void into constructs that allow him to do quite literally whatever he wishes.  If he is in need of a barrier or shield, the construct will encompass him.  If he is in need of a hand grasping his opponent, it will do so.  This is a draining form of magic, and will very quickly exhaust him if he does not use it with haste.
Gravitational /Dark Energy Manipulation: Lazarius has tapped into a widely unused form of shadow magic.  Linking together locations, creating pocket dimensions, and breaking through the fourth dimension.  His abuse of space time and manipulation of the dark energy that surrounds matter is something that is carefully calculated and used more often than it should be. Bending reality is something that should not be trifled with.
HOBBIES: Painting / Reading / Wine / Collecting Artifacts and Books
LANGUAGES: Orcish, Common, Thalassian, Shath’yar
RESIDENCE: Kash’ebahl Estate - Western Tirisfal Glade; Beyond the Whispering Grove.
FEARS: Losing his grip on his mind.
CHILDREN: None of his own / Adopted a son named Raith.
Father - Deceased
Mother - Deceased
Twin Sister - Pyravari Kash’ebahl - Undead
Younger Brother - Valah Kash’ebahl - Unknown (LOOKING FOR A MUN)
Younger Sister - Siida Kash’ebahl - Unknown (LOOKING FOR A MUN)
Steward - Algus Kross - Undead
PETS   COMPANIONS:   Rash’jahla - A hex eyed serpent of the void.  A mysterious creature that is heavily linked to the Inquisitor.  It is very mysterious indeed.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional information
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Possible plots/pre-established relationships
Desperately looking for two people who have either established characters with pasts that are unknown, or don’t know their past.  To play the characters Valah and Siida.  Lazarius and Pyravari are very desperately looking to reunite with their last two remaining family members.  WE WOULD LOVE FOR PEOPLE TO PLAY THEM!
Looking to just talk about importing and exporting?  Setting up a business deal? Want to just talk about being a Noble?  Lazarius blends in with the Upper Class very well, and will be known through their ranks as a man whose House has donated countless gold to the war effort and the restoration of Quel’thalas.
Lazarius will happily talk about books, scriptures, and antiques.  He is always happy to meet someone new who is an aficionado.
Interested in an Old God cult? Lazarius is looking for a Arcanist who wishes to become a Void Mage like his former Grand Magus.  Looking for a Shadow Walker, someone to run their espionage division.  Looking for Dark Types who wish to worship the old ones.  Come Join Us!
What I’m looking for
Everything!  I  especially love darker, violent RP but I would be perfectly fine with friendly RP.  I am not going to limit Lazarius to simply just dark RP as he very frequently attends regular outings and events within the Horde.  In SMC he should be seen as a noble.  He hides his connection to the Old Gods and his use of Void Magic is STRICTLY reserved outside city grounds. 
OOCly, I am
Very friendly, A father and husband, working man.  I spend a lot of time on discord with our guild
Often times I am offline after 10PM EST.
Fun, Comical and very happy to crack jokes at my own expense.  Please dont be afraid to walk up, ask me a question, or say hello.  Just don’t be one of those people that wants to tell me where I can put my character or where I cant.   Just leave well enough alone and ignore him, Thanks :D.
You can contact me via
Discord: thehouseofthenine#2795
Bnet:  Cant remember at the moment LOL
In-game: Lazarius(Special Character in there)(H), Brashka(H), Lazarius (Special Character there too.) (A) or Kross (Special Character)(A). {I toon hop when bored}
Thank you @daltalah
Tagging @whatadarkbitch
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