#duan jiaxu teasing his zhizhi
filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
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So … are we getting that HD version anytime soon? 😏
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
A perfect present
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A missing moment from the two year time leap before the beach proposal
Sang Yan’s bar is already quite busy when Jiaxu arrives. But it doesn’t take him long to find his friend in their designated booth. There’s food already on the table and he’s grateful because he’s had no time to eat all day. (He’s carefully avoided having to tell Sang Zhi this knowing it would only cause her to worry more.)
“You know once she moves back here you can’t keep this up. She’ll kill you if she finds out you’ve been skipping meals again,” Sang Yan warns him.
Jiaxu smiles. “Is that why you’re feeding me, darling brother?”
Sang Yan scoffs as he always does when Jiaxu teases him like that.
“Jiaxu,” his friend sighs and Jiaxu can hear the worry in his voice.
He places his chopsticks down. “It’s okay. I just worked a little extra now so I’ll have more time available later.”
Sang Yan nods, immediately understanding. “So have you decided what you’re going to get the little demon for her graduation?”
Jiaxu smiles and it does not go unnoticed by Sang Yan.
“Well?” His friend asks impatiently and Jiaxu only smiles a little more.
“I have an idea.” Jiaxu knows he’s probably got a bit of a dopey look on his face but he doesn’t care. These days he thinks he’s always got a dopey look on his face when he thinks about his girlfriend.
As he expects Sang Yan rolls his eyes; more in habit than annoyance. Secretly, Sang Yan has been Jiaxu and Sang Zhi’s biggest fan but he wouldn’t dare let them know that. He enjoys giving them a hard time too much for that. But he also knows that he’s never seen two people more in love and no two people who are so perfect for each other. He has always wanted the best for his sister and thought his best friend deserved true happiness. He just never thought they’d find it with each other.
“Fine. Don’t tell me,” Sang Yan whines and Jiaxu laughs.
“Why don’t you wait until graduation weekend?”
Sang Yan doesn’t answer him as some of their friends come to join them.
It’s not an unwelcome interruption. Jiaxu hasn’t seen his friends in a while and he’s happy to indulge them now with jokes and stories. He’s mindful of them too and notices that even Sang Yan has pulled back on the drinks tonight. At the end of the night he calls them a taxi and they rowdily get in waving their goodbyes. The bar’s quieter now, just a handful of workers, Sang Yan and himself.
His friend has been calling out instructions to his employees before joining Jiaxu at their table again.
“Sang Yan,” he says and there’s something in his tone that has his friend sitting up right almost immediately. “Are your parents free this weekend? There is something I’d like to talk to them about.”
Sang Yan raises a brow. “What is it?”
“Zhizhi’s graduation present.”
Sang Yan sits back, eyeing his friend closely. “Duan Jiaxu, what are you planning? You’re not moving back to Yihe are you?”
Jiaxu laughs. “No! Of course not. Nanwu is where we both want to be.”
“So?” And there’s a playful smirk that Sang Yan’s got that tells Jiaxu his friend might already guess at his plans.
Nevertheless he puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out the thing that has been weighing heavy in his coat all night. He places the soft grey box on the table and leans back to gauge his friends reaction.
Sang Yan looks from him to the box and back to him again. “Are you sure?”
Jiaxu doesn’t answer, merely tipping his head to the side a little. Of course they both know he’s sure but as a big brother, Sang Yan has to ask.
Eventually Sang Yan picks up the box, opening it to carefully examine the ring inside. He whistles as he brings it closer for inspection.
“I’ve always told her I’m going to be good to her and love her for the rest of my life. I’ve worked hard to settle everything here and make sure she’s going to live well when she comes back home. Everything I’ve done has been for her and ... darling brother,” he teases and Sang Yan scoffs, “I would like your blessing to continue loving her not just as my girlfriend but as my wife.”
Despite it all, Sang Yan is speechless for a moment. “You’re ... asking for my blessing too?”
Jiaxu sighs. “I told you before, I didn’t handle it properly when we first started dating. I don’t want this to be like that. I want to do this right.”
Snag Yan looks back at the ring. “I never thought anyone would ever be good enough for Sang Zhi. But I was wrong ... and I’m glad it’s you... so yes.”
Jiaxu looks momentarily surprised and Sang Yan huffs. “Ya! Did you really think I’d say no?”
Jiaxu does his best not to grin too wide. “I just didn’t think you’d agree so quickly.”
“It’s for Zhizhi and I’m not going to stop her from being happy like she deserves.” He leans forward and says his final piece. “Besides, I know your character Duan Jiaxu. I trust you with her.” He looks over at his friend who is grinning like a fool and it’s almost entirely too much bromance for him to handle.
Sang Yan hands him the box back, ring carefully tucked inside.
Jiaxu smiles as he looks down at it and Sang Yan knows these two are going to be unbearably sappy come post-engagement.
“You’ll be there when I ask her.”
Sang Yan pauses. “You want me there?”
“Hhm, and your parents.”
“Are you sure?” And because he can’t help but tease his friend he adds, “It’ll be so embarrassing for you if she says no and we’re all there to see it.”
Jiaxu laughs. “You think she’ll say no?”
“You think she’ll say yes?”
“Of course she will.”
Sang Yan laughs. “I hope your proposal is as great as your confidence.” An idea comes to mind and he leans forward, mockingly fearful as he says, “I hope you don’t plan to have us dress up in weird costumes or whatever.”
Jiaxu rubs at his jaw thoughtfully. “Actually I had a whole song and dance in mind for you.”
Sang Yan scowls and waves his friend off.
Jiaxu shakes his head. “Relax, darling brother. All you have to do is be there. I thing Zhizhi would love that the most.”
Sang Yan nods his head but can’t bring himself to say that he wholly agrees because once again, Jiaxu has proven just how well he knows his sister.
“So what do you have in mind?”
“Snag Zhi likes the beach and I -“ he’s cut off by his cellphone ringing. He glanced down and immediately grins. He can practically feel Sang Yan’s eye roll as he tells him to answer it.
“Wei Jiaxu,” comes her soft reply and as it always does, it fills his heart with warmth.
“Did you eat?” She asks and Sang Yan gives him a knowingly look but doesn’t say anything. He sighs, and leaves the table as Jiaxu and Sang Zhi talk.
Sang Yan is back as the bar, checking with his employees when he glances over at his friend. His best friend who is sitting with the happiest look on his face as he talks quietly into his phone. He knows then that no matter what they’ll always be happy. They’ve already proved that things like age and time and distance are no problems for their love. He catches Jiaxu playing with the ring box as he talks to Sang Zhi, that smile on his face that is reserved strictly for Jiaxu’s Zhizhi.
He returns to the table when he sees that Jiaxu is die with his phone call.
“Did the little demon give you a hard time?”
Jiaxu laughs and says no. Sang Yan knows it’s the truth - at least in Jiaxu’s eyes. Because nothing is too much or hard or impossible for Jiaxu when it comes to Sang Zhi.
“Do you think she’ll like the present?” Jiaxu asks him.
For a moment Sang Yan is surprised. Mostly because Jiaxu never doubts himself when it comes to dotting on Sang Zhi. He does it so instinctively that there is never any room for complaint or doubt. But he understands that maybe this is a little different.
“Yes. I think she’s gonna love it. It’s a perfect present for the little demon,” he tells his friend.
Jiaxu visibly relaxes at that as he looks back down at the ring box. He sees the excitement in Jiaxu’s eyes and Sang Yan finds he shares some of that as he imagines what his sister’s reaction will be.
He knows what Sang Zhi’s answer will be. Despite what he told Jiaxu earlier, he has no doubt that Sang Zhi will say yes because he is quite certain he doesn’t know any two people more perfect for each other.
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
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Sang Zhi plans a little surprise for Duan Jiaxu … but it doesn’t exactly go to plan. 
Tagging @kairadiamond We had fun with this one! I hope it lives up to the expectation! ☺️
Also ... it's a lil steamy ....
Sang Zhi is quite certain she has never done anything so outrageous. For a moment she thinks about calling it off, but then she remembers … or at least tries to remember the last time she has seen Jiaxu for more than 10 minutes at a time. 
With a new but still somewhat shaky confidence, she lets herself into Jiaxu’s office. The office space is both dark and empty but that is no surprise to her. Jiaxu had mentioned – on what was once again another brief call – that they were meeting with another client. 
She steps into his private office. It’s a good space that has little touches of her everywhere. There’s a large desk in the middle and a couch at one end of the room. The throw she had bought him last winter is neatly folded and placed at one end of the couch. 
Sang Zhi calls him as she sheds her winter coat. He picks up on the third ring. 
“Wéi, Zhizhi,” Jiaxu answers. His voice is soft and suddenly she can’t bear how much she misses him. But he also sounds like he’s in the middle of something.
“Wéi, Jiaxu. Have I disturbed you?” she immediately asks worrying she that she has not thought through the finer details of this plan. She tries not to fidget with her outfit. 
“No. We were done.” 
“Hhm, are you still heading back to the office?” She asks even though she knows the answer. 
He sighs sounding upset with himself. “Yes.” She can hear the distant rumble of cars and wonders if he’s already driving back. “Sang Zhi, I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. It’s work and it’s very important,” she tries to soothe. This much she can understand. It is work and Jiaxu has always been understanding of her hectic schedule. The least she could do was afford him the same.
Still, they’ve hated when their schedules got to this point of disarray. It makes her heart leap a little more, knowing he craves her presence as she does him. 
“I promise things will go back to normal soon,” he says regardless. 
“Did you at least have a good dinner?” His silence causes her to frown a little. “Jiaxu.” 
“Yeah … yeah. We ate.” 
“You’re lying,” she scolds. Picking up the picture frame on his desk, she narrows her eyes at it as if he were in front of her now. 
“I ate … earlier. But once I get back to the office, I’ll order something,” he promises.
Sang Zhi smiles. “Don’t worry about that. I ordered something for you.” 
“Thank you, Zhizhi,” he says and she smirks glancing down at her outfit. 
It’s a little (or a lot) more daring than she is usually used to. But Ning Wei said it would be the perfect thing. It had taken more coaxing before Sang Zhi pulled the little dress on. Thank goodness for the winter coat that she had worn. 
“It’s a treat,” Ning Wei had said with a wink.
“For who?” Sang Zhi had questioned. 
But in the end, she can’t help the temptation to try it one. And she had to admit, she liked how it felt on her. Even more, she liked how it looked on her. 
She’s still got the phone to her ear as she hoists herself up onto his desk. It’s immaculately clean, free of all nick-nack’s save for the picture frame that houses a photo of the two of them. He’s got a few more photos around his office – on the shelf and the little table beside the couch. 
“What are you doing?” he asks diverting her attention once more. 
“Hhm, nothing really. Just … waiting for you.” 
She bites her lips wondering if he will catch on and end their fun all too quickly. But his heavy sigh tells her she is safe for now. 
“I’ll make it up to you, Zhizhi.” His voice goes low and she has to cross her legs because she is very much going to see that he makes good on that. 
She taps her heel-clad feet in the air as she decides to tease him a little more. “How?” 
“Whatever you want.” 
“Be careful, Duan Jiaxu. You might regret that.” 
He laughs and she’s thrilled to hear it. “With you? Never.” 
“Hhm, right answer.” 
Jiaxu laughs again but a sudden thought makes her panic. 
“Are you heading back to the office alone?” 
“Yes. They’ve all done their best. I just have to put the finishing touches on the contract,” he tells her. 
Sang Zhi breathes a sigh of relief. And no sooner too as she hears the rustle of movement in the background on the other end of the line. Was he here already? A moment later, she hears the distant sound of the front door opening. 
“You work yourself too hard, Jiaxu.” She keeps her voice low so not to be overheard by him. 
Sang Zhi hasn’t turned on any of the lights. So she waits, listening with baited breath as he walks through the office space, heading straight for his office. 
“Maybe you need to take a break?” she suggests coyly. 
“That’s a good idea,” he says. “Shall I come fetch you? We can get something to eat.” 
She wants to panic but manages to keep her cool as she hears his footsteps echo against the floor. A light goes on in the distance as he pauses on his trek.
“You don’t think I’ll be a distraction?” She tips her head to the side even though he can’t see her. 
He’s fiddling with something just outside the office. She’s not sure how she knows, but she does. “You’re always a distraction, Zhizhi.” He laughs and she hears his footsteps pick up again. “So what do you say?” 
“Hhm … I think you’ll like the surprise I got you much better,” she says with as much confidence as she can. 
He pauses just outside the door. With the little light thrown under gap of the door, she can make out his shadow. He pauses once more and she’s almost tempted to just tell him. 
At first she doesn’t say anything but then so quietly he almost misses it, Sang Zhi whispers, “I promise.” 
Sang Zhi is not sure if he’s made the connection or not but it doesn’t matter because a moment later, the door to his office swings open and Jiaxu turns the light on. 
She manages not to squint in the new light as she catches sight of him. Phone to his ear, she knows the exact moment he sees her. His eyes grow wide with surprise as he steps into the office. 
“Sang Zhi,” he whispers. 
She playfully wiggles her brows at him, “What do you think?” she asks into the phone. “Do you like your surprise?” 
“Uh… Zhizhi let me call you back. I have to inspect this surprise a little more closely first,” he cheekily responds and then cuts the call. 
She’s vaguely aware of him throwing his phone onto the couch as he shucks his coat off too. Sang Zhi’s still giggling as he approaches the desk. She has just enough mind to uncross her legs before he reaches for her. His hands settle on her thighs, that are so visible thanks to the very short dress Ning Wei picked. He drags her closer a little more, until she is perfectly perched on the edge of his desk. 
She loops her hands around his neck and even with her sitting on his desk, he looms over her. She’s never minded though. 
“Surprise,” she barely manages to whisper before he closes the space between them. 
It’s soft kiss at first, almost like he is testing to see if she is really there. But when he pulls away and she chases him, hungry for more, he gives in. 
His hand comes up to grasp her face, tipping her head up a little more as he kisses her. She’s rooted to the spot, as she matches his vigour. There’s a giddy feeling that grows in the pit of her stomach. Jiaxu pulls back just enough so their foreheads press together. 
She wonders if he can hear the loud beating of her heart. Instead she asks, “Like your surprise?” 
“I love it,” he says. “What … why…” 
Sang Zhi grins. “I’ve missed you.” 
It’s a simple enough answer. And more importantly, it is the whole truth. She has missed him. The long hours they’ve kept at work have become unbearable and the very last thing she wants is to spend another night waiting at home in their quiet apartment. 
It doesn’t feel the same without him. 
“I missed you too,” Jiaxu tells her. 
“Really?” she asked and he nods. “I don’t think you do.” 
He raises a brow, a smirk on his lips. “Should I show you instead?” 
She nods too and wants to say yes but he kisses her and that steals her answer and her breath. Sang Zhi pulls him closer and Jiaxu cups the back of her head as he pushes her back onto the desk. He’s completely got the height advantage on her now, as he hovers over her, one hand pressed flat on the desk beside her head. 
She can see a question lurking in his eyes but for the moment, she just wants to enjoy it being them. So she settles her hands on his waist, tugging him closer. Her fingers grab the soft material of his shirt and he starts kissing along her jaw. Her breathing hitches when she feels his lips dance over that spot. She can feel his smile against her flushed skin and urgently starts tugging the material of his shirt up. Jiaxu doesn’t stop her as she bunches it further up. She feels his fingers dance along the hem of her dress and it’s enough to cause the already startling flush on her face to go a shade deeper. She gasps when she feels him bit down on that spot. He knows what he is doing and she’s got no intentions of stopping him. 
Sang Zhi is  fiddling with the buttons on his shirt when they both hear something that makes them freeze. 
The front door opening. 
“Jiaxu!” Someone calls. It echoes across the office.
All Sang Zhi can hear is their heavy breathing and the sudden absurdly loud footsteps. Sang Zhi is certain she hears Jiaxu mumbling a curse under his breath. He doesn’t move off her though. Not yet. Perhaps hoping whoever it is will just go away. No such luck. 
“Duan Jiaxu!” the voice calls again.  It sounds much closer this time. “You still here?” 
She glances up at Jiaxu, eyes wide in fear. He doesn’t move for a beat before pulling himself upright. He takes her by the hand, righting her on his desk too. 
It’s one of his programmers. Jiaxu was certain he had sent everyone home. He looks at Sang Zhi taking in her dishevelled appearance. There is no hiding what they had just been doing. Her usually pale face is flushed. She’s got the beginnings of a love bite on her neck and Jiaxu is sure he’s in a state no less telling. 
There is no way out. Not without Zou Yong seeing Sang Zhi. He knows she’s dressed up only for him and Jiaxu is not about to let her feel embarrassed for what she’s done. 
“Jiaxu …” she whispers urgently. 
Sang Zhi looks at him helplessly for a second long before jumping off the desk. She rushes to grab her coat and turns to Jiaxu once more. 
“Hide me.” 
“Hide me,” she repeats and he immediately looks around the office space for a place but there is none. 
None but one. His desk. 
They look back at each other as though having the same idea. Jiaxu grabs her hand, leading her around the desk. He stops for a moment, silently asking if she’s okay with this but Sang Zhi is already getting down and under the desk. 
Just in time too as a knock comes from the other side of his office door. Haphazardly, he runs his fingers through his hair and manages to barely tuck his shirt back into his pants. He remains standing at his desk, a few random pages in hand. There is a second knock and Jiaxu feelings only minutely calmer. 
“Come in,” he calls. 
“You still here boss?” Zou Yong says as he enters. “I thought you would be long gone by now.” 
Jiaxu appreciates the concern from his younger employee but he also really hates what he interrupted. 
“Just had to go over a few details,” Jiaxu says. “Why did you come back?” 
“Ah, forgot my keys.” 
Jiaxu nods and chances a glance down. He can barely see Sang Zhi, which he supposes is a good thing. 
Zou Yong moves closer to the desk and Jiaxu panics. He sits  down and then wonders if that was such a good idea. He’s lost his height advantage on Zou Yong and he’s not sure how much space Sang Zhi has now. 
“Oh boss, I suppose now that you’re here I can ask you about this error message I keep getting,” Zou Yong goes on. 
Jiaxu gets a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he watches Zou Yong pull out his laptop from his bag. He sucks in a sharp breath when he feels Sang Zhi grab his leg. He can feel the bite of her nails through his pants and he quickly moves his chair to cover more of the space. 
“Why don’t we sit with it tomorrow?” Jiaxu asks instead. Zou Yong, has his laptop in hand and is already making his way around the desk. He bites down on his tongue when he feels her touch against his leg again. Except now its inching up. He barely covers a cough as she does it again. She is going to be the death of him. 
“You okay, boss?” Zou Yong asks looking at him a little more intently for a moment. 
Jiaxu makes a show of rotating his shoulders back and forth. “Hhm, just stiff from sitting here all night.” 
His remark is met with another lingering touch beneath the table. She’s more confident this time and he almost reaches down to snatch her hand in his.  
Jiaxu leans forward, bracing himself on his arms. “Don’t worry too much about the errors,” he says trying to keep a straight face. “I’ll need to have a meeting with everyone anyway to discuss the revisions we need to make so it would be a good time to sort through all the errors we keep coming across.” 
Zou Yong nods and for a moment, he looks relieved. That worries on Jiaxu for a bit. Had it not been for the guest he is currently hiding under the desk, he would have given it more attention. For the time being he settles for reassuring his employee. 
“Zou Yong, if you’re having trouble with these things, don’t be afraid to ask. We’re all here to help each other.” 
“I will … I just don’t want you to think I can’t do it.” 
Jiaxu smiles, remembering that feeling all too well. “I won’t. I was an intern once. You don’t get better without learning to ask for help.” He’s glad to see Zou Yong nod and slips his laptop back into his backpack. “You should head home. I’m almost done here.” 
“You want me to stay and help you?” 
“No!” Jiaxu answers a bit more harshly than he intends too. “I mean … it’s already late and I’m going to head out it a bit. There is no point, really.” 
Zou Yong, bless his heart doesn’t question it further. He waves goodbye and is calling out good wishes to his boss as he leaves. 
Jiaxu doesn’t breath until he hears the front door close again. Exhaling he all but collapses into his chair, before pushing away from the desk. He finally looks under his desk and sees his Zhizhi, blushing and grinning. They both laugh a moment later. 
She’s got a sort of coy smile that is absolutely driving him mad and he knows without a doubt he’s done here for the night. 
It’s time to head home. 
“You’re trouble, you know that?” he asks, holding his hand out for her to take. 
She does and he helps her up. Before she can say otherwise, he tugs her closer to him, and shifts his chair so she ends up in his lap. 
“Oh, I’m trouble?” she asks raising a brow. “I must learn it from you, Duan Jiaxu.” 
He guffaws. “Liar,” he teases, pulling her closer. He places a quick kiss to her lips. 
“That was very close.” She fiddles with his collar, as she asks, “Can we go home now?” 
Jiaxu grins. “Absolutely.” 
They both rise from his chair and Jiaxu picks up his coat and phone from where he had thrown them earlier. He’s tugging his coat on when he turns back to her. She’s buttoning up her own winter coat, concealing the little surprise she had brought for him. 
“Zhizhi,” he calls. When she looks at him, he’s got the softest look in hie eyes. “I liked this surprise. A lot.” 
Her cheeks are still tinged pink and he loves that look. “Good,” she says and then takes his outstretched hand. 
They head out together, Jiaxu falling behind just a step as they lock up. 
“Do I get to see it again, at home?” he asks. She glances at him over her shoulder. He shrugs almost too nonchalantly. She can see the barest of there smirks on his lips. 
“Hhm, I don’t know.” 
She doesn’t need to turn around to know he’s frowning now. She feels him squeeze her hand, tugging her back slightly. 
“Why not? I didn’t get to appreciate like I wanted too this time around.” 
“And whose fault is that?” she teases. 
“Not mine! Of all the times to be interrupted!” He shakes his head in clear aggrievance. 
“Well that’s a good point. Let’s see if we can rectify that,” Sang Zhi says and giggles when Jiaxu rushes them to his car. 
It’s a blur of a ride home, but doesn’t matter because she’s hardly got her shoes off before he’s backing her up against the door. They leave a trail of clothing from the door to their bed. As far as surprises go, this one is the best yet. 
Wéi – hi 
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