dyke-stuck · 7 months
its been a while since i started this blog and at long last... its finally coming to a close. there were a lot of times over the course of this blog where i wanted to give up but i managed a whole year(!!) straight of daily posts with not a single day missed. which i'd say is quite the accomplishment!!
while this post is mostly a self congratulatory monologue id still like to say thanks to everyone who sent in requests! you guys were the driving life force of this blog and my motivation to continue it. from people who only interacted once or twice to people who've been following since the very beginning- its been a blast and im happy to have had you here :D!
what with any long term art project there have been a lot of highs and lows but overall dyke-stuck has been a major positive influence on my life. all of the people who have messaged me about my art meaning something special to them- i appreciate you SO much literally nothing compares to the delight of making an impact on someone like that.
i might post every now and then beyond now- ive already got some simple sketches id like to post- but from here on out dyke-stuck as it has been is dead. its been fun! ill probably see some of you in the fandoms im moving on to but my interest in homestuck has drifted to 'background' and running this blog like that is simply not fun for me.
feel free to send asks (NOT requests) or check out my main (@arqdyke) if your heart so desires. live love laugh & remember to dyke it up ✌️
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sierrasgreeks · 8 years
group text | deanna & natalia & ollie
Deanna: Guys! I got an idea.
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dyke-stuck · 9 months
imo transfem dave wouldn’t change her name. she’d be like Are you kidding. and she’d be the most feminine girl ever she’d walk into the room everyone would go “oh who’s that girl, she’s pretty,” and she’d smile so damn wide and announce proudly “the name’s dave” and watch the looks of surprise on ppls faces bc there is no further irony to her than girl named dave.
lol this is so very real honestly. i think its a bit silly that you phrased it like thats like a massive dissonance but i for sure see the vision.
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dyke-stuck · 11 months
hey :3 this blog is inching close to the one year anniversary (and possibly the start of a break/end of my posting daily here lol) and as such, i wanted to send it off with a bang!!
soooo for the last 8 days of this year of dyke-stuck (8/6-8/13) ill be doing a prompt list; free to use by anyone else who so desires (and i encourage that!!! pls!!) if you only want to participate on some of the days, thats awesome too! i wanted do to at least a little collaborative stuff on here so any engagement is good engagement :3
having said that, my inbox will be open from here on out- not for requests until stated otherwise- but just to chat! feel free to ask me about my headcanons, my opinions on yours, about ship opinions, or whatever you feel like :D!
the prompts themselves are as follows:
day one, 8/6 - transfeminine
day two, 8/7 - transmasculine
day three, 8/8 - transxenic
day four, 8/9 - transneutral
day five, 8/10 - multigender OR genderqueer (or both!)
day six, 8/11 - wlw ship
day seven, 8/12 - t4t ship
day eight, 8/13 - fave ship/headcanon that fits the blog theme (being either trans or wlw)
hope everyone has fun with this :D! please @ me in your posts i would love to see your ideas & WILL reblog it to my main (@arqdyke)
(temporarily taking over my pinned post; regular pinned post is here)
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dyke-stuck · 10 months
i HATE you ive always hated you ive hated you for all the months weve known eachother every night i dream of killing you until youre nothing but blood and every time i wake up i daydream about it until my idiot fucking tummy makes a noise so i go get breakfast and imagine im feasting on your organs and rhen i go to send you anon hate every once in a while (like im doing right now) but the anonymous button ometimes glicthes for me so i can never tell if my ask is anonymous until ive sent it. anyway. i hate you so much. i hate your stupid drawinfs. i wish youd do my fucking transmasc davekat request already ive been waiting for so long god damn it. i hope you die.
Love, Anonymous
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Are you fucking happy. Does this make you feel better. You bully. You scoundrel.
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dyke-stuck · 4 months
this might be real silly to say but I love how many of your posts are transmasc lesbians.... I'm a trans guy and I've been Afraid to call myself a lesbian since I'm a Binary dude but. your blog makes me feel safe thank you so much. putting on my lesboy swag now
im SO happy for you anon i hope you live your best life<3 im glad i could help ^_^<33 your swag is immeasurable and im delighted youre reveling it.
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dyke-stuck · 9 months
wondering if i'm just on break from queuing things? thinking, huh, i wonder why my request hasnt been done yet? no need to ponder any longer! im probably ditching this blog come november.
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dyke-stuck · 1 year
transfem dave changes her name to dove and transfem dirk, wanting to fit in, decides on. duck
LMAO,, yeah ok sure why not. duck strider. thats hilarious
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dyke-stuck · 9 months
[not a rq] i am SUCH a huge alpha rose lalonde fan. i'm a big transfem rose guy (i love trans women with atypical, complicated relationships to femininity. i also love goths) and this is so true of alpha rose as well. was her murder of guy fieri not insanely transgender? is it not transgender to be wracked by visions of the future and have a weird aromantic gay fling with jade english? (i KNOW that happened. i know it). is it not transgender to wield thorns, when your name is rose? (i think thorn was her chosen middle name. rose thorn lalonde). IS IT NOT TRANSGENDER TO WRITE A BOOK IN WHICH THE PROTAGONIST IS CANONICALLY AGENDER/ANDROGYNOUS? is it not transgender to love wizards and write a four million word novel about destroying your elders, who withheld knowledge from you that, having once learned it, you can never, ever go back? i say it IS. it is transgender.
also, i will never ever get over her dynamic with alpha dave / dove. never, ever, ever. did they know they were siblings? did she have some strange vision hunched over in the bathroom of a book signing, trying to remember how to exist in this body and not one that is twenty years younger? did she meet them and feel the knowledge that this was someone Important to her hit her like a drum. did she ever tell them? when they went off to fight the condesce together, did she stretch out a hand and tell them exactly what they were to another in a different world? did that bring them both comfort. to know for some other, far-flung versions of themselves, this wasn't the end?
sorry. you may be able to tell i have FAR too many feelings about the alpha strilondes. bc i do.
a bit speechless at this one. youre so unfathomably real and true and i love to hear it!!!
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dyke-stuck · 9 months
I didn't know what "girlfag" meant so i looked it up and apparently its a female who's attracted to gay men??? Should you really be using that term for Trans fem!Horuss? /gen
its for girls who are gay for men actually! there can be a lot of reasons for that- like seeing their attraction to men pre transiton as gay and still being attached to the label, being multigender, etc etc. im not here to describe every queer experience so im not going into more detail but basically. Yes we should be using that term for her. Its her real & true self.
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dyke-stuck · 1 year
heyyy so im about to start being a lot more selective with what requests i accept/do because i am rapidly loosing the motivation to maintain this blog as i have been! so, forewarning on that note. its not gonna be super relevant to all of you guys until i reopen reqs but i figured it beared stating as im about to delete a metric fuckton of requests in my inbox. hope you guys understand ^-^
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dyke-stuck · 9 months
also many people who call themselves girlfags arent even necessarily gay 4 men we're just transfem LOL like i'm a lesbian. but also my girlfagness is tied to my transfemininity even though im not into guys. yk. labels are silly and wonderful and awesome :)
for absolute realness^^^^ you live such a beautiful lifestyle anon
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dyke-stuck · 11 months
I dont think I've ever seen anyone else talk about them but t4t junedavesprite... transfem June and agender any pronouns davesprite and they're girlfriend and birdfriend and im rotating them in my mind constantly <33
anon can we hold hands? your mind sounds so lovely and joyus. ive loved johndaveprite/junedavesprite for a while but i never end up actually making anything for them :[ your headcanons are beyond based though.
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dyke-stuck · 1 year
In relation to girldirk naming herself rainbow dash, consider: genderfluid!dirk who associates Lolonde = Femininity and Strider = Masculinity, and so calls themself Rain Lalonde on girl days and Dash Strider on boy days
this is SO smart.... obsessed. holds this idea in my hands in awe
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dyke-stuck · 11 months
Hey!! I wanted to thank you for your dutiful services all throughout the past year. I never sent you a request because I didn't want to overwork you; but it was ever a delight to see your drawings everyday. Please do take care of yourself and don't accept more requests before you feel completely ready.
Also have some dykes I commissioned a while ago:
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THIS IS SO SWEET<333 thank you so much seriously :3 instantly recognized for that one ask you sent forever ago as a 'take a break for one day :D!' thing cause that was honestly super duper sweet. tysm for the dykes :3
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dyke-stuck · 5 months
can i use your art as a pfp i love ur transfem karkat drawing….eats…chews
go for it ^_^ please credit me in your bio if possible but generally speaking i love when people use my art as pfps lol
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