#dreading having to spend them thusly tomorrow
aibidil · 1 year
if you have a doctor’s note, your health insurance should pay the grocery delivery fee
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Djali’s Log 1
So I guess this is the beginning of it? The big adventure I always dreamed of? Braving the Novice Path, heading towards the Academy to meet new people, learn new things, see fantastic places. Wait, should I do an introduction here? Do journals even need introductions? Well, what if one day my journal is saved for posterity for some historical reason? Maybe someone venturing onto the Novice Path in the future could benefit from reading this log and learn how to better navigate it themselves? Yes, yes, then an introduction is in order.
Hello, this is Djali, of the Great Underworld Library of Darkmeadow. I am seventeen years of age, of Iltirian heritage, and tutored in the realms of history, geography, biology, archivism, and certain magics, such as conjuration and illusion. I have spent my entire life beneath Darkmeadow and was raised by the curators of the Library, though my main overseer is, at this moment, Archivist Caddigan. My knowledge of the world and its inhabitants is limited solely to my own personal research, as this log contains my first voyage away from home, so any discrepancies or misunderstandings found within are solely the fault of my own inexperience. That’s a normal thing to put in a journal, right? Okay, focus, time to move forward.
My journey to Orilium was relatively uneventful. Caddigan arranged passage for me on a ship, which carried many other residents of Darkmeadow looking to take on the Path. I was eager to speak with them to learn how they would approach this challenge, knowing that not all who undertake it come out alive. While I did get the usual pleasantries, no one was willing to talk for long. They were still planning, preparing, or fretting for what was ahead of them. Not that I can blame them, of course. With all the stories one hears, it would be foolish not to do everything in one’s power to make sure they were one hundred percent ready. It’s just….I thought things would be different. Less…. solitary. That we would all recognize our common goal and work together, like the stories of heroes long ago. But, those stories are the past, not now, as Caddigan always tries to remind me. Still, why can’t then be now also?
I spent most of the time reacquainting myself with the map of the Path, its general layout, as well as practice some magic that may be of use during the test. I had it all down to the best of my ability, I didn’t think I can take much more of it. My head was so full of what ifs, contingency plans, and just general information it feels like it was going to burst. I think the only time I felt any solace was at night.
Though I was unable to chance a flight that night, I did fly up the mast to sit in the crow’s nest. It was made for crows after all. I haven’t done too much study into nautical topics, so that’s my best assumption. I stared for a while at the stars, still admiring, my mind wanting to focus on a single point, rather than the chaos currently bouncing around my temples. It was a nice moment, one that I will treasure always and take comfort in. Of course, I eventually fell asleep, so the morning after I needed a bit of help getting down since the blasted sun was ruining my eyes again, but we won’t dwell on that.
This was my first time leaving the Library, meaning this was probably the longest time I have been on the surface in a while. I’ve ventured out onto the topside of Darkmeadow a few times, giving Caddigan multiple heart attacks in the process, but those excursions were never that long, not enough for me to get a good sense of the outside. Being on the ship, however, exposed me to what life is like in the open air. Before I left, Caddigan gave me a blindfold, as my eyes are not used to the sun and I really would not like to spend my days in a total blinded stupor. During the day I mostly spent time below deck, just wandering aimlessly. But at night, I emerged to see a sky flooded with stars.
I’ve studied stars in the past, learned their names, positions, and what constellations they create, but actually seeing them was almost indescribable. The light was soft, gentle, unlike the harsh light of day that I unfortunately have to get used to. They were celestial pinpricks in a velvet tarp of night, the world made more beautiful just by their existence. There was no moon unfortunately, but it was still a sky worth looking at. Everything felt so still and quiet, the lap of the waves against the ship making the only noise. A salty breeze tousled my hair and for a moment I was tempted to shift into crow shape just to feel what it would be like to ride it. The captain had expressly told the Iltirian passengers not to do so, something about us “land-dwellers” not knowing how to “bend to these ferocious sea winds,” but I think it may just be his superstition of not wanting too many ‘birds of ill omen” near his ship. Not very logical thinking if you ask me, but we all have our quirks.
It wasn’t too long after that the ship made it to Orilium. Thankfully by that time I could travel fairly well in the day without my blindfold, something I was extremely grateful for as the time to start the Novice Path was drawing near. We disembarked and made our way to the campsite near the entrance to the Path. A good amount of people were already there, setting up tents, getting a lay of the land, writing messages to loved ones should they not make it out. It was honestly depressing to think about, but it was a reality. There was no certainty that we were all going to make it out of here alive. Though we were all looking for adventure, for a chance to prove ourselves worthy, that all came with a price, one that some may have to pay in full.
I don’t think I find myself particularly worried. I think it’s more like I can’t allow for failure, so I can’t even accept the possibility of it. I can’t come to grips with the fact that I may very well die in the near future. Call it the reckless abandon of youth, but It just seems so impossible. That confidence will either be my greatest asset or my ruin. But enough of that! This is supposed to be exciting! That’s what readers like! A dragging down to earth is necessary in certain parts, but only so that we can rise up again!
Clearly the mood was starting to weigh heavily in the air, as an old elf came before us and delivered a well, I think it was intended to be a rousing speech about the merits of having danger in an adventure, which I suppose is true, but doesn’t alone soothe anyone’s worries. The song he performed afterwards did a lot more in stirring up the revelry of the crowd. It’s a song we all know, a song that was practically born in our minds at birth. In that moment, all those feelings of fear, doubt, and anxiety melted away, as we raised our voices as one and came together to celebrate the calm before the storm of our journey.
The night that followed was one I admit that I will be hard pressed to forget. The archivists of the Library are, surprisingly, not the most mirthful of people, so I’ve never actually been to anything resembling a party. It was very..loud to say the least. Lots of drinking, dancing, shenanigans, which I guess is normal? They don’t exactly have any academic material on this subject, though such a text would probably be very helpful to people like me. The utter pandemonium of it all was hard to navigate at first, but I think I managed to fit in rather well. I danced the best I could with some other Iltirians. I’m not much of a dancer, another thing they fail to teach you when you live at the Library, but no one pointed and laughed so I’ll take that as a triumph.
And that has been my journey up until now. Tomorrow I begin my adventure on the Novice Path, along with the others who want to prove their worth to the Academy. It’s hard to believe that the time has finally come, that I’m only one sleep away from the most important day of my life. Here’s hoping that it’s also not the last.
I mingled through the crowd, politely taking a drink now and then. I got a few names, had a couple worthwhile conversations, some a little one-sided, but I don’t think anyone’s eyes completely glazed over as I went on about the magical properties of certain gemstones. I’m not sure if I would call anyone friend just yet, though something in me desperately wants to. There’s still the fear that the people I met tonight may very well be gone tomorrow, but tonight was for enjoying this glorious moment, not dreading the future. So, the night passed thusly, with wine and song and the hope that tomorrow is a guarantee.
When the party died down and people retired to their tents, I rolled out a pack on the ground, completely content to sleep under the sky. The stars were shining bright as ever, the lovely constants of the sky, and now there was a slight sliver of moon to accompany them. Though there was little to see, she sure was beautiful.
I’m sorry, I really can’t end the log like that. So depressing. Uh, what else to end it on?
Well, the moment I wrote that a literal tumbleweed blew past me, perfectly summarizing the emptiness of my mind.
Okay, on that note, this log is complete.
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mohamadpros · 7 years
Here are 13 implies on the most ideal approach to wind up obviously rich fast through wealth accumulation like there's no tomorrow. 
Well ordered directions to twist up clearly rich snappy can be illuminated in 2 sentences: 
• Your utilization must be not as much as your compensation 
• Invest the alter outstandingly and you wind up recognizably rich sooner 
The three splendid norms of getting the chance to be observably rich the hard however exhibited way: 
• Spend less 
• Earn more 
• Invest adroitly 
Take after these clear standards until the point when the moment that you twist up recognizably rich and finally well off like Mr. Buffet or Bill Gates. If these two wealthiest people could do it you additionally can. 
That is the thing that basic information coordinates. It's real, it's certified and it's practical by truly yours - you. 
What to do with the money once you have it in abundance? The three most satisfying jobs of money are; 
• Investing it - to benefit 
• Giving and sharing it - with family, poor people and charitable affiliations 
• Fun - to acknowledge life short all potential impediments 
Thusly you will experience extraordinary prosperity both soundly and significantly. It's the right way to deal with spend your money and more may come your course. 
Here are 13 indicates on the most ideal approach to twist up recognizably rich speedy through wealth conglomeration like there's no tomorrow: 
1. Develop step by step wealth accumulation affinities 
Accomplishment is considered out of good and valuable affinities. Positive penchants deplete accomplishment like nothing else on this planet. Thomas C. Corley, a writer cum expert, said; "change your affinities change your life." 
Horrendous individual inclinations cause; poverty, wretchedness, extend, dreadful prosperity, appalling associations and poor life. 
Awesome penchants bring; admirably off, fulfillment, incredible prosperity, treasure, beneficial associations, extraordinary life and a vibe conventional factor. 
What to do to develop extraordinary - rich affinities: 
a) Self-change - change and you will change your life 
b) Mentality - Believe you are starting at now rich before you make it 
c) Think strongly about money and life 
d) Exercise to stay fit and sound 
e) Be a friend to productive people 
f) Write and look for after your goals with vitality 
g) Wake up before 5 am every day to scrutinize, work out, consider, shower and have protein-rich breakfast 
h) Create distinctive wellsprings of compensation to guarantee money related quality 
I) Get yourself a wealth creation guide to guide you 
j) Become a guide yourself to help other individuals 
2. You require a wealth configuration as instructed by Franklin Benjamin many years back 
What should be in your wealth creation outline? The going with require be in the course of action; 
• Realistic wants 
• Controllable outcomes 
• No anxiety - never stretch again finished anything 
• Spend on nuts and bolts just - cut spending on unnecessary things 
• Save till you feel the desolation - save like there's no tomorrow 
• Invest hold subsidizes insightfully 
3. Save half or a more prominent measure of Monthly Income 
Extra as much as you can remain to. The best is saving portion of your wage to make wealth quickly. This is possible if you are young however to marry. There are people who saved 70% of their month to month pay and after insightfully contributing 10 year accumulated assets got hugely rich inside 20 years. 
4. Contribute shopping change - save change 
The insignificant entireties from your shopping can accumulate to huge wholes as time goes on. Have respect for coins and little gathering notes. These can incorporate if every now and again saved and place assets into an energy procuring account. 
5. Perceive what you require out of life - record destinations 
To truly appreciate what you require out of life, sit and make targets. Make your destinations and develop a course of action how you will fulfill them. It's basically after you have set a target you can have a comment or shoot at. 
6. Ceaselessly Negotiate to Pay Less 
Masterminding is extraordinary and its great circumstances. Attempt to offer a reprieve that favors you. Right when a chance to pay less comes up, please take it. In like manner, making sense of how to orchestrate can save you significantly finished the whole deal. 
7. Attempt to Earn More than you did Last Year 
To wind up clearly rich you need to upgrade your triumphant capacities incessantly. Your pay shouldn't stagnate, it should build up every year. 
8. Place assets into steady guideline to better yourself 
To change your penchants from terrible to rich, you need to change. Change can be acknowledged by predictable guideline. In this way, it's a shrewd idea to reliably look for after direction. That is simply the thing that change is about. 
9. Start a business 
In the wake of saving money for a few years, you need to put some of it in a privately owned business. Private ventures ordinarily end up being enormous with time if supervised suitably. A business will definitely animate your wealth creation tries. 
10. Stop working for different people - work for yourself 
Once your business is self-supporting you need to stop working for different people. Stop being a slave. Twist up perceptibly autonomously utilized in light of the fact that it's the right movement. 
11. Stop acquiring things you needn't mess with 
If you can oversee without it don't get it. What is the need to buy 100 inch TV screen when a 40-inch one will function admirably for you? 
12. Find and Solve a Problem 
The best and speediest way to deal with twist up obviously rich brisk is to find a people issue and come up with a continuing game plan. Bill Gates found an issue and CREATED Windows to deal with the issue. 
13. Money is an instrument - let it work for you 
To wind up doubtlessly rich speedy you need to benefit work for. Money makes work basic. Money can by authorities. It can expect you to position you have never been whether you let it. 
Along these lines, make sense of how to benefit function for you to make a more noteworthy measure of it. 
Run fundamental with your wander system: 
Right when your hypotheses indicate under 10 million don't go for ensnared wanders. Direct is the name of the preoccupation. Go for clear direct and execute hypothesis models. 
Two of the minimum requesting wanders vehicles are; 
• Real inheritance 
• Mutual resources 
After your endeavors go more than 10 million you may reconsider your arrangement to remain a fundamental budgetary expert.
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