#doroange obesity
septusuki · 1 year
Extra Mission: Ange's C-Belt
"Good news, Ange! For once..." Dorothy managed a chuckle as she sauntered into her and Ange's shared room. For most of her time there, she'd loved it; the room was comfortable and almost spacious - something she'd never really had to herself, before. The only caveat, of course, was that she had to play student. "Control's finally thrown us a bone!" Looking at the room waiting for her now, though, Dorothy was having trouble even picturing herself falling asleep in it.
"Wh-What?" Ange woke slowly, already panting and wheezing for air. Barely able to see her co-conspirator over the swell of her chest, Ange could do little more than sit and wait for whatever she was bringing her. "It had-- Nff-- better not be food, again..." Ange tried to wipe the quickly-accumulating sweat from her forehead, but could barely lift her fat hand to her flabby, thick face. "Or... Alcohol...!" She growled, trying not to remember how Dorothy had pumped beer down her throat last week - just for stealing her snacks...
"No, for once it's something actually useful!" Dorothy was clearly in a good mood; even with her own room full of the stinking, humid air wafting out of Ange's fat-folds, and her own bed being requisitioned simply to fit the fat blob that permanently occupied it, Dorothy was still smiling. "Something that'll help you lose weight!" She nearly cheered. Finally, something that could deal with this mindless fat-sack, one way or another.
"Haahnn... Lose weight?" Ange didn't even know if that was possible anymore. She was too morbidly obese even for the C-Ball to have any effect on her, so she had to weigh at least three-quarters of a ton. And that was a month ago. Ever since she'd been 'poisoned' with the Kingdom's instant-weight-gain serum, Ange's weight had been skyrocketing, no thanks to the Princess that oh-so loved to pamper her growing body. "What... Nff... Ish it?" Feeling her pyjamas grow tight as she wheezed, Ange was inundated with the sheer mass of her own body. Immobile, and unable to think about anything other than how utterly obese she was, Ange's fat-rolls and blubber-folds never let her forget, even when her eyes were closed; always sloshing, jiggling or bulging. So weighed down by her own belly that she hadn't stood up in months, Ange simply sat and got fatter. Princess Charlotte wasn't arguing, at least.
Unwrapping the brown-paper package she'd been given like a child on christmas, Dorothy lifted the 'C-Belt' aloft. A thick, heavy-duty belt, with a dozen packages across it's leathery surface. Long enough to wrap around the entire room, there was no way this wasn't fitting. "It's a special belt for fatsos like you!" Dorothy managed a giggle - Princess had taught her that word, and she was finding she loved the way it sounded on her lips. "It's got like, ten mini-C-Balls, so even fatasses like you can waddle around, if you really try." Another one of Princess Charlotte's favourite words.
Ange's already-red face grew a shade brighter. She could walk. She could do things again. "Hu-Hurry up!" Unable to hide her excitement, Ange's head drooped back into the fat-pillow it'd been resting in a moment ago - her own shoulderblades, bloated with blubber. "P-Put it on..." Biting back her moan as Dorothy felt up her belly, Ange dreamt of what she'd do once she was mobile again; go to Princess' room, wear real clothes, and actually choose for herself what she wanted to eat. Pulled out of her fat-filled fantasies as Dorothy pulled the C-Belt tight, Ange shivered as the cold fabric bit into her belly-fat. It'd only been on a few seconds, and it was already being dragged into her tummy's titanic fat-fold, pulled and rolled closer towards Ange's black hole of a belly button.
"Ugh..." Unable to hide her disgust at how gigantically obese Ange was, Dorothy fiddled with the C-Belt's controls gingerly, her fingers already struggling thanks to all the sweat on the blob's gut. "Ange, I know I've said this before, but... You've really got to lose a few pounds." Slapping her 'partner's' plumpness, Dorothy couldn't help but laugh. This pig was going to need to lose more than a few pounds. Ange had weighed barely a hundred pounds before she'd started ballooning up, and now...
"Huunnhh..." Ange tried to move, sloshing her water-balloon of a body about as the C-Belt hummed to life. As her ass-meat jiggled and her neck-fat wobbled back-and-forth, Ange decided; the first thing she'd do would be getting breakfast. "I--I'm not feeling any lighter, Dorothy!" Ange barked, her pyjama top stretching and tearing with the stress it was being put through.
"Sit still for two seconds, you--!" Dorothy cut herself off before she used any of the dirtier words Charlotte had taught her. "You'll be able to waddle around all you want, just..." Finally getting the settings right, Dorothy slammed the 'ON' button and leapt back, just in case it exploded - or worse. If Ange could finally move, that meant a half-ton glob of meat would be waddling around their room. Dorothy didn't want to get crushed any time soon.
Ange's body began to glow. Her body even began to float, if the struggling of her top was anything to go by. The greenish hum of cavorite engulfed her chest, her pillowy breasts beginning to slosh about with a freedom that betrayed their weight. Ange really was getting lighter...
"It's... Working..." A little shocked herself, Ange reached forwards and patted her fat belly. Yes, all still there. With more effort than she'd even bothered to use in the last month, Ange forced her body forwards, the hum of the C-Belt still going even as it was engulfed by her belly-blubber. "I can... Hahh... Move..." Even if she could move, though, there wasn't much a pig-sized spy could actually do. No sneaking, no squeezing - and definitely no negotiating, if she could be bought off with a few cookies.
"Hahah..." Dorothy laughed uneasily, feeling like she was being pushed against the wall as Ange's balloon of a body filled up the rest of the room. Even lightened by the belt, Ange's belly drooped against the floor, an entire foot of blubber simply sloshing across the floorboards. "S-So... This is what it's like on the Fat Lizard Planet?" Managing a joke, Dorothy dared to approach her whale of a roommate. After all, that tummy was looking terribly teasable.
Ange looked down at her body, barely contained by her grey nightie. Her 5XL nightie, that sat on her like a patient's gown. She wasn't floating, flying or anything of the like - just lifted, slightly. Enough that she could pretend to be a normal human. "Most of my fellows are... a bit larger than this..." Ange sighed, trying desperately to keep up with her own lies.
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