starsblowbubbles · 2 years
Darcelle was one of the greatest staples of not just the LGBTQ but the drag community as well.
At 92 years old she still fought for the power of drag.
We will miss you, queen.
(Rest In Glam)
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kazifrost · 3 years
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A friend of mine drew some of my characters, so I had to return the favor! Here’s the Draggal, a dragon who loves bagels!
Be sure to take a look at her stuff on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/cl4usy
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selfshiptrashboat · 6 years
Day 23:  SPACE Pirates!
[30 Day Self Ship Challenge]
Watching his Captain fly through space was one of the things Antok loved most in life. There was just something about the expression that came over Kolivan's face when he was flying, like that of a sailor at sea with the wind in their hair. Sure, there was no wind or salt spray here in space, but Kolivan's face portrayed that same expression of freedom.
Freedom. It was Kolivan who had given Antok his freedom once, who continued to give others the chance at it. Many didn't make the cut, too intimidated by Kolivan's harsh orders and demanding presence, but Antok was sure that if they could watch him fly, they would join in a heartbeat.
It had made Antok stay, anyways.
"Antok," Kolivan called out, sharp but friendly, "We're nearing the swap moon; make sure everyone is prepared."
"Aye-aye, Captain." With those words, Antok left Kolivan's side to bark orders at the crew. Being the first-mate had privileges, and one of those happened to be that people did whatever he said. Which worked out well, considering Antok had very little patience for stupidity.
As always, the ship landed as smoothly as water rolling onto sand. A third of the crew followed their captain onto the surface, while the others stayed behind to guard their ship. Only a handful of other ships had made port, which Antok was thankful for; Kolivan was known to break up fights if he deemed them unnecessary and there was always a higher chance of said fights breaking out when there were more pirates around.
Half way through their trading excursion, a scream rang out through the small crowd and Antok let out a sigh. Sure enough, Kolivan was heading in that direction, his curiosity piqued.
"Let GO of me!" A female hissed at a rather large alien who was holding her by the wrists hard enough to bruise.
"You stole from me, filthy child," The alien, who looked to be a Quagro, growled, "You will pay with your head!"
Antok had to pick up his pace to keep up with Kolivan, who was looking rather pissed off. He could not blame his captain, though; such violence against a cub was unwarranted. As they finally reached the commotion, Antok heard the female growl out, "I stole nothing! Now let me go!"
There are gasps and cheers alike from the crowd of black market salespeople and pirates as the Quagro raises his sharp claws, but Antok merely stands back and smiles to himself. Sure enough, just as the claws are slicing downwards through the air, Kolivan's hand catches it and painfully twists. Seeing her chance, the female attempts to dash into the crowd, but Antok easily picked her up with one arm to swing her over his shoulder. She lets out and indignant, "Hey!" but Antok ignores her in favour of watching Kolivan bring the Quagro to his knees.
"What did this child steal from you?" Kolivan demanded. With a whimper, the Quagro pointedly looked at the stand of sliced meats beside him.
"A whole draggal hock," the alien gulped slightly, "It was just there, and now-"
Ignoring him, Kolivan turns to Antok, who shakes his head in confirmation; there is nothing on her but ragged clothing.
"You have the wrong thief," Kolivan states before finally releasing the other, "Be more accurate in your assessments before threatening death upon a cub's head."
The Quagro merely nods, eying the blade on Kolivan's belt warily and not moving until both Kolivan and Antok have turned and walked away. The female is silent and still until they reach the port once more and Antok sets her down.
"Thank you for helping me," She says honestly, looking into Kolivan's eyes without shrinking away, "but I'm not a child."
That catches both Galra by surprise; the girl barely stands the height of their waists, after all.
"Then perhaps I should have left you to your own battle." Humming, Kolivan studies the girl. Antok does not like the look on his captain's face, because he knows what it means. Sure enough, after a moment, Kolivan leans over to touch the female's hair and asks, "Where exactly are you from, cub?"
"Not here," she mutters, "And I'm not a cub."
"She is not galra," Antok tries speaking to Kolivan's pride, "She cannot board with us."
"Galra is only the requirement of becoming a Blade," Kolivan corrects him, "We may have visitors on board. Perhaps a young woman in need of a ride home?"
As soon as the female's eyes light up at the suggestion, Antok knows he's lost. With a growling sigh, he watches his beloved captain engage in light conversation with the stranger until he can stand it no longer.
Once they board, Antok returns to his quarters alone and fumes over his bad luck and new competition.
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violeblanche · 7 years
N’ALTRO LIVELLO. Draggale tutte.
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