#dont put on an alarm and dont worry about any tasks youve been leaving unfinished because you simply dont have the energy
lethxia · 1 year
nap afterglow is crazy because why am i suddenly not quite there. not in the negative way, in the fuzzy way you get something warm to eat (soup) after truly banger sleep and everything feels so much more tolerable. nice, even. it feels like nostalgia, but it's obviously not because you are currently in that moment. it's that distinct feeling of being somewhere between consciousness and blessedly unaware and also that sort of pleasant blurriness you only get after taking a long ass nap that makes you feel more well rested than you have in three weeks and also you know you're ready to wake up now that you've finally caught up on all those lost zs but your body isn't quite convinced yet so you just kinda drift for a while and eat some soup and feel like you're living in a memory.
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