#down and putting a watermark with his name on it and hearing about interviews where billybob and spike hike admitted they didnt trust her
sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The Enforcers: Part 4 (Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader)
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synopsis: You're propelled to the heights of fame with your constant success with Suguru, but what goes up... must come down.
wc: 1.3k
tw: none (next part will be different)
Your name and the word "success" are intertwined by the third month of your Kitsune career. With the help of Suguru, you're practically unstoppable, sniffing out criminals all over the city and bringing them out to face justice. Even the Leviathans come to admire Geto, who stands tall as redeemed and a big brother to many of the new recruits.
But even as you reach the height of your fame, there's a nagging feeling that sits in the back of your mind.
Same misery, but with a paycheck.
Same misery, but with a paycheck.
Same misery, but with a paycheck.
It's like a chant that haunts you in the middle of the night, and you lay awake most nights, thinking of escaping. But then the sun comes up, you rise from your bed, and you pretend that everything is okay for another eighteen hours.
Suguru notices your despondency and even mentions it over dinner, but you snap at him, telling him you were "fine", and leave him alone with the others. As you stalk off, you grumble to yourself and rub your temples, wondering when the feelings would subside. When you reach your barrack, you slide into your chair and begin your research for your current mission when you frown at your computer screen.
You always closed out the network of files when you left the room.
So why was the finder open?
And why was there a file sitting on your computer labeled "For Y/n"?
You click on the file hesitantly, knowing any wrong move could open a virus on your desktop, but your scanner doesn't pick up anything odd, and the file opens, revealing four documents, two videos, and two audio files.
All of them are labeled with your first and last name except for the audio files, which are labeled "One" and "Two".
You hesitate again. What is this pandora's box, you wonder internally. Should you even... your mouse drags to the first audio file and you click on it. Your sound is too low to hear the first part, so you rewind it and play it again. You hear the following words first:
"Hello, y/n," a robotic voice says, its tone flat and unmoved, and goosebumps break out across your skin. "You have shown great promise in your field as a Kitsune, and we know you feel empowered by your success. But there are some things you should know about the men and women you work for." You pause the audio file, heart thumping wildly in your chest as you consider the idea that this is either a test of loyalty or a cruel prank. Either way, you'd had enough.
You stand from your computer and walk around your room, covering your prickly flesh with clammy hands. Someone broke into your room to put files on your computer, addressed them to you, and made it seem like you were being watched by some outside source. But who would want to scare you? Who would--
"Y/n?" Suguru opens your door and gives you a look of deep concern, but you try your best to mask your look of fear. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm okay; I haven't been sleeping well," you admit, and Suguru nods, rubbing his neck nervously.
"I have something that could help you if you want. Just a sleep aid. We're given it when we start training to calm us before--"
"Sure." Geto disappears, then reappears with two pink pills.
"Take these right before bed. You'll be off to sleep in no time."
"Thanks," you reply, setting them on your bedside table and stretching. Suguru stands in your bedroom, looking at you for a second more. "I should get off to--"
"Right," he mutters, then leaves you in the room by yourself again.
But you don't take the pills.
Instead, you stay awake, looking at the computer screen from your bed, wondering just who would be daring enough to come into your space uninvited and place those... things on your desktop.
Curiosity eats at you for three more hours until finally, at sunup, you crack.
Keys rattle furiously under your fingertips as you type in your password and click on the first audio file yet again.
"Hello, y/n. You have shown great promise in your field as a Kitsune, and we know you feel empowered by your success. But there are some things you should know about the men and women you work for. If you wish to proceed in this endeavor, click on the first video. We know you have no reason to trust us, but we hope you will see this as a show of good faith and use the information for good. Reveal, don't conceal."
You drift over to the first video file, and a black screen comes up, the title words popping up moments later:
L/N, W. May 23. Project Kudzu Debrief.
Your father appears on the screen right after, his eyes looking dead into the camera. He's in his standard, antiquated Kitsune attire, with more hair and brighter eyes than you've ever seen. He's much younger; that you recognize instantly.
"Okay, Mr. L/n, go ahead and state your rank and case for the CSB."
"Mr. W. L/N, Kitsune, Project Kudzu."
"Thanks," a man offscreen mutters, then the sounds of flipping paper can be heard. "Now tell us about your project and what the results of it were."
"Um..." Your father shifts in his chair then rolls his neck around. "Project Kudzu is... or was, my bad." Laughs. "Project Kudzu was a ten-year effort concerning the relocation of lower-class citizens into rougher areas to produce Leviathan recruits. I spearheaded the effort with my research, and my partner, Leviathan C--" The name is bleeped out. "helped with the evictions and relocations."
"Okay," Rustling papers again. "And what were the results of this?"
"Exponential growth of the Leviathan enlistment, sir." Your father adjusts his glasses, nodding stiffly.
"Were those the desired results?"
"Yes, sir."
The screen goes black, and you stare at your open-mouthed reflection, shock flooding your veins. "Please watch the next video" pops up on your screen, and you click on it instantly, instinctively knowing who's next.
L/N, F. May 31. Project Redroot Debrief.
Your mother appears on screen, her cheeks plumper and figure fuller than it currently is. She's youthful, with long hair pinned into a bun and also in an antiquated Kitsune uniform.
"Name, rank, project," a female voice mumbles off-screen.
"Ms. F. L/N, Kitsune, Project Redroot."
"What were the aims of your project?"
"To relocate potential candidates for Kitsune potions into areas where large populations of Kitsune already reside."
"And your goal?"
"To increase Kitsune families and potential enlistment."
"How successful were you?" Your mother smirks at the camera, propping her chin upon her palm.
"How successful do you think I was?"
When the screen goes black, the taste of bile rushes into your mouth, and you rush to your bathroom, shoving a mouthful of toothpaste and your toothbrush onto your teeth. Something you can control, something you can control. But even your toothbrushing - which is normally a soothing habit - can't wipe away the look on your mother's face at her triumph. Project Kudzu... Project Redroot...
How could your parents be a part of something so sinister? Making the poor poorer and the elite... more elite?
These videos have to be fake, you tell yourself, circling back to the computer. But when you look up the metadata- which is neatly scrubbed of any trace of third parties - you see that they are in fact originals of the interview.
Finally, you take a look at the documents, the insignia and red letters "CONFIDENTIAL TS_CO" watermarked on the endless pages. TS_CO= Top Secret Clearance Only. This is above your paygrade, and exponentially so. But as you skim the redacted information, you see names, dates, your parent's names, their information, metrics, graphs, everything that you need to know that Project Redwood and Kudzu aren't fake.
They're real.
And they both happened right before you were born.
TAGLIST: @missbonekitty @wack0-genius @thankuary @jsqeeut @r-i-m-f-009 @sunfloweroranges @leanne-tamashi @girlruby23 @rein-icu @brownskinnedgirll @chanelmalandro @savantsoulfinder @jibe-gajima @chilledlucifer @amnxsia @kontentious @fuyuko26 @everybodylovescayrayray @flare-on
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