milesxwheaton · 6 years
“Dude, you’re supposed to get the ball into the cup. I’m practically carrying, no am carrying our team right now.”
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alexander-coleman · 2 years
Status: closed @dorianq​
Location: Dorian’s home
It’s become sort of a habit. Alex drives. He sees a piece of junk discarded on someone’s curb. He calls Dorian and asks if she’s interested. He hauls it into the back of his old truck and brings it to her. This time is no different as he carries the weird little three-legged chair over his shoulder and up to her door, stumbling across it on his way home from Coleman’s. In his eyes, the thing has no real potential, and honestly, he doesn’t blame its previous owner for leaving it out with the garbage. Dorian, on the other hand, would disagree, because of course she would. She is, without a doubt, one of the most eccentric people he’s ever met, but he guesses it takes some unconventional creativity, no matter how odd, to do what she does. 
Sighing, Alex knocks on Dorian’s door as he gently sets the chair down, not too confident it won’t disintegrate right then and there if he drops it with any sort of force. Looking down at the pathetic little thing, he can’t help but to laugh to himself. “Ta da,” He says, amused when the door swings open. “You know, I’m really starting to think this is just an excuse to hang out, because there’s no way in hell you’ve actually got any use for this thing,” Alex adds, teasing as he picks the chair up for her. “Can I come in?”
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benmxntgomery · 6 years
Ben went out to get supplies, actually finding use for his fridge beyond the typical bottles of wine he typically stored in them. He needed to grab one thing in particular, a woman standing in the way. “Excuse me, do you mind if I grab that box right there?”
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rivainiduelist-blog · 9 years
      Now this was a place worth looking at. Markets adorned the streets with some of the cutest little things you could ever find, and likely buy with the right coin. Luckily for Isabela, she was pro rogue, and pro stealing, so buying some of these trinkets and otherwise glorious looking things would be piss easy, once she managed to grab the money from another person. Eyeing the streets up for a moment, she began looking for the particularly rich. One man that took her interest was one who looked somewhat like a mage. She was uncertain whether it was the staff that gave him away, however, he was her target.
Unaware that her abilities were capped in this place, Isabela switched straight into her stealth form, disappearing from sight of any unsuspecting bystander. Working quickly, she paced toward the male, worked her way into a pocket to try and steal a coin purse of sorts. However, just as she'd grabbed the item she was looking for, the stealth mode somehow stopped working, putting her in full sight of the male now. Holding the purse in almost shock horror, Isabela glanced over to one side in near embarrassment.
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        "Ah. Shit." She spoke up silently a bite to her lower lip. Perhaps if she could just... Pace away... Slowly...
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sassmasterhawke-blog · 10 years
The Next Morning [closed]
Hawke gently stirred, eyes opening to see it was light out all ready. A shame, it meant he couldn't go back to sleep and pretend he hadn't been awake in the first place. A hand slid out, attaching around a nearby waist as he shifted and pulled himself a bit closer. The Champion couldn't say it hadn't been a surprise, for multiple reasons, but he for one was too tired and pleased with himself to bother complaining.
"Nn, morning..." he finally said, voice deep and groggy with sleep.
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