#dsmp 3h AU
michibikionmain · 2 years
Been workin on the 3H DSMP au have some info dumps related to character histories amd names that i think r neat listen im just so excited abt Them maybe ill actually write the au this time 😭
BBHs full name is Baddicus Boyie Hallio. He has the crest of Hallo. Like smth about that is so funny to me especially bc Sap is his adopted little brother and has a completely different name n what not. Sap technically has noble blood bc his family USED to be noble before being destroyed by conflict caused by the current regent of the Kingdom when he was really young, but Bad's father took him in to raise him because their houses were good friends and allies and he didn't wanna just leave this kid to try and survive on his own. Sap doesn't have a crest but he's still EXCEPTIONALLY skilled especially in combat and he serves as one of Dream’s retainers with George.
Philza's last name is Meinkreft bc I wanted to make it at least seem like its not Just minecraft and tommy n wills last names are soote-meinkreft bc i like the idea of them being like... kind of half brothers to phil but in the way that phil is their step-moms son from her previous husband. They're all empire royalty, with Phil next in line to be the Minisiter of the Imperial Household controversially due to his lack of a crest and Will next in line to be the Prime Minister, bearing the minor crest of Soote. Tommy doesn't have a crest but he CLAIMS that his Is just so massive that they just aren't seeing it right and how they normally check for crests ie just too small of an area it's in between the lines.
Almost no one knows that George even has a crest, and even fewer know what it is. You could say his crest is literally... not found. His backstory is super interconnected with spoilers but despite living in the Kingdom as one of Dream’s retainers he is not kingdom royalty.
Literally no one knows Fundy's name. He's just Fundy. People don't even know if that's really his name he just introduces himself like "Hi, I'm fundy" only a very small group of people know literally anything about his history at all and thats intentional. He's Niki's second in command tho so people just kinda go along with him bc they trust her judgement and that if he was doin something sus, Niki would handle it.
i think the only canon last name i used was giving Techno the last name Bladdiyd because at first i pronounced it as Bladed and so it reminds me of him so he gets the honor of having the same last name as best boy dimitri and its funnier bc hes the house leader of the black eagles and future Regent of the Empire, considered to-be emperor since the only crest bearing child of the current ruling family has been missing for over a decade. This is highly controversial due to his lack of a crest, and many in the empire think that Wilbur should be next in line instead.
Dream gets his name as a reference to people calling him "the dream of the kingdom", due to the regent who has been ruling the kingdom since his parents "disappeared" nearly driving the kingdom to ruin through pointless conflicts and wars and he's actively opposed him and is preparing to ascend to the throne at the youngest age of any king before him, with his presence at the officer's academy being a crucial step in that plan. He has the major crest of Westtakin.
Captain Puffy is the future Marquess of House Poufelle, and assists heavily with the royal navy of the kingdom due to her houses rule over a large portion of the kingdom's shorelines. Her family's location on a border and heavy role in the royal navy has lead to her making good friends in many of the different nations of Fòdlan, though she is in the Blue Lions and has the minor crest of Poufelle. Her family's territory directly borders the Hallio family territory so she also grew up having a fun play-rivalry with BBH that was mostly just her teasing him. She's also very close to Dream due to her role as future marquess of Poufelle and is kind of like a cool pseudo-older sister to him.
Niki is the leader of the golden deer!! she deserves it. she gets a lot of shit from the other ruling lords of the alliance but she continues to be an absolute Girlboss and the first female head of house in the Alliance!! Hannah is also head of her house in the alliance but she gained power after Niki by a few years and together they are absolutely girlboss and in charge!! Niki has the minor crest of Nihachu and Hannah has the minor crest of Rosaes.
There's a ton more characters but i figured I'd leave this dump here for now lol
if u got any specific questions... hmu 👀
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ranvwoop · 2 years
I "briefly" explained the fire emblem au, between it's original concept and recent developments.
So. It's very loosely based of of 3H (also known as FE16 actually, it's the 16th installment of the game and the lore doesn't really carry over. I mean it does if you squint really hard but it doesnt) except my memory of 3H fades by the day. A new sequel Literally just came out but uhhhhhh. But I will explain this as if nobody actually knows what I'm talking about. It gets a bit long.
The very very basic plot of 3H is that there is a boarding school split into the titular Three Houses, pretty much based on nationality and heritage. There is, basically, the red house, the yellow house, and the blue house. Five years after the first half of the game, the children have left school and are now fighting wars with eachother. Oh also the school is run by the church, and just called The Monastery. Also, the main character is a mercenary turned teacher who becomes besties with one of the house leaders (... or the school staff, i guess, there is a fourth route) and then that's the house that you follow for the remainder of the game. There is also magic politics.
But. In my au specifically :]. Wilbur is a prince who has been. acquired. at a young age and raised like a normal guy (by Phil). As he's coming of age he's sent to Politics Boarding School to learn how to rule a country one day. He brings Tommy with him. This goes exactly how one would expect. They are very loosely the yellow house, along with the rest of Basically Lmanburg.
Tubbo is a prince by virtue of being the son of the acting king, but not the True Bloodline or whatever, and is very glad that Wilbur showed up and put a larger buffer between him and the throne. He is also a tactician, as the game is like a battle strategy game, which is a Very Important role.
In the Lmanburg house is also Niki, Jack, Schlatt, Fundy, and Quackity. Niki is a commoner, she is still very much the Average Citizen (however, she leaves and joins the church for protection at one point as the political environment at home gets Bad.) I have no idea what Jack's deal is yet actually. Fundy is a prince who has a small territory inside Lmanburg to his name, and is glad that Wilbur is back. They are Cousins, which will be a very catchall relationship modifier as this moves forward. But they were very close before. Y'know. Wilbur got Anastasia'd, Basically. Disney's Tangled'd? I don't know. Common trope. Moving on.
Schlatt is also a prince with a small claim to territory, however he's older than Fundy and Tubbo was sort of coerced into cedeing the throne to him when it was time. So he is Not Pleased that Wilbur showed up. Quackity is also a commoner but has fought very hard for his position here, and tends to cozy up to Schlatt for Security.
And that's the Lmanburg house BUT THATS NOT ALL. There is More. There are three of them, as the title implies. It's loosely Greater SMP / DSMP and The Badlands / Eggpire. It doesn't fit to neatly box them in, especially with even numbers, buuut ehhh. The important points to note is that Dream is the head of what is loosely the blue house, and BBH is the red house. And then there's the Church, which is actually where my interest lies. It's less faction-oriented and more just who I thought would fit but.
The head of the church is Foolish. There are knights that protect the students and sometimes instruct classes, who I can remember off the top of my head as including Eret for the DSMP, Puffy for the Eggpire, and Techno for Lmanburg. (Now one would say this doesn't make sense surely Eret should be with Lmanburg but uhhh. Uhhhhhhhhhh. idk. The whole. king. bit)
But all of this main character material is Boring my little guys are the syndicate. We know this.
Phil is a cleric. He is also an Actual Historical Saint in the church, but he cannot tell people that so Yup he's just a magic priest. He meets Technoblade as a child, and they just sort of keep running into eachother until they're besties. He has an obligation to be an apolitical figure, due to the neutrality of the church and he doesn't want to be Starting Wars, but he's advised by Kristin (one of the gods) that there will be tragedy at Lmanburg Royalty Palace Idk and Phil rescues the child from an assassination attempt, and raises him in secret to ensure he doesn't become a political pawn for someone with worse intentions.
Technoblade is A Little Guy. He keeps running into Phil as he's sort of growing up, and finding his role in the world. He does not like institutions after being born a poor farmer and having to deal with authoritarian abuse in the distant land of Hypixel (of which he tries to work to liberate from Said authoritarian abuse). He is a bit of a fool, trying to find a purpose between almost getting killed for sport, meddling in political activities that he doesn't necessarily understand yet, and getting a Reputation for himself. Him and Phil stick together eventually and Phil sort of helps guide him. It's a Techno origin story. This makes him sound like a bad guy but he's Not he's just small and has become a folk hero and has to deal with how exactly he Can impact a world that sucks, a lot. He develops about it.
I forgot to add that when Wilbur is old enough, Phil convinces Technoblade to teach the school kids how to fight.
And Ranboo. Well. It requires a 3H Canon Explanation again there is a magic war crime group and they do unethical magic expirements on children. There is like a whole magic hierarchy but it's like. It's weird. Some kids are born with Magic Superpowers called Crests and they're gifts from the gods/descendants of the However Many I Forget Saints (Phil, in this au) and it's like status but. But there's the magic war crime group. They're analogous to the egg, here, due to both the abuse towards and facilitating of by the leader of the red house. (BBH is both a victim and a perpetrator of the egg Etc. because. cult. moments)
That's what Ranboo is up to. He only really comes in during act 2, because he is very much not royalty and worked in Tubbo's castle while he was away and is assigned a position of power at some point. (bc the original lmanburg falls apart as it did in canon). At some point he is kidnapped and he suffers Magical Brain Damage impacting his memory, as well as giving him The Ranboo Look (canonically these expirements give white hair and red eyes So). When he shows up he does however sort of jump ship and align with what is Even Looser the church which sort of becomes an independent identity of the syndicate, as it's sort of run by Phil due to Foolish going into hiding.
... along with Ranboo, there is a sideplot in which Butler is also involved. He is worse for wear than Ranboo. These expirements are not designed to be survived. There is another layer of the crest thing in which the gods were murdered and dismembered and their body parts were used as tools. Basically they're looking for the heart of a god to use as an alternate life force because Boy is he not doing good. And this was when I started woobifying Butler and Billiam. As I Should. (They meet Technoblade along the way. Technoblade the anti-establishment man is like Yeah Sure but then Phil is like Uhhh maybe you should not obtain the heart of a god actually and Techno is like. Well. Look at this situation I am now in.)
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ranvwoop · 2 years
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
A lot. Most of my writing is just the thing I want to do and then how to get there. to name some off the top of my head.
- Butler's Arc in the DSMP FE au. He's only seen like three times, as a side character in a single chapter of Techno's prologue and maybe Once during the pre-war phase of the Actual Story. But like. I only care about him and the implications of what he's been doing since. Which is Having a Bad Time. they started as cannon fodder for the fe au .... now i love them so .... I'd also like to really like to write the part that they were originally cannon fodder for, Billiam decides it would be a good idea to contract Techno, a bit of a folk hero after freeing his village and surrounding areas from an oppressive emperor, to steal a magic artifact from some royal palace during a celebration of the birth of another kingdom's prince. For reasons absolutely unbeknownst to Techno, Phil, who Techno had a friendship very circumstantial but very meaningful when they did end up the same pace, was also attending the party/had friends in high places. Things go sour very quickly because of incompetence and spite on the side of Billiam and Butler, and Techno does soul searching on what he's actually doing with his life because being a mercenary and doing the bidding of random people is not it. And later on per loosely 3H's actual plot, there's like. side stories to deal with holders of magical artifacts and the consequences of that.
- the culmination of Fools (peerpressure) Talk About Their Feelings. I know what's going to be said. Just need to get there. I need to make them talk about their feelings. They need it.
- and then ones i actually plan on writing so I'll not share.
[link 2 ask game later]
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