mmekastel · 2 years
At the international meeting of the Corelation European Harm Reduction Network, participants had a chance to visit the Drug Consumption room of OKANA, the largest service provider in Greece. The Drug consumption room started as a pilot project back in 2011, to reduce needle sharing and infections, to end overdoses and to reduce public nuisance caused  by the open drug scenes in Athens. The room could only operate for 9 months as a pilot project, before the prosecutor shut it down. Athenians had to wait ten years, to be able to finally open it again.Thank you dear Peter Sarosi, thank you Drugreporter and  Katrin Schiffer Correlation European Harm Reduction Network for the oportunity to meet and show to our peer experts what is happening in Athens.https://youtu.be/bZDhlwZoKqghttps://www.youtube.com/@DrugreporterTVRead more: https://daphnechronopoulou.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-visit-to-drug-consumption-room-in.html#ixzz7lO7RxG9e
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