#draxum crying tears of joy everytime mikey does smth crazy
bigdvmnhero ยท 2 years
enamored with the thought of rise mikey never living up to his full potential because: he doesnt have to
he's not weak or naive or anything like that - in fact, i think if he wasn't the Family Baby, doomed to be coddled by raph until he's idk 30, mikey might've been one of the stronger fighters. i mean his weapon of choice in this iteration is the infamous kusarifundo; viciously hard to practice without hurting yourself. idk how splinter managed to train him in those 5-minute commercial breaks. the chains are also fire-generating btw. and the fire might be sentient?? who knows. his affinity for mystic power is off the CHARTS. first episode in - first episode!!! - mikey's opening the gate to the hidden city bc yeah, he can do that. his brothers cant. at 15 he rips open a portal out of sheer faith. no one is teaching him this shit btw. he just pulls it off. just child prodigy tingz
he's pure potential, unpolished and untapped, and he gets to be the carefree younger sibling bc his older brothers decided to bear the burden of leading and protecting the clan. everyone knows mikey's special, but no one's rushing him to fulfill his destiny or whatever. he gets to eat pizza and cook fun elaborate meals and goof off like a kid, bc he IS (for now)
meanwhile mikey in the bad future timeline: a literal time god, balding at 30, the only reason why humanity ever gets a second chance in the first place
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