#dracula daily august 31
merelymatt · 23 days
I told her I should ask you to see her, and though she demurred at first—I know why, old fellow—she finally consented.
Lucy Westenra: very demure
Arthur Holmwood: very mindful
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I'm suprised how long I've been feeding from this girl with no interruption. It's rare villages aren't already banging on my door
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
Victorians be like, someone I know has a physical malady. Who shall I call on? Oh, I know. The guy that runs the mental health facility.
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lifelinebooks · 1 year
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I am so normal about them
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
August 31
The tone of Arthur's letter sounds so much like Jonathan's writings. I'm beginning to see that our ladies have a type.
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letsgethaunted · 23 days
Dracula Daily: August 31
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Reading BlueCatWriter's Dracula along with Dracula Daily
Ok so I've been meaning to read all of @bluecatwriter 's wonderful Dracula hc fics in order for a long time but I never have time to get with it so I decided to read it along with Dracula Daily this year.
If anyone else wants to do the same, here are the dates (or aproximante dates*) for each fic. (idk if someone has done this already but oh well) (BlueCat if you read this feel free to correct me if i got any date wrong)
*(Since there's 2 pre-canon fics and 2 days of may before dd, i'm setting those fics on those dates. Dates of undated fics are also adjusted to not overlap with date of other fics)
*(The order during the varna stay is a bit wacky since the book gets pretty vague for 2 weeks there but I tried to adjust it as well as possible.)
1-A picnic in may. May 1st 2-Home before you know it. May 2nd 3-I too can love. May 16th 4-Three letters. May 19th 5-The prisioner. May 28th 6-Tonight is mine. June 29th 7-Stay awake. August 14th 8-In sickness and in health. August 24th 9-Full of vague fear. August 24th 10-A golden afternoon. August 31st 11-A doctor’s confidence. September 2nd 12-I come to my friend when he call. September 2nd 13-Blood she must have. September 7th 14-After the transfusion. September 7th or 8th 15-Sleeping beauty. September 10th 16-The wolf in the window. September 17th 17-Sympathy. September 18th 18-Things will be different. September 19th 19-My only son. September 19th 20-Come, my husband. September 28th 21-These others. September 29th 22-Lucy’s second death. September 29th 23-How good and thoughtful. September 29th 24-Brandy, bath, and beadtime. September 30th or October 1st (preferably the former since the dd entry is slightly shorter that day) 25-A pale orphan. October 2nd 26-You will not call in vain. Between September 30th and October 11th?? 27-Renfield’s death. October 3rd 28-Safe for one more moment. October 3rd 31-Hungry. Between October 12th and October 15th 29-A week in varna. Between October 15th and October 27th? 30-Waiting. Between October 17th and October 27th? 32-Judge moneybag. Between October 15th and October 27th? 33-How i miss my phonograph. October 24th 34-Mem. get recipe for mina. Between October 15th and October 27th? 35-Farewell, sweet friends. October 30th 36-Starlight on the sereth. October 31st 37-Step into the light. Between October 15th? and November 6th (if reading in one sitting wait until november 6th)
38- Love multiplying. November 7th onward
Omg guys it's may already I'm so exited for this. This year I know I will be up do date with everything even tho I'm busy with my End of Degree Project because the dracula fixation i caught last year is a part of my life now I have been planning this so long guys.
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
Who's Read What in Dracula? Masterpost
This is a little self-assigned project to try and keep track of who has read (as well as written) what documents, and, importantly, when they do so. Last year I spent some time thinking about this and it informed some of my thoughts about specific characters' perspectives and actions in interesting ways. So I thought it could be a neat resource to have for others!
I'm going to update this in time with the novel, so there won't be any spoilers. This post is going to be a master reference, with links to each individual character's posts. I originally wanted to do this as a series of graphs for each character, with color-coded bars for each document they've read, but I'm not savvy enough to figure out a non-confusing way to do so, especially given the number of different authors/documents. Instead, I'm going to have a separate post for each character, and just have the info in written form there. Here are the links to each of those, in order of introduction:
Jonathan Harker
Mina Murray
Lucy Westenra
Jack Seward
Quincey Morris
Arthur Holmwood
Abraham Van Helsing
Some housekeeping notes: Obviously, each character will have read their own writing. I'm not going to update day-by-day for any such things. Instead, I'll only update whenever they access new information by someone else, or begin what I'm counting as a new document.
Most of the time, we know for a fact when characters get access to a new document. However, there are a few exceptions. I have my theories, but I will mark them as speculative whenever that label applies.
I break up documents based on chunks of information and have assigned titles to them as such. The labels may change as time goes by as needed to avoid spoilers. I also try to add in dates, but for any longer accounts it will just be a range of dates rather than every entry.
Below the cut is a list of all the documents, in order of appearance, with dates. I'm using color-coding for all the main authors, which will match the colors used in individual character posts. This too will be updated over time, so no worries about spoilers here either. Unless, of course, you don't want to know if someone who has only written once before will go on to write often... in that case, don't look below.
Castle Dracula Diary (3 May-30 June) - Jonathan Harker
Invitation to Castle Dracula (3 May) - Count Dracula
Letter to Innkeeper (4 May) - Count Dracula *
Letter to Dracula (5 May) - Mr. Hawkins *
Letters to Lucy (9 May, 17 May?*) - Mina Murray
Letter to Mina (2/3 May?) - Jonathan Harker *
Letters to Mina (11 May?, 24 May) - Lucy Westenra
Dictated Letters Home (11 May, 18 May) - Jonathan Harker *
Letters to Various Solicitors (11 May) - Count Dracula *
Phonograph Diary (25 May-?) - Jack Seward
Letter to Art (25 May) - Quincey Morris
Telegram Reply to Quincey (26 May) - Arthur Holmwood
Intercepted Letters Home (28 May) - Jonathan Harker *
Renfield's Notebook (5 June?-?) - R. M. Renfield *
Log of the Demeter (18 July-4 August) - Captain of the Demeter
Whitby Journal (24 July-19 August) - Mina Murray
Message to Lucy (27 July) - Arthur Holmwood *
Daily Graph Articles (8-9 August) - News Correspondent
Letter from Budapest (12 August) - Sister Agatha
Letter to Carter, Patterson, & Co. (17 August) - Billington & Son
Letter to Mina (17/18 August?) - Mr. Hawkins *
Letter to Billington & Son (21 August) - Carter, Patterson, & Co.
Post-Whitby Letter to Lucy (24 August) - Mina Murray
London Diary (24 August-17 September) - Lucy Westenra
Whitby Letter (30 August) - Lucy Westenra
Letter to Jack (31 August) - Arthur Holmwood
Telegram to Jack (1 September) - Arthur Holmwood
Letter to Van Helsing (1 September?) - Jack Seward *
Letters to Arthur (2, 3, 6, 15?* September) - Jack Seward
Letter to Dr. Seward (2 September) - Van Helsing
Telegrams to Van Helsing (4-8 September) - Jack Seward
Telegram to Arthur (8 September) - Jack Seward
Telegram to John (8 September) - Van Helsing *
Telegram(s?) to Vanderpool (10, 13? September) - Van Helsing *
Delayed Telegram to Seward (17 September) - Van Helsing
Lucy's Memorandum (17 September) - Lucy Westenra
Unread Letters to Lucy (17, 18 September) - Mina Murray
Escaped Wolf Article (18 September) - Pall Mall Gazette
Telegram to Quincey (18 September) - Arthur Holmwood
Mrs. Westenra's Death Certificate (18 September) - Jack Seward/Van Helsing *
Telegram to Arthur (18 September) - Quincey Morris
Telegram to Summon Arthur (19 September) - Jack Seward *
Hennessey's Report (20 September) - Patrick Hennessey
Letter to Mrs. Westenra's Lawyer (21 September) - Jack Seward *
Post-Whitby Journal (22 September-?) - Mina Murray
Telegram to Mrs. Harker (22 September) - Van Helsing
* We know these documents exist, but never get to read them (or in one case, only get a brief excerpt) as they aren't added to the record. Sometimes some of the main characters do get to read them, but not always.
Question marks after a date denote uncertainty, though they're all likely written within a few days of the tentative one listed. When after a dash they mark an incomplete document.
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cozcat · 5 months
your friend and mine Jonathan Harker is back for another year of Dracula Daily! and if you're like me, you might want to keep track of how much you've read.
the StoryGraph listing for Dracula Daily has 440 pages, so below the cut is the dates of each entry, and the approximate page count for each. (the simpler option listed on StoryGraph is 4 pages per email, as there are 110, but sometimes you want full credit for reading the October 3 email.) some page counts span a couple of days due to short entries, but for the most part, entries are at least a page!
May 3: 4 pages
May 4: 6 pages
May 5: 21 pages
May 7: 28 pages
May 8: 33 pages
May 9: 35 pages
May 11: 36 pages
May 12: 41 pages
May 15: 43 pages
May 16: 48 pages
May 18: 48 pages
May 19: 49 pages
May 24: 54 pages
May 25: 56 pages
May 26: 56 pages
May 28: 58 pages
May 31: 59 pages
June 5: 59 pages
June 17: 60 pages
June 18: 60 pages
June 24: 63 pages
June 25: 66 pages
June 29: 69 pages
June 30: 72 pages
July 1: 73 pages
July 8: 74 pages
July 18: 75 pages
July 19: 76 pages
July 20: 78 pages
July 22: 78 pages
July 24: 81 pages
July 26: 82 pages
July 27: 82 pages
July 28: 83 pages
July 29: 83 pages
July 30: 84 pages
August 1: 88 pages
August 2: 89 pages
August 3: 90 pages
August 4: 91 pages
August 6: 93 pages
August 8: 100 pages
August 9: 102 pages
August 10: 104 pages
August 11: 108 pages
August 12: 110 pages
August 13: 111 pages
August 14: 112 pages
August 17: 114 pages
August 18: 116 pages
August 19: 119 pages
August 20: 120 pages
August 21: 121 pages
August 23: 122 pages
August 24: 126 pages
August 25: 127 pages
August 30: 127 pages
September 1: 128 pages
September 2: 131 pages
September 3: 133 pages
September 4: 135 pages
September 5: 136 pages
September 6: 137 pages
September 7: 144 pages
September 8: 146 pages
September 9: 147 pages
September 10: 151 pages
September 11: 153 pages
September 12: 154 pages
September 13: 157 pages
September 17: 163 pages
September 18: 179 pages
September 19: 181 pages
September 20: 188 pages
September 21: 199 pages
September 22: 205 pages
September 23: 206 pages
September 24: 207 pages
September 25: 218 pages
September 26: 232 pages
September 27: 237 pages
September 28: 238 pages
September 29: 263 pages
September 30: 283 pages
October 1: 310 pages
October 2: 319 pages
October 3: 360 pages
October 4: 367 pages
October 5: 378 pages
October 6: 381 pages
October 11: 386 pages
October 15: 388 pages
October 16: 388 pages
October 17: 389 pages
October 24: 390 pages
October 25: 391 pages
October 26: 392 pages
October 27: 392 pages
October 28: 399 pages
October 29: 402 pages
October 30: 416 pages
October 31: 417 pages
November 1: 419 pages
November 2: 420 pages
November 3: 421 pages
November 4: 424 pages
November 5: 432 pages
November 6: 439 pages
November 7 (epilogue): 440 pages
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I'm going through the complete text of Dracula to try and determine what year it takes place based on the days of the week mentioned by the characters.
The novel can be set no earlier than 1888, as that was the year the Kodak camera Jonathan uses was invented, though the Eastman Kodak company wasn't formally organized until May 1892, so we're really looking at 1893 as the lower bound.
Arthur and Quincey go home after Lucy's funeral on 22 September, and on the 26 September Dr. Seward receives a letter from them dated Sunday, which must have fallen on 23, 24, or 25.
Sunday, 23 September, 1888 [this year is too early]
Sunday, 25 September, 1892 [too early]
Sunday, 24 September, 1893
Sunday, 23 September, 1894
Sunday, 25 September, 1898
Sunday, 24 September, 1899
Sunday, 23 September, 1900
Note: the novel was published in 1897, but all we know is that it takes place in the 19th century (Jonathan says so on 15 May, Seward on 26 September, and Van Helsing on 30 September), so 1898, 1899, and 1900 are not necessarily disqualified. This gives us upper and lower bounds of 1888 - 1900, or more likely 1893 - 1900
Spoiler for events that haven't been emailed yet: on 2 November, Jonathan writes in his journal that Mina and Van Helsing should have arrived in Veresti around noon on Wednesday. A few pages later, Mina's own journal says they arrived at Veresti noon on 31 October.
Wednesday, 31 October, 1888 [too early]
Wednesday, 31 October, 1894
Wednesday, 31 October, 1900
Lucy's very first letter to Mina is not dated, but is said to have been written on a Wednesday. Dracula Daily emailed it on 11 May, but only because that happened to be a Wednesday in 2022. Mina's previous letter to Lucy was dated 9 May, and subsequent letters between the group tend to be delivered very quickly, so let's look for Wednesdays that were less than, say, four days after 9 May
Wednesday, 13 May, 1891 [too early]
Wednesday, 11 May, 1892 [too early]
Wednesday, 10 May, 1893
Wednesday, 13 May, 1896
Wednesday, 12 May, 1897
Wednesday, 11 May, 1898
Wednesday, 10 May, 1899
On 25 September, Mina tells Van Helsing that Jonathan nearly fainted last Thursday when he saw a man that looked like a young Count Dracula. She recorded this episode in her diary three days prior.
Thursday, 22 September, 1892 [too early]
Thursday, 22 September, 1898
A newspaper clipping dated 8 August says that the big storm that hit Whitby came out of nowhere, and that Saturday evening had been as calm as any other. On 6 August, Mina wrote that the day was gray and fishermen were warning people that a storm was brewing. If Saturday evening was calm, but Mina reported gray skies on the 6th, then either she wrote about it late on Saturday after the storm started rolling in, or sometime on Sunday, meaning Saturday is either 5 or 6 August.
Saturday, 6 August, 1892 [too early]
Saturday, 5 August, 1893
Saturday, 6 August, 1898
Saturday, 5 August, 1899
Those are all the days of the week mentioned in the book, so now let's account for the phases of the Moon. Mina says it was full at 3am on 11 August. Full moons rise at sunset, so it would have risen on the 10th. Looking at a phase calendar, let's say a reasonable person in the 1890s would say it looks full for 2 days before or 2 days after the actual full moon (3 days, and you start to notice it waxing and waning). When did the full moon fall between 10 and 13 August?
Saturday, 10 August, 1889 (looks full from 8 - 12) [too early]
Monday, 8 August, 1892 (looks full 6 - 10) [too early]
Thursday, 12 August, 1897 (looks full 10 - 14)
Friday, 10 August, 1900 (looks full 8 - 12)
Dr. Seward says that there was "full moonlight" on 20 September, the night Lucy died. That's more than a month after Mina's full moon, but Seward didn't actually go outside to check, he just noticed the moonlight through the window, so let's give him some more wiggle room and say that the moonlight could appear bright enough to be mistaken for full up to 4 days before and after the actual full moon; it's about one week between the quarter and full phases, and nobody could mistake a quarter moon's light for being full, but I guess you could make that mistake for a gibbous moon if you don't see it directly. When did the full moon fall between 16 and 24 September?
Thursday, 20 September, 1888 (seems full 16 - 24) [too early]
Friday, 18 September, 1891 ("full" 14 - 22) [too early]
Monday, 25 September, 1893 ("full" 21 - 29; kind of a stretch)
Monday, 21 September, 1896 ("full" 17 - 25)
Tuesday, 19 September, 1899 ("full" 15 - 23)
Let's tally up all the data
1888: 3
1889: 1
1890: 0
1891: 2
1892: 5
1893: 3.5
1894: 2
1895: 0
1896: 2
1897: 2
1898: 4
1899: 4
1900: 3
No year won all 7 possible points, so there's no doubt that Bram Stoker was just making up the timeline as he went along; he didn't have calendars and moon charts open as he was writing, so he fudged some details because he figured nobody would ever attempt to put the story in chronological order. That said, the year that fits best would be 1892 were it not for the fact that the Kodak company was brand new in May 1892, so it's unlikely a British law firm would supply their solicitors with American cameras before they became ubiquitous. 1898 and 1899 come in second, and are therefore the most plausible for the novel's setting; if we ignore the moon, 1898 wins with 4 points to 3. I however choose to set the novel in 1894 because that would place the epilogue in 1901, just over the hump of the 20th century, which is fitting, but really you could argue for any years except 1890 and 1895.
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rebloggingrexan · 1 year
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heyo! i’ve got over 2000 Dracula Daily posts, all tagged by date! so this is my spoiler-free post where all the dates are easy to get to. (and this is my extra ginormous Dracula Daily masterpost WITH SPOILERS and more; and links to fun tags like “dracula meta” and “dracula is a comedy”)
Draculadailytracker, Cattuladaily, ourgoodfriendjonathan, and draculadailyreactions are good Dracula blogs to check out too!
for Dracula Daily posts, the format here is "#dd (date) (month)," (i also use simply “#dracula daily,” but seriously beware spoilers. EVERYTHING is there) so the start of Dracula Daily and a glut of paprika memes would be "#dd 3 may," but on this post, to make things pretty, i'll just list them without the "dd" at the start. September, October, and November only use their first three letters in the tags, though, e.g. #dd 3 oct
(right now as of June 2023, there are a few scattered dates without posts, or with fewer posts than i’d prefer, but i’m working on that! some empty days will get filled when a given day rolls around and scheduled posts get reblogged :) )
you can sign up for the Dracula Daily emails HERE and you can check out past installments HERE!
(please glimpse through my “dracula important” tag to get some information on racist instances in the story as well as other places/ways that may be more convenient to read the story)
• 21 April • 25 April • 28 April • 30 April (one queued for 2024 lol)
• 3 May • 4 May • 5 May • 7 May • 8 May • 9 May • 10 May • 11 May • 12 May • 13 May • 14 May • 15 May • 16 May • 18 May • 19 May • 24 May • 25 May • 26 May • 27 May • 28 May • 30 May • 31 May 
Rest of months under cut!
• 5 June • 6 June • 13 June • 17 June • 18 June • 24 June • 25 June • 29 June • 30 June 
• 1 July • 8 July • 18 July • 19 July • 20 July • 22 July • 24 July • 26 July • 27 July • 28 July • 29 July • 30 July
• 1 August • 2 August • 3 August • 4 August • 6 August • 8 August • 9 August • 10 August • 11 August • 12 August • 13 August • 14 August • 15 August • 16 August • 17 August • 18 August • 19 August • 20 August • 21 August • 23 August • 24 August • 25 August • 30 August • 31 August
SEPTEMBER (a busy month!! hold on!!!)
if you want some audio readings to help stay caught up, scroll down the archives of Cryptic Canticles’s Dracula Daily audio readings to get to any dates you may need
(note: in the tags, all months starting here and on use shortened versions with only their first three letters: sep, oct, nov)
• 1 Sep • 2 Sep • 3 Sep • 4 Sep • 5 Sep • 6 Sep • 7 Sep • 8 Sep • 9 Sep • 10 Sep • 11 Sep • 12 Sep • 13 Sep • 17 Sep • 18 Sep • 19 Sep • 20 Sep • 21 Sep • 22 Sep • 23 Sep • 24 Sep • 25 Sep • 26 Sep • 27 Sep • 28 Sep • 29 Sep • 30 Sep
OCTOBER (another busy month!!)
NOTE: OCTOBER 3 IS THE LARGEST ENTRY, OVER 50 PAGES. MAYBE START READING AHEAD IF YOU WANT. and again, you can scroll through the Cryptic Canticles archives to listen to any dates you need
• 1 Oct • 2 Oct • 3 Oct • 4 Oct • 5 Oct • 6 Oct • 7 Oct • 8 Oct • 11 Oct • 14 Oct • 15 Oct • 16 Oct • 17 Oct • 18 Oct • 19 Oct • 20 Oct • 21 Oct • 22 Oct • 23 Oct • 24 Oct • 25 Oct • 26 Oct • 27 Oct • 28 Oct • 29 Oct • 30 Oct • 31 Oct
• 1 Nov • 2 Nov • 3 Nov • 4 Nov • 5 Nov • 6 Nov • 7 Nov • 9 Nov :)
• prep (posts of people hyping Dracula Daily before it starts!)
• after (recaps, epilogue-ish non-November-7-specific posts, etc.!)
• ddn (posts that don’t really relate to any specific day and aren’t spoilery)
• other (Dracula-related posts that don’t directly relate to the story but may be spoilery for people who haven’t read it yet! like The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolks's posts. also basically a “miscellaneous” tag for posts i can’t otherwise figure out huehue.)
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I posted 7,797 times in 2022
3,394 posts created (44%)
4,403 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,918 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#taylor swift - 212 posts
#tvd - 128 posts
#to save - 122 posts
#mcr - 98 posts
#dracula daily - 91 posts
#midnights - 83 posts
#the bear - 80 posts
#teen wolf - 78 posts
#fma - 68 posts
#swearing - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i'd be so interested in hearing reasons for this but if it's purely based off vibes these are lovely vibes thank you i'll treasure it 💖💖
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Well well well if it isn't the consequences (dishes) of my own actions (baking)
11,563 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
The only true constant on this earth is reading a deeply disturbing short story when you were like 12 and being forever traumatized by it, every single human being has undergone this I'm sure
20,585 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
Literally all I want to do is write something that makes people insane and maybe scream silently over it like is that so much to ask
22,318 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
100k slowburn but it’s just two people going from work friends to real friends
26,933 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“how long have we been mutuals” I don’t know. forever. three minutes. since before the world began. 
29,447 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
I like the way David Ault as Arthur reads the letter.
There's a sense of urgency in his voice.
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themelodyofspring · 2 years
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Sleepy Readathon - October 25 - 31
No books finished in the last week of October. But I'm happy to report that I caught up with Dracula Daily 🦇 I was behind by two months 😂 (on August entries) and I'm now on October 30 entry 🎉
I did skip a few days again (because of F1 again) but overall, I'm very pleased with my whole month. I also started going to bed at a reasonable time in the last week. Hoping to continue that this month.
Thank you to @myonetruebook for hosting the readathon 🥰 It's always one of my favourites!
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
Creative Goals & Progress (August 31) (carrying over into September)
I FINALLY FINISHED MY &%$#ING INKS!!!!! I'm within spitting distance of the finish line T^T
Fandom stuff:
Dracula Daily drawing #1 Status: 85% complete (shading pending)
Dracula Daily drawing #2 Status: 66% complete (colors and shading pending)
Dracula Daily drawing #3 Status: Done
Dracula Daily drawing #4 Status: 85% complete (shading pending)
Dracula Daily drawing #5 Status: 85% complete (shading pending)
Personal stuff:
One (1) Secret Personal Project (SPP) drawing Status: Not started I didn't manage to make time for SPP this cycle, but the good news is I did two drawings last month, so I guess it evens out :P
I'm so ready to be done with these and move on to other things, ahaha! Wish me luck wrapping it all up this weekend~
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doctorhelena · 2 years
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I posted 7,163 times in 2022
That's 397 more posts than 2021!
75 posts created (1%)
7,088 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,761 of my posts in 2022
#fanart - 269 posts
#dracula daily - 248 posts
#steggy - 196 posts
#peggy carter - 78 posts
#x files - 70 posts
#fic rec - 65 posts
#captain carter - 49 posts
#my fic - 47 posts
#star trek - 38 posts
#always reblog - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#which seems to happen to a lot of female and poc actors who play characters that get maligned for getting in the way of some other favorite
My Top Posts in 2022:
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“Howard, I'm going to kill you for making me wear this bloody hat.”
Happy 101st (or possibly 103rd) birthday to Peggy Carter, Director of SHIELD!
Peggy Carter’s Photo Album 2/? 
(Made for Peggy’s birthday event at @peggycarterbirthdaybash​!)
61 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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What If... Captain Carter Had Met Bernard Stark?
67 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
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68 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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“Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that, but we’re not actually in public.”
“And I'm not uncomfortable. Are you?”
“Oh, dreadfully, Widow. I'm afraid I'll need you to kiss me again immediately.”
—PeggyNat Action Figure Adventures, Part 2—  
Part 1
69 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Steggy Fic: Caps Out of the Bag
I’ve created something for every day of Steggy Week 2022 over at @steggyfanevents! This is for Day 1 (Inspired By).
(It is inspired by a tiny scene in Chapter 5 of Assemble by @notafangirl, who kindly gave me permission to use the idea as the starting point for a story of my own - otherwise entirely unrelated to "Assemble"!)
Summary: Captain America and Captain Carter have been successfully hiding their romantic relationship for just over a year. Until today.
Rating: PG-13
Read it on A03
“That’s your phone,” Steve said into Peggy’s ear. When she didn’t move he reached across her to snag it off her nightstand, handed it to her, then flopped back down onto his own side of the bed as she blinked sleepily at the screen before reluctantly swiping at the green icon.
With his enhanced hearing, Steve could hear perfectly well why she sat up, abruptly wide awake. She slid out of bed, scanned the floor, and bent down to retrieve her underpants. “Bollocks. All right, I’ll be out front in ten. See you shortly.” She hung up.
Steve eyed his own phone, still silent and dark. “You think they’re gonna call me in on this too?”
Peggy was already in the bathroom. “I expect you should be on alert,” she said, not bothering to raise her voice, “but at this point, it’s likely best for you to stay here in New York on the off chance that this is actually some sort of elaborate distraction.”
“Right, yeah,” Steve said, digging around under the covers at the bottom of the bed with his foot. “I found your bra,” he added, using his foot to pass himself the tangled bundle of cloth that was his undershorts and her lacy red brassiere.
He heard the toilet flush. “Rogers, please tell me you didn’t pick up my underwear with your toes again,” Peggy said over the sound of water running in the sink. She appeared in the doorway a moment later, toothbrush in mouth and hair in a single braid, and sighed. “Never mind. Toss it here.”
“If you don’t mind touching my feet with your bare skin, I don’t know why it bothers you when I touch your clothes with them,” said Steve mildly, lobbing the bra in her direction. She caught it, made a face at him, and stepped back into the bathroom to spit her mouthful of toothpaste into the sink, emerging shortly without the toothbrush, having somehow made the time to apply a perfect coat of lipstick. Steve smiled at that little touch that she hadn’t foregone despite her hurry, then settled back on the bed, enjoying the view while she fastened her bra.
Peggy caught his eye, a tiny smile at the corners of her mouth, then sighed. “I brought the stealth suit, but I’m fairly certain I forgot to pack a sports bra. Well, it can’t be helped now. I got along perfectly well long before the invention of Lycra, and I suppose the suit itself provides a certain amount of support.” She slipped into the hallway, and Steve got up, stepped into his underwear, and padded after her. By the time he reached the entryway she was rummaging through the go bag she’d left by his apartment door, pulling out her stealth suit, the subtle Union Jack pattern just visible on the chest. Both of their suits were considerably muted now from the flashy red, white, and blue they’d worn during their respective wars.
“I was right, not a sports bra in sight,” she told him resignedly as she began to shimmy into the suit. “I need to repack this bag.”
“Food? Coffee?” he offered, although he knew she’d say no.
She shook her head. “No time. I’ll eat in the Quinjet. They’re always well-stocked with terrible energy bars and the like. No worse than K-rations, really - but not much better either.” She leaned over to kiss him, at the same time reaching past him into the closet to grab her shield in its brown leather case. “If I’m not outside my own building in five minutes, questions will be asked. I’ll update you when I can. Stay safe, darling. I love you,” she said all in a rush, picking up her go bag.
“Yeah, you too. I mean, you stay safe too. And - I love you too,” he told her, and she wasted precious seconds shooting him a brilliant smile.
He smiled as he locked the door behind her, knowing that at this hour of the morning she’d be able to take most of the distance at her full enhanced sprint without worrying about drawing attention. He checked the time. She should easily make the ten blocks to her own apartment before Natasha swung by to pick her up.
And then, since his own phone was still dark and silent, he headed back to bed, feeling really very absurdly cheerful for a man whose bedmate had very abruptly legged it out of his apartment at 3:12 in the morning.
Clearly, making sudden declarations of love at rushed moments when there was no time to discuss the matter at all must be something fundamental to Peggy Carter, no matter what universe she was from.
Read the rest on A03
73 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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