#dotu keith kogane
hompty · 1 month
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These two may not be canon in vld but they will always be canon in every other universe
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Reject modernity embrace tradition
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freckled-moss · 1 year
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Boyfriends who pray together stay together
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Voltron Dotu gifs from episode 35-38 <3
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noattentionsstuff · 5 months
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chibi-pix · 6 months
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"What seems to be the problem, Commander?" I had seen this one photo redrawn with various characters over time and I finally got myself to draw it with the Pidges. So here they are, visiting Dradin, and being absolute menaces. In adorable lion onesies, as suggested by @breadstickcat. And it couldn't be any more perfect than it is. Original picture:
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Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one! Commissions available on my ko-fi. Until next time!
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My contribution to Keithtober. This survived many moves since the 1980s. Keith has been my boyfriend since 1984. ❣️
This Keith doll looks like he has seen some things. 🥺
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rubymoon-snape · 8 months
Disclaimer: I don't own Voltron Defender of the Universe, but I do own Ruby. I don't own Rachel. She belongs to Queenscene2.
Summary: Keith and Lance switch bodies.
Author Note: This is Keith/Ruby and Lance/Rachel.
Warning! There is a gratuitous amount of swearing (courtesy of Lance).
"Body Swap"
Keith and Lance trudged back into the castle, both trailing after the rest of the team. It had been a rough battle, both Red and Black having taken a lot of damage. It wasn't physical damage or even electrical damage, but the Red and Black Lions had been hit with a strange weapon before they were able to form Voltron.
Allura, Hunk, and Pidge walked into the lounge, but before Keith followed them, Lance pulled him aside. He could tell the battle was rough on his Commander and best friend. They clasped hands, and Lance pulled Keith in for a quick hug. Keith relished in the comfort his best friend was giving him and returned the hug with a gentle ferocity that initially startled Lance.
"Why don't you retire for the night? I know your girlfriend wouldn't mind."
Keith released Lance. "You know what? That sounds like a good idea, especially after the battle we had. Thanks, Lance."
"No problem, buddy. Good night."
"Good night." Keith passed the lounge and entered his room to see his girlfriend digging stuff out of a box and putting the item up or away. Apparently, she had used the battle as a chance to move the last of her stuff into their room and was officially moved into the room they shared.
She looked up when the door opened, pausing in putting a picture of her with the Masako family (taken before she was hired at the castle), and smiled when she saw Keith. "Hi, sweetheart."
Keith smiled back. "Hello, darling."
Ruby finished unpacking the box and dropped the box in the corner, ready for the trash. She approached Keith and hugged him, feeling the tension in his shoulders. She released him, grabbed his hands, and led him to the bed. She removed the top of his jumpsuit and tossed it aside. She knelt on the bed and patted the spot in front of her. Keith sat down, and Ruby started massaging his shoulders, working the tension out. Keith sighed in relief. "That feels so good, darling."
"Good. I'm glad." Ruby moved her hands from his shoulders to his hair, playing with it a little until Keith shifted slightly. He stood up and offered his hand to her, helping her off the bed when she accepted it. They both changed into their pajamas before climbing into the bed, Keith resting his head against his girlfriend's chest as they fell asleep.
The next morning dawned bright and warm, the light spilling into Lance's and Rachel's room. The light roused Rachel, whose eyes landed on her boyfriend, who was still holding her in a protective, swetheart cradle. The previous night's activity resulted in them sleeping sans clothes.
Rachel smiled as "Lance" was waking up. "Hey baby...come here." She leaned up and gave him a kiss. He responded back until his hands landed on bare skin. His eyes popped open and landed on Rachel. He scooted back away from her in shock. "R-Rachel?"
"What's wrong, baby?"
"Why am I here?"
Rachel didn't know why he was asking her such a weird question, let alone why he was acting so weird.
In the next room, "Keith" felt lips against his head for a second before soft hands massaged his scalp. "Mmmmm....Rachel."
Ruby's hands halted in their movement when her best friend's name left her boyfriend's lips. Was he cheating on her? "What the hell, Keith?!"
"Keith" woke up and screamed, seeing he wasn't with his girlfriend. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
A few thumps were heard from the next room before the door opened, revealing Rachel and "Lance." Both were dressed now.
Keith (in Lance's body) saw his girlfriend with tears in her eyes. "Darling."
Her head whipped around, hearing the pet name Keith used for her, but she saw Lance. "Sweetheart?"
Lance (in Keith's body) moved towards Rachel. "Doll?"
Rachel moved back slightly. "What's going on?"
Keith and Lance looked at each other before Lance (in Keith's body) answered. "Somehow, Keith and I switched bodies."
"How? When?" Ruby asked, her tears drying up. Her Keith wasn't cheating on her.
"It must have been during the battle, but it took effect last night," Keith (in Lance's body) replied. He moved towards Ruby, wanting to hug her but couldn't because he was in his best friend's body.
"This is so weird," Rachel murmured. Ruby took Rachel into her arms. Keith and Lance came over and attempted to hug the correct girlfriend.
After a couple of minutes, Keith and Lance stepped back, leaving their girls in each other's arms. Keith (in Lance's body) said, "We should tell the team before there's an attack."
The group of four made their way to the empty control room. Keith (in Lance's body) pushed the alarm button to summon the team. While they waited for the team to arrive, Ruby and Rachel moved to the opposite side of the control room.
Lance (in Keith's body) turned to face his best friend. "Hang on. Did you see my girlfriend naked?!?!"
Keith (in Lance's body) blushed at the reminder of that morning. "Well, yeah, but-"
Lance (in Keith's body) took a menacing step towards Keith like he was about to fight him but was stopped by the arrival of Allura, Pidge, and Hunk.
"What's the big idea sounding the alarm? There's no attack!" Pidge groused.
"Well, there's an issue that arose this morning," Keith (in Lance's body) started. He was about to continue, but the alarm sounded again, and the view screen popped on, showing that an attack had just occurred.
"We need the lions!" Allura announced, and she pushed the button to raise the platform. Keith (in Lance's body) started heading for portal #1 at the same time Lance (in Keith's body) was heading for #2, but they realized the issue and switched mid run. Everyone was shuttled off to their lions. (Lance (in Keith's body) was in Black while Keith (in Lance's body) was in Red).
Lance (in Keith's body) couldn't help but grin at the thought of being leader. "FUCK YES! I GET TO LEAD! Put the keys in, bitches!"
"Oh, dear lord," Keith (in Lance's body) muttered under his breath. "Just launch."
The lions started taking out the Doom fighters. Even though the fighters were taken out, the Red and Black Lions' moves weren't as polished as they usually were.
Just then, a robeast coffin was beamed down to the planet, catching the team's attention.
"Oh, shit, a robeast! What do we do, Keith?!" Lance (in Keith's body) exclaimed.
"Uhhh, you are Keith!" Pidge shot back.
"We need Voltron!" Keith (in Lance's body) replied.
"Uh, right. Activate interlocks! Dynotherms connected! Infracells up! Megathrusters are go!"
"Let's go, Voltron Force!"
"Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! And I'll form the head!" Lance (in Keith's body) took a deep breath as Voltron was formed. He did it. Now, he needed to keep it going. As excited as he was to lead for once, it was a bit overwhelming, so he decided to end it easily. "Form blazing sword!"
Dispatching the robeast with the sword was surprisingly easy, and chasing away Lotor was as easy as firing a missile at his ship. He allowed Allura to do the honors as she had as much right as anyone to do it (considering how much the creep came after her).
Once the Drule threat was taken care of, the lions broke apart and retreated to their dens, and the team met back up in the control room. Keith and Lance were cornered by the other three pilots, but it was mostly Allura questioning Lance (in Keith's body).
"Are you all right, Keith? You seemed a little off today," Allura mentioned.
"I'll be okay, Princess," Lance (in Keith's body) replied, trying to respond like Keith would.
"Maybe turning in early would be a good idea," Allura suggested.
"And relaxing before that!" Pidge piped in.
"And I can make sure he does," Keith (in Lance's body) chimed in, sliding an arm around his friend's shoulders, just like Lance would do.
Lance (in Keith's body) nodded at the group as a whole. "We'll be in the lounge unless there's another attack."
Lance and Keith entered the lounge and were surprised to see their girlfriends in their comfortable clothes. Ruby was shuffling a deck of colorful cards, and Rachel was putting the finishing touches on the mass of pillows and blankets on the floor.
Keith (in Lance's body) stepped a bit closer to his girlfriend. "Darling, what's this?"
"You guys need something to take your minds off what happened, so Rachel and I figured playing some games might help." Ruby shrugged. "It'll at least pass the time."
"And we can have a sleepover here in the lounge," Rachel added, sitting down across from her best friend.
The two switched pilots sat down opposite each other on the two open sides of the low table that the girls had set up. Ruby dealt seven cards to each player before flipping over the top card of the deck, thus starting the game.
The quartet played game after game, only pausing when one of the girls left to get food and drink (dinnertime). After eating dinner, the games resumed, and they played until Rachel yawned. Once the brunette yawned, they finished the round they were currently on.
Ruby put away the cards before joining Rachel in the mass of pillows and blankets. The girls were cuddled up together on one side, while the guys were sleeping alone on the other sides. None of them fell asleep easily, but eventually, they did.
Early the next morning, before dawn, Lance woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. He saw Keith to his left, and his eyes widened before he looked down. He was back in his own body! He grinned and carefully made his way over to the girls. He saw Ruby curled around Rachel. He smiled as he gently moved Ruby's arm off his girlfriend's side. He cupped Rachel's cheek and whispered, "Doll."
Rachel stirred and opened her eyes, blinking slowly. She registered that Lance was kneeling in front of her. "Lance?"
"It's me, Doll."
Rachel reached out to him, and he scooped her up into his arms. She buried her face into his neck, inhaling his cologne scent. He carried her out of the lounge and back to their room.
A few minutes later, Ruby woke up, noticing that both Rachel and Lance were gone. At least she hoped it was Lance. She carefully crawled over to where Keith was. "Keith?"
Keith roused slightly. "Darling?"
Ruby's eyes filled with tears. She snuggled into his arms. "I missed you so much!"
Keith realized at this point that he was back in his own body and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. "I don't want to go through that again. It hurt to not be able to comfort you through this."
When there was no response, Keith craned his neck to look at his girlfriend and realized that she had fallen back asleep in his arms. He gently laid his head down on hers and closed his eyes, falling back asleep as well.
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yassssifiedhistory · 2 years
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The collection is growing
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sweetmariabear · 4 months
I Sleep
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Real Shit?
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treesbian · 1 year
ok i have a serious question. here is the context for my serious question. in voltron: defenders of the universe, keith was the only character that got to keep his asian heritage from his beast king! golion counterpart. are you with me so far? OK, good. voltron: legendary defender is a reboot of the voltron franchise that takes its inspiration mostly from dotu and golion. so with all that in mind
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keithfukingkogane · 2 years
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what are their fav colours tho 🤨
Lance: So me, Hunk and Sven are actually normal people so our favorite colors coincidentally match our lions. Keith: Hey, screw you.
Lance: However..!
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ANYWAYS, Chief happens to like the color pink! Which is kinda funny when you think about it. You'd think Allura would like pink, but she actually likes yellow more!
And you're probably wondering what Pidge's favorite color is!
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Keith: ... He didn't seem too amused.
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lilcatastrophe · 2 years
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a friend asked me to draw this with current keith
can your man do this
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More gifs from voltron defender of the universe! These are all from episode 7
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noattentionsstuff · 5 months
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