#downside: i have 40k words to write before i get to be writing that part ;-;
mejomonster · 5 months
Coming up with ideas for writing 💜💜💜
Actually writing ;-;
#rant#ToT#upside is i have solved some lore loopholes which. if u know me u know how rare i actually didnt alreayd have way too much worldbuilding#decided on. but finally nailed down a bit of worldbuilding i was foggy on.#also i am SO hype for magic to come into the story#downside: i have 40k words to write before i get to be writing that part ;-;#also? idk if yall are like this. but like whatever i Actually write always comes out significantly different than The Plan#like. fact: i have every single major scene in my summary to write.#reality: at least 70% of those scenes will likely be different than the summary once i actually write them out.#leading to possible new avenues ill utilize vause they work better/more theme cohesive/more in character#so like. i love my summary abd im clinging to it for dear life#but also terrified in the knowledge reality will be way more complex#like. i wrote this week what SHOULDVE been a simple scene#but upon actually making it. the characters chemistry was so AMPED up i feel i pretty much need Some relationship development in the scene#even tho i didnt plan that in my summary. but even if irs just AWARENESS OF LUST these bitches are dripping chemistry#also the scene turned out way fucking funnier than i planned. so like. to not fully utilize the comedic execution would be#throwing a gift away.#so im now stuck tryjng to Add Onto the intended summarized scene. since i didnt plan#to write 1 an almost kiss/desire to kiss 2 embarassment the likes of which only this dork couldve created for himself
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