#ducknotinarow || fizzarolli
ray-the-fanatic asked: @ducknotinarow ((wanna toss ya my Fizz in return cause I have yet to invade your box still XD so have this clown!))
“Does the idea of being caught like this excite you? It does, doesn’t it?”
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      For a moment, Moxxie begins to second question himself & just why he has returned to Ozzie's. He was one hundred percent positive it was because he wanted to give them a piece of his mind for kicking them out in the first place. & He was pretty sure he wasn't there to get felt up by the same clown his boss seems to hold a grudge against. He squirms, back pressing up against the wall.  
He's not supposed to be enjoying this. He's not supposed to be enjoying thi ——— fuck. He breathes deeply, pretty sure Fizzarolli heard the moan that slipped free. Cheeks are burning with warmth, gaze flickering away from the other's knowing look. 
"I just, look, we were having a nice time until your boss, haaaahh, kicked us out. Shit." Hands fumble, Moxxie attempting to balance himself against the wall. Though, he's yet to actually remove himself away from the clown. He glances back at Fizz, teeth chewing on his bottom lip. To be perfectly honest, he wasn't complaining about, well, this. 
     “Does the idea of being caught like this excite you? It does, doesn’t it?”
Fizzarolli's words echo in his mind, body slumping back. Tail gives a little flick, a sway of obvious enjoyment. Would he want to be caught? Maybe, definitely NOT by his own boss. He could already sense the disappointment from the taller imp.
"Er, well, I mean. That depends." He gets bold, refocusing his attention on the jester. "Are we gonna go somewhere with this or are you just teasing me ? Because if you're teasing me, I swear you'll end up regretting it."
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lust-sinner · 3 years
2, 8 and 9 for the shipping meme
what sort of things does your muse look for in a partner?
//I responded this in the last ask but I'll give a resume. Ozzie wants someone loyal to him, not loyal as monogamy, loyal as they would do anything for Ozzie. Ride or die. And never lie to him.
does your muse usually take the lead in relationships?
//Yes. Ozzie is usually the one who starts the thing, he likes the control and he is very straight to the point. If he likes you, he will flirt with you and will try to fuck you. Simple and direct. And will make sure that you know what he is doing. In that part the mun can relate to him.
who are some characters you ship your muse with?
//Well lately there is a lot. The amount of characters that are close to be an actually relationship with ozzie is growing. First I'm saying Beatrice from @candies-stash we wrote a lot of stories and keep writing almost every day and I love those two.
There is Stolas from @ducknotinarow they are adorable together and ozzie really likes teasing the guy. They are going on their first date so let's see how this goes.
Well obviously like most of you saw lately there is Dia from @diadxrling . Asmodeus started to grow fond of her from singing and we started fleshing out their relationship. Those two are another I think it's adorable and the way I receive asks you guys too.
There is @phisaya. Another one of Ozzie's more close characters, I really like their dynamic and I think it's adorable how she acts around him.
And of course Fizzarolly from @fizzbean we haven't rp as much as the other ships, but they started almost like a ship already.
I'm always up for more ships but they need to be natural and built. I don't really like to autimatically ship with Ozzie.
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