pinkpcny · 2 months
soft gestures ft. @dreamse 15 + 18 = trace their scars + kiss their knuckles
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he's been tender with her a hundred times before, maybe more. yet butterflies still seem to flutter in her tummy, the heart she once thought to be made of ice skipping a beat as warmth spreads throughout her chest. if there's one thing cleo knows for certain, it's that she loves angelo. knows she always will. there's not a day that passes that she doesn't kick herself, that she doesn't wish she could feel more ready for lifelong commitment. but there's still part of her that thinks she's a curse, that tells herself there's no way she's meant to have something that lasts. but when he traces her scars that he knows every story behind with a touch that has her craving more, she can't help but to gravitate closer. " i don't know if i'll ever be able to quit you, " she whispers, gaze locked on his every move as familiar lips brush over busted knuckles. truth is, she doesn't want to, even if deep down she knows it would be kinder on the both of them. free hand comes up to rest on his cheek, fingertips moving to trace the outline of cheekbones, the line of his jaw, under his chin and guiding him until her lips linger dangerously close to his. " sometimes i think the thought of never seeing you again is the only thing that keeps me here. " an admission that speaks volumes but it's true⸻ she's a runner, always has been. yet each time she packs a bag to leave, the idea of what could still be keeps her feet planted firmly on the ground.
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dogslosing · 18 days
reid + val — things you said too quietly
[ @dreamse ]
chapter fifty-nine: how to save a life.
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“i think it’s dangerous ,” there's a flicker of candle light from the night , dwindling low on it's last flame as she lay close to him . chest to chest , fingertip running random shapes across it as she listens to feel his heart beat underneath , “how much i love you .”
how she let herself care and be cared for for once. how when she wakes up in the morning, she's not filled with dread, but a sense of protection like he was meant to keep her safe. like he'd never hurt her the way savannah had hurt her and all of savannah's boyfriends in between.
"i'm scared one day that i'm going to leave you," death seemed to be the only option for as long as she could remember. the years between the days she was born and the time she found out her dad , wasn't really her dad . and monti wasn't the person she thought he was .
but he was , wasn't he ? the dad she was meant to have , the dad she never deserved . never forgave herself for the last voicemail she ever left him , telling him how much she hated him for leaving her . for wishing he was dead.
just to find out he was.
all the nights spent alone in the treehouse, wondering when the last time would be the last time. thinking of all the ways she could let herself off easy and be done with it all, to stop feeling the pain. to stop feeling at all.
just let me die already, she had said to val once. she'd never said that out loud before. it was always in her head, through her actions. the obscene amounts of alcohol, the drugs she would take to numb herself until she blacked out, stealing corey's keys that night just to crash it into a nearby tree.
and still, she survived that and she never understood why.
"and i don't want to," but raising a baby? how the hell was she supposed to do that? how was she supposed to love someone the way she was never loved? the way savannah would try to make her forget how monti had loved her all those years before he was gone?
"but i might have to."
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meltemakcol · 2 months
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“  she’s  not  my  friend  ,  not  anymore  “  / @dreamse
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malboraslihan · 1 year
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@dreamse send  a  📸  to  see  three  pictures  that  my  muse  has  taken  of  your  muse / kinsley and beckham
1  .  during  a  beach  party  in  town  ,  they  weren't  together  anymore  but  he'd  still  look  out  for  her  in  every  single  event  .  he  never  really  liked  the  party  scene  and  her  company  always  made  him  relax  and  think  of  anything  else  that's  not  the  growing  crowd  around  him  so  he's  always  looking  for  her  .  she  just  happened  to  look  extra  beautiful  that  night  ,  make  him  regret  fucking  things  up  and  almost  kiss  her  during  the  sunset  before  a  voice  in  his  head  told  him  to  keep  his  distance  and  he  listened  again  /  2  .  she  looks  so  grumpy  in  that  one  and  that  was  probably  because  he  was  late  to  pick  her  up  for  a  walk  ,  which  was  probably  his  own  fault  ,  spending  too  many  minutes  staring  at  himself  in  the  mirror  and  preparing  himself  to  see  her  again  outside  a  party  /  group  situation  .  had  to  work  his  brain  into  knowing  that  it  wasn't  a  date  and  that  he  shouldn't  make  it  a  habit  out  of  hanging  out  with  her  like  they  used  to  ,  but  he  was  too  damn  happy  to  think  about  that  after  he  found  her  pouting  in  front  of  her  house  .  brought  her  coffee  as  an  apology  but  clearly  it  didn't  work  that  well  (  at  first  )  /  3  .  during  the  time  they  were  together  ,  driving  into  a  town  a  few  miles  away  to  catch  a  beach  day  without  the  curious  eyes  keeping  tabs  on  what  they  were  doing  and  saying  .  probably  spent  the  entire  day  away  ,  had  lunch  with  her  in  that  town  ,  grabbed  dinner  on  the  way  back  and  ate  in  the  car  before  they  spend  almost  an  hour  parked  in  front  of  her  house  cause  he  didn't  want  to  say  goodbye  knowing  he'd  go  back  to  australia  the  next  day  . 
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cherriedthrill · 6 months
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@dreamse sent 📷 for a post of your muse on my muse’s instagram
giaro novais on giselle hughes' insta page
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glcssed · 2 years
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     “   casey  ?  ”  tone  rises  slightly  at  the  end  of  his  name  to  signify  how  genuinely  confused  she  was  to  see  him  standing  in  this  room  —  surrounded  by  her  father’s  colleagues  ,  supporters  ,  and  whoever  this  female  was  next  to  him  .  eyes  glance  away  from  features  briefly  ,  just  to  get  a  better  look  at  her  . “  what  are  you  ...  ?  ”  doing  here  ,  with  her  ,  is  what  she  means  to  add  but  he  already  knows  that  ,  doesn’t  he  ? 
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swtsours-a · 2 years
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“   i   wouldn’t   have   been   messing   around   with   anyone   else   if   i   knew   about   this   sooner   .   ”
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nosaintz · 1 year
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“   say  the  word ,   and  i  can  make  it  look  like  an  accident .   ”
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heavensorhells · 2 years
𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐘 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 — #99: just wanna rock by lil uzi vert
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“ why the fuck are you killin’ my vibe ? ” 
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trackmind · 2 years
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rhys sterling and zinnia scarlett make headlines as their secret relationship finally gets aired by the tabloids, with zinnia’s identity being revealed by an anonymous source close to the actor. how will the pair react to the news ? can they survive the spotlight ?       @dreamse​
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pinkpcny · 2 months
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" i don't know if i've ever told you this, but you're the first person who ever looked at me and actually made me feel seen. " / @dreamse
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dogslosing · 6 months
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@dreamse sent 📷 for a post of their muse on my muse’s instagram
ft. jordan seong on dylan monroe's page
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meltemakcol · 2 months
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“  i’m  not  sure  that’s  a  good  idea  anymore  “  / @dreamse
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whorifics · 2 years
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“  i  knew  you’d  come  crawling  back  .  .  .  ”  /  @dreamse​
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cherriedthrill · 6 months
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@dreamse sent 📷 for a post of your muse on my muse’s instagram
an archived post of yaime carrera on hunter parise's insta page
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glcssed · 2 years
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“   baby   ,   i’m   home   .   ”   he   calls   out   while   allowing   his   jacket   to   melt   from   his   shoulders   ,   tossing   it   onto   the   back   of   the   couch   as   he   moves   through   the   apartment   with   practiced   ease   .   can   hear   the   shower   running   in   the   distance   and   doesn’t   think   much   of   it   ,   paying   more   attention   to   the   pit   in   his   stomach   that   begs   for   something   more   than   a   cigarette   and   cup   of   coffee   .   so   he   heads   toward   the   freezer   and   grabs   a   frozen   pizza   ,   carrying   it   over   to   the   counter   to   place   it   on   a   pan   but   before   he   can   finish   the   task   ,   a   piece   of   mail   catches   his   eye   .   at   the   top   in   bold   letters   read   jacinta’s   name   and   right   above   it   ,   the   hospital   up   the   street   .   while   normally   he   wouldn’t   pry   in   his   girlfriend’s   business   ,   he   couldn’t   help   but   indulge   in   the   contents   out   of   sheer   concern   .   but   even   has   he   read   the   letter   once   ,   twice   ,   five   times   over   ,   it   wasn’t   making   any   sense   .   none   of   it   .   so   rather   than   jump   to   conclusion   and   feed   into   this   feeling   of   deception   ,   he   went   straight   to   the   source   . “   what   is   this   ?   ”   he   swallows   thickly   ,   holding   the   paper   up   between   two   fingers   as   he   leans   into   the   doorframe   of   the   bathroom   .  
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