phlebphlob · 11 months
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My rules for my self-imposed #drawfeelong challenge include not being too precious with my images- I need to draw more, not perfectly, which means NO OVER-RENDERING. I want one to two images a week not uhhhh zero images ever.
That said I don’t believe this is my magnum opus, but it’s DONE lol
Prompt: draw Barbie dolls based on name
My name: Totally Scrumptious Barbie
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phlebphlob · 1 year
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I’ve been really struggling with art block these past few.. forever.
So I’ve decided to start a self-imposed challenge. I’m going to draw one or two images a week inspired by the prompts from each episode of Drawfee from that week. I’m going to tryyyy and do it for a whole year!
Today’s prompt was (re)drawing their avatars for 2023/2024, so here’s my self-portrait!!
I can’t wait to see what I can manage to do over the course of a year. Wish me luck and stuff!
My tag for this is gonna be #drawfeelong, so if you don’t wanna see it you can block that tag.
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