b4rredteeth · 6 months
CLOSED STARTER for @drvgonbvnny
Being officially together with Dorothy meant that on a daily basis, Pesor spent an even longer time thinking about her. And also got into contact with her family a lot, whether when they came to pick Dorothy up from their place, or when they happened to see them out somewhere. There was some belief in Pesor’s heart that they’d become a happy family eventually. That they would be accepted and they would be able to join their family dinners and gatherings and special occasions. Of course Dorothy would invite them, and then they’d feel at home, and it was like the family they’d never had. After all, it had only ever been them and their mom. 
So when they saw Dusty sitting all by himself, no little kid in sight, he figured he could go up to him and it would all be alright, after all, they were dating his little sister, and Pesor figured they made Dorothy happy. 
They really hoped they made Dorothy happy. 
“Hey Dusty,” they said, smiling. “Can I uhm… join you here?” they asked, raising their order of burger and fries.
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jofms · 8 months
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@drvgonbvnny (for dustin at the CREAMERY ICE CREAM & COFFEE BAR)
it felt like a lifetime ago since she'd last been here. amelia's death had warped the woman's sense of time and the events that followed had only uprooted her further, causing a severe lack of stability. josette couldn't believe how far she'd gone to damage herself and how she felt like there was nothing left. she'd grown a year older, recently having a birthday and couldn't believe that things had got worse than the year that preceded. the woman would always go too far and new year's eve was no exception but she'd managed to try and improve; improve what, she wasn't entirely sure. bloodshot eyes glance up at someone, someone who's no one other than dustin, a former friend. everything was now former. she wasn't a mother, wasn't matthew's partner, wasn't his friend, wasn't a therapist - what identity did she have left? it wasn't as simple as leaning back on herself and her character as she despised the person she'd become. "dustin, hi." her words were somewhat rushed but josette wanted to try keep composure and portray herself to be as calm as she could. "how've you been, you know, with everything?"
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othcrside · 3 months
black dragon pearl radio, june 21st @drvgonbvnny
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The extent of the damages at the radio weren't beyond repair, much to Nadine's relief. She had found a home at Black Dragon Pearl, among Dustin and Sera and their adorable son, and it was a relaxing contrast to the turbulent nature of Bastard gigs. So, when she was recruited to assist her employers in scrubbing clean the station of any cosmetic disrepair, she heartily agreed and practically leapt out of her seat so that she could join the effort sooner. After making a pit stop at a nearby payphone to call Ava and inform her why she'd be away from her landline, she made brisk steps toward her place of work and, once inside the building, was quick to acquire a broom for sweeping up any debris. "It could be worse, really," she spoke up, hands clutched around the broom handle as she absently swept at the floor, waiting instruction to begin cleaning at the more difficult places that were blackened a bit by the flames. "I heard that ranch was totally decimated. A shame, it looked like a nice place. Not that I'm much of a horse girl." A faint chuckle left her lips as she began gathering all the dust collected on the floors, brown hues glancing over at Dustin. "How's Sera holding up? You both must've been scared shitless thinking about any damage done here."
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withoz · 3 months
where : anchorage regional hospital when : june 18th @drvgonbvnny
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"I GOT ALL THE SNACKS THAT LOOKED THE BEST." Which, wasn't saying much as she had only gone to the vending machine that was further down on of the halls connecting to the waiting room, but her muscled arms were still abound with candy bars and bags of chips and treats alike. Letting them fall into the chair next to the eldest Graves-Seong, hoping to distract him for just a moment from the worry coating his face. Dorothy knew it was probably a futile attempt, as she was unable to even draw her mind away from Addison's current condition from the fires, only long enough for that concern to jump from being held for one brother to the next. He had held a parental role in all three of the younger Graves-Seong kids for so long that it felt right for her to now return the favor, or try to step up even if it was in a small way. In full honesty, he was the only parent she herself had any memory of as her young age at the death of their parents stole whatever glimpses of whole family she held. "Dustin, you should eat something while we're stuck in the waiting room, anyway. Take first pick of the buffet that is themed by the chip-aisle of a grocery store." There was only a split-second of effort to lift the corners of her mouth, before it felt wrong to do so. "Are you feeling something sweet because I got a Kit Kat. Or if you wanted something more salty, there's Cheezits. Or a strawberry Poptart, but I'm not too sure where that falls on the salty/sweet scale...." Her eyes fell to the snack-sized pile, giving a gentle rummage as if moving them around would further entice him.
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daydreambelievcr · 4 months
( honey & darlings, june 1, afternoon ) @drvgonbvnny
Eyes wandering over the wide array of pistols displayed under a glass case at the front of the establishment, the sounds of guns being fired in the shooting gallery a few doors away acting as the soundtrack to this particular family outing, the blonde's typical jumpy reactions to sudden and loud noises of the sort seemed to have dulled significantly since the scene that played out in the Art Shack a couple of months back. Shortly following the biker's threats, talks of a debt connected to her dead and buried past life, and one of her best friends being placed in the line of fire because of her, nearly everything had held the potential to jump start Valerie's heart at a moment's notice. Luckily, even through her panic, she'd had enough foresight to confide in her eldest brother about the whole situation. Dusty had his head on straighter than she did, surely he could help her get a hold of the situation, could keep the rest of her siblings safe too. Right?
But her apartment was much too quiet for her own liking recently. No amount of disco pop or musical movies played in the background could drown out the creaks of her building, the whistle of the Alaskan wind against her windows, convincing Val's perpetually sleep-deprived mind that the gang had finally come to collect. And she didn't intend to be caught unawares again.
"Which of these do ya think would be easiest to carry around inconspicuously?" the former starlet wondered as she eyed the options before her, her trademark melodic voice considerably more muted than usual as her focus narrowed to the task at hand. "I think that's what I need. Somethin' small, but still powerful—nothin' too fussy or fancy."
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aeipathys · 9 months
closed starter for @drvgonbvnny
location: dustin's home, beginning of december
Perhaps it hadn't been the brightest of decisions in the first place — moving without a second thought to a foreign country simply because her son's father resided there. With no family, friends, or any familiarity with American culture. Especially when said ex was flighty at best and untrustworthy at worst — as if that wasn't already abundantly obvious by the way he had skipped town without warning.
But returning to Japan was neither an attractive option nor a viable one; a country wherein she had a house that wasn't a home and a mother who had abandoned her the moment Mirai decided to take a step off the paved path the matriarch had dictated. Besides, she had made efforts to build a life here — having met a number of people she felt close to — especially the boss she was walking towards, her small feet taking her to the kitchen. Her employment under the Graves-Seong couple had been an unexpected surprise, and most days she considered them as friends first, business second.
The corners of her mouth lifted slightly as her gaze landed on Dustin, settling down the folder of paperwork on the countertop before humming slightly — a quiet indication of discomfort. "Do you think... that it's safe here?" Small frown, fingers fidgeting through stands of hair. "You've resided here longer than me. I know crime rates are rising everywhere, but all of this—" the murders; the sense of impending gloom; the townspeople seeming to be able to easily write it all off, "seems abnormal."
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cfmysteries · 1 year
location ; the ugly mug
"I'M GLAD YOU AGREED TO MEET ME HERE," Zeliha said with a push of their hair over their shoulder, sounding a bit like a mob boss from an old movie. Still, their chin was held with some authority, letting Dustin know that they were serious about what they wanted to discuss. The detective may have had their reservations about him in the beginning, and made them known as obvious as they could, but an appreciation for him had grown. They'd continue to give them a hard time, mostly for their own amusement, but Dusty had always been a good sport. And they would like to believe that, at the end of the day, it had only been spurred from wanting to best for Sera and being protective over them. However, having such a protective friend also meant that when a rumor began, there wasn't much to stop Zeliha from getting to the bottom of it, even if it took some aggression. They would always be the first to hear said rumors; one should know that by now. They took a sip of the latte in front of them before raising their eyebrows saying, "I've heard some things. I'm being nice approaching you about it first, so you're welcome. You're also welcome for this opportunity to come clean about it yourself."
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hashtacj · 1 year
WHO: Dusty @drvgonbvnny WHERE: 107.5 BLACK DRAGON PEARL RADIO.
It wasn't unusual for her to work just a little bit later than most at the radio station. While it had been an attempt to incorporate herself into the town and adjust while waiting for her assignment, she actually really enjoyed the work she did. The people she worked for, and under, were part of that. If you asked her, she wouldn't be able to say she cared for them exactly, and in fact she couldn't. They were causalities in her life. Telling people she didn't give a fuck about anyone would mean they'd survive another day and keep them from the truth of it all. Heartless? No, she liked them too much to pull them down with her. Their bullshit and her bullshit were mighty different. So in the end, it really was a never ending nightmare of wanting to love these people and knowing she'd have to leave them one day.
Hearing her stomach growl, she put her headphones down and went in search of food in the break room. She had thought everyone left but she wasn't surprised when she saw Dusty there, hunched over a thing of coffee probably. "You look how I feel but good news is, I think the sound issue is a cord thing. We'll have to get another one." Because let's be honest, between the two of them? They kept every mechanical detail so neat you could graze it with a fine toothed comb and not find an issue. The cord might account for the fact that the last show had a slight cut here and fizzle there. Sometimes, cords just go bad. She would take care of it because Dusty and Sera had a baby to take care of whereas Ziggy could handle waiting for his feeder to go off... but there he was, and Arie wasn't alone once again.
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silvcrpanthera · 2 years
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SHERRYSTIRRED: My dearest star-seeker, Ducky, as we celebrate yet another anniversary, it feels as though the passage of time has been interminable, enveloped in the warmth of your embrace and traversing the expanse of celestial realms alongside you. At times, I struggle to recall the exact duration of our union, whether it be in matrimony or simply as devoted paramours, for it seems as though you have been a constant presence in my life from the very inception. You are my first love and will forever remain my last, and to this day, I vividly recall the moment of my initial encounter with you at the back of that circus tent, and the profound impact it had on my understanding and perception of love. You have transformed my worldview, and for that, I am eternally grateful.The joy of being in your company on this special occasion is immeasurable, and I find myself constantly expressing my gratitude for the blessings of our union. We have shared in both the highs and lows of life, and it is of of massive importance to me that you remain by my side, even now, as our circumstances may have altered. I still behold the same person who first captured my attention, with your alluring complexity and endearing vulnerabilities. Though others may have doubted the possibility of our union, it has come to fruition and here we are, together. And that is what matters the most, the pinnacle of our love, even with all the shit that we had to endure. Our love has remained unwavering and steadfast, and I assure you that I will always be there for you.
To speak candidly, it is difficult for me to fully convey the depth of my appreciation for the fact that fate brought us together, through all the trials and tribulations that we have faced. You have been my guiding light and rock, and the statement that you have helped me to grow as an individual is a gross understatement. There have been times in my life when I was entrenched in resistance, and you were there for me, just as you were the first time we spoke. The nights and days spent in each other's company, the opening of my heart to you, and your unwavering belief in the eternal nature of love has been a source of immeasurable comfort. And here we are, many years later, and nothing has changed. I do not regret a single moment spent with you, let alone the years, for each has been a source of true happiness, safety and love. Without you, my world would be devoid of meaning, but with a single moment in your presence, everything is beautifully inverted. You care for me with such tenderness, highlighting my strengths and being my panacea for all that ails, even from afar, I am safe in the embrace of your benevolent love. You deserve nothing but the best, and I promise to always strive to give it to you. That is why I love you, to prove the immeasurable value you hold in my heart. The mere sight of your smile quickens my pulse, and I often wonder, how did I come to be so blessed as to have you in my life?
When did we fall in love? When is it predetermined to happen forever? Perhaps it was from the dawn of time, if one believes in the concept of soulmates. Your mere presence enriches my life, my heart races and my hands sweat when you're near, my body relaxes and my mind empties when you speak. No words can do justice to your astounding being, and I desire nothing more than to remain by your side until the end of time and beyond, through reincarnation. It is unfair that you make me the happiest person alive, with your daily smiles and kisses that banish any trace of sorrow. You have shown me time and again how fortunate I am to be wed to someone like you.
[ dated: december 29th ]
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b4rredteeth · 1 year
Benny enjoyed breaking up marriages and relationships. It had never been his intention when he'd slept around when he was younger, perhaps naively he'd believed that people wouldn't cheat on their partners. Though eventually he'd done it himself without much second thought. But by then he'd been an accomplish often enough that he'd already been on the same level.
And now he just revelled in being someone's secret, in the adrenaline rush of doing something that was wrong. He didn't care about the feelings of others, he didn't take those in regard for even a moment. He simply managed to find someone he felt physically attracted to, and did not care one bit about their relationship. Not even if they shot him down.
He clicked his tongue when Dustin walked into the cafe, the place was almost empty, a bit on the dark side given the weather outside, but very cosy.
Cosy enough that Benny felt like every bone in his body was vibrating towards chaos. So he instantly flung himself to Dustin's side, a grin on his face. "I feel like buying you a coffee," he said. And definitely more besides.
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jofms · 1 year
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@drvgonbvnny at the creamery ice cream and coffee bar (again)
it had been no fault of the purchase or the staff members when sudden nausea set into the woman, causing josette to quickly abandon her belongings and lock herself in to the available toilet facilities to empty the little that was in her stomach. knees pressing into to cold floor, she'd spend several minutes there, minutes that would feel like hours as she waited for the feeling to subside and for her body to stop shaking. slowly pushing herself up, she flushed, washed her hands and the outside of her mouth before she emerged back into the main café. walking slowly back to her table to get some money for water, she thought her eyes were deceiving her when she's seen dustin. the hairs on her arms stood up once more, making her feel the chill through her sweater despite the sweat on her forehead. the woman was aware she was staring but for the first time in a long time, she couldn't find the words to address him - she was just staring at him with clearly desperate eyes, the root of that desperation unknown. "i need to, um-" breath shaky, she felt dizzy. "get some water. do you want anything?" breaking her stare, she turned to her bag, overly rummaging in the small thing to pick out her wallet before accidentally dropping it. "fuck." josette was sober yet an onlooker would have assumed she was drunk from how she was behaving.
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othcrside · 10 months
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107.4 black dragon pearl radio, late november nadine + dusty ( and crash ) ( @drvgonbvnny ) Maternal instincts hadn't occurred naturally for Nadine. She was the youngest of five, all her elder siblings boys who were forced by the absence of their father and the declining health of their mother to rear their baby sister on their own — though she mostly credited her survival thus far to Gabriel, the second youngest Castellanos. The rest couldn't have cared less about her once she broached her insolent preteen years. So, as a result, she had little inclination to act as a mother toward anyone; she hadn't even adopted a pet as a sort of pseudo child that could've potentially prepped her for parenthood. However the fuck it was meant to do that. She just witnessed far too many of her peers coddling their animals as a means of staving off their parents' burning questions regarding real offspring. But here, in the warm cocoon that was the radio station, she found that babysitting wasn't as daunting as she previously surmised. A smile had even blossomed on her features while she kept baby Crash entertained as his parent worked diligently nearby. "He's really well-behaved," she couldn't resist praising, bouncing the babe on her knee. "My brothers' kids are all menaces. One of them bit me once. Thank God this one doesn't have too many chompers yet."
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thvnderr · 1 year
SENT BY @drvgonbvnny
the lot behind a somber hotel
“D—Dusty…”, his voice trembled and the tone was borderline childish with a clear note of terror in it. “…Can… can you pick me up? I’m… I’m not sure where I am but…”
Sleepwalking had been a short phase during his childhood and he certainly hoped it was gone for good when it stopped since it usually left him in troublesome situations that would cause his mother a heart attack— like the time he almost stepped out of a window in the second floor of his grandparents’ house by accident while fake images crossed his head while his brain slept. These episodes became more prominent after his father left.
“…I think there’s s—something in this field”, he added while he clung to the pay phone for dear life. Brown eyes trained on a poorly dug hole and a protruding limb showing its silhouette when a distant lightning illuminated the place.
He had had trouble sleeping after Hei Ran left, mind filled with guilt and unsaid things that were starting to poison his brain. Had he been versed in the art of spirits, he would’ve known that feeling of dread brought only defeated spirits faster and closer, begging for spare light or justice about their unsolved disappearances. This seemed to be the latter based on the vague images he could remember.
“There’s… there’s a building, an old billboard… somethin’ about a new beer— I don’t know— seems old. The place looks run down, probably Mountain View or Midtown. Outskirts”.
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daydreambelievcr · 1 year
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the fire within me - the graves-seong siblings. listen. in this room i knew we were alive. nothing was too painful to survive. we faced the world together, the four of us forever side-by-side. ( @drvgonbvnny, @smckesprite, @withoz )
never gonna let you down - colbie caillat. chiquitita - abba. not while i'm around - sweeney todd. the bug collector - haley heynderickx. music box - leith ross. everything i wanted - billie eilish. safe & sound - taylor swift and the civil wars. to build a home - cinematic orchestra. come into my arms - november ultra. no one is alone - into the woods. the fire within me - little women. in case you don't live forever - ben platt. wake up - madison reyes. superhuman - bishop briggs. you're my best friend - queen. nothing here but love - lenka. to noise making (sing) - hozier. superbloom - misterwives. everybody - ingrid michaelson. you are the sunshine of my life - stevie wonder. where you lead i will follow - carole king.
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aeipathys · 1 year
closed starter for @drvgonbvnny location: dusty & sera's home
Mirai took one last endearing glance at the children — Dusty's infant and her toddler, cuddled up and napping — before she left the nursery. Not for the first time, she felt grateful to have been employed by the Graves-Seong couple not long after her arrival in Anchorage a year ago. While she would reckon that she could handle any job, her work ethic almost verging on the brink of workaholic, they were different from those she had worked under in the past. They were kind. Her own schedule was hectic, juggling school and taking care of Masaru, but they'd always been understanding — even offering to have the kids babysat together to help her from paying too much in daycare expenses. Plus, the work that was required of her was neither taxing nor particularly cumbersome. Most days, she considered it to be no different than taking care of a friend. Alaska was a long way from Japan, but they'd played a big part in making it feel more like home.
Her steps were light as she made her way to the kitchen, faint sound of the news trickling in — no surprise, when one half of the couple had volunteered to help in the search efforts.
"Dustin?" A small smile played on her lips, half apologetic at intruding on whatever it was he had been doing. "How are you holding up?" Although Sera was in the supply group, she knew Dusty's affections for his wife, and concern was almost inevitable.
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cfmysteries · 2 years
where : zeliha’s condo
“HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO DO THIS SO EASILY?” Zeliha asked, eyes trained on the screen as they peered over Dusty’s shoulder, quizzical. They weren’t sure why they had never asked him for help in this subject before, probably because they spent majority of their time with him poking fun at his expense or calling bullshit on certain dungeon master calls. The brunette knew there was more to him by then, and mostly, treated their friendship so mockingly for their own amusement. If they were honest, they did enjoy him as a friend and did now approve of Dusty as a partner for Sera. “Okay, you need to teach me how to do this. Or, even better, just do this for me every time I’m looking at a new case. How does that sound?” Their tone made it sound as if it were a favor being bestowed upon Dustin as if not the opposite. Fingers impatiently tapped against rhythm on his shoulder as they asked, “But seriously, is there anything on the New Years Eve cases? It seems like everyone I’ve spoken to in person has nothing to say. Surely at least one person on the internet will talk.” Zeliha was unable to keep their distain about the lack of information they were able to uncover from being evident in their voice. “Are the people that post on here able to hack in police records?” That was all they needed. If they could just get ahold of the police records, they would have struck gold. Not that they thought the cops had much more information than they gathered themself. 
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