Final Summary
The story I choose allowed me to explore a range of emotions as since it is set in a dream world I could put my character in literally any situation to create any emotion I wanted. The main character starts off very surprised at waking up in this world, but then is overwhelmed by joy at the sight of this dream world. The character is later slightly surprised when they see the female character riding a dragon, however this changes to very surprised when they see themselves inside the door. As the main character first meets the female character he is quite self-conscious and insecure, this this soon changes to extreme happiness when she asks if he wants to sit down. In the sixth page their relationship starts off good but it slowly starts to fall apart. During this stage I show happiness, worry, surprise, annoyance, anger and disgust. In the car the anger is suddenly replaced by fear and surprise when he sees the car coming towards them and he fears for their safety, this was important as it showed that he still cared for the other character. When he wakes up he initially shows surprise but joy and a bit of sadness appear in both his and the other characters faces.
  Project description
I wanted to take advantage of web possibilities when creating my web comic, I wanted to do things that that I wasn’t able to do before. I also really liked Dan Goldman’s navigation system in his comic Red Light Properties. His system let you bring up one panel at a time instead of the whole page all at once. I wanted to incorporate this into my design and It works well with my story as there are specific scenes that I want to keep a surprise to the reader. Instead of instantly seeing where the main character has woken up, the reader is left in suspense before the whole story is revealed to them. Unlike Goldman’s comic I only let the user travel one panel at a time instead of giving them the opportunity to skip whole pages. I didn’t want the user to read my comic any other way, though I would have to change this if my comic was longer. I took inspiration Aencre’s comic which used gifs to create a moving dynamic story. This movement is unique to web comics and create an intriguing story for the read to experience. This effect worked very well as I used it to create moving wavy corners on my panels to show that they are in a dream world. It is an effective visual clue to let the audience distinguish what is dream and what is reality. At the end of the comic there is a small moving wave on the last panel to make the reader wonder if he is still in a dream. On the whole I was happy with my initial story, I was interested in dream worlds as they leaded me limitless possibilities, but in the end I went with a more down to earth story of a man realising what was really important to him through a dream.
  I took code from this website.
And I took inspiration from these comics
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plloys-blog · 11 years
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Animation :
Some animation on my website.
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wbarb · 11 years
The emotions i used are fear/anxiety verses joy/peacefulness. I created a contrast between these two emotions in a number of ways to help tell the story. The first contrast is setting. At the beginning of the comic the scenery is peaceful and safe. Later in the comic Francis walks into a dark mysterious cave environment. These two environments emphasize the emotions through the use of colour. The first few scenes are brightly coloured with high contrast and the scenes in the cave are dark low contrast. As well as this, francis' facial expressions tell how he is feeling throughout the comic.
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plloys-blog · 11 years
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Contact & About :
Contact and some background about the comic.
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claebaxter · 11 years
Final Summary Project 3
Abduction is a story about a Man who gets abducted out of his lounge by a group of grey aliens. The aliens perform strange experiments on him, which he can not totally remember due to the ability of the aliens to induce a calm hallucinogenic state on our protagonist. He is then dropped off in the desert, where he has to deal with the ramifications of what he has gone through, with the physical evidence left on his arms sharply contradicting the official account of events described through a news publication entitled 'The Daily Truth'. Our protagonist deals with a range of emotions in this short story. Initially he is placated and entertained by a cooking show, but becomes confused when strange things start to happen, such as his TV going haywire, and his cup beginning to float. When he himself is also lifted out of his chair, his confusion turns to abject fear as he is lifted through the roof of his house and on to the alien craft. Here, due to the alien's advanced technology, he is, in a similar way to the technology back in his house, placated and made to be obliviously content, and utterly unaware of his surroundings. When he is dropped off in the desert, he is completely exhausted and confused, and struggles with regaining energy after his ordeal, as well as struggling with the truth of what exactly happened to him. I chose to use no dialogue as I felt that tag was representative of the entirely alien and incommunicable situation that the protagonist was thrust into. The only words that appear in the comic are received through the news paper, which serves as a representation of human authority, providing a contrast to the wordless psychedelia of the alien experience. When I adapted my comic for the web, I decided to take advantage of the webs ability to create dynamic backgrounds, and created a twinkling star field over which my comic could be laid. This obviously ties in thematically to my comic, which occurs partly in space, but also provides a visually stimulating, but not distracting background for my comic. I retained the panelled and paged layout of my original comic, but instead of emulating the book format that it appeared in before, I created buttons that allow the user to move back and forward through the story by fading the next page in. I also took thematic elements into consideration when deciding how my 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons would appear. I modelled them after the triangular aircraft that are popular in UFO mythology, which either appear as V's or triangles, with rows of glowing lights. I felt that the directional nature of the ships would make them ideal for the function of taking the reader to the next page. I created two versions of the spaceship, one with glowing lights and the other without, so that when the button is moused over, it lights up, indicating to the reader that is a button that takes the user to the next page. I referenced a few different jQuery resources in order to create buttons that both light up and navigate the user through the comic without having to navigate the page, and I adapted the star field background from a CSS tutorial that I found, but the rest of the code was created by me. UFO mythology in general provided the creative direction of my webcomic, but in terms of layout, I was influenced by webcomics such as Achewood, Gunnerkrigg Court and Dinosaur Comics. All of these feature panelled layouts with buttons to navigate backwards and forwards through the comics pages. One major difference between these webcomics and mine is that due to my lack of a merchandise shop,  archives, or forums, my layout was able to reach a much more simplistic and minimalist design, allowing for full focus on my 8 page comic. http://jsfiddle.net/rCd26/2/ http://api.jquery.com/ready/ http://www.grasmash.com/article/simple-jquery-script-swapping-images-hoverrollover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8643165/get-image-attrib-inside-a-div http://www.script-tutorials.com/night-sky-with-twinkling-stars/ http://gunnerkrigg.com/ http://www.qwantz.com/index.php http://www.achewood.com/
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bexjervis · 11 years
just as a side note, my tag cloud doesn't seem to be working on the school computers - I have no idea why this would be however you can find the links below by following the urls:
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cioccolata-cream-blog · 11 years
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  The core emotions for my project were sadness, hopelessness, happiness and relief.
I wanted to show a transition from being sad to being happy, through my zine about a little boy called Sam with an alcoholic mother and a sad family life. His situation seems hopeless until the new teacher comes into the picture. The new teacher genuinely cares about him, and this gives him the motivation to be a better person. I used colours such as yellow and blue to help portray the emotions in the zine. Blue is a sad and more dejected colour, while yellow represents brightness, relating to happiness. My website to showcase my Zine is fairly simple with only two pages. I wanted to do a hover and change effect for my zine so users could skip by simply hovering over the different pages.
 I copied the code from: http://www.designchemical.com/blog/index.php/jquery/jquery-image-swap-gallery/  to do this but I did make my own alterations to it. The frame/skeleton belongs to design chemical however.
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plloys-blog · 11 years
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Background : 
The buttons fade when hover them.
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wbarb · 11 years
Here are links to some code i have been looking at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blo4kCd3h3k --> good 'mouseover' code
http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ref_html.asp -List of potential ideas
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bexjervis · 11 years
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dsdn112 - and finally I have my finally web comic!! The design itself I decided to really simplify down but as I used a simple drawing style and the entire story is pretty simple I think it goes well altogether. I think the gifs in particular came out looking really well on the webpage and definitely make an impact to the reader when clicking through. This project was really fun and I'm feeling pretty confident now in using both html and css together to create webpages. In future I'd really like to get a better knowledge of jquery as it looks as though it can do a heap of really cool things! 
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harryfishernz · 11 years
Mentioned Reference in Summary
I know this is quite late, however on the hand-in day, I was unable to find the link I had gained the knowledge to scroll across. Instead I had left a note saying this.
I have now found the link: http://jsfiddle.net/arunpjohny/EKVJc/ 
This JS-fiddle helped me to write a drag/scroll function. I had to change quite a bit of the code in order to scroll/drag across rather than scroll/drag down. I apologies for this late note and hope it does not affect my grade.
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plloys-blog · 11 years
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Page 1 : 
Also an entry to the comic
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