#duilius is a baby so he has no dialogue but im still counting him. this is all pretty arbitrary
nulfaga · 4 years
if i’m doing my math right i have 49 distinct oc’s (that is; characters with a concrete name and design whom i’ve drawn or posted about at least twice or who otherwise have a claim to living permanently in my head)
HOWEVER if you count the one-off characters, characters i barely think about anymore, and the side characters [that is to say, characters who have at least one line of dialogue] i’ve made up for fics or to flesh out my real characters’ backstories (elyas waewenys; galatea; aurelia, adamantus, aloisius and adelaida trevelyan; aafke; téodor; niko and fortunata; thayna hester; giftbearer deliv; kári, dionísia and gislenus falkaheri; gina gray and daniela díaz; yura gra-lugnaz; turwyn; marc; silya; fatima al-qamar; count aloisius goldwine; silrilgor; bashha gra-khaza; lorbulkhar; morshnag; tatianus marcianus caridenius; valens marcianus caridenius; marcus aemilianus caridenius; martina marciana caridenius; lavinia marciana caridenius; livia iuliana caridenius; nadinandriah; faustinia ancharia; shalha; afilus gregori; dra’abari rouvandi; do’vasha sijoni; durgz; tillari ofemman; curate sidonie; suria fabiana quaspus; eira; araedaen tahromuseus; relvasi ofemman; lord deribonia; kazaarr-jo; bolgrod; pari; briljye;  sybistina lexennia; dominus olcedius; ajirra; avia silacia and mamulla rora caridenius; jakob wolf-mouth; aline clément; galespia orim; simplifora lexennia; jara-tei; beldris; dar’zhim; tyranus urtarus; umayra mazir; emem nasar; defar; hlaila; orna potorin; duilius valentinus caridenius; nushmei-witzlg; déoric and florian; afan of the kvatch city guard; isidor of calm waters; synehil seedwing of valenwood, former champion of the anvil fighter’s guild; fonik; llivsi; voryvus; sanaru; iduria berheran; dordeni gra-varalea; faldhan thallan, plus 7 i don’t wanna name)
then my total comes to about 139
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