#drawfee does it right they have long form classes on their vods channel that are all really solid
cheddar-baby · 10 months
"top 10 filmmaking regrets" "if you draw like this you're doing it wrong" "go from beginner to pro with these 3 easy steps"
Feels like im wading through an overfilled graveyard whenever i have to experience the direction art youtube is going now. Something something algorithm but god it hurts to see people go from making informative videos they're clearly passionate about sharing their knowledge and years of experience with the world for free to putting out "content". Imagine stepping into a university course but suddenly one day your professor is sponsored by faber-castell and every class becomes ways to be a stronger ambassador for the brand. Its becoming harder and harder to find genuine good advice that isnt going to give you a complex about your art not being good enough or that you're doing everything wrong when thats impossible to do because its impossible to make art wrong. Its all $1 vs $100 materials where the end product of each has no informative value in it other than how to force word of mouth marketing. Its all just noise now.
Fully i would pay any amount of money monthly to just have some big name respected artist release long form videos of them silently working in the studio. Thats all i need. It doesn't need to be sleek or clean or structured. I just want to see the materials you use, how you use them, what techniques you employ, and the process to get to a finished piece. It could be shot on a crispy old phone in 480p i dont care as long as i can see whats going on and you're not compromising what you do to try and sell me squarespace or the new oil paints thats just came out.
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