#duekoos mc
lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 27
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Chapter 26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I feel a chill all over my body and cold sweat, along with the feeling that everything in my stomach is churning and rising up. It makes me want to cough, and then gag.    "Hey, calm down" I listen next to me and he passes me a bucket where I throw up the vomit “. I am here, I help you.”     I don't know exactly what I throw, since I have nothing in my stomach, but I vomit. Then he passes me a wet cloth to clean my face.
   “Where I am?” I ask dizzy. I feel like my head is being drilled. Did I drink that much last night?    "At Mike's mother's apartment." I realize it's Jake next to me when I turn to see him. I'm so bad that I didn't even realize who he was.    "Slow down, you speak very fast.     I rest my elbows on my knees, bringing my hands to my head. It's like a steamroller ran over me. Then I remember what happened last night. I bring my hand to my mouth, trying to erase the kisses I gave last night. I'm hating myself for what I did.    “MC, stop it” Jake stops me, grabbing my wrist “, you are hurting yourself.”     I look into his eyes and see that he looks at me with concern and love. But I'm scared to death of what happened yesterday. Because a part of me felt good not thinking about any problems, just having fun like never before. I hug him hiding my face, ashamed, sorry. I start by crying because I don't want to feel that way again if it's not with him. It… It terrifies me to think that I need to feel happy like that again.    “I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” I yell, grabbing onto him tightly "I don't know what happened! I don't understand… I don't understand!” my nerves return and Jake separates me a bit, to look at my face again “I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to kiss anyone, I swear-“    "Alright, calm down" He runs a hand over my face, caressing it “. I know it was not you last night, I could see it in your eyes.”    "I don't need nice words right now.” I reply, wiping my tears away with my sleeve. I realize I'm wearing a rather large sweatshirt. It must be his.    "It is not nice words" he examines me and sighs “. It seems you are fine" he smiles, stroking me carefully again “. Listen, last night I do not think it was the drink that you were like this for.”     I shake my head. It has to be the alcohol. I had only one glass and a sip of another, but I didn't finish it. I remember something else. How his leg parted mine, brushing against me. Again annoyed, I rub my legs crying and Jake stops me.    “Enough-“    “No!” I answer yelling "I'm not fine! Last night I did- Don't look at me! I don't want you to look at me!” I take the blanket and cover myself so he doesn't see me. I don't want him to.     I'm not talking like a little girl, I'm talking like someone really scared. They did with me what they wanted and I left myself. I'm a stupid. I know nothing else happened, but... I feel him hug me from outside the blanket, stroking me where my head should be. I tremble to think that I am the worst person there is and that I betrayed his trust.    “Maybe you should go to a hospital to get checked out.” he says with a worried sigh.    “I just kiss with some guys” I reply very slowly “. When I realized what was happening, I got nervous, but then” I stick my head out from under the blanket, looking at him “, then, after hitting the guy on the street, I felt good again, remembering that feeling of… I shake my head, even more embarrassed, "I don't want to feel it again, it's... I don't want to, Jake, please, don't make me talk about it anymore, I don't want to remember it, you should hate me because I cheated on you.”    “But what are you saying?” He caresses my cheek with a compassionate look "It was not you. Listen to me and don't get upset by what I'm going to tell you, okay?” I nod trying to calm down even though I'm going through the worst moment in the world “MC, last night...” He pauses, taking a deep breath. It's like he doesn't want to tell me, but he must know something “I think they drugged you.”     It's like my whole body has taken another hit. My head hammers faster and faster after hearing those words, who could do it? If I was watching- No, wait… Ralph brought me a drink, but for just one sip? I grip the blanket tightly, feeling disgusted with myself, but also angry for trusting him. I rest my head on his chest, not stopping crying.    "I want to go home, Jake…" I say between a sea of ​​tears "I don't want to be here anymore… I don't want to remember…"     Jake hugs me and gently strokes my back, like he's going to break me.    "I will make sure you come back" he pauses, kissing my head ", do not worry, I will make sure you are safe."     I nod as I let him pamper me even though I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to be treated well after cheating on him.
After calming down a bit, I go to the bathroom and decide to take a shower, rubbing my skin hard. I know that nothing happened, but the simple fact that it could have happened. The attitude last night… I want to forget it. It was not me. This is what I repeat to myself over and over again. I don't want to feel like this again, please brain, don't make me remember. But I do have to confront Ralph about what happened, demand an explanation, find out if it was him or… Grace's mother? She was the one who made the drinks. But why would she drug me? What would she get with it? I get out of the shower, leaving no part of my body wet. At least my skin feels soft and not clammy from sweating so much. I dress again in Grace's dress and then the sweatshirt, these being the only clothes I can wear, my clothes are at Grace's parents' house. I pick up my phone from the sink and read the messages and missed calls Grace sent me last night. I wonder if she knows what her boyfriend did last night. Although she was also dancing with two boys and Ralph didn't care, maybe because she was just dancing? She seemed fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grace MC, where are you? I’ve been trying to locate you all the time I thought after dancing a bit we were going to ask Daliah's acquaintances if they knew what happened to her Talk to me please, I’m worried Hey, it’s been an hour, where are you? Tell me please MC, seriously, I’m getting worried, have you come back home? I just wanted to have fun with you… I hope nothing bad happened to you too 🙁 I’m going to take your clothes to the academy, meet me there, okay? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put my phone in the pocket of my sweatshirt and leave the bathroom, heading to the small dining room, where Jake is with Daliah's computer. I sit in one of the chairs and rest my head on the table, hoping that if I have it on a flat surface, it will stop hurting.    "Did the shower do you good?" Jake asks me, taking my hand, caressing it affectionately.    “Yes, but seeing Grace's messages, I have remembered everything again…”    "I know you do not want to talk about it" I turn my head to look at him, leaning on my cheek. I see that he looks at me quite seriously "but I think it is important that you do it.”    “I don't want to-“    “MC, your sister had the same experience that she did not want to remember what happened here again” He reminds me and I get up “, maybe what you have been through is the same thing she went through.”     I hug myself, trying to at least remember the less traumatic details. I look at my wrist and see Grace's bracelet.    “Grace invited me to her mom's place, so we went over to her house to get ready” I try to start at the beginning “. Then we went to the club and she introduced me to her.”    “What is she called?”    "I… I don't know" I frown thoughtfully “. I don't remember her telling me... But I can ask her when I go to Rosenschwarz" I see him nod and shake my head, trying to ease the pain a bit “. She gave us a few drinks and… Then we went to a table to drink… I remember that I already began to find myself strange, but I have never had alcohol, except if it is a sip at important parties...”     Jake nods, paying attention to me. The truth is that I have never had a full drink, last night was the only exception I made, thinking that nothing was wrong because I was with a friend.    “Grace wanted us to go to the dance floor, but I didn't want to leave my drink unattended so Ralph showed up and offered to watch the drinks.”    “Did you notice if he put something in the drink?”    "No, I..." I swallow nervously "I already found myself strange on the dance floor and..." I avoid looking at his face. I'm not proud of what happened “I felt good, I had fun... I danced with a boy who... I'm sorry... We kissed...”     I pause, bringing my hand to my mouth, remembering how happy I was. Jake takes my hand, kissing it. I would like to smile at that gesture, but I can't. I don't deserve it.    "Jake, please... I don't want to continue." I say with a broken voice.    "Alright." he approaches me with the chair and hugs me.     I close my eyes trying to calm myself with Jake's breathing. Right now I don't want to think about what happened last night, because I know I'll have to think about it again when I talk to Ralph.    “I found a journal file on Daliah” I hear Jake say and I look up at him seriously “. Apparently, it was an entry from when she was sixteen” I direct my eyes to the screen, getting up “. Daliah kept here not only everything that happened to her these months, but also what happened throughout her life.”    “Which means she might have written about what happened in Colville.” I say slowly, reading Daliah's journal entry.    “Possibly, if she wrote it all down” he pauses, taking a breath. I look at him and see how he looks at the screen concentrated “, maybe she also told what happened.”     I look down remembering the words of Grace and Daliah. What if I discover that behindthose jokes they really know that they know each other?    “Did you ever get to know Daliah?” I ask him nervously and he looks at me confused, frowning “Forget it, it's a stupid question.”     I hear the sound of a floppy smile and he pulls me in, kissing my forehead.    "Even if I had met her, I would never have been interested in her" he smiles at me, caressing my cheek ". I only have eyes for you, love." I sigh and snuggle into him, trusting his words.     So, according to the file, Daliah wanted me to come with her to Colville. But something must have happened around that time too for her not to want me to come. If it's a good thing or a bad thing, let's hope she wrote it in her diary to find out if like with Hannah, the past affects the present.
I decide to wear Jake's sweatshirt while we drive to the station in his sidecar. I don't want anyone to see me in the dress I'm wearing, it makes me uncomfortable enough for everyone to look at me. I keep my eyes on the screen, watching when the last train leaves. I play with the pendant Grace hands me between my fingers, waiting for Jake.    "That is it" he hands me the ticket and I take it, I had told him I was buying it, but he insisted so much that in the end I let him do it “. I have been told it will not be long in coming.”    "I've already seen it." I point to the screen and he laugh "Are you leaving yet?"    "No, I will stay with you waiting." he takes my hand affectionately and I give him a small smile.     We sit on a bench and I rest my head on his shoulder. One of the things he hasn't done yet is kiss me and I wonder, maybe he's angry about what I've done? Maybe that's why he hasn't tried because the toothbrush he bought me was brought to him along with everything else, so I guess he was hoping to have me here with him sometime, so I don't think it's from the vomit because I brushed my teeth, maybe I think too much? Or is it that he really doesn't want to kiss someone like me now? I squeeze my hand annoyed with myself, wanting to erase those traces of kisses that they have left me. I bring my hand to my mouth again, thinking that's what it is. I feel dirty.    "If you keep going like this, I do not think I can kiss you anymore, you will hurt your lips." he says in a calm tone, taking my hand away.    "You haven't kissed me yet." I reply, sad to think that it's all my fault.     I see how he looks at me and takes my hand, kissing the knuckles.    "I did not want you to feel uncomfortable after what you have been through” he gently pushes my hair away and I notice my eyes wanting to shed tears “. It did not seem right to me after seeing how nervous you were.”     I let out charged air in my chest, smiling at him affectionately. It can't be that I've been so lucky to find someone who cares for me like this.    "But..." I look away, knowing what I'm going to say "When Elliot kissed me, you kissed me to erase his kisses..."     He brings his hand to my chin and makes me look at him. Slowly, he brings his lips to mine, kissing me very slowly. He was right, when he kisses me, I remember last night and I pull away, feeling uncomfortable.    “I'm sorry…”    "I want you to be well, MC" he tells me, caressing my face carefully “. You have had a bad night, the least I want is for you to relive something that is still too recent” I nod and he kisses my nose “. When you feel better, I will give you all the kisses you want, alright? It is a promise.”     My heart races and I nod again, smiling at his promise. The train arrives at the station and we get up. He doesn't let go of my hand yet. Before getting on the train, he kisses me on the forehead, nose and cheeks, and then smiles at me. A smile that relieves me to see.    “Text me when you get here, alright?” He tells me worried.    "I'll do it." I hug him, trying to keep the smell of his shampoo, which is the same one I've used. I take a part of him with me to Rosenschwarz and not only the sweatshirt, but also the scent of him.     I feel safe noticing him near me. As I get on the train, I pull out my cell phone to text Grace. I have to ask if she is alright. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Sorry for not answering, I was sleeping at a friend’s house Right now I’m going to Rosenschwarz
-----Grace has connected-----
Grace MC! I thought something had happened to you! The police are crazy! Even Elliot is here asking us about you! Wait… A “friend”? 😏 
MC One question, were you okay last night?
Grace Of course Why you ask?
MC I think that No, I do not think so Ralph slipped something into my drink I had to call a friend because he wasn’t feeling well
Grace Ralph? Get you drugged? Well, I know he has his moments to get high, but he wouldn’t do that to others Are you sure?
MC He took care of our drinks, who else was it going to be?
Grace Hmm… I could ask him
MC The fact that? ‘Ralph, did you drug my friend?’ He won’t tell you because he’s your boyfriend
Grace ? What?
MC Leave it to me I want to talk to him about what happened last night
Grace And what happened?
MC I I’ll tell you when I talk to him This is something private for the moment between him and me
Grace Okay then But hint that it was him? Please MC, you know how he is
MC No, I don’t know I don't know anything about him So I want to do it
Grace Whatever you want We will all be in the same classroom
MC OK I’ll go straight to put my clothes on
Grace Clear See ya 👋
-----Grace has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   “Well done” Daliah tells me, looking proud at me “, it's time for you to stand up and ask him what he actually did.”    “Will he tell me?” I ask doubtfully.    “We’ll have to at least try, right?”     True, if I don't try, I will never be able to get this doubt out of my head, why did he do it, is it because of Daliah? Why did he think she had an affair with his father? And when she died, he takes it out on me, for being her twin, someone to direct his anger at. Well, I'm not going to let him use me as a punching bag, I'm not the person he has to get angry with.
Arriving in Rosenschwarz and sending a message to Jake, I change my way from home to going to the academy. It may be a long way to wear heels, but at least that way I can make a mental speech about what I want to say to him during the walk. Should I go in aggressive or go easy? I don't want others to find out either, I'm ashamed if they know what I did last night, it would be horrible and they would think badly of me. But don't some already do it? Thinking that I killed Daliah? I hate that they can think of that. Besides, I’m not alone. I have Jake’s sweatshirt with me, I’m accompanied. I’ll be fine.
I enter the academy and with quick steps, I look for the room. I go in opening the door almost knocking it down because of my nerves and there I see them all, planning the next recording.    “Good morning, MC.” Carter greets me, waving.    “Hello, MC.” Grace greets me cheerfully.    “Good morning.” I reply, calming myself down now.     I approach Ralph at the back of the room, this time with his camera in hand instead of looking high. I move in front of him, but he doesn't seem to be paying attention to me, so I clear my throat, to get his attention. He looks up and nods.    “What’s up?” He asks me calmly.    “Can we talk in private?” I ask, clutching the bag tightly.     He shrugs and nods, getting up from his chair.   “Okay, let’s go.”     I follow him and notice that everyone looks at us before leaving. I’m sure wondering why we’re leaving together. We go out to the garden area and I see that he takes out a small box from him pants, where he takes out a joint. I look at him biting the inside of my cheek, uncomfortable.    “What?” He asks me “I need one.”    “It’s serious that I want to tell you” I say in a slightly firm tone “, could you not talk to me when you’re high?”     He raises his eyebrows and puts the joint back. I take a breath and try to calm down.    “I want to talk about what happened last night.” I say quickly, not wanting to waste time.    “What happened last night?” He asks me totally calm.     I don’t know if he was joking or if he was high before and the effect is happening now, but I can’t believe he actually asked me.    "Last night, you and me" I look around, uncomfortable that someone overheard us”, we kissed, remember?     Ralph laughs, then runs his hand across his forehead, massaging his temples.    “MC, that didn’t happen” his voice sounds convincing from his words “, I didn’t kiss you.”    “Of course!” I exclaim annoyed “I remember it perfectly, what's more, I'm almost sure that you drugged me to do it.”    “Okay, hold on for a moment there” He waves his hand to stop me and I start to get annoyed “. You say I did it to kiss you, but MC, I didn't do any of that.”    “Yes, you did it!" I can't believe he's denying it, knowing that he was the one who started it "You brought me a glass and you sure poured something.”    “Are you listening to yourself?” He points to himself almost embarrassed “You say that I drugged you and kissed you, why would I do it? You don’t interest me.”    “You don't need an interest involved to do it.”     He rolls his eyes, looking at me with exasperation, are him serious?    "What I remember is that you got drunk and I told you to leave" he answers, slowly approaching me, while I'm pulling back, afraid ", and that's what you did, you left."     Why do he lie? If that’s what happened, I remember it perfectly. I press my lips into a thin line, keeping my composure. I can’t let him get away with it. I take a step forward, trying not to be intimidated.    “I know perfectly well what happened!” I yell, clenching my fists “You drugged me and took advantage of me! You kissed me!”     He hits the tree next to me and I see that it starts to bleed. I look at him surprised, he doesn’t seem to care, what’s more, he doesn’t even seem to have noticed.    "Being twins, do you both have to be unbearable?" He says through his teeth, approaching my face “Can't you be different?”    “Why do you say that?” I try not to show my fear, but my legs are shaking just thinking that he could hurt me.    "I'll tell you a secret" he holds up his ring finger, making the silence gesture ", I never liked Daliah, nobody in this place liked her, maybe Seo-ah did, but everyone in this academy hated her"He approaches my face, almost close to my lips. I start to tremble remembering last night “and now, I'm hating you at the same level as her” he smiles, letting out a small laugh “Why would I kiss someone I hate?”     I look away, uncomfortable. So… did I get drunk? With just a glass? But I would swear that what happened was real. Are he playing me? He separates slowly from me, with the same look that I saw last night. Some dark eyes. Of a… demon. He starts to walk away, but I'm not happy with the result.    "I'll tell Grace you kissed me!" I scream going for him, grabbing him by the wrist. He looks at me without moving a single facial muscle “I'll tell her that you've cheated on her, that you've kissed and drugged me.”     He leans in again, approaching me, but more than my lips, he goes for my ear. whispering    "Tell it, no one is going to believe you" I freeze when I hear him speak. It's very cold, almost like ice “, because it didn't happen.”     He looks down at the pendant and lets out a laugh. A pretty cool one. I let go of his hand, feeling small by his side. He walks away and I manage to take a deep breath, as if the air around me had disappeared for a few seconds. I run my hand over my mouth, feeling uncomfortable about what happened. I want to forget it, but I can't. It is something that has remained engraved in my mind due to the fear of having felt helpless.
I return back to the living room, determined to speak with Grace. She has to know what kind of guy she's dating. She might even put herself in danger! I see the group examining the recorded scenes on the screen, talking about the lighting effects or what music to play. I locate Grace sitting tending and I approach her. In order not to bother again, I sit next to her and she looks at me with a smile.    “Where have you gone with Ralph?” She, she whispers to me, without taking her eyes off the screen "By the way, here are your clothes" she turns around, picking up a backpack “. My parents' maid washed your clothes-“    "I've talked to him about what happened last night," I speak softly, not wanting anyone to overhear “. Grace, I don't think you'd do well to go out with him.”    “Why do you say that?”    “He drugged me” she lets out a sigh, exaggerated “and he kissed me-“    "You kissed a guy last night, but it wasn't Ralph" she says with a laugh ", were you so drunk that you don't even remember who you kissed with?"    "But it's-"     She takes my hand and gives me friendly pats. Her face tells me that she doesn't really believe me, like I'm making it all up. I do what I always do, bow my head unable to have achieved anything. It's true, I've kissed someone before, but do I really deserve this treatment? That no one believes me? I know Jake believes I was drugged because he saw it. Although I omitted to tell him about Ralph because that's when I know that I overdid it in the desire I felt at that moment, in the ecstasy of happiness. Again I feel disgusting.    "MC, it was the first time you got drunk, it's okay" She tells me with a compassionate voice ", it even happened to Daliah on her first drunk-“    "You said she didn't want me to go to Colville" I cut her off angrily, removing her hand. Elliott, Grace… Everyone seems to want to have my confidence based on affection and I'm tired of it. All I notice is that it's fake. And I don't want that “. But she want to.”    "At first yes" She admits, crossing her arms over the table ", but you know how she was, in the end everything caught her attention” she shrugs, without giving it importance “, the anonymity, the lively people, the parties in a big way... It was a whole place for her or that's what she thought” I look away, annoyed. I know it hurts to know all this “, but it's normal that she would like to have her space” She places a hand on my shoulder and I look at her, hurt “. Don’t take it personal.”     I nod knowing that part of it was real. She wanted to get out of here, but the lack of money for a apartment in the city made it almost impossible. I also know that we wouldn't be in the same place together, but at least, I didn't want her to be dead either. It's now that she owes me so many explanations, that now it is impossible to ask her for them.    “By the way, I don't know your mom's name yet.” I ask changing the subject, remembering that Jake wanted to know.    “Irma Roth” she answers without much encouragement “. Yes, I have her last name.”    “Why?” I frown, curious.    “Do you really think they would treat me normal if they know I’m the daughter of a great businessman?” She lets out a laugh, directing a quick glance at the screen “I would hate it.”    “I recognized him in the photo, but I don't remember his name now-“    "Better" she writes notes in her notebook, I see that they are ideas for the film", it's not worth naming him."     A strange shiver runs down my spine, as if something was warning me. Her voice sounded quite annoyed when she named her father. Perhaps what unites Grace and Ralph is hatred for their parents, which is why they can understand each other well.    "Can I ask you a question now?" she asks as she writes, then looks me square in the eye, curious "How did you know Daliah wanted to take you to Colville?"     I've only told Jane that I own Daliah's computer, but after these events of Grace not believing me when I told her what happened with Ralph, I don't think it's a good idea.    "She just told me," I shrug, carelessly, "but then she forgot...”    "Oh, I see…" She gestures casually and returns to paying attention.     I take a deep breath after lying to her like that. It is the first time that I don't tell her something as important as that I access the tracks thanks to my sister's computer, I don't know why I did it, but my instinct tells me something: Don’t trust someone who does not believe in your words.
I leave the bathroom after changing my clothes, putting the dress and heels in my backpack. As I make my way to the classroom to return it to Grace, I find Elliot walking right up to me. My anger returns when I see him, remembering what Jake told me, that it was his fault that the FBI came after him.    "They told me you were here," he says, putting his arms on his hips “. So… You were in Colville.”    "Yes" I respond curtly to him now ". what's wrong? Does it seem so weird?"    "No, it's just because we were looking for you." he answers annoyed.     I head for the door, placing my hand on the knob. Elliot places his hand in mine and I push it away.    "Don't touch me!" I yell furiously "Do it again and I swear I won't answer for myself!"    "Okay, I'm still." He raises his hands in surrender.     I move closer to him, not at all delighted to see him.    "I know it was you" I say, clenching my fists ", you told the FBI where Jake was a year ago. Why did you do it?!"     He looks at me surprised that I know. He pinches the bridge of his nose, keeping his gaze serious enough that I don't get mad at him. Late.    "So his name is Jake" I blanch when I realize that I accidentally said his name. Shit. All because I'm mad at him ". The movement was about a criminal wanted by the government” I hug myself, feeling stupid “. I told you; he is not someone to be trusted."     I deny listening to him. He doesn't know him. He doesn't know what he's done for me all night and this morning.    "You believed what Daliah told you just because she was your girlfriend" I answer harshly ", she tells you that I'm in danger and your trust with her blinds you."    “I did it because I cared about you."    "Well, to have asked me how he was! Or isn't MY opinion important?"    “A civilian's opinion on how to deal with a criminal's matter is not important."     Incredible. For some things I'm the MC he's in love with, for others I'm a citizen in trouble and he thinks he's doing the right thing without even asking me. I open the door a little and that's when he speaks again.    "You've been in contact with him again, haven't you?" As I know he'll find out if I look at his face, I avoid doing it "MC, you don't know who you're messing with-"    "Is there anything known about Daliah's phone?" I ask to change the subject. I know how all this will end, in a vicious cycle in which everyone wants to instill fear in me about what will happen if I am with Jake and again, they will convince me again. Because they know I'm weak.     I think… It's what he uses to keep me by his side, the fear of what could happen to me. He really knows how to use words against me. He knows me well.    “We haven't found anything suspicious” he finally answers after a long pause ". All the messages from the night of her death are there, all except" he stares at me "yours"    "But you saw my messages."    "Yes, but the murderer doesn't know this" he looks at me as if he wanted to keep the secret between us ", everything that's happening with you" he takes a breath, trying to calm down. He looks like he's nervous ". It's like they want to drive you crazy."    "Well, they're getting it."    "And I won't allow it, we'll get it." He caresses my face and I pull my hand away from him, feeling uncomfortable. I can no longer continue with this type of dealings from people I don’t trust.     He looks at me surprised and I hold my gaze. I'm not going to let him treat me like I'm special to him anymore. It's over.    "Well" he nods and I notice that he is now angry with me for rejecting him ", I'll continue with the investigation then" He turns around and I hear him say something else to me ". But the hunt against Jake is not over, I intend to do what my father failed to achieve."     I have to be careful, I'm sure he's going to do everything possible to want to locate him through me, to get me away from him. And not because of his work. I sigh tired, situations keep happening that are stressing me at the same level as Hannah's investigation. I must be careful.
As I walk into the classroom, I see Grace and Ralph talking animatedly. I think Grace is the only person I've ever seen talk to Ralph like that. The worst thing is that I have to get closer... I try to go calmly, to leave the backpack on the table.    “Here you go, your dress” I say, avoiding looking at Ralph “, and I've also put away the necklace and bracelet you gave me."    "Why? They were for you.” she says with a sad voice.     I hear Ralph chuckle when Grace says that, as if he found it funny.    “I know, but… It's not my style. See you tomorrow then." I turn to leave.     I walk away and they stop me. Turning around, I see it's Jane.    "What happened today?" She asks me concerned "I couldn't help that something happened with Grace and Ralph."    "Nothing, but I'd rather go home now" I answer awkwardly "I haven't had a good night."    "But is everything okay?"     I bite the inside of my cheek, nodding.    “Yeah” I say, though I shake my head. Of course I'm not fine ". That the couple enjoy the day" I point to Grace and Ralph in a sneaky way, turning around leaving the class    "Couple?" Jane follows me down the hall, although I would like to be alone right now, I don't want to be rude and yell at her to leave me alone "Why do you say they're a couple?"    "Well, because they are" I answer, sounding too tired to continue ". Why else they get along so well? They also hug each other and make flirty jokes."    "MC, Ralph and Grace aren't a couple or make flirty jokes" I keep walking, wanting to stop the conversation ". They are siblings."     I stop and look at her between surprise and confusion. Grace and Ralph are siblings?
*Jake POV*
As soon as the train left, I returned to the apartments to start working on them. At least it is worth doing to stay in a place to live for a while.
I get a message from MC saying that she has arrived safely in Rosenschwarz. It relieves me a little at least to know that she is okay, but... I try to concentrate while fixing some loose plugs in an apartment, but I lose concentration thinking about MC and what has happened. She should have listened to me and gone to the hospital in case the drug was still in her body. What was she thinking? But I am an idiot too, I should have forced her to go. All because I do not want to be seen.    "Shit!" I scream as I electrocute myself with a damaged cable.     I can see MC's face in my head having a hard time and cannot do anything but wait for her to get over it. Up all night, helping her not to choke on her own vomit, keeping her from hurting herself by rubbing against her skin, wanting to erase whatever happened. If I were in front of the person who did that to her, I don't think I would be able to respond well. And it does not bother me that I could not kiss her, it bothers me that she cannot lead a peaceful life since Daliah died.    "I promise you, MC" I murmur, raising my hands to my head, powerless for not having been able to do more to want to help her ", I promise you that everything will end soon."    "Is MC the girl at night?" I hear Rudy behind me, with a drink in her hand "I brought you this so you can freshen up a bit" she leaves it on the table and sits down "How was she?"     I do not know how to talk to her about this, just remembering the bad time I have given MC to remembering what happened just to find out who could have been doing that, makes me feel like an idiot.    “Not very well” I finally answer, taking the other chair ". Nothing has been going well in her life for a long time" I take a breath and turn the can around, although I do not even look at it ". Sometimes I think I brought her bad luck and I do not even believe in those things."    “No every relationship is easy” Rudy tells me, getting up from his chair with a sigh ". But from what I saw last night, I don't think you bring her bad luck" she gives me a squeeze on my shoulder, and smiles at me ", your concern for her was honorable and even more so when she said you didn't want to have sex with her."     I frown a little annoyed. It is the most sensible thing in those moments to do nothing. And I would never take advantage of her like that. Rudy laughs and slaps me on the back, surprising me.    “I know, you're one of the good guys” she says as she walks away ". I guess that's why you're friends with my Mike."     She leaves me alone in it and I start to think about what I must be doing now. If it was not for Elliot, I surely would have gone with her. I hope she is ok and text me soon. I need to know how she is.
Time passes and when half of the floors are finished, after taking a shower I decide to send her a message, if she does not answer, I will go look for her. I no longer trust anything that happens around her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s Hello MC, how are you?
-----MC has connected-----
MC Hello Jake I was sleeping a little after everything that happened...
Nym-0s What happened to you? Have you felt any side effects?
I see that she writes and erases. I wait for her to say something, but she remains completely silent. It is like when we meet again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s MC?
MC He has denied it
Nym-0s Who denied the what?
MC Ralph He has denied everything that happened last night
Nym-0s Did he do something to you?
MC He… Things got a little... Sorry, it's hard for me to say...
Nym-0s Was it the other boy who kissed you?
MC Yeah… Well we kissed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I sigh imagining the scene. MC, in a state that could not be controlled because they drugged her and Ralph, taking advantage of her state. I squeeze my hand until it hurts. I would love to be able to have him in front of me to punch him.    "Calm down, Jake," I tell myself, trying to calm down". You cannot be nervous if she already is." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s I understand.
MC No, you don't understand! I didn't want to! I SWEAR!
Nym-0s MC, I know you did not want to. You did not want anything that happened last night. We have already discussed it.
MC I'm so angry Today everything has been horrible Ralph told me it didn't happen, when I vividly remember the feeling of Anyway, he tells me that I was drunk and that he just told me to leave for that reason Then there's Grace, she doesn't believe me! I told her that he drugged me and she doesn't believe me!
Nym-0s Why does she not do it? She clearly is your friend, she would have to trust you.
MC Because there is a great reason to do it And it's that Ralph is her brother...
Nym-0s Her brother?
MC Jane has been telling me that Grace and Ralph are siblings, but that Ralph decided to get rid of any family ties to him when he turned eighteen, changing his last name Or at least, that is what they have told I guess since I didn't mix with the group, I didn't know.
Nym-0s I guess he had his reasons.
MC But it's strange Grace took her mother's last name, why didn't Ralph do it too?
Nym-0s Well, we know that he has problems with his father. Although we should not focus on the last names either, but on what he did to you. You should notify the police about what happened.
MC I'll tell Officer Lang At the moment I prefer to avoid Elliot
Nym-0s What happens with Elliott?
MC He already suspects that I have contacted you If I tell him this, who knows if he'll think it could have been you He wants you to be arrested that he would invent anything
Nym-0s He is not going to give up.
MC No, I think not At least, if not...
Nym-0s If you do not date him
MC It's awful… All day today is being horrible I wish you were back in Evergreed to see you again...
Nym-0s Unfortunately, Evergreed is crossed off my list of places to hide in a good season. I am so sorry for what has happened to you here in Colville.
MC It was my choice With Grace excited to head off to the nightclub, I forgot to let you know I practically had in mind all the hatred towards Daliah and Elliot…
Nym-0s But you did not know what was going to happen. Ralph took advantage of your trust in him.
MC Yeah… Something else, Jake Daliah's phone The messages I received on her pjone were deleted, but they forgot to give the option that mine were also deleted
Nym-0s Pretty stupid mistake on the killer's part.
MC Yeah, because their plan was to make me look like the crazy sister that murdered her sister But they got them to show more evidence about the time of death.
Nym-0s Which means alibis should not be valid now for the last person who saw Daliah.
MC TRUE! They must now investigate it!
Nym-0s And there is also good news from me. Mike's program is at 50%.
MC So fast?!
Nym-0s He works fast when we are not bothering him.
MC Great then 😄
Nym-0s :) Soon you will have Daliah's computer. As soon as it is fixed, I'll return it to you.
MC Oh…
Nym-0s Was not it what you wanted?
MC Yes it was It's just… It saddens me to know that it means that our investigation is over That you will go then
Nym-0s That was when I was in Evergreed, because of the danger of proximity. But I will never leave the chat. I will always be here.
MC That makes me happy… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hear the sound of the new file unlocked and I get up from the bed, picking up the shirt that I left on the chair. I sit at the table and watch the next clue. It does not take me long to put the call command so MC does not go through this alone.    "What's wrong Jake?" She asks me worried "why are you calling now?"    "It is something we should not talk about over text" I say as I quickly hand her the last entry found ". You should read it accompanied."    "Okay."     I start on my own and MC does it out loud. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Entrance #####
I remember over and over again what happened and now things are mixed up. I'm afraid of what might happen to me, I feel like I've investigated something I shouldn't. Yes, because I deserve it, but why? What did I do? An innocent smile, little hands. The little eyes shine with emotion when I see him prepare for the big march. How many people are there in the room? What I did yesterday? Who did I kiss or did something else?
Wait, I'm mixing events, the Colville thing is really my fault for trusting, all this time... The boy smiles happy to see me in the cage... No, girl... I...
Why do I remember the events of that time now and find them confusing? What made me remember it? Was it that horse? Yes, I'm sure I saw it. He was very beautiful ''Do you like it too?'' Is what they said ''It was from mom''. I remember holding it in my hands, they let me touch it. He made me calm down.
Maybe that's why they scare me now, because it was an innocent gesture to fall into the trap that I was safe in that little cage.
Chapter 28
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