#dubnitskiy david
talyayet474 · 1 year
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I miss you so much... I wish you would tell me where you are, without hesitation I would go and look for you. "I am in you," you tell me in the silence, with the gray clouds and the cold halo of the moon, piercing my window. "You are in me," I repeat it, wanting to believe it... wanting to feel it... wanting to find you somewhere in my inner being, but I fail to do so. "Are you sure?", I mumble in a sigh that leaves my lips and travels into the darkness that shelters me. "As sure as the beat of your heart, the warmth of your blood, the taste of your lips, the touch of your hands and the essence of your being; so sure that I kiss your eyes every time you want to believe the truth that does not need your creed, for alone It Is." Esu Emmanuel
Me haces tanta falta… Ojalá me dijeras en dónde estás, sin dudarlo iría a buscarte. “Estoy en ti”, me dices en el silencio, con las nubes grises y el frío halo de la luna, atravesando mi ventana. “Estás en mí”, lo repito, queriendo creerlo… queriendo sentirlo… queriendo encontrarte en alguna parte de mi ser interno, pero no logro hacerlo. “¿Estás segura?”, musito en un suspiro que sale de mis labios y viaja hacia la oscuridad que me cobija. “Tan segura como el latido de tu corazón, el calor de tu sangre, el sabor de tus labios, el roce de tus manos y la esencia de tu ser; tan segura que te beso los ojos cada que quieres creer la verdad que no necesita de tu credo, pues sola Es”.
Esu Emmanuel
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gacougnol · 18 days
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David Dubnitskiy
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David Dubnitskiy
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balkanparamo · 10 months
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Fisherman's Wife Dreams
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411 notes · View notes
20th-century-man · 1 month
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Photo by David Dubnitskiy.
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pseudo-satisfaction · 20 days
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236 notes · View notes
fanta30 · 9 months
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Photography David Dubnitskiy
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gacougnol · 18 days
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David Dubnitskiy
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juvpartage · 8 months
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Cette lumière qui vous va toujours aussi bien...
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ornithorynquerouge · 1 month
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Photographer David Dubnitskiy
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knockeddeadv5 · 6 months
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By David Dubnitskiy
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balkanparamo · 5 months
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Red, juicy cherry: David Dubnitskiy
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digitalfountains · 5 months
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Photography by David Dubnitskiy
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yukihi5000 · 4 months
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collageofnudes · 2 months
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Irina Lozovaya by David Dubnitskiy
part 1 / 2 (part 2)
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