nephryyte · 1 year
dragonfucker unlimited
(dragonbecomer unlimited)
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invitedeath · 5 years
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ANONYMOUS (OR NOT) PLAYTIME  ( *゚— @dragonbecome
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“ fine. it is not difficult for me to spare credit where and when it is due. to @lunagony yotsuyu i would commend her style of dress. whilst so many here seem to have abandoned care for their appearance, she remains apart from them. fitting for her to stand out as she does. to @dreamsembrace zack, a congratulations is in order. he has survived several weeks here. much longer than i would have predicted. “
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levitersora · 5 years
✍ im love these
Send me ‘✍’ and I will draw your muse horribly on MSPaint (not accepting)
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“You too? I get ignored by Donald every time I’m asking for him to heal me!”
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fangsmyth · 5 years
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@dragonbecome​ asked to be kintyped!
sagilo - sign of the lofty
blue blood ( sagittarius )
genji just gives off very big sagittarius energy to me? i’m going by the extended zodiac, so the blood color is based off of your sun sign. (i.e. i’m a gemini, so i’m a gold blood because zodiac signs are the new form of racism) sagittariuses are usually very fun loving and extroverted, so... there you go. that’s one of the first things i think when i think genji. i wish i was actually good at playing him
prospit dreamer
do i even need to say it? prospit dreamers are impulsive and driven by their first thoughts and actions more than thinking before doing. they don’t dwell in the past, they focus on the present. prospit more like proactive gotcha
rogue/mage of heart
*rubs my gay little hands together* god this was a hard conclusion to come to. a lot of people like to headcanon classpects based on what the classes do, (i.e. if lanque’s aspect wasn’t already given i bet a lot of people would see him as a thief of heart. i mean, look at him.) but i’m all about the trends in personality or background based on pre-existing people that have their classpects all figured out.
i decided on heart since genji’s backstory revolves around finding himself and inner peace and all that. iirc he felt a huge disconnect with his body after he became a cyborg and i sort of connected that with feeling a huge loss of humanity? he didn’t really know who he was, and heart players are all about finding themselves and their identity. that wasn’t too difficult.
rogue was a really hard decision to make. (i honestly feel like maid or sylph might fit him better to a certain extent, but there isn’t really a male equivalent;;) my notes on rogue literally just amount to “very chill and kind of give off a low amount of energy. their aspect typically plays a heavy role in their life and interests” i’m not helpful!!! 
but doing a bit of research there was a little think piece saying that they have problems coping with their aspect or lack of it. again, going into that whole lack of humanity that genji felt like he had at one point. 
considering going deeper into his background and how he used to be a playboy and thought of as kind of a liability to the shimadas because of how little fucks he gave i also kind of thought he might fit into the mage category since... it literally almost killed him. that lifestyle could also be interpreted as a moment in his life where he was still searching for some soul or purpose since he didn’t really wanna be part of the clan iirc??? then it got even worse since he tried to cave into that whole ‘i’m a machine and nothing else’ thing with talon why is overwatch lore so interesting they should’ve just made it a movie
i’m sorry he’s secretly true leo i tricked you
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mizukata · 5 years
headcanons: habits and mannerisms, how your muse responds to anger (my mind is full of angry)
༄╳ Habits and mannerisms.
༄╳ How your muse responds to anger.      
     Being  a hunter, anger is an emotion you will meet daily. The rage of seeing those who have been killed, the blame on yourself for not being there in time, feeling helpless for not being capable to change what has been done. He may not seem like it but Giyuu is an incredibly emotional person, he represses those feelings and never lets them get to him perfectly knowing they can affect him and his decision making, the water pillar, specifically, can’t afford being able to feel that way.
     However, in moments when anger wins, he has found himself yelling at people, invaded with clouded judgement. This is when Urokodaki’s words is something he always remembers. The voice of his teacher resonating within:  Think of your heart as the water surface. Keep your heart steady. Keep it calm and gentle.
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     Numerous times he repeats it until he finds himslef at ease again, and lastly he remembers.
     Never waver Giyuu.
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temperateskies · 5 years
Meme | Accepting
⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma
He was pale with exhaustion as drowsiness settled over him in a thick blanket of respite. Overcome by his loss of spiritual power he’s been force to remain in the forest, unable to move let alone defend himself until he can gather enough strength to leave. But he fears he may have overexerted himself. 
He’d been this way for days, depleted of his resources and wobbled off somewhere among a thicket of trees. Ichimokuren knew it was unwise. His body and energy was already debilitated by the time he decided to confront another deity but despite the risks of fading away for good, it needed to be done. He needed to protect the forest and the young youkai who call it home. 
If only he arrived sooner then maybe that poor tengu spirit might’ve made it out alive. His heart is heavy with grief and he swears he feels phantom tears leak from his empty eye socket. 
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“Please… leave me be. Your efforts are wasted.” The one eyed deity found it increasingly difficult to maintain his human form and surly, he thought, this marked the end of his existence. “Death will soon overtake me and I–” A cough begets a tremble that shook his fragile frame. “..do not wish to burden you any further.”
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bladeverbenas-blog · 5 years
👀 Does banana bread taste good?
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“It’s too sweet for my tastes, usually.”
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tianqyao · 6 years
📢 - Does your muse have a loud personality or a quiet one? Do they enjoy being the center of attention, or would they rather watch and listen?
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Yan Qing’s personality is naturally on the louder side of things. In neutral, he’s often saying or doing things that are bound to draw attention (such as teasing someone he barely knows or playing an instrument in a public space), and will rather skillfully go out of his way to entertain or toy with someone. There honestly just won’t be many dull days for him and anyone in his company.  
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justicerained · 6 years
@dragonbecome liked for justice
THERE IS A DUTY she has -- guarding and protecting with helix and it’s the last thing she can recall before arriving here. she knows her men and the rest of helix can handle themselves, they’re trained for it, but she feels a sort of guilt ( despite her having nothing to do with her disappearance to this island ) for leaving them behind. there is, however, a strange sense of comfort when she sees people from her past here. she may not have been allowed to join overwatch but they were all still known to her and important to her in a way.
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        ❝ genji? you look good. it has been a while, hasn’t it? ❞
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dropthebeat · 6 years
dragonbecome replied to your post: boop that heart into the ilios well big hole if...
shouts from the crowd I LOVE YOU LUCIO
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zer0u0 · 6 years
zero gets too into wiisports and balls too hard
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Then they dab to the mii creator music.
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tranquilsilver-blog · 6 years
dragonbecome replied to your post: #TBD { ah yes. time to give Zenyatta a  GUN  }
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yotou-blog · 6 years
old meme
30. beauty
Honestly I feel like Ryoma’s concepts of beauty are hard to get a read on. Most of his supports don’t seem to focus on physical attraction at the s-rank, which is sort of where I’d immediately look?? In his support chain with Camilla he also seems to be out of touch with fashion trends in the NA translation at least. 
He’s flustered in his s-rank support with her so take of that what you will.
I want to think he’s dictated by some sort of royal beauty standard as well, since he tends to dress appropriately for non-casual situations?? Which....I like to believe long hair on men is a status symbol in Hoshido--i swear i saw it somewhere in the text but im not going too deep to dig it up but considering how much his appearance mimics his father’s i feel like he’s very proud of his hair?? And if he looks for someone that’s his equal....well, the long hair might be a subconscious draw given the cultural context. 
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bebopbounty · 6 years
Send me “alt!” and I’ll introduce you to a character I’ve rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else! | (open!)
“So ye tell me, ah follow a Will’o’Wisp, ah fall flat on me arse intae a city that’s way too bright, and there isnae even a witch to show fer it!?”
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“... What’d ye mean, say it again!? Auch, ye couldnae be any less help!”
Merida DunBroch | Disney
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mcteorstrike · 6 years
one punch is all he needs || accepting
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Battle Theme: doomfistBattle intro: “ come at the king, you better not miss. “Victory: “ the world stopped needing overwatch, history will forget you too. “Defeat: “ defeat makes me stronger. “Assist: “ we focus on the mission for now. after, we will go our separate ways. “Taunt: “ i’m not even breaking a sweat. “Reacting to Taunt: “ spare me the commentary. “Flee: “ lose the battle, win the war. “Reacting to Flee: “ just as i predicted. “Tie: “ you should count yourself lucky. “Perfect Victory: “ did you not learn from our last encounter? you should take note this time and stay down. “Finish Move: “ meteor strike! “
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blodaue · 6 years
★☆ give us those juicy facts
his accent is pretty thick, very northern welsh.
i have 2 cats. one is called daisy, the other is called smelly.
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