#dr. stone 03x12
yahoo201027 · 11 months
Okay, so we're using Morse core to signal. And the signal they were calling is revival fluid. Gotta need some muscle to help the main objective out.
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Imagine, either before Culloden or during/after Voyager, Claire inadvertently sings the Skye Boat Song after telling Jamie to lay his head, and he asks her what it's about and she tells him the story. Either the original lyrics ("Sing me a song of a lad that is gone...") or the contemporary ("Speed bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing...")
Mod Gotham says: Claire doesn’t sing it to Jamie in this story - set right after 03x12 - but these lyrics are appropriate for where our beloved Frasers are at this point in the story, no?
Loud the winds howl, loud the waves roar,Thunderclaps rend the air;Baffled, our foes stand by the shore,Follow they will not dare. 
“I’m so sorry to trouble you, Mrs. Oliver – ”
 “Patsy, please. And trust me, it’s no trouble – what withthe ship run aground on the mud flats and all the colorful sailors…we haven’thad this much fun in years!”
 Claire nodded a quiet thanks, sinking gratefully onto thesinfully soft mattress, Jamie’s hand clutched tightly in hers.
 “You’ll find some fresh clothes in the cabinet – just somespares we keep for guests who decide to take a swim in the ocean. The clothesare worn but they’ll be clean.”
 Jamie squeezed Claire’s hand. “Thank ye – we’ve a trunkwi’ some things on the ship, but this will tide us over. May we leave our clothesoutside somewhere to dry?”
 “You can just leave them on the porch – Polly will comealong and fetch them. She’s a fine hand with a needle, too – will have youstitched back up in no time.”
 Patsy Oliver stepped away from the door, allowing thefair-haired Polly to pass, lugging the final steaming bucket of hot wateracross the room and pouring it into the tub.
 Jamie’s thumbnail scraped the inside of Claire’s wrist.
 “Our deepest thanks to ye, and yer husband.” Jamie’svoice was quiet. Sounding so very tired. “For yer hospitality no’ just forClaire and me, but for our son and daughter-in-law and nephew and all theothers on the ship.”
 “Nonsense – there’s plenty of rooms to spare in this oldhouse.” She paused, eyes sparkling. “Though something told me that you andClaire would enjoy this cabin to yourselves.”
 Claire swallowed.
 “There’s a basket with fruit and bread and cheese on thetable over there – meals are in the main house. Don’t worry about a schedule –we’ll accommodate you.”
 Polly skittered out of the room. Patsy curtseyed.
 “Thank you.” Claire met the eyes of this kind, generouswoman. “I can’t tell you how grateful we are.”
 Something flashed across Patsy’s face.  “I – Joseph and me, we were parted for fouryears between when he left England and when I arrived here. I – I know what it’slike to want to be alone.”
 Jamie opened his mouth to reply – but Patsy Oliver hadalready left the cabin, gently closing the door.
 Claire rose – and Jamie tugged her hand so that theyfaced each other. His forehead sank against hers, the sand on her skin roughagainst his. Eyes closed. Breathing. Savoring.
 Suddenly it felt as if all the breath had left his body –and he gripped her shoulders to stay upright.
 “Come,” she whispered, pulling away slightly – still grippinghis hand – leading him across the room so that she could bolt the door, andthen back so that they stood beside the steaming tub.
 He followed her – incapable of speech. Eyes wide andshining with feeling.
 “Let’s clean up, aye?”
 Jamie blinked, startled. “Aye,” he rasped.
 Claire sat up a bit higher against the copper back of thetub. Laughing.
 “Are you trying to drown me, woman?” Jamie spluttered,bent double between her legs, wet ropes of hair hanging from his scalp.
 “You’re so bloody big – hold still. There’s still somesand or dirt or something right there at the back.”
 She pushed his head below the waterline again, scrubbingat the nape of his neck.
 He surfaced a moment later, gasping for breath.
 “Done now?”
 “Not quite – hold still. I’m checking you for cuts.”
 He sighed theatrically, but obeyed, running one hand upand down her shin, cupping her knee.
 “I’ve bruises aplenty – but I dinna feel any cuts. No’fresh ones, anyway.”
 “And I don’t see any. Good. Can you turn around?”
 He could – though it required quite a bit of care, sothat he didn’t slosh half the water onto the stone floor.
 The only way they could make it work was for her to shiftup a bit and settle on his lap. Not that either of them minded.
 Gentle fingers skimmed his cheeks, his neck, his chin,his brow.
 “How do I look, Dr. Fraser?”
 Cheekily he kissed her finger as it flitted past herlips. His hands – beneath the surface – cupped her arse.
 She licked her lips. “Well, I suppose you’ll live to seeanother day. No lasting injuries.”
 “Save my heart,” he murmured. Her eyes shifted to meethis. Dark. Deep. Intense.
 “Losing ye – seeing ye washed away before my eyes. Andthen finding ye, but thinking ye dead…”
 “Oh, Jamie,” she sighed, throwing her arms around him.Gripping him tight.
 Sobs silently hiccupped through his body.
 “Sshh,” she soothed, hands skimming the scars on hisback, the sinew of his shoulders.
 Shakily he breathed in and out – and she matched hisbreaths.
 “May I care for ye now, Claire?” he asked quietly after along while.
 She pulled back a bit, and he cupped the back of her headin his big, gentle hands, and she let him lower her beneath the surface of thewater.
 Moonlight – clean, healing – poured through the openwindow. Casting Jamie half in shadow, beside her on the bed.
 Claire realized they hadn’t stopped touching each othersince he helped her stand on the beach, and they had followed the Olivers tothe wreck of the Artemis. Even amid the hugs and shouts of joy from Fergus and Ianand Marsali and Leslie and Hayes and all the crew, they hadn’t stopped holdinghands. Not willing – not even for a second – to be parted from each other.
 They both were still not willing – countless hours afterJamie had finished washing her, dried her, and carried her to the bed, checkingevery inch of her body with his hands and lips, kissing her new cuts and bruises.
 “Perhaps it’s not the heather – but I’m willing, andnaked, and we’ve plenty of space,” she whispered.
 Jamie reached for the table beside the bed, fetched apeach, took a bite, and offered the fruit to Claire. She took two bites of herown, swallowed, and moved in for a long, slow, sweet kiss.
 “Aye,” he breathed against her lips. “We do. Ye ken it’sno’ that I dinna want ye, Sassenach – only, the feel of ye here, wi’ me – that’senough. More than enough.”
 She snuggled closer to him beneath the quilt, locking herlegs around his hips, settling her head beneath his chin.
 “No’ that I willna want to sometime later, of course.”
 The rumble of laughter in his chest was the mostbeautiful feeling in the world. In this new world.
 She kissed his collarbone, and he held her tighter, andthere was peace.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
10 minutes?! That's not enough to pick up the pieces...if it were in real-time. We're in anime, 10 minutes is plenty of time.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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This episode of Dr. Stone is done for the night. One Piece is coming up next.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
Alright, we got Taiju! Now, we need to get the old man since he's the main objective.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
Only four minutes of air left. And with them being unable to get the old man out...we're fucked.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
Oh, so now you bring up the scuba gear!
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
We got one man down, now we got...about 50-something left to unpetrify.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
Jeez Kohaku, I know that you have to follow the plan, but uh...that's a bit overkill don't you think?
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
We got an oxygen tank...for an underwater rover. At least we don't have to worry about having Sonic drowning music playing in the background while getting the crew out.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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Now: Dr. Stone
Next: One Piece
Later: Naruto Shippuden
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
We got Ryusei finally back on the board.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
Welp, guess they knew that something was up. Just need Kohaku to not blow their cover.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
Gotta need the ammunition and in a short amount of time, the clock is ticking...just...gotta get the people who are stoned out of the water.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
We finally got what we were looking for. Now...the final battle can commence.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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Now Playing: Season 3, Episode 12 (Episode 47 overall) of Dr. Stone on Toonami on @adultswim​.
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