#dr lynx PhD in ghost fucking and ugly crying
lynxindisguise · 8 months
congrats on surviving your shift!! i couldn't decide what genre of cursed prompt to send you, so since you survived your shift, let's pretend sirius didn't survive whatever killed him today. very much UNLIKE how I remember canon we'll just pretend he's dead for now.
do ghosts cry? can they cry? does he miss crying? does it enhance the victorian heroine factor or does it diminish it? are there different ugly/pretty crying parameters for ghosts? (you don't have to answer all of them, I got a bit excited about the science of ghost crying there sorry)
hmmmm sirius dying what a wild concept, so foreign to me…. but alright we’ll allow it for the sake of SPOOKY OOKY GHOST CRYING.
canonically, ghosts can cry because we know that moaning myrtle cries often. I think the appearance of ghost sirius’s crying is hauntingly lovely—delicate glowing tears, definite victorian heroine factor. but the noises are far more blood-curdling and unsettling. it’s less ugly crying and more scary crying.
now when he possesses remus that’s a different matter entirely. according to lynx canon, the tear volume and noises are doubled, and the explosiveness of cry is off the charts. you’ve got remus’s facial blotching paired with sirius’s expressiveness, all in all making for the supreme spooky ugly cry.
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