#drawing feral in a lil anime boy pose helps keep the pain away
its-not-a-pen · 2 years
Chinese darth maul head cannons
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ok so i thought about a chinese version of the Brothers Opress and it's hurting me emotionally. (I haven't seen any of the mandarin dubs yet, i'm putting this out ahead of time to see if the translators agree with me.) Ok so in Chinese there's multiple ways of saying "brother", denoting different levels of closeness and familial bonds, so my headcannon is that Maul goes through ALL of them one by one as his relationship with savage develops.
headcanon Opress Bro's ages: Oldest- Savage 36 yrs Middle - Maul 34 yrs Youngest- Feral 17 yrs
Savage calls Feral 弟 [di] "little brother" Feral calls Savage 哥 [ge] “big brother" at the start.
When Feral is being strangled by Savage, he begs for his life and calls Savage 哥哥 [ge ge] "big brother" it's got childish connotations, e.g. something a kid would say which makes it Uniquely Painful.
After Maul regains his sanity, he insists on being called 师傅 [shi fu] "Master" and refers to Savage as 徒弟 [tu di] “Apprentice", completely rejecting all familial ties. (it's also got a bit of that twisted Journey to the West vibes, but instead of going to India to find Budda and Enlightenment they're going to Mandalor to find Violence and Mental Illness.)
After their near-death experience where Savage gets his arm cut off, Maul refers to Savage as 兄弟 [xiong di] which means "brother" in a comradely sense, e.g what monks call each other, and that's how they introduce themselves to the Deathwatch.
the first time Maul calls Savage 哥哥 "big brother" is when Sidious kills him. From that point on, until the day he dies, Maul only refers to Savage as 哥哥. There's something slightly childish about it which speaks of his unresolved trauma at the hands of sideous, that he was denied something critical to him and he's forever emotionally stunted.
Ok that's enough Pain for one day here's some funny shit:
Had Feral survived and met Maul, he would have to switch to calling Savage 大哥 [da ge] “eldest brother" and Maul 二哥 [er ge] "second eldest brother" . If I wrote CWs, there'd be this hilarious scene where Feral's like "Ai ya, forget about the revenge, intergalactic wars and spider legs. Let's talk about the IMPORTANT stuff! which one of you is older??? because I need to address you correctly, I can't just call you Maul it's RUDE." and then they start counting on their knuckles being all like "hang on are we going by the luna calendar or solar calendar?" BTW here's no "age neutral" way to say brother in chinese and you know it would make Maul EXPLODE if savage slipped up and called him 弟弟 "little brother" instead of 二哥 “second brother “ by accident。
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