#double matcap life
key-of-d · 4 years
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Friend Showcase: Maikeru - Pre Weapons
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material for the pads guys lets get this!!!
oh oh i have to sculpt before material so... you guys remember how i sculpted the makeup bag i did the same thing here but without live reference but just the images i got for reference. so as of now my pads looks like this
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and you must be thinking why is everything upside down well it's not the actual way is the other way around freaking magic. so anyways making this texture gave me a lot of knowledge on making textures and certain other things. so anyways i start of sculpting using my multi-resolution modifier and bring up the detail as the divisions get higher and then i double check to see if it still works with the material texture and nothing is too off-putting. and after sculpting it looks like this
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i sculpted with a matcap that is shiny cause it resembles the material i am going for more so the folds and turns and stuff are easier to get right shape overall and since i have already sculpted this i just need to add the grunge texture not the texture map and then apply them all to a material
so the textures as usual i add through photoshop to make my life easier and this is the base texture with the moss and all that
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so this is created by adding in the usual  texture i used with a reduction in saturation to get the look i want because i don't want it too mossy or anything and then i basically separated the materials into the overall bump map and then a moss only texture and then a moss mask texture
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and then when applying this to the materials i started off with mix shader and then i connected it to another mix shader because i want there to be this shine and the diffuse to have the moss kind things cause my material is anyways glossy and the moss acts as stains and to separate them i added thhe factor to the moss mask image texture and for the moss i basically added a diffuse with the colour image texture connected to it and then the bump texture connected through the bump node and then the normals of the diffuses
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and then for the other one which is everything but the moss is supposed to be plastic like glossy material so for that, i went and added a mix shader with a glossy and a diffuse shader and the factor was governed by this fresnel input that has bump map attached to it and to attach a bump map to this fresnel i changed it to LAYER WEIGHT and then connected the bump image texture to a bump node that is attached to a math node-set to multiply and then connected the value of the math node to the blend of the layer weight and I need to keep the diffuse at the top slot and the glossy at the bottom and then for the diffuse i added the image texture with the color and then realized its too saturated for a old packet so i added a hue saturation and reduced the saturation a bit. 
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this created the glossy ness of the shader and now for the complete node set up and the render
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yay i am quit satisfied with the 
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